March 5, 1817

In the name of God Amen ! I SUSAN GREGORY of the County of Camden in the State of N. Carolina do this 5th day of March in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred & Seventeen make publish, pronounce and declare this instrument of writing to be my Last Will and Testament in manner as follows.

Item. I give & bequeath to my Daughters SALLY WALKERJANE GOFREY, and LYDIA FOREHANDS children & CHLOE JARVIS, and CELEY MITCHEL & Son JAMES M. GREGORY all my property and estate which I have gained & accumulated since the death of my Husband NATHAN GREGORY to be equally divided between them to them & their heirs forever.

I nominate & appoint my Son JAMES M. GREGORY my executor to this my Last Will & Testament in witness whereof I the said SUSAN GREGORY have hereunto set my hand and seal the day & year above written etc.


Her “O” mark

Signed, Sealed & acknowledged

In presents of us



State of N. Carolina

Camden County

February T. 1824

This Last Will & Testament of SUSAN GREGORY dec’d was exhibited & proved in open Court by oath of HILLERY SIMMONS, one of the subscribing witnesses. The Executor not appearing to qualify. Ordered to be Recorded



Will Book C

Pages 30, 31

Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse






April 10, 1736

In the name of God Amen. I THOMAS GREGORY of Pasquotank Preseink for North Carolina Planter. Being ??? perfect mind & memory Thanks be given unto God almighty. Calling to mind the mortality of my body knowing that its appointed for all men once to die do make & ordain this my Last Will & Testament that is to say ??????? first of all I give & recommend my soul into the hands of God that gave to & for my Body I recommend to ???? to be buried in a Christian like desent manner ????? descretion of my Executor nothing doubting but at the General Resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God. & as touching such worldly estate whorwith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life I give devise and dispose of the same in the following manner following.

Imprimis. I give & bequeath unto my Son NATHAN GREGORY his heirs & assigns for ever all my manner plantations where I now dwell & half of a certain tract of land containing two hundred & sixty seven acres lying on ye head of the Eataron(?)(Edenton?) Branch of Arronuse Croock on ye NE side of Pasquotank River ??? ye’s County aforsd. As more fully appoint(?) by ye pattent afore?? To be equally divided between my Sons NATHAN & SAMPSON without hurting one another after my dis??? & ??????? Son NATHAN should die without issue ye aforsaid manner plantation with it go two hundred & sixty seven acres should fall to my Son SAMPSON & his heirs forever. ???? Son SAMPSON should die without issue the aforsaid tract of land shall fall to my Son JACOB & his heirs for ever.

Item. I give & bequeath unto my Son JACOB aka JOB after my diseas my negro man Tonsy.

Item. I also give & bequeath —— my Son RICHARD GREGORY five shillings current money to RICHARD by my Executors (can’t make out rest ink has bled through)

Item. I give and bequeath unto my Son WILLIAM GREGORY five shillings current money to be paid by my executors herein after mentioned—

Item. I also give & bequeath ???? my Grandson FREDZICK GREGORY five shillings current money to be paid by my executors herein after mentioned.

Item. I give & bequeath after my deseas unto my Son JACOB GREGORYELISABETH GODFREJOB GREGORYSAMPSON GREGORYNATHAN GREGORY, PRISILLARY GRAY all my moveable estate to be equally divided after my desseas to the above mentioned—–

Item. I do also constiute & ordain my well beloved Son JACOB GREGORY with my Son JOB GREGORY to be my only and sole Executors of this my Last Will & Testament Disallowing & disannuling all other former wills ratifying & confirming only this to be my Last Will & Testament In witness whereof I have set my hand and seal this tenth day of April in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven Hundred & thirty Six


His “T” Mark

Signed sealed published

Pronounced & declard in

Presence of us

The day & year above written




June 23d 1740

Came befor me JOHN BELL & made oath that he saw THOMAS GREGORY sign seal & publish the above as his Last Will & Testament that he was of sound mind & memory at that time & that JOHN ROBERTS & JOHN BEERCOCK signd as witnesses thereto at the same time. JACOB GREGORY took the oath appointed by Court to be taken by Executors.

Will Probated June 30, 1740

Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse


The Murderer Caught – January 26, 1831

Vol. XXXIL  Norfolk. (VA.) Wednesday Morning, January 26, 1831

Elizabeth City (N.C.) Jan. 22.

The Murderer caught,-We learn that Jesse Eason, who recently killed a Mr. Frederick Gregory and afterwards shot at his own son, and for whose apprehension the County Court of Camden offered a reward of one hundred dollars, has been arrested and safely lodged in jail to await his trial at the next Superior Court for Camden County.-{Star.

Contributed by: Darleen F. Ricci

NOTE: This Jesse Eason is of my line. I have tried for many years to find a record of what became of him.  If anyone has any information, please let me know.





November 24, 1751

North Carolina

Pasquotank County

In the name of God Amen. I WILLIAM GREGORY of the County a foresaid being in good health and perfect mind and memory thanks be given to God there fore I do this day in the twenty year of reign of our souverign Lord KING GEORGE ye —- and in ye years of our Lord one Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty one do make and publish this my Last Will and Testament in form and manner as following that is to say

Imprimis. I commend my soul into ye hands of almighty God who gave it me and my body to the earth from whence it came in hopes of a joy full resurrection through the ???? of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and as for the worldly estate where with it has pleased God to bless me with I disspose here as follows

Item. I give and bequeath to my Grandaughter ANN GREGRORY Daughter of WILLIS GREGORY and ELISABETH his Wife and to her the heirs of her body lawfully begotten and if she die without issue of her body the same to return back one hundred acres of land a plantation called Hownens(?) Jonring(?) upon North River Swamp as the trees are marked one hundred acres more or less and if she dies with out heir of her body lawfully begotten the said land to return to my Son DEMPSEY GREGORY.

Item. I give and bequeath to my Grandaughter ANN GREGORY Daughter of WILLIS GREGORY and ELSABETH his Wife one negro woman named Hannah and one negro boy named Jephry(?)

