This Bible record has not been seen for, as I understand it, about 30 years or more. It belongs to the Ella Hubbard Burgess Riggs (born 1902 and still living in Camden), listed in this Bible record. It has been transcribed by me as written.

This particular text has been cited numerous times in the past, most often in reference to the wife of Zachariah Kite (Kight) and the date of birth of Zephaniah Kite (Kight). She, Claypia (Clarpalia), wife of Zachariah Kite (Kight), has been frequently cited as having been an Indian. This Bible alone has always listed as the reference for this statement. As you see, there is no information regarding her, other than her relationship as the wife of Zachariah Kite (Kight). As far as I know, the only other reference to her is in a deed. With that, there is no evidence to support the long-standing tradition that she was an Indian. I must state, however, that her name, regardless of spelling, is nothing like any other name I have seen in the region. Some of the Kight family did live close to the Indiantown area on the border of Camden and Currituck Counties. The Indians that resided in the area were not for the most part, as many people have assumed, members of the Pasquotank tribe. The Pasquotanks had long since dispersed from the area or had been absorbed into the settling population, both white and slave. The vast majority of the Indians in Camden County, if not all of them, by the mid-1700s were of the Yeopim tribe that was placed on a 10,000 acre reservation in the Indiantown area in about 1704 as noted in a deed from Lord Granville to the Yeopim Indians. The Yeopims had previously lived in the southern part of Perquimans County and parts of Chowan County. If Clarpalia was an Indian, she was more than likely a member of this tribe.

I can not comment definitively on her origins. I can, however, state that, given her name, location, and dates, there is a good possibility that she was indeed an Indian as according to family tradition. Still, I think that every Camden County, NC Kight family researcher should examine the scant references to her, take into account the history of Camden County during the time period in which she lived, and draw their conclusions based on that information, not strictly on family tradition.

The above note is include here with the authors permission: Harvey Benton Harrison, III.

(Page with Copyright information not provided. Design and style common to late 19th century large “family”-type Bibles. All handwriting appears to be the same.)

(Bible formerly belonging to Ella Hubbard Burgess Riggs.)
(Transcribed as written by Harvey Benton Harrison, III.)

(Marriage Certificate page)

That Robert T. Burgess
and Margaret Ann Kight
At Shiloh Camden County on the 29th day of
December in the year of our Lord 1878
in Presence of Bailey Needham & Lydia Burgess
Signed Ceremony was performed by
Gideon Barker, Justice Peace

(Births page)

Caleb Kight Burgess – Born Apil 26, 1880
Addie Kight Burgess – Born April 21, 1881
Aby Kight Burgess – Born June 6, 1882
Paul Kight Burgess – Born September 22, 1883.
Willie Kight Burgess – Born June 3, 1885
Joseph Walston Burgess – Born October 22, 1886
Mary Christian Burgess – Born May 24, 1888.
John Wesley Burgess – Born September 20, 1889.
Caleb Kight Burgess – Born July 15, 1891.
Robert T. Burgess – Born June 4, 1893.
Margaret Ann Burgess – Born September 25, 1894.
Robert T. Burgess – Born September 30, 1895
Nellie Kight Burgess – Born January 19, 1902.
Ella Burgess Was Born June 11, 1902.

(Marriages page)

Paul K. Burgess to Laura J. Burgess – November 17, 1906.
Willie K. Burgess to Annie S. Staples – May 24, 1908.
John W. Burgess to Elizabeth Forbes – October 10, 1908
Addie K. Burgess to Frank Baker – March 25, 1913.
Ella Burgess to Charlie S. Riggs – July 17, 1916

(Deaths page)

Caleb Kight Burgess – Died May 14, 1880.
Aby Kight Burgess – Died August, 1883.
Mary Christian Burgess – Died June, 1889.
Joseph Walston Burgess – Died July, 1889.
Robert T. Burgess – Died June 6, 1894.
Margaret Ann Burgess – Died September 25, 1894.
Robert T. Burgess – Died June 15, 1896.

