A Guide
Military Organizations
and Installations
North Carolina 1861-1865


4th Batallion N.C. Cav.

Lt. Col. W.C. Claiborne

7th Confederate Cav.

4th Batallion Home Guards

Lt. Col. R.R. Ihrie


4th Regt. N.C. Cav. (59th Regt. North Carolina State Troops)

Col. D.D. Ferebee

59th Regt. North Carolina State Troops

Organized Aug. 20, 1862, Cos. A to G. Co. H (formerly Co. C, 66th Regt.N.C.T., which Regt. failed to complete its organization) was assigned early in 1863. Cos. I and K were formerly Cos. B and A, 12th Batallion N.C. Cav.,
and Cos. B and A, 8th Dearing's Regt. Confederate Cav. and transferred to this Regt. early in 1861.

Local Designations
Co. G, Currituck L. Cav.
Co. A, Capt. L.A. Johnson's Co., Anson Troopers
Co. B, Capt. Jas. T. Mitchell's Co.
Co. C, Capt. Andrew McIntire's Co.
Co. D, Capt. Wm. Sharp's Co.
Co. E, Capt. Jno Y. Bryce's Co.
Co. F, Capt. Jos. B. Cherry's Co.
Co. G, Capt. Demosthenes Bell's Co.
Co. K was temporarily attached to the 7th Regt. Confederate Cav.

4th Regt. N.C. Infantry Vols.

14th Regt. N.C. Infantry

4th Regt. N.C. Infantry (4th Regt. N.C. State Troops)

Col. Geo. B. Anderson
Col. Bryan Grimes Col. Jas. H.ood
Col. Edwin A. Osborne

Organized May 1861.
Mustered into Confederate Service June 28, 1861

One roll of Co. A, the earliest one, shows it as Capt. A.K. Simonton's Co., 52nd Regt. N.C. Vols. Co. D was transferred from the 9th Regt. N.C. Vols. in June 1861.

Local Designations
Co. D, Goldsboro Vols.
Co. D, Capt. Junius B. Whitaker's Co.

4th Regt. N.C. Militia

Col. Jos. G. Granbery
Col. L.D. Starke

4th Regt. Home Guards

Col. J.R. Cole
Lt. Col. W.H. Faucett


4th Batallion Jr. Res.(Maj. J.M. Reese)

Organized in May and June 186L, with ~ companies. By S.O. 277, A&IGO, dated Nov. 22, 1864, this Batallion Became part of 3rd Regt. N.C. Jr. Res. Cos. A,B,C, and D becoming Cos. A,B,C, and K of the Regt.

Local Designations
Co. A, Capt. John W. Pitt's Co.
Co. B, Capt. A.L. Lancaster's Co.
Co. C, Capt. R.F. Dalton's Co.
Co. D, Capt. A.B. Ellington's Co.

4th Regt. Sr. Res.

Col. John F. Hoke

2nd Regt. N.C. Sr. Res.
Organized Aug. 6, 1864, with 10 cos.

Local Designations
Co. A, Capt. Cheshire Sain's Co.
Co. B, Capt. John M. Brawley's Co.
Co. C, Capt. Marcus M. Smith's Co.
Co. D, Capt. T. G. Morrison!s Co.
Co. E~ Capt. Adam A. Rhyne's Co.
Co. F, Capt. P.B.C. Smith's Co.
Co. G, Capt. R.A. McNeely's Co.
Co. H, Capt. Robt. Magness' Co.

5th Batallion N.C. Cav. (Maj. Alfred H. Baird)

The 5th and 7th Bns. N.C. Car. were consolidated early in l863, to form the 6th Regt. N.C. Car. (65th S.T.) Cos. A, B, C, and D of 5th Batallion becoming Cos. I, K, H, and B respectively of 6th Regt. N.C. Cav.

Local Designations
Co. A, Capt. Alfred H. Baird's Co.
Co. B, Capt. Sam'l W. English's Co.
Co. C, Capt. Junius C. Tate's Co.
Co. A, Allen Rangers
Co. B, Mitchell Cav.
Co. C, Burke Rangers

5th Batallion N.C. Partisan Rangers

Lt. Col. John B. Palmer

58th Regt. N.C. Infantry

5th Batallion N.C. Artillery

13th Batallion Light Artillery

5th Batallion Jr. Res.

2nd Regt. N.C. Jr. Res.

5th Regt. N.C. Cav. (63rd Regt. North Carolina State Troops)

Col. Peter G. Evans
Col. Jas. H. McNeill

63rd Regt. North Carolina State Troops
Organized about Oct. l, 1862, by S.O. 216, Hdqrs. Dist. of N.C., dated
Sept. 30, 1862. Cos. A and C. were independent companies, H, I, and
K were raised for White's Batallion Partisan Rangers (composed of
Va. and N.C. Cos. which did not complete its organization); the other
cos. composed Evans' Batallion N.C. Partisan Rangers. The 5th Regt.
N.C. Cav. was formed by adding to the five Cos. of Evans' Batallion
the other five Cos. mentioned.