Item. I leave the said land and ??? in the cear of my Son MARK GREGORY tell she come at age or marries

Item. I give and bequeath to my Son MARK GREGORY one hundred acres of land joyoing upon North River Swamp be the same more or less and to his heirs lawfully begotten of his body and if he the aforesaid MARK GREGORY die without heir then the said land return to my Daughter AFFIAH GREGORY the said land joining on JAMES GREGORYS line and as the trees are marked a long DEMPSEYS GREGORYS line where my Brother RICHARD GREGORY formerly did live.

Item. I give and bequeath to my Son MARK GREGORY three negroes namely one negro man named Daniel one negro woman named Phillis, one negro boy named Simon the said Negro woman having a young child named Sue for my Son MARK to keep tell it is six years of old and then to deliver to whom I shall give it hereafter the said negroes Daniel, Fillis and Simon to him the said MARK GREGORY and the heirs of his body lawfully begotten and if no heir of his body to my Daughter AFFIAH GREGORY.

Item. I give and bequeath to my Daughter AFFIAH GREGORY Fifty acres of land a place named Jonekin Town and Fifty joining upon JAMES GREGORY’S and the Widow TREWBLOODS and CORNELIUS KELFS and MARK GREGORY’S and DEMPSEY GREGORY lines as the trees are marked out be the same more or less

Item. I give and bequeath to my Daughter AFFIAH GREGORY three negros namely one negro man named Died, and one negro woman named Nan and one negro garl named Venes.

Item. I give and bequeath to my Daughter AFFIAH GREGORY one gray mare named Dimond to her and the heirs of her body lawfully begotten for ever and it she die with out heir of her body then the same to return to my Son MARK GREGORY.

Item. I give and bequeath to my Son DEMPSEY GREGORY one Hundred acres of land ?????? MARK GREGORY line and my Grandaughter lines ANN GREGORY and down the Indian line out back.

Item. I give and bequeath to my Son DEMPSAY GREGORY three negros namely one negro girl named Jeney and one negro boy named Charles and negro boy named Daniel and the first colt that Black Flanders brings and raises to be one year old and two year old heiffer that he clames and two sows and piggs to be delivered to him at twelve year old to him and the heirs of his body lawfully begotten for ever and if he the said DEMPSEY GREGORY die with out heir of his body the said plantation to return to my Son ISAAC GREGORY and the negros and chattels to be equally divided between my two Daughters MARY and LOVEY.

Item. I give and bequeath to my Daughter MARY GREGORY One Hundred acres of land laying in Broad Creek in the fork of Jacobs Swamp going by the name Broad Creek and down the main road and then a long ????? line and down to a corner tree of my Grandaughters ANN GREGORY.

Item. I give and bequeath to my Daughter MARY GREGORY one young negro woman named Vilet and her increase and the first horse coalt that my dark brown mare called Venes & bridle her Son’s(?) puter with when she comes at age or marris and one two year heffer that she clames the said land which I give to my Daughter MARY GREGORY is One Hundred acres be the same more or less as the trees are marked out to her and the heirs of her body lawfully begotten for ever and if she the said MARY GREGORY my Daughter die with out heir of her body then the said land of One Hundred more or less to my Daughter LOVEY GREGORY and the negro woman Vilet and her increase and movabels to be equally divided between ISAAC, DEMSEY, and LOVEY GREGORY.

Item. I give and bequeath to my Daughter LOVEY GREGORY Two Hundred and Twenty acres of land then runing through my woodland pasture joining on CORNELIUS KELFS line then running a strait corse as the trees are marked to the Indian line then down the Indian line to a corner at the main road ???? as the trees is marked down JACOB GREGORYS line to the said plantation called Brettenl

Item. I give and bequeath to my Daughter LOVEY GREGORY one young negro woman named Barbara and her child and one young cow and calf and the first colt of the white mare that is had of Barnard the premises to her and the heirs of her body lawfully begotten for ever and if she die with out heir the said land to my Daughter MARY GREGORY and the said negros to be equally divided between ISAAC, DEMSEY and MARY GREGORY.

Item. I give and bequeath to my Loving Wife one Bond Servant woman Lyda during the time of her servetud and in crease of the said bond woman during time of there servetud.

Item. One negro man named Seasar during the time of her life and after wards to be sold and the money to my Son ISAAC GREGORY and one negro man named Sam during the time of her widow hood and the Bond woman that I have desposed of to return she and her ????? to my Son ISAAC GREGORY ——-(to dark to read)

Item. I give and bequeath to loving Wife one horse named Jack, one bank(?) horses —————(to dark)called Hazard one bay ???? mair one brown mare called ???

Item. I give and bequeath to my Loving Wife my riding horse called Jessum and all my hoggs sowing two sows and piggs for my Son ISAAC GREGORY the hoggs and horses to pay my debts with

Item. I give and bequeath to my Loving Wife ten head of sheep taking the first choice out of the flock.

Item. I give to my Wife two part of my household goods and the remainder part to be equally divided amon all my children that is now alive and if they cant agree among themselves to devid the said houshold goods they must chuse two men to do it for them.

Item. I give and bequeath all my stock of cattle to be equally devided between my Wife and all my children.

Item. I give and bequeath to my Son ISAAC GREGORY my Plantation where on I now live containing by estimation Two Hundred and Eighty acres joining on my Daughter LOVEY GREGORYS line up strate to the Indian Town line and as the Indian Town line goes to JONTHIN JONES then joining upon EDWARD JAMESES line then down to Ivey Neck a corner tree of CORNELIUS JONESES then down as the ditch goes to Ivey Point to a corner tree.

Item. I give and bequeath to my Son ISAAC GREGORY one negro man named Sam at the day of my Wifes marrage or death. Item (One negro boy named Seasar of age sixteen and one negro garl named Sarah and one young mare named Flander and my gun and saddle and bridle and my new beaver hatt and two likely young sows and piggs

Item. I give and bequeath to my Daughter MARY GREGORY one young negro girl named Sue.

Item. I will that my Loving Wife shall have her Lifetime one half of my Plantation whereon I now live and half the horse—(?) thereon.