(Written on a blank page)

Margaret Ann Kight, daughter of Caleb and Aby
Kight, was born July 3, 1865.
Robert T. Burgess, son of Hezikiah and Polly Burgess,
was born October 22, 1856.
Caleb W. Kight, son of Dempsey and Elizabeth
Kight, was born October 2, 1835.
Aby Burgess, daughter of Simeon and Elizabeth
Burgess, was born December 30, 1829
Hezikiah Burgess was the son of Hezakiah
and Lydia Wright Burgess.
Polly Burgess was the daughter of Dempsey
and Elizabeth Kight
Dempsey Kight, son of Zephaniah and Margaret
Brown Kite, was born May 8, 1795.
Elizabeth Griffin, daughter of Macy and Sallie
Griffin, was born October 18, 1811.
Zephaniah Kite, son of Zachariah and Claypia
Kite, was born June 25, 1766.


GAMIEL W. WRIGHT (1842 Will)

Will of



State of North Carolina, Camden county

I Gamiel Wright being of sound mind and memory blessed be God do this 29th day of January 1840 make and publish this my last will and testament. I give my property in the following manner.

Item 1: I give and bequeath all of my land and plantation where on I now live to be equally divided between Gamiel Wright and Burfoot Wright sons of Benjamin Wright dec’d to them and their heirs forever.

Item 2: I give and bequeath to Mary Williams the land that I bought of Jno. Williams to her and her heirs forever.

Item 2: I give and bequeath to Mary Porter two negroes namely ? and girl ? to her and her heirs forever.

Item 3: I leave the use of negro man Isaac to Francis Garrett during her natural life and at her death I give him to her lawful heirs forever.

Item 4: I leave my negro woman Phillis and one half of negro man named Simon to be sold by my executor and the money paid to Priscilla Legrange at fifty dollars from sale and if the said Priscilla should not to live to use the sale of said negroes and in that case I give the balance left at her death to her heirs forever.

Item 5: I give one half of negro man George to Mary Stephens at the death of Susan Taylor to her and her heirs forever.

Item 6: I leave all of my chattle, property not already given away to be sold by my executor and after paying all of my just debts and lawful expenses I give the balance thats left in his hands to Mary Stephens the wife of Luke Stephens.

Item 7: And lastly I nominate and appoint my worthy friend John S. Burgess executor to this my last will ans testament in witness whereof I here unto set my hand and seal day and date first above written.

G. W. Wright
Witness: D. C. Bell, Albert Rooker

Camden county court Sept. Term 1842

This last will and testament of G. W. Wright was exhibited in open court and the executor of said will was proved in open court in due form of law by D. C. Bell one of the subscribing witnesses there to and John Burgess executor named in said will come into open court and qualified as such by taking the necessary oath whereupon it was ordered by the court to be recorded.

Teste A. H. Grandy clerk

Contributed and transcribed by Harry Schoettle

GREGORY, EHRINGHAUS, MACKIE – of Pasquotank and Camden Counties

GREGORY - EHRINGHAUS - MACKIE Family Records - Pasq and Camden NC - 1GREGORY - EHRINGHAUS - MACKIE Family Records - Pasq and Camden NC - 2GREGORY - EHRINGHAUS - MACKIE Family Records - Pasq and Camden NC - 3

Source: Year Book – Volume 4 – Pasquotank Historical Society – Elizabeth City, North Carolina. Compiled and Edited by Edna M. Shannonhouse (1983).



