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Halifax County Deeds
Deed Book 22, Page 15

This Indenture made 8th day of February in the Year of Our Lord One thousand Eight Hundred Eleven between MANSFIELD CARTER (attorney) for BAKER CARTER of Halifax County and State aforesaid on the other part, Witnesseth that the said MANSFIELD CARTER (attorney) aforesaid, for and in consideraion of the sum of Four Hundred dollars to him in hand paid before the sealing and delivery of these presents the recpt. whereof he doth hereby acknowledge hath granted bargained sold aliened conveyed & confirmed & by these presents doth grant bargain sell alien confirm and convey unto the said JOHN TONEY his heirs and assigns forever, a certain messuage or tract of land situate lying and being in Halifax County, Containing One hundred and Eighty Seven acres- butted and bounded as follows, Beginning at a hickory, MRS. CARTER's line, thence South 214 poles along MRS. CARTER's line to a post oak on MARTHA MONTFORD's line to the deep bottomed branch then down the said branch as it meanders to Pork Creek, then down said Creek as it meanders to a red oak thence South 6 W 140 pole to a maple thence to the beginning. To have and to hold the said bargained premises with all the appertenances to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining to the said JOHN TONEY his heirs and assigns forever to his and these own proper use, benefit and behoof forever, and I the said MANSFIELD CARTER Atto. aforesaid for myself my heirs Exrs. & Admrs. do promise covenant agree and enjoy the above bargained premises to the said JOHN TONEY his heirs and assigns against the lawful clause or claims of any person or persons whatsoever, forever hereafter to warrant secure and defend.
In witness whereof, I the said MANSFIELD CARTER Attorney aforesaid have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written.


Signed Sealed & delivered in presents of

Halifax County
May Session 1811
Then this deed was exhibited in open court and duly proved by the oath of FRANCIS CARTER one of the subscribing witnesses thereto & on motion ordered to be registered.




Halifax County Deeds
Deed Book 35, Page 46

State of North Carolina
Halifax County
This Indenture made this first day of July A.D. Eighteen hundred & fifty nine between LEM CARTER of the State of North Carolina, Halifax County of the first part and JOHN A. WALKER of the State and County aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth that the said LEM CARTER hath in consideration and for the sum of Forty dollars hath bargain sold and conveyed unto the said JOHN A. WALKER a tract or parcel of land lying in the State and County above named commencing at a corner dogwood at the Mill path thence running East to a corner post oak, thence North to a corner hickory then West to a corner pine at the Mill path thence South along the meanders of said path to the Beginning adjoining the lands of WILLIAM HOCKADAY, JOHN MAYO and others. Supposed to contain four acres be the same more or less, the right ad title hereof I the said LEM CARTER doth warrant and defend, my heirs and assigns forever.
Whereunto I set my hand and seal the day and date as above written, in the presence of
LEM CARTER ("X" his mark)


State of North Carolina
Halifax County
Office of the Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions, Feby 24th 1860
Then the foregoing and within deed was exibited [sic] and the execution thereof duly proved by the oath and examination of RICHARD CARPENTER a witness thereto. Therefore let the said deed together with this deed be registered.