Item. What land and negros I have given to my Son ISAAC I give to him and his heirs lawfully begotten for ever and if he die with out heir of his body lawfully begotten the land to my Son DEMSEY GREGORY and the negros to be evenlly divided among the rest of my children.

Item. I give and bequeath to my Son MARK GREGORY all my wearing cloathes also I do nominate and appoint my Son MARK GREGORY and my Daughter AFFIAH GREGORY and my Loving Wife JUDITH GREGORY my whole and soul Exors. To this my Last Will and Testament and do hereby revoke make null and void all other wills and testaments heretofore by me in any wise maid ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my Last Will and Testament in Witness whereof I have here unto sett my hand and affixed my seal this 24th Day of November Anno Dom 1751.

Item. I having forgot to put in this my Last Will and Testament my Debts that is due to me which I give and bequeath to my Loving Wife all of my Debts and all my corn that is now housed for to pay the debts which I oe. Added to this before before seignd.


His “O” Mark

Signed sealed and pronounced

And declared by the said


As his Last Will and

Testament in the presence of



North Carolina Pasquotank County

April County Court 1752

Present His Majesties Justies

These may co?tess that the within Will was proved in Open Court by the Oaths of JOSEPH JONES and JOHN REDING Subscribing Evidones thereto in due form of law, and the within JUDITH GREGORY Exectrix was qualified as the Law directs.


Letters signed June 27, 1752

Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse


THOMAS LAMB (1825 Will)




August 20, 1822

In the name of God Amen! I THOMAS LAMB being of sound and perfect memory, blessed be God do make and publish this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following Thath is to say—–

Item. I give and bequeath to my Brother ISAAC LAMB the remainder of the plantation whereon I now live which I gave GIDEON LAMB a and for part of the same tract all joining his land to him and his heirs forever.

I also desire of my Brother ISAAC LAMB if Dina my cook should live longer than I, for him to give her four or five acres of the land that I gave him and build her a house thereon and give her her wheells and chards(?) and one years provisions.

Item. I give and bequeath to my Sister MARY FERRELL one negro girl named Tular

Item. I give and bequeath to my Brother JOHN LAMB the tract of land that I bought of NASH to him and his heirs and assigns forever.

Item. I give and bequeath to SAMUEL ETHERIDGE Son of my Sister PEGGY ETHERIDGE a negro named Smith to him and his heirs and assigns forever.

Item. I give and bequeath to my Nephew CORNELIUS LAMB Son of CORNELIUS LAMB a negro named Tom to him and his heirs and assigns forever.

Item. I give and bequeath to my Sister MARY FERRELL’S Son MARK GREGORY one negro man named Mustasshee to him and his heirs and assigns forever.

Item I give and bequeath to my Nephew DEMPSEY GREGORY one negro man named March to him and heirs and assigns forever.

Item. I give and bequeath to my Nephew ISAAC GREGORY one negro boy named Dorsey to him and his heirs and assigns forever.

Item. I give and bequeath to my four Nieces NANCY, PHEBEE, CLARKY and MARY my Sister MARY FERRELL’S Daughters all my real and personal estate except my boy Glascow after my just debts are paid and also the note which my Nephew HENRY N. LAMB gave to me for two hundred dollars and thirty nine and a half or two hundred thirty nine and a half dollars—— to them the aforesaid four Nieces, for ISAAC GREGORY to have the mannagement of the same and also to deal out the property to the aforesaid persons as he may think proper.

Item. I give and bequeath to my Nephew HENRY N. LAMB the note he gave me in part payment for ??? sum amounting to two hundred thirty nine dollars and fifty cents payable in promissory notes and also the land which I loaned(?) of him, to him and his heirs and assigns forever.

Item. I give and bequeath to my Nephew JOHN FERRELL one negro boy call Glascow to him and his heirs and assigns forever.l

And I likewise nominate and appoint my two brothers ISAAC LAMB and JOHN LAMB Executors to this my Last Will and Testament This the 20th day of Agust 1822





State of North Carolina

Camden County

May Term 1825

This Last Will and Testament of THOS. LAMB dec’d was exhibited in open Court by JNO. LAMB the Executor thereof and it appearing that the issue Dem Savit Velnor(?) had been decided an favour of the Exrs. And devisers in the Superior Court Spring Term as appears by the record of the decision issued in the minute Docket of this Court, the same was proved in due form of law by H.N. LAMB the subscribing witness thereto and the hand writing of BALEY SPRUILL the other subscribing witness was proved in due form of law by H.N. LAMB and JAMES W. DUKE is appearing to the Court that the said BALEY SPRUELL being dead. Ordered that the said will be recorded and that letters testamentary issue. JOHN LAMB the Executor appeared in open Court and qualified as Exrs. To the said will in due form of law.



Will Book C

Pages 51, 52

Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse





John Trublood

October 28, 1734

In the Name of God Amen This twenty eighth day of October one Thousand seven Hundred and thirty four, I JOHN TRUBLOOD of ye Precinct of Pasquotank in No Carolina planter, being very sick & weak in body but of perfect mind and memory Thanks be given to almighty God therefore, calling to mind the mortality of my body and owing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain his my last will and testament that is to say principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul into the hands of god that gave itt and for my body I commend itt to the earth to be buried in a Christain like and Descent manner att the Discretion of my Executrix Nothing doubting but att the general Resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of god and as touching such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased god to bless me in this life I give and devise and dispose of same in the form and following Manner.

Imprimis, I give and bequeath unto my well beloved wife SARAH TRUBLOOD my negro woman nam’d Hannah and her increase and the first child my negro girl Phillis bear that arrive to the age of two years to her and her heirs for ever and my bed I usually lye on and a rug and two blankets & one pair of sheets and bolster and a young Horse I bought of RICHARD GREGORY name Prince and bridle ??????? & her heirs for ever.

