A Guide
Military Organizations
and Installations
North Carolina 1861-1865
17th Regt. N.C. MilitiaCol. Walter Newton
Pitt County
17 Regt. N.C. Infantry2nd Organization
Col. Wm. F. MartinThis Regt. was organized with ten companies, A to K, in Mar. 1862,
immediately after the disbandment of the 17th Regt. N.C. Infantry (1st Orgn.) and was composed mostly of men who had served in the latter Regt. Co. L was added later and appears to have been formed principally of men who had served in Co. I of the 1st Organization, but who had not been exchanged in time to be mustered out with that Regt.Local Designations
Co. A, Roanoke Guards
Co. B, Capt. Jas. J. Leith's Co.
Stonewall Rifles
Co. C, Hertford Light Infantry
Co. H, Liberty Guards
17th Regt. N.C. Infantry (S.T.)1st Organization
Col. Wm. F. MartinThe designation of this Regt. was changed from the 7th Regt. N.C. Infantry (Vols.) to the 17th Regt. N.C. Infantry (S.T.) by S.O. 222, A&IGO, dated Nov. l4, 1861. It was disbanded and mustered out of service by S.O. 55, A&IGO, dated Mar. 10, 1862, many of the men re-enlisting for the war in the 17th Regt. N.C. Infantry (2nd Orgn.).
Companies I and L, having been captured and paroled, but not exchanged, were not mustered out with the Regt. Some of the members of Co. I subsequently served in Co. L, 17th Regt. N.C. Infantry (2nd Orgn.). Co. L was disbanded by S.O. 11, Hq., N.C., dated Mar. 4, 1863.Local Designations
Co. A, Independent Greys
Co. B, Hyde County Rifles
Co. C, Tar River Boys
Co. D, Hertford Light Infantry
Co. E, Currituck Atlantic Rifles
Co. F, Roanoke Guards
Co. G, Hamilton Guards
Co. H, Morris Guards
Co. I, John Harry Guards
Co. K, Confederate Guards
Co. L, State Guards
Co. B, Capt. Jas. J. Leith's Co.
Co. C, Capt. Geo. J. Johnston's Co.
Co. D, Capt. Thos. H. Sharp's Co.
Co. E, Capt. D. McD. Lindsey's Co.
Co. F, Capt. John C. Lamb's Co.
Co. G, Capt. L. L. Clements' Co.
Co. H, Capt. H. A. Gilliam's Co.
Co. I, Capt. L. Jo Johnson's Co.
Co. K, Capt. Jas. H. Swindell's Co.
Co. L, Capt. Win. F. Martin's Co.
18th Batallion Home Guards (Maj. E.R. Liles)Wadesboro
18th Regt. N. C. Inf. (S.T.)Col. Jas. D. Radcliffe
Col. Robt. H. Cowan
Col. Thos. J. Purdie
Col. John D. BarryJuly 1861, organized as 8th Regt. N.C. Infantry (Vols.)
Aug. 20, 1861, transferred to CSS.
Nov. 14, 1861, Designation changed to 18th Regt. N.C. Infantry (S.T.)
by S.O. 222 A&ICO.
Apr. 24, 1862, Regt. reorganized.
Co. K of this Regt. M/in as (1st) Co. B, 2nd Regt. N.C. Artillery (36th S.T.) on Dec. 31, 1861, and Feb. 28, 1862. No orders found ransferring the Co. to or from the Artillery Regt.Local Designations
Co. A, German Vols.
Co. B, Blanden Light Artillery
Co. C, Columbus Guards No. 3
Co. D, Robeson Rifle Guard
Co. E, Moore's Creek Rifle Guard
Co. F, Scotch Boys
Co. G, Wilmington Light Infantry
Co. H, Columbus Guards No. 1
Co. I, Wilmington Rifle Guard
Co. K, Blanden Guards
Co. A, Capt. Christian Cornehlsen's Co.
Co. B, Capt. Robt. Tait's Co.
Co. C, Capt. Forney George's Co.
Co. D, Capt. Win. S. Norment's Co.
Co. E, Capt. Jno. R. Hawe's Co.
Co. F, Capt. Chas. Malloy's Co.
Co. G, Capt. Henry Savage's Co.
Co. H, Capt. David N. Gore's Co.
Co. I, Capt. Oliver P. Meares' Co.
