A Guide
Military Organizations
and Installations
North Carolina 1861-1865


1st Foreign Batallion N.C. Vols.

        Tucker's Regt. Confederate States Inf.

1st Regt. N.C. Cav. (9th Regt. N.C. State Troops)
                    Col. Robt. Ransom, Jr.
                    Col. Lawrence S. Baker
                    Col. Wm. H. Cheek
                    Col. Thomas. Ruffin

  • Line number, 9th Regt. North Carolina State Troops; organized Aug. 12, 1861, 10 companies; Oct. 21, 1861, mustered into Confederate States service
  • 1st. Batallion Heavy Artillery (Maj. Alexander MacRae)

  • Organized Mar. 25, 1863, with 3 formerly unattached companies. Co. D
    was formed about Feb. 8, 1864, of detachments from the old cos. by S.O. 6, AGO, Raleigh, N.C., dated Jun. 13, 1864.
  • Local Designations
  • Co. A, Capt. Robt. G. Rankin's Co.
    Co. B, Capt. Chas. D. Ellis' Co.
    Co. B, Capt. John W. Taylor's Co.
    Co. C, Capt. Alex. MacRae's Co.
    Co. C, Capt. W. H. Brown's Co.
    Co. A, Clark Artillery
    Co. B, River Guards

  • 1st Batallion Light Artillery

            3rd Batallion N.C. Light Artillery

    1st Regt. N.C. Artillery (10th Regt. N.C. State Troops)

    Col. Jas. A. J. Bradford
    Col. Stephen D. Pool

  • Also known as l0th Regt. North Carolina State Troops
  • Organized for SS about July 1861, and transferred to Confederate States Service Aug. 20 to 30 1861. Co. H was organized and M/in 2nd Regt. North Carolina State Troops as Co. C, July 15, 1861. Became Co. H in this Regt. Aug. 21, 1861. (old) Co. I was divided in Apr. 1863, and became Cos. A & B, 67th Regt. N.C. Infantry (new) Co. I was formerly (old) Co. A, 2nd Regt. N.C. Artillery (36th S.T.) and was transferred to this Regt. about Nov. 1863.
  • Local Designation
  • Co. A, "Ellis Light Artillery
    Co. C, "Charlotte Artillery"
                "Rowan Artillery"
    Co. D, "Rowan Artillery"
    Co. E, "Wilmington Light Artillery"
    * (new) Co. I, "Wilmington Horse Artillery"
    Co. K, "Washington Grays."

  • *Note: In many cases more than one company served in a given letter designation in a regiment. When two companies held the same letter designation the first to receive the letter received the word "old" when it was replaced, while the company taking the designation was called "new," i.e., Old Co. G, New Co. G.

    If more than two cos. filled a letter position in a regiment a numerical designation was attached to the letter, i.e., 1st Co. G, 2nd Co. G, 3rd Co. G.

  • 1st Batallion N.C. Infantry

    60th Regt. N.C. Infantry (S.T.)

    1st (Broadfoots) Batallion Jr. Res.

    1st Regt. N.C. Jr. Res.

    1st Batallion Home Guards

        Lt. Col. G. G. Moses, Goldsboro

    1st Class N.C. Rome Guards

    1st Batallion Jr. Res. (Maj. David T. Millard)

  • The 1st Batallion N.C. Jr. Res. was organized about June 28, 1864, and variously known as Millard's 8th and 9th Batallion N.C. Jr. Res. It was reorganized by S.O. 277, A&IGO, dated Nov. 22, 1864, and designated the 1st Batallion N.C. Jr. Res.
  • 1st Batallion Jr. Res.

     2nd Regt. N.C. Jr. Res.

    1st Batallion N.C. Local Def. Troops

    67th Regt. N.C. Infantry (S.T.)

    1st Batallion Sharp Shooters

    9th Batallion N.C. Sharp Shooters

    1st Regt. N.C.

    Thomas' Legion N.C.

    1st Regt. N.C. Jr. Res. (70th Regt. N.C. Infantry)

    Col. F.S. Armistead

    Also known as 70th Regt. Inf. Jr. Res.