Item. I give and bequeath unto my Eldest Son JOHN TRUBLOOD my Maner plantation containing three Hundred acres of land and one hundred acres of land more or less lying on the North Branch of Arronnus Creek known by the name of Cretches old field made over by Deed by HENERY CRETCH & BENJAMIN CRETCH to him and his heirs for ever. Further I give and bequeath unto my Eldest Son JOHN TRUBLOOD my negro man nam’d Calle to him and his heirs for ever and I give and bequeath unto my Son JOHN TRUBLOOD the fourth child my negro Phillis bar ye ??? att the age of two years & my pair of Cart wheels, and all my shoemakers tools & carpenters tools and my young ??? gray horse named Spark and my saddle it is called my Son JOHNS saddle and a good bridle and two young cows & two young calves, and four young ewes and a young Ram and twenty hogs of one year old, and my narrow striped bed tick and bolster, and 1 ??? filled with new goose or duck feathers, and my best Juniper chest & one new iron pott holding eight gallons and a pewter bason that holds one gallon and a ??? middle sized pewter dish called a stewed (?) in sat (?) dish & two dozen (?) of new pewter spoons and my biggest gun, and one Bible called my Son JOHNS Bible, and a new book called The Pecretary Guide(?) & two new chairs, and my best white rug a pair of good new blankets and apair of new sheets, & two pair of my best leather breetches, and my broad cloth coat, and my best Druggett Coat and vest, & my best hat, and my best druggett britches and my two good shirts made of seven eights linen.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my Eldest daughter ELISABETH TRUBLOOD my young horse named Diamond and my side saddle & bridle and the second child my negro girl Phillis bears if lives att (too dark to read) two years to her and her heirs forever, and once (large section of page torn, covering 2 to 3 lines)

Phillis bear (torn) to it age of two years, to her and her heirs for ever, and a new testament, a two new chairs, and my woolen wheel and my linen wheel, and a pair of flyers and two new quills being the wheels her mother usually spun on to her and her heirs for ever.

Item: I give and bequeath to my Daughter MIRIAM TRUBLOOD my horse called Courage, and my riding saddle and abridle and the third child my negro girl Phillis bears that live to the age of two years; and my best feather bed and bolster and my rug ye I wove my self with shage of white & black twisted together, and two blankets made of cotten & wool, and one pair of home spun tare sheets, one new pewter bason holding agallon and a new middle sized stew meat dish, and one seven gallon iron pot, and my piece of cloth called ginmons containing ten yards, and my Juniper chest I keep my writing in and three young ewes & two young (?)eathers, and two young cows and calves, and twenty yearling hogs, and fifty bushels of Indian corn & two dozen of new pewter spoons, and my Loom, and seven pair of goose and ???? and their shackles and all my harness belonging thereto, and the eighth child my negro girl bear that live to ye age of two years, and anew testament to her & her heirs for ever and I give to my two Daughter ELISABETH and MIRIAM TRUBLOD my negro man named Nate(?) to them and their heirs forever. And further I give to my Daughter MIRIAM two new chairs, and my new linen wheel and anew pair of flyers and two new quills and my new wollen wheel ???? of sander lings(?) make and a good three gallon stone jug and a good Bee hieve with a good stock of bees in itt and my bedstead and a good bed ????? made by WM. LABRON and one half gallon stone mugg.

Item. I give and bequeath unto my Son FISHER TRUBLOOD one hundred acres of land known by the name of Ive Neck held by deed from GRIFFITH JONES Senj. And Twenty acres of land binding on the sound(?) held by ???? from WILLIAM CRETCH to him his heirs and assigns forever and fifth child my negro girl Phillis bear that live to the age of two years to him & his heirs for ever.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my Son DANIEL TRUBLOOD the sixth child my negro girl Phillis bear that comes to ye age of two years, and two young ewes and two young geathers(?) and a ram two young cows and calves and my least gun to him and heirs for ever.

If in case my well beloved wife SARAH TRUBLOOD be with child I give and bequeath unto itt five pounds current money of N. Carolina, and further I give to my Son JOHN TRUBLOOD my plow sheer and colder, itt being new and good and a three gallon stone jugg and my grindstone and a good stock of bee hiev in good order and one pint glazed mugg and one bed stead and bed cord to him and his heirs and further I give to my Daughter ELISABETH TRUBLOOD one stock of bees and hieve in good order and one three gallon stone jugg and one pint glazed mugg and her Mothers ????? Looking glass.

Further I give unto my true beloved Wife SARAH TRUBLOOD my negro girl named Phillis and all ye rest of my moveable estate further my will & desire is that my wife SARAH TRUBLOOD must Cause to suckle and nurse cause my negro girl Phillis to suckle or nurse the above mentioned negro which are unborn on her own cost and charge till they come to ye age of two years,

If in case either of my three children which I had by my first Wife JOHN ELISABETH & MIRIAM should be first before they (torn) to age and possess their Estates or Estate then the survivor of these my three children, JOHN ELISABETH & MIRIAM should possess their equal part of the Deceased estats or estate. And if either of my two young sons FISHER and DANIEL should die before they come of age and possess their estates the longest liver shall possess and enjoy the deceaseds part of ye estate and iff both these my two youngest Sons FISHER and DANIEL shold die before they come to age to possess their estates the surviour of my children shall inherit and possess the Deceaseds estates or estate.

Item: I give to my well beloved Wife SARAH TRUBLOOD and my beloved Daughter ELISABETH TRUBLOOD ???? I likewise constitute & ordain my only Executrixes to this my Last Will and Testament and I do appoint and ordain my beloved Brother ABEL ROSS and JARVIS JONES both of ye above mentioned precinct my Trustees of my children and their estates or estate (faded out) shall be stricky(?) Executed and fulfilled according to law. My will and desire is if y Eldest son JOHN TRUBLOOD may be Free att the age of sixteen years, butt not to make any bargains without the consent of my Trustees before mentioned and I do hereby utterly disallow, revoke and disannul all and every other former Testaments wills Legacies, requests and Eecutons by me in any ways before this time, named willed and Bequeathed, Ratifying and confirming this & no other to be my Last Will and Testament in Wittness Whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seal the day and year above written.