  • Aby Bell departed this life July 31, 1815
  • Sister Salley Morgain departed this life 29 Nov 1815
  • Brother Windsor departed this life 15 Jan 1816
  • Brother Isaac Murdin departed this life 1 May 1817
  • Sister Betsey Tuttle departed this life 17 Oct 1817
  • Sister Sally Dozier departed this life 20 Oct 1817
  • Brother John Morgan died before 1815
  • Sister Mary Dozier wife of Philip departed this life 29 Jan 1818
  • Brother Joseph Tuttle departed this life 9 Feb 1818
  • Sister Susan Baxter departed this life Feb 1818
  • Sister Mary Trafton departed this life 27 Feb 1822
  • Sister Molly Sawyer and Pruella Hastings departed this life Apr 1822
  • Brother Wiloby Jones got burnt to death with brandy Friday about 10 at night 16 Aug 1822
  • Brother William Powers departed this life 13 Jan 1824
  • Sister Salley Collins departed this life 24 Jan 1824
  • Brother Asa Tuttle departed this life 30 Apr 1824
  • Brother Thomas Etheridge departed this life 22 June 1824
  • Sister Dency Taylor departed this life July 1824
  • Brother Cason Moressett departed this life 11 Mar 1825
  • Sister Susanah Sanderlin departed this life 13 Nov 1825
  • Brother Henry Lamb departed this life 25 Jan 1825
  • Sister Frankey Jones departed this life 11 May 1826
  • Sister Keziah Cartwright departed this life 27Aug 1826
  • Brother ? Elias McCoy departed this life 18 Jan 1827
  • Sister Sarah Granger departed this life 3 Jan 1828
  • Sister Polly Lamb wife of John departed this life 9 Sept 1829
  • Sister Peggy Williams departed this life Feb 1830
  • Sister Comfort Merry ? departed this life 9 Feb 1830
  • Sister Mary Sivils departed this life 1 Mar 1830
  • Sister Ann Sikes departed this life 11 Sept 1830
  • Sister Elizabeth Etheridge departed this life 21 Oct 1830
  • Brother Lemuel Gregory departed this life 11 Mar 1831
  • Sister Mikel Cooper departed this life 30 Mar 1832
  • Sister Gracy Dozier departed this life May 1832
  • Brother Kenion Jun 1832
  • Sister Nancy Kallam 28 Oct 1832
  • Sister Frankey Etheridge Nov 1832
  • Sister Alef Williams departed this life 15 Dec 1833
  • Brother Abner Humphries departed this life 24 Dec 1833
  • Sister Charity Divers departed this life 2 Jan 1834
  • Sister Milly Nash departed this life 11 Jan 1834
  • Sister Susanah Grandy departed this life 16 Jan 1834
  • Brother I. E. Dozier departed this life 30 Jan 1834
  • Sister Nancy Gregory departed this life 26 Nov 1834
  • Brother Joseph Jones departed this life 2 Sep 1835
  • Sister Meriam Sawyer departed this life 21 Aug 1835
  • Sister Mcpherson departed this life 11 Aug 1837
  • Sister Lovey Sawyer departed this life 11 Nov 1838
  • Sister Polly Dozier departed this life 27 May 1839
  • Sister Alif Sanderlin departed this life 24 Jun 1839
  • Sister Alif Sanderlin widow of Griffen
  • Sister Elizabeth Colins departed this life 28 Jan 1840
  • Brother Wiloby Dozier departed this life 24 Feb 1840
  • Sister Susan Faircloth departed this life 18 Mar 1840
  • Sister Lucy Burgess departed this life 29 Mar 1840
  • Brother Smith Mercer departed this life 18 Jan 1841
  • Sister Charity Jarvis departed this life 9 Jun 1841
  • Sister Ruthy Wilder departed this life 4 Apr 1842
  • Sister Henritta Ferrell departed this life 11 Apr 1842
  • Sister Molly Keaton departed this life Mar 1842
  • Sister Nancy Aydlett departed this life Sep 1842
  • Brother Ammon Grandy departed this life 3 Aug 1842
  • Brother Jesse Gregory departed this life 12 Sep 1842
  • Brother Thos’ Jarvis departed this life 5 Nov 1842
  • Brother Richard Jarvis departed this life 9 Nov 1842
  • Brother John D. Grandy departed this life 23 Mar 1843
  • Brother Wilson Parr departed this life 8 Apr 1843
  • Sister Margaret Dozier departed this life 7 Apr 1843
  • Sister Sally Sikes departed this life 18 May 1844
  • Brother Truman Sawyer departed this life 20 Dec 1844
  • Sister Polly Dozier departed this life 24 Dec 1844
  • Sister Lurany Gilbert departed this life 18 Nov 1845
  • Sister Polly Divers departed this life 12 Nov 1845
  • Brother Peter Forbes departed this life Dec 1845
  • Brother Lemuel Wilson departed this life Jan 1846
  • Brother Reddick Sexton departed this life 4 Feb 1846
  • Sister Susan Sawyer wife of Samuel departed this life 1846
  • Brother Isaac Berry departed this life 28 Nov 1846
  • Sister Mary ? Jolber departed this life 8 Apr 1847
  • Brother Jno. Humphries departed this life 25 Oct 1847
  • Brother Wm. Aydlett departed this life 17 Dec 1847
  • Brother Josiah West departed this life Feb 1852
  • Sister Seney Jones departed this life 1836
  • Sister Gracey Williams departed this life 1836
  • Sister Polly Tuttle departed this life 1837
  • Brother Willis Upton departed this life 1837

Contributed by: Darleen F. Ricci

Record provided by Thalia T. Jones