A Guide
Military Organizations
and Installations
North Carolina 1861-1865
7th Batallion Cav.Lt. Col. Geo. N. Folk
Composed of 6 companies.
The 5th and 7th Bns. N.C. Cav. were consolidated early in 1863 to
form the 6th Regt. N.C. Cav. (65th S.T.)Local Designations
Co. A, Capt. Junius T. Silver's Co.
Co. B, Capt. Wm. P. Moore's Co.
Co. C, Capt. Jos. W. Dobson's Co.
Co. D, Capt. Carter W. Gillespie's Co.
Co. E, Capt. John J. Spann's Co.
Co. F, Capt. Thos. S. Rumbough's Co.
* Co. F, 1st Lt. Thos. L. Williams' Co.
* Co. F, 2nd Lt. J.J. Shields' Co.*These officers later served in Co. E, 16th Batallion Tenn. Cav. Probably the two companies are identical.
7th Regt. N.C. Cav.Mar. 10, 1865, Brig. Gen. W.P. Roberts recommended the
formation of the 7th N.C. Car. by the transfer of Capt. James
Grimes' Co. B (N.C. Co.) 10th Va. Cav. ~o the 16th N.C. Batallion
at present consisting of seven company and that Maj. Wm. B.
Clement, 10th Va. Cav. be made Colonel.(Not organized)
7th Batallion Home Guards (Maj. W.A. Allen)Kenansville
7th Batallion Jr. Res. (Maj. W. Foster French)Organized about June 1, 1864, with three companies. By S.0. 277,
A&IGO, Nov. 22, 1864, this Batallion became part of 3rd Regt. N.C.
Jr. Res., Cos. A, B, and C, becoming Cos. H,D, and I of Regt.Local Designations
Co. A, Capt. Thos. L. Hybert's Co.
Co. B, Capt. Jno. D. Kerr's Co. Co.
C, Capt. Donald McQueen's Co.
7th Regt. St. Res. (7th Regt. N.C. Infantry)Col. Chas. E. Shober
Organized Nov. 28, 1864, with 10 companies.
74th Regt. N.C. Infantry Res.Local Designations
Co. __, Capt. Jacob Boon's Co.
Co. __, Capt. W.S. Bradshaw's Co.
Co. __, Capt. Wm. Clinard's Co.
Co. __, Capt. R.S. Davies' Co.
Co. __, Capt. Eli E. Holland's Co.
Co. __, Capt. W.B. Johnson's Co.
Co. __, Capt. A.A. Mitchell's Co.
Co. __, Capt. Wm. H. WAtts' Co.
Co. __, Capt. Wm. P. Williams' Co.
Co. __, Capt. George F. Fisher's Co.
7th Regt. Home GuardsCol. J.G. Burr
7th Reg.. N.C. Infantry Vols.17th Regt. N.C. Infantry (S.T.) 1st Orgn.
7th Regt. N.C. Infantry (S.T.)Col. R.P. Campbell
Col. E.G. HaywoodOrganized Aug. 20, 1861
Mustered into Confederate States Oct. 31, 1861.
Muster in Roll of Co. A shows it M/in as of 6th Regt. North Carolina
State Troops June 20, 1861, and transferred to this Regt. in July or
Aug. 1861. Muster in Roll of Co. E shows it M/in as of 2nd Regt.
North Carolina State Troops June 19, 1861, and transferred to this
Regt. in July 1861.Local Designations
Co. G, Wake Regulars
Co. A, Capt. Junius L. Hill's Co.
Co. E, Capt. Alsey J. Taylor's Co.
8th Regt. N.C. Infantry (Vols)18th Regt. N.C. Infantry (S.T.)
8th Regt. N.C. InfantryCol. Henry M. Shaw
Col. Jas. M. WhitsonOrganized Sept. 14, 1861.