Signed sealed and Delivered in

The presence of us





Pasquotank SC

At a Court began & held for said Precinct at the Court House in Broomfeild the 14th day of January An Domi 1734

Present His Majesties Justices

These may Certifie that JOHN SAULS & WILLOUGHBY PRICE two of the subscribing Evidences to the within Will appeared in open Court and made Oath on the Holy Evangelist that they were present & saw JOHN TRUEBLOOD sign seal & declare the within to be & contain his Last Will & Testament and that the said JOHN TRUEBLOOD was then and that time of sound & disposing memory and that they also said DUGLESS ROOD the other Subscribing Evidence Sign his name thereto at the same time.

Ordered that the Secretary have Notice hereof that Letters Testry issue theron as the Law Directs

By Order JOS. SMITH A Cur.



Tres. Iss. 12th Nov. 1735

R.G.(?) DS


Contributed and transcribed by Judy Merrell Brickhouse



Deed Book  B

page   6. Jan. 20, 1779 John Sawyer to James Johnson…John Sawyer here unto moving….for 500 pds. 10 a. of land & swamp…north side of Sawyers Creek. witt. Samuel Ferill & Thomas Perkins
39. Jan. 9, 1779 … Dempsey Sawyer Admins. of the estate of Theophilious Gregory… Richard Gregory..part of a tract of land that Theo…bought of Davis Grandy & in will that the land be sold. …..for 150 pds the land near the head of Sawyers Creek Sw binding James Sawyer, Malachi Grandy, Philip Gregory…50 a. witt. Joseph Morrisette & Isaac Seborn
44. Barbara Powell to Stephen Sawyer..1,000 pds 50 a. bounded by John Peddnick, Dempsey Burgess, John Griffin, George Ferill decs., John Gilbert, Henry Miller, Joseph Jones and me, Barbara Powell. Jan. 5, 1779

 51. Tully Sawyer & wife Ruth to Willis Sawyer for 100 pds , land on the Mill Dam prong of Arranuse Creek ..containing 51 a. begining at a willow by the well in the head of a branch near the house and running near north 1/4 mile thence S.E. to Ivey Neck then to the branch…
115. Oct. 9, 1779 Lewis Sawyer to Jacob Sawyer for 1,000 pds. 40 a. binding Ferills pocosin, Ross line to Solly’s line…
172. Feb 7, 1781 Willis Gregory to James Sawyer 10,000 pds. State money, 50 a. land in North River Swamp bounded by Noah Gregory…
176. Dempsey Sawyer, Sheriff of Camden County to Dempsey Burgess March 12, 1781. Goods, chattel,tenements & lands of Thomas McKnight late of said County. (McKnight was a Tory during the Rev. War. He left the county and went back to England.) Mc Knight’s land …on the public road in the neighborhood of the Down River Chapel. bounded by the road, John Wright, Brockett, Torksey….60 a. tract of land formerly sold by Peter Brown to said Thomas McKnight. 1,000 pds…..
186. May 29, 1781 Macke Morgan & Ann, his wife , to Thomas Sawyer.. for 200 Spanish Milled dollars  40 a. given to Ann by her father Joseph Humphries…
187 Caleb Grandy Jr. to Thomas Sawyer, Feb. 20, 1781..Tract of land that said Caleb Grandy Jr. bought of Jesse Godfrey called the New Survey on North River. Bounded by James Dauge, Caleb Dauge… Ezekiel Sanderlin that he bought of John Humphries, Thomas Sawyer, Joseph Mercer & Peggy Nash.
192. June 17, 1781 – William Burgess to Richard Sawyer for 72 pds. 58 1/2 a. ..tract sold by Dempsey Burgess to Costain Barco & by Barco to William Burgess.
211. June 17, 1781 Richard Sawyer Jr. to Lemuel Crain alias Linton for 60 pds. 37 a.. The land conveyed by Jarvis Jones to Richard Sawyer…… .