per J. J. ANDERSON DPR, April 2nd, 1860




Halifax County Deeds
Deed Book 4, Page 345

This Indenture made the twentieth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty two between WILLIAM CATHCART of Northampton County in the province of North Carolina, Gent. on the one part and SOLOMON HAWKINS of Edgecombe County and province afores'd, Planter on the other part witnesseth that the said WM CATHCART for and in consideration of the sum of seven pounds current money of Virginia to him in hand paid by the said SOLOMON HAWKINS, the receipt whereof he doth acknowledge and thereof and every part thereof doth acquit and discharge the said SOLOMON HAWKINS his heirs Exrs. and Admrs. by these presents Hath given granted bargained sold aliened released enfeoffed and confirmed and doth by these presents give grant bargain sell alien release enfeoff and confirm unto the said SOLOMON HAWKINS his heirs and assigns forever one certain tract of land lying on the South side of Roanoke River in the Parish of Edgecombe and County of Edgecombe containing two hundred and twenty acres be the same more or less to wit- Beginning at a pine in JAMES CARTER's line, then along his line So. 53 E. 32 pole to a red oak, then So. 35 Et. 100 pole to a hickory in RICHARD GRANDISON's line, then So 60 West 240 pole to a pine, then No. 30 Wt. 162 pole to a pine then So. 60 Ex 140 pole to branch then down the branch to the first station, which land was granted unto the said WILLIAM CATHCART by MESSRS. JAMES INNES and FRANCIS CORBIN in behalf of and in the stead of JOHN EARL GRANVILLE by Deed bearing date the second day of November and in the XXVI Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE the Second &c Reference thereunto being first had and the reversion and reversions remainder and remainders yearly rentor rents issues and profits thereof and of every part thereof and all the Estate and Estates Right title tract interest claim and demand whatsoever either in Law or Equity of their the said WILLIAM CATHCART his heirs or assigns into or out of the premises and their appurtenances and every and any part thereof. To have and to hold the said tract of land and all and singular the other hereby granted premises with their and every of their appurtenances unto the SOLOMON HAWKINS his heirs and assigns forever to the only proper use and behoof of the said SOLOMON HAWKINS his heirs and assigns forever. And the said WILLIAM CATHCART covenants and grants to and with the said SOLOMON HAWKINS his heirs and assigns that he hath a pure estate in fee simple in and to the premises and that he hath full right and lawfull power to sell and dispose of the same. And the said WILLIAM CATHCART binds and obliges himself his heirs Excrs Admrs and doth warrant the said Estate in and to the premises to the said SOLOMON HAWKINS his heirs and assigns in as full pure and perfect a manner to all intents and purposes as an indefeasable Estate in fee simple can be held and enjoyed. In witness whereof he hath hereunto set his hand and seal the day and above written.


Signed sealed & delivered in presence of us

Edgecombe County, November Court 1752
The within deed of sale was in open court duly proved by the oath of MONTFORT EELBECK, Gent., on evidence thereto and on motion was ordered to be registered.
Test. BENJ'N WYNN Clerk Court




Slave Bill of Sale
Halifax County Deeds
Deed Book 29, Page 350

Received of MARK H. PETTWAY the sum of Six hundred dollars in full for the purchase of one Negro Man named ADAM a blacksmith. The right & title to said Negro man ADAM the Blacksmith, I hereby warrant & defend a sum of perfect rights & title unto him the said MARK H. PETTWAY his heirs Exrs. Admrs, & assigns forever against me & my heirs Exrs & Admrs & assigns forever & against all & every other person or persons whatsoever by these presents. In witness where of I JOHN T. CLANTON have hereunto set my hand & seal this 23rd day of January 1833.

Nov. Session 1836
Then the within Bill of Sale was exhibited in Open Court & proved by the oath of HENRY WILKES by proving the hand write of JNO. T. CLANTON & ordered to be registered.

Witness M. H. PETTWAY CS

28 Jan'y 1837



Slave Bill of Sale
Halifax County Deeds
Deed Book 29, Page 364

State of North Carolina
Halifax County
Know all men by these presents that I COLIN M. CLARK of State & County aforesaid for & in consideration of the sum of four hundred & fifty dollars to me in hand paid the rest whereof is hereby acknowledged have bargained & sold & by these presents do bargain & sell unto WILLIAM R. CLARK of the State & County aforesaid a Negro child named ANN (child of JENNY) aged about 7 years. I hereby bind myself my heirs Executors Administrators & assigns to warrant to said W. R. CLARK & his heirs a good title for & from the lawful claim or claims of any person or persons whomsoever. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this 29th day of January 1837.


Halifax County
Feb. Court 1837
Then this Bill of Sale was exhibited in open court & acknowledged by C. M. CLARK & ordered to be registered.

pr M. T. PONTON PR 16 March 1837




Slave Bill of Sale
Halifax County Deeds
Deed Book 29, Page 364

State of North Carolina
Halifax County
Know all men by these presents that I COLIN M. CLARK of State & County aforesaid for & in consideration of the sum of five hundred dollars to me in hand paid & the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have this day bargained & sold & by these presents do bargain & sell unto JOHN C. WASHINGTON of Lenoir County & State aforesaid one Negro woman named JUDAH aged about 18 years. I hereby bind myself my heirs Executors administrators & assigns to warrant to said JOHN C. WASHINGTON & his heirs a good right & title free from the lawful claim or claims of any person or persons whomsoever. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this 29th day of April 1836.