    The 1st Regt. N.C. Jr. Res. was formed by the consolidation of 1st (Broadfoot's) and 6th Bns. and Capt. John A. Manning's Co. N.C. Jr. Res. in compliance with S.O. 29, Hdqs., Res. N.C., dated July 19, 1864, and confirmed by S.O. 4, A&IGO, dated Jan. 6, 1865.

  • Local Designations
  • Co. A, Capt. Chas. Price's Co.
    Co. B, Capt. David S. Speed's Co.
    Co. C, Capt. A. N. Heitman's Co.
    Co. D, Capt. C. J. Richardson's Co.
    Co. E, Capt. C. D. Dowd's Co.
    Co. F, Capt. W. L. Linebery's Co.
    Co. G, Capt. Thos. L. Lea's Co.
    Co. H, Capt. W. H. Carter's Co.
    Co. I, M.C. Nixon's Co. (Capt.)
    Co. K, Capt. John A. Manning's Co.

  • 1st Regt. N.C. Infantry (6 mos., 1861)

    Col. Daniel H. Hill
    Col. Chas. C. Lee

    Also known as Bethel Regt. Organized May 13, 1861, called into service of the state by the Gov. to serve for 6 mos. unless sooner discharged. M/in Roll dated Aug. 31, 1861, musters them into service of Confederate States for the period "herein set forth." Many of the members sub. served in 11th Regt. North Carolina State Troops Inf.

  • Local Designations
  • Co. F, Capt. Joseph B. Starr's Co.
    Co. H, Capt. Wright Huske's Co.
    Co. K, Capt. Wm. I. Hoke's Co.
    Co. L, Capt. Jesse C. Jacock's Co.
    Co. M, Capt. Jas. K. Marshall's Co.
    Co. A, Edgecombe Guard
    Co. E, Buncombe Rifles
    Co. F, Lafayette Light Infantry
    Co. G, Burke Rifles
    Co. H, Fayetteville Indpt. Lt. Inf.
    Co. I, Enfield Blues
    Co. K, Southern Stars
    Co. L, Bertie Vols.
    Co. M, Dixie Rebels
    Co. G, Capt. C. M. Avery

  • 1st Regt. Detailed Men, N.C. (81st N.C. Regt.)

    Col. Addison G. Brenizer

  • Organized Oct. 1, 1864.
  • 1st Regt. No C. Home Guards

    Col. W. H. Harrison, Raleigh, N.C.

    1st Regt. Home Guards, 1st Class N.C.

    Col. O. R. Rand of Wake

    Goldsboro, Oct 19, 1864.

    1st Regt. Home Guards, 2nd Class

    Col. T. Geo. Walton of Morganton

    1st Regt. Home Guards, 3rd Class

    Col. W. Forney Green of Franklin
    Lt. Col. D. C. Clark, Halifax

    Raleigh, Mar. 14, 1865

    1st Regt. N.C. Militia

    Col. Wm. H. Harrison

    Pay roll on file Dec. 14, 1863 to Apr. 5, 1864.
    Co. ___, Capt. Wm. D. Crowder.

    1st  Regt. N. C. Cav. (19th Regt. N.C. Troops)

    Col. Sam'l B. Spruill
    Col. Matthew L. Davis
    Col. Solomon Williams
    Col. W. P. Roberts

  • Aug. 30, 1861. Organized 10 cos. Designated 10th Regt. N.C. Vols. (S.T.) by S.O. 222, A&IGO, Nov. 1A, 1861. Changed to 19th Regt. by S.O. 230, A&IGO, Nov. 20, 1861. Four members of Co. C of this Regt. were formerly members of Co. D, Cohoon's Batallion Va. Inf.

  • Units identified as:

    2-3  4-6 7-10  11-16  17-31  32-49 50-64  65-121
    [example 1st Batallion, 32nd Regiment, etc.]

    Derick S. Hartshorn-webmaster - © 2008
    Last Modified:   07/08/2008 21:16:38