DEEDS Book C  

Pg.   4. Joshua Sawyer for 50 pds. gold to Joseph Godfree (Godfrey)….N.E. side of Pasq. River. A tract pattent to Joseph Guilford..beginning at a branch before Joseph Godfree’s door thence up the branch to Nathan Bell’s Thomas Smith thence down into Beech Neck to Robert Harrison’s line. Dec. 31, 1781
  8. Dec 28, 1780 Authur (Arthur) Sawyer to John Hammon for 500 pds 50 a… Beginning on the western side of Sawyer’s Creek thence to… it being all the southern part of the land agreeable to the last will & testament of John Sawyer Jur. decs.(Pasq. Will Book HIK p. 391 Aug. 1771) witt. Caleb Grandy & Phillip Morgan
12. Willis Gregory & Mary his wife, 200 dollars species to Coston Sawyer land bounded by Peter Dauge, north to swamp & North River then up river opposite a hickory to James Sawyer’s line thence to Peter Dauge’s line 150 a. ..being part of a larger tract formerly belonging to Mark Gregory. witt. Thomas Nickols & Peter Dauge (Dozier)
13. Coston Sawyer & wife Rhodah for 200 pds. to Willis Gregory…beginning in..branch of Mill Dam Swamp between James Sanderlin’s line & mine to William Humphries land & Thomas Nickols land to a line tree by a pole bridge it being part of a larger tract formerly belonging to Joseph Jones & by him conveyed to John Jones by deed March 7, 1782
18. Joshua Sawyer for 25 pds. to Nathan Bell, tract of land granted to Joseph Guliford. Beginning at a maple in Cabin Neck Branch down to Joseph Godfree’s a line formerly belonging to William Anderson now Thomas Smith’s line and Robert Harrison’s corner 20 a. Dec. 12, 1781 witt. Asa Burgess, Joseph Godfrey & Isaac Godfrey
22. May 18, 1782, Thomas Sawyer to Luke Lamb for 100 pds. 90 a. head of Sawyer’s Creek. Beginning at..oak by edge of a branch to Amon Grandy’s ditch at the old Road, thence westerly as the ditch runs to a corner tree of Richard Sawyer’s pattent. Thence a southerly course to a pine that was formerly Willis L. ?..mans line. witt. Isaac Lamb & Benj. Brown
20. June 27,1780 Isaac Gregory to Dempsey Sawyer for 50 pds 178 a. land near the head of the east prong of Aranuse Creek. witt. Joseph Gray & John Gray
49. Coston Sawyer for 50 pds. to Peter Dauge 30 a. formerly belonging to Willis Gregory and conveyed by him to Coston Sawyer 1783..?
  57. Authur Sawyer to Caleb Grandy Jr. Aug. 1, 1783 for 60 pds. 50 a. high ground & swamp bounded by James Johnson’s on the southwest binding Johnsons land that he bought of John Sawyer Jr. deces. then east binding the land laid off for Millar Sawyer, orphan of John Sawyer Sen. deces. to the creek. Then up the creek & swamp binding Luke Lamb & the old causeway …& Caleb Grandy’s deeds they had from Thomas Perkins. Thence west to Authur & Millard Sawyer’s line….witt. Caleb Gregory & John Hammond.
  81. Feb. 17, 1783 Joseph Sawyer to Ammon Grandy for 50 pds. 65 a. beginning near the ditch on the Lake Road binding Williams line on a Easterly course to Humphries line then binding John Murden pattent…witt. Caleb Grandy Jr. & Levi Sawyer
  82. March 15, 1782 (COURT HOUSE DEED) Thomas Sawyer & Margaret Sawyer, his mother to Lemuel Sawyer, Isaac Gregory, Dempsey Burgess, Caleb Grandy & Joseph Jones …..a plot of ground to build a Court House, prison, and stocks for the county. witt. Thomas Humphries Cornealious Gray
  90 Sylvanus Sawyer to Edward Upton, Jan. 4,1783 for 50 pds ….being the land I bought of Robert Gray, 100 a. begining at a sweet gum on Luke Lamb’s Mill pond then binding on Benjamin Brown’s line to a line of marked trees to Joseph Sawyer’s line thence down to the creek swamp…Sylvanus Sawyer, wife Mary Sawyer
  98. March 18, 1769 Pasquotank Co. Sylvanus Sawyer exect. to the last will & testament of Col. Griffith Jones deces. to Isaac Gregory.Whereas the said Griffith Jones by his will…dated Oct 27, 1766 to sell the estate & divide among his seven children. Exectors appointed Sylvanus Sawyer & Samuel Swan…..Samuel Swan being deces. on the 18, Mar. 1769…did expose to public auction…land known by the name of Ivey Neck 50a. bounded by Jacob Jones line close to the side of a beech ridge up line to swamp to Isaac Gregory’s line…the land Griffith Jones deces. bought of William Hughes. witt. Charles Grandy & Mirriam Sawyer
99. Sept 24, 1782 Caleb Sawyer to William Perry, 60pds 25 a.  .. mouth of a branch that forks out of a bever dam & up branch to water oak. witt. Lodwick Williams & Coston Sawyer
121. Lemuel Sawyer Grant Aug 18, 1783 – 28 a. beginning at an old cypress a small distance below River Bridge at the riverside thence running south to Relfs pattent to Jonathan Hearrings house thence sw thence back to river.
127. Richard Sawyer Grant – 475 a. Beginning at River Swamp bounded by James McDonald’s grant…John Murden to Jennings Ridge west to Thornton Gray’s line thence binding Joshua Parrisho’s Grant ..thence back to McDonald’s old pattent….Oct. 27, 1784

Abstracted and Contributed by: D. G. Owens


Camden County, North Carolina

page 13. John Sanderlin of Pasquotank…110 pds. to Joshua Sawyer… tract of land situated on N.E. side of Pasq. River bounded as follows…Brockett’s corner tree at head of swamp,..Wright’s line, Faircliff (Faircloth?) line.. 50 a. of land that Thomas Faircliff gave to Edward Faircliff..afterward belonging to William Bray then conveyed to John Sanderlin. Nov.6, 1775. Witts. Adam Forbes and Thomas Rhoades.

  15. Joshua Sawyer Of Pasquotank for 40 pds. to Joseph O’Daniel…..50 a. tract N.E. side of Pasq.River….Mouth of a branch that forks out of a Beaver Dam and up branch to Abel Gallop’s line to Charles Britians corner to 1st station. Oct. 15, 1775..Camden Court 1777

  16. Joshua Sawyer of Pasq. for 100 pds to Thomas Upton of Pasq….tract of land on the N.E. side of Pasq. River…granted by Bailey Needham to Cornelious Jones….butted and bounded as was divided to Thomas Needham by his brother….all that part except 5 a. that was conveyed to Phillip Torksey. The remaining land contained by and in begining at the river binding said Torksey’s line to Abel Gallop’s line to a corner pine of Joseph   ? to 1st station. 70 a. Oct 18, 1775

  23. Sept. 15, 1777….Robin (Robert) Gray of Camden to Silvanus (Sylvanus) Sawyer for 100 pds. a tract of land begining at a gum in Luke Lamb”s Mill pond thence W. Nw. course to Joseph Sawyer’s line thence along line to the branch thence to Creek Swamp, then binding the Mill pond to the 1st station. witts. James Sanderlin & Cornelious Sawyer.

  24. Sept 11, 1777…Robert Gray to Corneilous Sawyer for 100 pds… begining at the branch along Creek Swamp to a branch joining Sill’s (Sylvanus) line & Lisha (Elisha) Sawyer’s branch. witts. James Sanderlin& Silvanus Sawyer

  33. Sept 10, 1777..Robert Gray & Mary Gray for 50 pds. to Joel Sawyer…tract of land, N.E. side of Pasq. River joining Tull Sawyer’s line, Joseph Jones line to River Swamp. It being the same tract that Nathaniel Gray Pattened. 50 a. . witts. Jeremiah Leake, Maxey Leake and Thomas Gray.

