A Guide
Military Organizations
and Installations
North Carolina 1861-1865
65th Regt. N.C. Militia65th Regt. N.C. State Troops
6th Regt. N.C. Cav.
66th Regt. N.C. Infantry (S.T.)Col. Alexander D. Moore
Col. J.H. NethercuttThe 66th Regt. N.C. Infantry (S.T.) was formed by the consolidation of the 8th Batallion N.C. Partisan Rangers and the 13th Batallion N.C. Inf. in accordance with S.O. 234, A&IGO, dated Oct. 2, 1863. Co, D, 8th Batallion N.C. Partisan Rangers, which was assigned to the Regt. as Co. L, apparently never served as such, but subsequently became Capt. W. R. Bass' Unattached Co., N.C. Infantry
Local Designations
Co. G, Capt. Sam'l B. Water's Co. had prior service as (1st) Co. A, Salisbury Prison Guard Batallion C.S.A.
66th Regt. N.C. Infantry68th Regt. N.C. Infantry (S.T.)
(Col. Jas. W. Hinton)
66th Batallion N.C. Militia or Regt.Col. Geo. W. Ray
66th Regt. N.C. MilitiaCol. Charles Clinard
Capt. Henry Berrier - 66th Regt. N.C. Militia
66th Regt. N.C. Partisan RangersCol. S.J. Wheeler
An attempt was made to form a Regt. designated as above; but sufficient companies not being raised, it was disbanded and such companies as were raised became part of the 12th Batallion N.C. Cav., and Co. H, 4th Regt. N.C. Cav.
67th Regt. N.C. MilitiaCol. J.R.G. Faucette
67th Batallion Home Guards, N.C. (Maj. F.J. McMillan)67th Regt. N.C. Infantry (S.T.)
Col. John N. Witford
Whitford's Batallion N.C. Partisan Rangers (also known as the 1st Batallion N.C. Local Def. Troops) was organized about Apr. 1863. It was increased to ten companies, A to K, and organized into a Regt. by S.O. 8, Executive Dept. N.C.,AGO, dated Jan 18, 1864. When it was designated the 67th Regt. N.C. Infantry (S.T.) companies A and B were
apparently organized from (old) Co. I, 1st N.C. Artillery (10th S.T.)Local Designations
Co. H, Capt. Christopher D. Foy's Co.
Tecumseh Scouts
68th Batallion Home Guards, N.C.Lt. Col. J.A. Hampton
68th Regt. N.C. Militia68th Regt. N.C. Infantry (S.T.)
Col. Jas. W. Hinton
Organized about July 8, 1863.
Known for a while as 66th and 67th Regt.
It appears not to have been transferred to Confederate States Service
68th Regt. N.C. InfantryLt. Col. Benj. R. Moore
An attempt to form the 68th Regt. from the 2nd N.C. Batallion failed.
69th Batallion Home GuardsLt. Col. C.S. Harris
Chimney Rock
69th Regt. N.C. InfantryThomas' Legion, N.C.
69th Regt. N. C. Militia70th Regt. N.C. Militia
Col. John A. Bradshaw
Col. Jas. P. Dillard
70th Regt. N.C. Infantry Jr. Res.1st Regt. N.C. Jr. Res.
71st Regt. N.C. Infantry Jr. Res.2nd Regt. N.C. Jr. Res.
71st Regt. N.C. MilitiaCol. J. Mastin
72nd Batallion Home Guards N.C.Lt. Col. S.D. Bird
72nd Regt. N.C. Infantry Jr. Reserves3rd Regt. Jr. Reserves
72nd Regt. N.C. MilitiaCol. Ben Bailey
73rd Regt. N.C. Infantry Sr. Reserves8th Regt. N.C. Sr. Reserves
73rd Regt. N.C. Militia74th Regt. N.C. Militia
Col. A. Dunnagan
Col. Wm. F. Foushee
74th Regt. N.C. Infantry Sr. Reserves7th Regt. N.C. Sr. Reserves
75th Regt. N.C. Cav.Col. Wm. C. Claiborne
7th Regt. Confederate Cav.
75th Regt. N.C. MilitiaCol. A.C. Cowles
76th Regt. N.C. MilitiaCol. John A. Bradshaw
79th Regt. N.C. MilitiaCol. J.S. Miller and S.A. Sharpe
80th N.C. (Thomas Legion)81st Regt. N.C. Militia
Col. W.M. Pickett
80th Regt. N.C. Militia82nd Regt N. C. Militia
Col. W.J. McCain
82nd Regt. N.C.1st Regt. N.C. Detailed Men
83rd Regt. N.C.2nd Regt. N.C. Detailed Men
83rd Regt. N.C. MilitiaCol.John Brantley Simpson *
84th Regt. N.C. MilitiaCol. Jacob Columbus Barnhardt *
85th Regt. N.C. MilitiaCol. John S. Wiley
Col. D.G. Maxwell
86th Regt. N.C. Militia87th Regt. N.C. Militia
Col. M.H. Hand
88th Regt. N. C. MilitiaCol. P. Plonk
Lt. Col. C.H. Ransom
89th Regt. N.C. MilitiaCol. H.A. Forney
90th Regt. N.C. MilitiaCol. J.R. Logan
Col. A.J. Elliott
91st Regt. N.C. MilitiaCol. J.R. Logan
Lt. Col. Elisha M. Brayer
93rd Regt. N.C. Militia94th Regt N.C. Militia
95th Regt. N.C. Militia
97th Regt. N.C. Militia
Lt. Col. Geo. W. Ray
99th Regt. N.C. MilitiaCol. S.W. Blalock
100th Regt. N.C. MilitiaCol. P.M. Hildebrand
103rd Regt. N. C. MilitiaCol. C.L. Harris
104th Regt. N.C. MilitiaCol. J.M. Edwards
105th Regt. N.C. MilitiaCol. Robert Liles
106th Regt. N.C. MilitiaCol. S.K. Stansill
108th Regt. N.C. MilitiaCol. W.R. Young
Col. W.K. Tenny
109th Regt. N. C. MilitiaCol. J.M. Jarrett
110th Regt. N.C. MilitiaCol. I.R. Wild
111th Regt. N.C. MilitiaCol. J.W. McElroy
113th Regt. N.C. MilitiaLt. Col. J.H. Ally
114th Regt. N. C. MilitiaCol. L. Howard
116th Regt. N.C. Militia117th Regt. N.C. Militia
118th Regt. N.C. Militia
Lt. Col. W.C. Page
119th Regt. N.C. MilitiaCol. J.C. Mullis
120th Regt. N.C. MilitiaCol. M.A. Locke
121st Regt. N.C. MilitiaCol. J.E. Kerner
Col. Jas. E. Matthews
* Corrections made by Vernon Brewer, descendant of Cols. Simpson and Barnhardt.
Units identified as:
2-3 4-6 7-10 11-16 17-31 32-49 50-64 65-121
[example: 1st Batallion, 32nd
Regiment, etc.]
Derick S. Hartshorn-webmaster - © 2008
Last Modified: 07/08/2008 21:16:29