Mustered into Confederate States Service Nov. 14, 1861.Local Designations
Co. B, Shaw Guards
Co. E, Manchester Guards
Co. G, Gen'l Bragg Guards
Co. F, Capt. Chas. Jones' Co.
8th Regt. N.C. MilitiaLt. Col. John W. Hiekstall (?)
8th Regt. Sr. Res. (73rd Regt. N.C. Infantry)Col. Allmand A. McKoy
73rd Regt. N.C. Infantry St. Res.
Organized about Dec. 2, 1864.
Regt. from Bladen, Brunswick, Columbus, Cumberland, Duplin,
Johnson, New Hanover, Richmond, Robeson, Sampson, and Wayne
8th Batallion Home Guards (Maj. John W. Denham)Wilson
8th Batallion Partisan Rangers (Maj. John E. Nethercutt)Organized Aug. 1862, with six companies.
By S.O. 234, A&IGO, the 8th Batallion P.R. was consolidated with 13th
Batallion Inf. to form 66th Regt. N.C. Infantry (new) Co. D, 8th Batallion P.R. was assigned as Co. L of Regt; it apparently never served as such but became Capt. W.R. Bass' Co. NC. Inf.Local Designations
Co. A, Capt. John H. Nethercutt's Co.
Co. B, Capt. David S. Davis' Co.
Co. B, Davis Partisan Rangers
8th Batallion Jr. Res. (Maj. James B. Ellington)1st Batallion N.C. Jr. Res.
8th Batallion Jr. Res. (Maj. James B. Ellington)Organized about June 23, 1864, with three companies.
By S.O. 277, A&IGO, Nov. 22, 1864, this Batallion became part of 3rd Regt. N.C. Jr. Res., Cos. A, B, and C becoming Cos. F, E, and G of the Regt.Local Designations
Co. A, Iredell Reserves
Co. C, Burke and Caldwell Reserves
8th Regt. Home GuardsCol. T. Geo. Walton
8th Batallion N.C. H. Artillery10th Batallion N.C.H. Artillery
9th Batallion N.C. Home GuardsYadkin County
9th Batallion Sharp Shooters, N.C. (Maj. R.W. Wharton)The 1st Batallion N.C. Sharp Shooters was organized about Apr. 26, 1862, and was composed of two companies, A and B, which had previously served as Cos. B and E, respectively 11th (Sub. 21st) Regt. N.C. Infantry This Batallion was officially designated the 9th Batallion N.C. Sharp Shooters on records of the Confederate War Dept.
9th Batallion Jr. Res.1st Batallion N.C. Jr. Res.
9th Regt. N.C. Vols.Co. D, 4th Regt. N.C. Infantry
9th Regt. N.C. State Troops1st Regt. N.C. Cav.
10th Batallion H. Artillery (Maj. Welton L. Young) (Young's Artillery Batallion)
Organized May 1862, with three companies, A,B, and C.
Co. D was mustered as Inf. in June 1863, and assigned to Batallion by
S.O. 165, A&IGO, July 13, 1863.Local Designations:
Co. A, Capt. Win. B. Lewis' Co.
Co. B, Capt. Henry M. Barnes' Co.
Co. C, Capt. C.M.T. McCauley's Co.
Co. D, Capt. Woodbury Wheeler's Co.
Co. B, Black River Tigers Co.
C, Monroe H. Artillery
10th Regt. N.C. MilitiaCol. S.W. Watts
10th Regt. N.C. Infantry Vols.20th Regt. N.C.I. (S.T.)
10th Batallion Home Guards (Maj. W.F. French) Lumberton10th Regt. N.C. State Troops
1st Regt. N.C. Artillery
10th Regt. N.C. State Troops2nd Regt. N. C. Cav.
Units identified as:
2-3 4-6
7-10 11-16 17-31
32-49 50-64
[example 1st Batallion, 32nd Regiment,
Derick S. Hartshorn-webmaster - © 2008
Last Modified: 07/08/2008 21:16:35