  65. Oct 18, 1777 James Sanderlin, wheelwright of the county of Camden& Joshua Sawyer, planter of said county for 100 pds..100 a. pattened by Thomas Taylor and bounded by David Spence’s corner at the river side thence along line to Joseph O’Daniel’s line to 1st station. witt. Henry Forbes, Joshua Burnham & Rebecca Curlin.

  67. Joshua Sawyer, planter to James Sanderlin, wheelwright , for 110 pds….tract of land bounded as follows…begining at a pine formerly Brockett’s corner near the head of the swamp…thence to Wright’s Faircliff’s line down to the the Run. Being the 50 a. Thomas Faircliff gave in a deed to Edward Faircliff, afterward belonging to William Bray, then John Sanderlin to said Joshua Sawyer togeather with all houses, cleared land and woodland. Oct. 18, 1777

68. Dempsey Sawyer of Pasq. to Joseph Jones of Pasq., May 6, 1773 , for 90 pds… that was once granted to James Mc Daniel & by his assigned to Thomas Sawyer & by Thomas Sawyer & Robert Spence conveyed to Caleb Sawyer who died and fell to his son John Sawyer & by John Sawyer conveyed by deed of gift to said Dempsey Sawyer and now Joseph Jones 100 a. Beginning at a tree formerly Koen and now Ammon Grandy’s corner binding east to a line formerly Richards, thence southerly to a line formerly Edward Williams. witts. William Burgess, James Ferebee

  79. Mar.7, 1778, Truman Sawyer planter to Levi Sawyer for 400pds. 50 a. binding Ross’s line to Solley’s thence to swamp. witt. James Sanderlin & Costen Sawyer

  80. James Sanderlin, mariner, to Truman Sawyer, planter, for 400 pds. 60 a. N.E. side of Pasq. River . Beginning at a corner known by the name of John Scott’s corner to a beech on the Lakeside binding on a oak at Richards corner to the 1st station…home,garden,orchard…ect…witt. Caleb Sawyer & Costen Sawyer

  82. March 7, 1778 Lewis Sawyer,planter to James Sanderlin, marriner for 400pds…tract of land 50 a. N.E. side ofPasq. River on the head of Arenuse Creek. ..It being part of a tract of land formerly belonging to John Winn & conveyed from Howard to Albertson & from Alberson to Williams & from Williams to Sawyer & from C. Sawyer to Lewis Sawyer..and bounded as follows. Begining at a gum in the Milldam Swamp thence to a line of trees that divide C. Sawyer & his son Lewis to a branch on William Humphries line thence to John Jones line to 1st station. signed Lewis Sawyer & Sophyer (Sophia) Sawyer, wife.

  88. October 31, 1776 Joseph Relfe of Pasq. to Lemuel Sawyer for 280 pds 150 a. tract on N.E. side of Pasq. River. Begining at John Relefe’s landing on Sawyer’s Creek thence running a small distance down the creek to Joseph Jones line thence binding Jones line a northerly course so as the lane runs to William McCoys corner at Horn Ridge thence easterly to James Ferebee’s line thence westerly along said Ferebee’s Plantation then westward along causeway or road to the foot of a lane then binding the swamp& creek to the landing.

  90. Joshua Sawyer & Mary Sawyer, his wife , for 400 pds. to Isaac Gregory…on the fork of Arnuse Creek 150 a. on the main road bounded by Job Sawyer, Dempsey Sawyer’s line near an old field called the “New Ground” thence along branch to the main road at a bridge thence down the main swamp to the mouth of a branch laying where Willie Wilson’s old bridge is, thence running up the eastside of the branch to the main road. Witt. Christopher Snail & Malachi Grandy

  91. Malachi Grandy & Dorothy, his wife, of Camden to Joshua Sawyer, a tract of land granted by pattent to Joseph Gilford. Begining at a branch before Jacob Gilford’s door, thence up said branch to pattent line to a lane that was made for William Andrews thence to the pocoson to the branch. 80 a. Feb. 9, 1778. witt. Isaac Grandy & Christopher Snail

107. Joshua Sawyer to Job Sawyer for 60 pds a part of the plantation that fell to said Joshua Sawyer by the death of his father…begining on the road side of Lenard Williams corner to Dempsey Sawyer line to 1st station 15 a. Joshua Sawyer & wife Mary. Oct. 1, 1777 witt. Theophilius Gregory & Joshua Godfrey. 121. Aug. 19, 1778 Charles Grandy to Tully Sawyer 150 pds. that I bought of Samuel Ferill that was formerly the property of Isaac Albertson decs. & the land that was formerly Elias Albertson decs. bounded on the eastmost by Col. Isaac Gregory & on the north by the Mill pond branch and swamp…

123. Coston Sawyer & Rhoda, his wife, to Thomas Nickols for 25 pds…land bounded by swamp near Sawyer’s house to Col. Dauge’s road near William Humphries line. 14 a. formerly belonging to John Jones and conveyed to Coston Sawyer Sept.14, 1778.

Abstracted and Contributed by: D. G. Owens


Will of



State of North Carolina, Camden county

In the name of God amen. I Mathias Wright being of sound mind and memory bless be God and calling to mind the certainty of death and the uncertainty of the time hereof do make, publish and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following.

Item: I lend to my wife Susan Wright during her natural life, the tract of land I bought from Arthur Gregory also a piece of land I bought from Batson Berry. I also lend her during her natural life negro man George, negro woman Fannah, negro boy Andrew and negro girl Jane, one gray mare, six stool chairs, one large table, one yoke of oxen and ox cart, two new bed stand. My will is the negroes I lent to my wife shall not be moved out of the county during her life.

Item: I give to my wife three feather beds and furniture her choice, one horse and gigg and the harness belonging thereto, one desk, two tables, two stands, one case of knives and forks, one pair hand irons, one case, six flaged bottom chairs, one loom and harness belonging thereto, two powdering tubs, two hogs heads, one large iron pot, one small iron pot, one spider, one pair smothing irons, one dutch oven, two chests her choice, three linnen whereis hr choice, one horse cart, two cows and calves her choice, eight head of sheep her choice, pne pair of working bars and screws. Eight head og hoggs her choice, one plow and harness her choice, two weeding hoes her choice, two axes her choice, four empty barrels, two metal tubs, one pair of tongs and shovel, one coffee mill, one beaufat and all the crockery ware, one looking glass, two iron pot trammels, one hand mill her choice, two sows and their pigs her choice, one dennijohn, one heiffer, two steer yearlings which was hers before I married her. I also save for my wife to have her years provisions set off to her out of my estate. I also give her all the poultry on hand and one pair of stilyards.