Local Designations
Co. D, Rockingham Rangers
Co. E, The Vance Troop
Co. F, Mecklenburg Rangers
Co. G, Chatham Rangers
Co. A, Capt. James H. McNeill's Co.
Co. B, Capt. Stephen B. Evans' Co.
Co. C, Capt. E.F. Shaw's Co.
Co. E, Capt. Thos. W. Harris' Co.
Co. D, Capt. Jno. M. Gallaway's Co.
Co. F, J.R. Erwin's Co.
Co. G, Capt. Jno. B. McClenahan's Co.
Co. H, Capt. Wm. E. Booe's Co.
Co. I, Capt. N.P. Rankin's Co.
Co. K, Capt. J.E. Wharton's Co.

5th Regt. N.C. Infantry Vols.

15th Regt. N.C. Infantry (S.T.)

5th Regt N. Co Inf. (5th Regt. N.C. State Troops)

Col. D.K. McRae
Col. T.M. Garrett
Col. Jno. W. Lea

Organized June 20, 1861. 10 companies.
Mustered into CS July 15, 1861.

5th Regt. Home Guards

Col. S.A. Sharpe
Lt. Col. G.W. Sharpe


5th Regt. Sr. Res.

Col. David J. Corpening

This Regt. was organized Dec. 5, 1864, and was formed by the
addition of three unattached cos. to Stowels Batallion N.C. Sr. Res.
which was composed of seven cos.

Local Designations
Co. A, Capt. Chas. Carlton's Co.
Co. B, Capt. Phipps' Co.
Co. C, Capt. A.G. Short's Co.
Co. D, Capt. E.C. Oxford's Co.
Co. E, Capt. B.M. Jetton's Co.
Co. F, Capt. Wm. D. Manning's Co.
Co. H, Capt. John M. Nicholson's Co.
Co. I, Capt. Corpening's Co.
Co. K, Capt. Adolph Russau's Co.

6th Batallion N.C. Infantry

Cohoon's Batallion Va. Inf.

6th Batallion Jr. Res.

1st Regt. N.C. Jr. Res.

6th Regt. N.C. Cav. (65th Regt. North Carolina State Troops)

Col. Geo. N. Folk

65th Regt. North Carolina State Troops
Organized early in 1863 by consolidation of the 5th and 7th Bns. N. C.
- Cos. A to D, 5th Batallion becoming Cos. I,K,H, and B, of the Regt., and Cos. A to F, 7th Batallion becoming Cos. E, F, (new) G,C,D, and A of the Regt.
- (old) Co. G (also known as Artillery Co. G) appears to have been
disbanded early in 1864, and some of its members transferred to Co. C of same Regt. (It is not known where this Co. came from.)
- Co. K, "Mitchell Cav."

6th Batallion N.C.

The Confederate organization composed of employees of the Fayetteville
Arsenal and Armory appears to have been designated as 2nd Batallion No C. Local Def. Troops. In publication familiarly known as "Moore's
Roster" and as "Clark's History" of N.C. organization, the Batallion was
numerically designated 6, but the authority for the use of this numeral has
not been found.

6th Regt. N.C. Infantry (6th Regt. N.C. State Troops)

Col. Chas. F. Fisher
Col. Wm. D. Pender
Col. Isaac E. Avery
Col. Robt. F. Webb

Organized with 10 companies, May 16, 1861. Mustered into CS, June 20, 1861. Co. H called "Caswell Boys"

6th Regt. N.C. Vols.

16th Regt. N.C. Infantry

6th Regt. Home Guards

Col. T.P. Siler


6th Regt. N.C. Militia

Col. J.T. Lewter

6th Regt. N.C. St. Res.

Col. A.A. Moss

Organized about Dec. 3, 1864, by the addition of two unattached cos. to
Moss' Batallion N.C. Sr. Res. Regt. from Anson, Chatham, Davidson,
Montgomery, Moore, Randolph, Stanly and Wake counties.

Local Designations
Co. A, Capt. Thos. Co Haltom's Co.
Co. B, Capt. John A. Brewer's Co.
Co. C, Capt. John Miller's Co.
Co. D, Capt. J.W. Turner's Co.
Co. E, Capt. J.M. Pilkenton's Co.
Co. F, Capt. A.L. Surratt's Co.
Co. G, Capt. R. M. Biles' Co.
Co. H, Capt. H.C. McLean's Co.
Co. I, Capt. H.S. Lilly's Co.
Co. K, Capt. Leroy Jones' Co.

6th Regt. North Carolina State Troops

Co. A, 7th Regt. N.C. Infantry

Units identified as:

  2-3  4-6  7-10  11-16   17-31  32-49  50-64  65-121
[example 1st Batallion, 32nd Regiment, etc.]

Derick S. Hartshorn-webmaster - © 2008
Last Modified:   07/08/2008 21:16:36