Co. I, Capt. Robt. D. Williams' Co.
Co. K, Capt. Geo. Tait's Co.
19th Regt. N.C. MilitiaLt. Col. Nathan McDaniel
19th Regt. N.C. State Troops2nd Regt. N.C. Car.
19th Batallion N.C.Mallett's Batallion N.C.
20th N.C. MarinesMarines C. S. A
20th Regt. N.C. Infantry (S.T.)Col. Alfred Iverson
Col. Thos. F. ToonOrganized June 18, 1861. Mustered in Confederate States Service Aug. 10, 1861. Designation changed from l0th Regt. N.C. Vols. to 20th Regt. North Carolina State Troops by S.O. 222, A&IGO, Nov. 14, 1861.
Local Designations
Co. A, Capt. Nelson Slough's Co.
The Cabarrus Guards
Co. B, Capt. Jas. B. Atwell's Co.
Cabarrus Black Boys
Co. C, Capt. Burrel Smith's Co.
Fair Bluff Vols.
Co. D, Capt. John B. Stanly's Co.
Columbus Guards No. 4
Co. E, Capt. Claudius B. Denson's Co.
Confederate Grays
Co. F, Capt. Owen L. Chesnutt's Co.
Holmes Riflemen
Co. G, Capt. John S. Brooks' Co.
Brunswick Guards
Co. H, Capt. Uz. W. Cox
Independent Blues
Co. I, Sampson Greys
Co. K, Capt. Wm. H. Toon's Co.
Columbus Guards No. 2
Capt. Franklin J. Faison s Co.
The Sampson Rangers
21st Regt. N.C. Militia21st Batallion Home Guards, N.C. (Maj. J.C. Gilman)
Mt. Airy
21st Regt. N.C. Infantry (S. T.)Col. Win. W. Kirkland
Col. Thos. Settle
Col. Robt. F. HokeJuly 11, 1861, organized for one year, as 11th Regt. N.C. Infantry (Vols.).
Composed of twelve companies, A to M. Nov. 14, 1861, designation changed to 21st Regt. N.C. Infantry (S.T.) by S.O. 222, A&IGO. Apr. 1862, Regt. reorganized, and Cos. B and E taken from it to form Cos. A and B, respectively, of the 9th (also known as the 1st) Batallion N.C. Sharp Shooters.Local Designations
Co. A, Davidson Guards
Co. E, Forsyth Grays
Co. M, Guilford Dixie Boys
22nd Batallion Home Guards, N.C.Lt. Col. A. J. Boyd
22nd Regt. N. C. Inf.Col. J. Johnston Pettigrew
Col. C. E. Lightfoot
Col. Jas. Conner
Col. Thos. S. GallowayThe designation of this Regt. was changed from the 12th Regt. N.C. Infantry(Vols. to the 22nd Regt. N.C. Infantry (S.T.) by S.O. 222, A&ICO, dated Nov. 14, 1861.
Local Designations
Co. A, Capt. T. D. Jones' Co.
Co. I, Randolph Rifles
Co. K, Capt. A. Burgin's Co.
Co. L, Capt. Robt. H. Gray's Co.
Uwharie Grays
Co. M, Randolph Hornets
Capt. John M. Odell's Co.
22nd Regt. N.C. Militia23rd Regt. N.C. Militia
Col. John D. Powers
Col. Robt. W. Moore
23rd Batallion Home Guards, N.C.Lt. Col. J. Wimbish
23rd Regt. N.C. Infantry (S.T.)Col. John F Hoke
Col. Dan'l Harvie Christie
Col. Robt. D. Johnston
Col. Chas. C. BlacknallThe designation of this Regt. was changed from the 13th Regt. N.C.
Inf. (Vols.) to the 23rd Regt. N.C. Infantry (S.T. by S.O. 222, A&IGO,
dated Nov. 14, 1861.Local Designations
Co. C, Montgomery Vols.
Co. D, Pee Dee Guards
Co. E, Granville Targetteers
Capt. Jas. H. Horner's Co.
Co. F, Catawba Guards
Co. I, Capt. Geo. T. Baskerville's Co.