Item: I leave the bricks and lime I have on hand and all the cypress and juniper plank I have on hand, also for my executor to purchase three thousand shingles for the repairs of my buildings where I now live. Also for my executor to pay over to my wife fifty dollars, to pay the expense of the repairs of said buildings.

Item: I leave negro boy Joseph to be sold by my executor.

Item: I give to my grand daughter Margaret Wright at my death negro woman Bridgett and her increase. Also at my wifes death I give the lands I bought from Arthur Gregory and Batson Berry to my grand daughter Margaret Wright and one turned bed stand.

Item: I give Delphy Daley at my wifes death one of the bed stands I lent to my wife/

Item: I give to my grand daughter Maragret Wright one bed stand, one bed and furniture and one chest.

Item: I give to my son Benjamin Wright the following piece of land that is to say beginning at the main road at the corner of the fence near where my son Gamiel Wright made bricks thence running down the road fence a westwardly course, a straite course until it strikes the main road near where my son Benjamin Wright had a garden. I also give him all the lands I bought from Benjamin Wilson and Jess Torksey, one negro boy Harry, one half of negro man Simon and at my wifes death one half of negro man George.

Item: I give my son Gamiel Wright all the lands I bought from Leonard Martin except what I have already given away to my son Benjamin Wright. I also give him negro man Isaac, one half negro man Simon and at my wifes death I give him half of negro man George, at my death I give him negro boy Grandy.

Item: I give to my daughter Chloe Poter, negro woman Rhody and her youngest child.

Item: I lend to my daughter Francis Garrett, negro girl Venis during her natural life and at her death I leave her to be divided between her children.

Item: I lend to my daughter Presilla Standly during her natural life, negro woman Isabelle and her increase and after her death I give them to her children to be equally divided between them and my grand daughter Lydia Standly.

Item: The negroes that I have not already disposed of in this will I leave in the following manner that is to say, one fourth of them I lend the use of to Presilla Standly during her natural life, one fourth I lend the use of to Francis Garrett during her natural life and the other two fourths I give to my grand daughter Margaret Wright and my daughter Chloe Poter to be equally divided between them at my death.

Item: The negroes that I have lent to Presilla Standly I give at her death to her children and Francis Garrett my grand daughter, to be equally divided between them.

Item: The negroes that I have lent to Francis Garrett my daughter, I give at her death to be equally divided between her children.

Item: The negroes that I have lent to my daughters Presilla Standly and Francis Garrett, my will is for them not to be removed out of the county until their death.

Item: The property I have not already given away in this my last will I leave to be sold to pay my just debts and should there be any money left in the hands of my executor I wish to equally divided between Presilla Standly, Francis Garrett, Chloe Poter and my grand daughter Margaret Wright.

Lastly I appoint my worthy friend Joseph G. Hughes as executor to this my last will and testament and should he fail to qualify I leave Noah Hughes as executor, this July 8, 1835.

Mathias Wright
Signed, sealed and delivered in the present of us

Noah Berry
A. Walston
Wm. Berry

Camden county court Feb term 1836

This last will and testament of Mathias Wright dec’d was exhibited and the executor thereof was proven in open court by the oath of William Berry one of the subscribing witnesses thereof in due form of law and Joseph G. Hughes the executor therein named appointed in open court and qualified as such and on motion it was ordered recorded.

Test C.G Lamb, clerk

 Contributed and transcribed by Harry Schoettle


HENRY BRAY, SR. (1833 Will)

Will of



In the name of God amen I Henry Bray Senr. of the County of Camden and State of North Carolina being weak of Body but of perfect Sound mind & memory Calling to mind the mortality of my Body Kowing [knowing] it is appointed for all men once to die in the first place I Reccommend my body to the Grave to be buried in a decent christain burial & my Sole to God that gave it as touching my worly [worldly] Estate I give and bequath in the following manner Item–I give and bequath unto my Dearly beloved Grand Son Maning bray one Cow and Calf to him and his heirs

Item–I give and bequath unto my last wife children as follows one feather Bed and Furniture one puter Bason one pr of Fire Dogs one Spining wheel one iron Tea Kettle one Coffee mill and chest this I give unto my last wife Mary Brays Children and Grand children that she had before I married her Then the rest of my Estate I give and bequath in the following maner. I give and bequath unto my Six Daughters to be Equily Divided between the heirs thats liveing and the children of them that are dead Viz Each Daughters Children to heir there mothers Shear these are the heirs hereafter named that are liveing, Margaret Torksey, Mary Gallop, Batsheba Forbes, these are the Daughters that are dead that is to Say Abigail Hunings, Sarah Whitehall, Mariam Right [or Kight?] to them and there heirs

Last of all I recomend and appoint my faithful and Trusty Friend Noah Torksey to be my whole and sole Executor of this my Last will and Testament and I the said Henry Bray do disanull all former Wills & Testaments and do Ratify and Confirm this to be my last will and Testament In witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand & Seal this 30th day of June in the year of our Lord 1833.

Henry Bray

Signed & Sealed in Presents of

Silas Forbes

Alman Moriset

Camden County Court August Term 1833

The Last Will and Testament of Henry Bray Decd. was Exhibited in open court & proved by the oath of Silas Forbes and Judith Gregory subscribing witness thereto & Noah Torksey the Executor therein named appeared and Qualified as Executor thereto. Ordered that Letters Testamentory Issue &c. and that the said will be recorded

Test. C. G. Lamb Clerk

Camden County Record of Wills, Vol. 1833, p. 136-138

NC State Archives microfilm reel #C.018.80001

Contributed and transcribed by Marty Holland