24th Batallion Home Guards, N.C.Lt. Col. K. Murchison
24th Regt. N.C. Infantry (S.T.)Col. Wm. J. Clarke
Organized for one year as the lath Regt. N.C. Infantry (Vols.), nine
companies, no Co. D. July 1861. Nov. 14, 1861, designation of Regt.
changed to 2Ath Regt. N.C. Infantry (S.T.) by S.O. 222, A&IGO. May
1862, Regt. reorganized for the war and Co. D added.Local Designations
Co. G, Highland Boys
24th Regt. N.C. MilitiaCol. Allmand A. McKoy
25th Batallion N.C. Militia25th Batallion N.C. Home Guards (Capt. W.B. Stroud)
25th Regt. N.C. Infantry
Col. Thos. L. Clingman
Col. Henry M. RutledgeLocal Designations
Co. A, Capt. Balls M. Edney's Co.
Edney Greys
Co. B, Capt. Thaddeus D. Bryson's Co.
Co. C, Capt. Sam'l C. Bryson's Co.
Co. D, Capt. John W. Francis' Co.
Georges Guards
Co. E, Capt. Francis W. Johnstone's Co.
Co. F, Capt. Thos. Isaac Lenoir's Co.
Co. G, Capt. Wm. S. Grady's Co.
Co. H, Capt. Frederick R. Blake's Co.
Co. I, Capt. Geo. W. Howell's Co.
Co. K, Capt. Chas. M. Roberds' Co. .I
25th Regt. N.C. MilitiaCol. J. E. Parker
26th Batallion Home Guards, N.C. (Maj. O.H. Dockery)Rockingham
26th Regt. N.C. MilitiaCol. A. M. Faison
26th Regt. N.C. Infantry (S.T.)Col. Zebulon B. Vance
Col. Henry K. Burgwin
Col. John R. LaneLocal Designations
Co. K, Pee Dee Wild Cats
Co. A, Jeff Davis Mountain Rifles
27th Batallion Home Guards, N.C.Lt. Col. A. A. McKoy
27th Regt. N.C. Infantry (S.T.)Col. Geo. E. B. Singeltary
Col. Richard W. Singeltary
Col. John Sloan
Col. John A. Gilmer, Jr.
Col. John R. Cooke
Col. Geo. F. WhitfieldLocal Designations
Co. D, Tuckahoe Braves
Capt. Huggin s Co. - Carolina Rangers
Co. F, Perquimans Beauregards
Co. I, Southern Rights Inf.
27th Regt. N.C. MilitiaCol. G. W. Collied
28th Regt. N.C. Infantry (S.T.)Col. James H. Lane
Col. Sam'l D. Lowe
Col. Wm. H. A. SpeerLocal Designations
Co. H, Capt. W. W. Wright's Co.
Cleveland Regulators
28th Regt. N. C. MilitiaCol. G. C. Moses
29th Regt. N.C. MilitiaCol. R. C. D. Beamon
29th Batallion Home Guards, N.C.Lt. Col. N. B. Whitfield
Mosely Hall
29th Regt. N.C. InfantryCol. Robt. B. Vance
Col. Wm. B. Creasman
30th Regt. N. C. Inf. (S.T.)Col. Francis M. Parker
Local Designations
Co. A, Capt. J.C. Holmes' Co.
Co. B, Capt. Win. Cass Drake's Co.
Nat Mason Guards
Co. C, Capt. Jos. Green's Co.
Brunswick Double Quicks
Co. D, Capt. Eugene Grissom's Co.
Co. E, Capt. J. C. McMillan's Co.
Duplin Turpentine Boys
Co. F, Capt. Franklin G. Pitt's Co.
The Sparta Band
Co. G, Granville Rangers
Co. H, Capt. Wm. M. Swann's Co.
Co. I, Capt. Wm. T. Arrington's Co.
Co. K, Capt. Benj. F. Morrow's Co.
30th Regt. N. C. MilitiaCol. John L. Cantwell
31st Regt. N.C. MilitiaCol. W. A. Jones
31st Regt. N.C. Infantry (S.T.)Col. John V. Jordan
Local Designations
Co. B, O. K. Boys
Co. C, Chalybeate Guards
Units identified as:1 2-3 4-6 7-10 11-16 17-31 32-49 50-64 65-121
[example 1st Batallion, 32nd Regiment, etc.]
Derick S. Hartshorn-webmaster - © 2008
Last Modified: 07/08/2008 21:16:33