Halifax County
Febr. Court 1837
Then this Bill of Sale was exhibited in open court & duly acknowledged & ordered to be registered.

pr M. T. PONTON PR 10 Mar 1837

Witness M. H. PETTWAY CS



Division of Slaves
Halifax County Deeds
Deed Book 25, Page 346

This Agreement & indented made this fifth day of March 1820 between DAVID CLARK of Halifax County & WILLIAM M. CLARK of Martin County, Witnesseth: that the sd parties have agreed to divide the following ninety four Negro slaves between them which they now hold in common that is to say
1) NANNY 50 years
2) NANNY 23 years
3) GEORGE 3 years
4) JUDAH 10 months
5) ISAAC 56 years
6) PATTY 50 years
7) HANNAH 19 years
8) BRIDGET 17 years
9) VENUS 15 years
10) CHARITY 13 years
11) GRACE 11 years
12) SAMUEL 9 years
13) CHLOE 7 years
14) NATHAN 4 months
15) DORCAS 35 years
16) RICHARD 12 years
17) SUCKY 6 years
18) MARY 3 years
19) EPHRINE 7 months
20) HENRY 31 years
21) PHILLIS 23 years
22) JANE 7 years
23) TOM 5 years
24) DAVID 3 years
25) SILAS 5 months
26) HOPE 56 years
27) MARK 24 years
28) ROSE 9 years
29) POMPEY 29 years
30) JOE 30 years
31) JACK 44 years
32) POLLY 35 years
33) TATTEY 11 years
34) WEST 6 years
35) RACHAEL 3 months
36) SCIPIO 41 years
37) ELIAS 21 years
38) BARBARA 29 years
39) EMANUEL 54 years
40) ADAM 37 years
41) WINNEY 29 years
42) MILAH 9 years
43) BETTY 5 months
44) CASH 58 years
45) BEN 20 years
46) DORCAS 24 years
47) MANUEL the younger 37 years
48) VENUS 35 years
49) GEORGE 13 years
50) TURNER 12 years
51) MARCH 37 years
52) CHARITY 30 years
53) HARRY 7 years
54) FATTY 2 years
55) CHRIS 5 years
56) GINNEY 3 years
57) BETTY 6 months
58) JACK 55 years
59) CHARLES 38 years
60) MIRIAM 36 years
61) TOM 17 years
62) RUTH 13 years
63) SCIPIO 10 years
64) ROBIN 6 years
65) KILAH 4 years
66) BETTY 38 years
67) TUCK 8 years
68) NANNY 55 years
69) SHADRACK 28 years
70) LONDON 33 years
71) MOSES 21 years
72) POLLY 14 years
73) MARK 29 years
74) TONEY 27 years
75) KATE 34 years
76) CHARLES 15 years
77) HANNAH 9 years
78) SUCKY 6 years
79) SARAH 9 months
80) TUCK 35 years
81) LIDIA 31 years
82) NANNY 13 years
83) EMANUEL 10 years
84) RUTH 7 years
85) OLD BEN 60 years
86) CELIA 39 years
87) ROSE 10 years
88) PHILIP 7 years
89) JAMES 4 years
90) HERCULES 2 years
91) FATTY 9 years
92) LONDON 74 years
93) RACHAEL 66 years
94) JACOB between 20 & 30 years

And in pursuance of said agreement in consideration of the release hereinafter made by WILLIAM M. CLARK the said DAVID CLARK by these presents doth give release & quit claim to the aforesaid WILLIAM M. CLARK & his assigns forever all his property in & to the forty eight slaves last named beginning with No. 47 MANUEL the Younger aged 37 years onto ending with No. 94 JACOB aged between 20 & 30 years both inclusive to the intent that they may belong absolutely in severalty to sd. WILLIAM & his assigns and said WILLIAM in persuance of the agreement in consideration of the release made to him as aforesaid by the said DAVID by these presents doth give release & quit claim to the said DAVID & his assigns all his property to the forty six slaves first above mentioned beginning with No. 1 NANNY aged 50 years and ending with No. 46 DORCAS aged 24 years both inclusive in the intent that they may belong absolutely in severalty to the said DAVID & his assigns In testimony of all which the said WILLIAM & DAVID have interchangeably set their hands & seals to the two parts of this agreement.


Sealed & delivered in presence of

State of North Carolina
Personally appeared before me WILLIAM M. CLARK & DAVID CLARK the parties whose names are signed to the above Deed & acknowledged the due execution thereof. Let it be registered.




Halifax County Deeds
Halifax. Deeds 1911–1912
Deed Book 231, Pages 447-449

Virginia, Nansemond County
This Deed, made this the 14th day of Nov 1910 by MARY E. COPELAND, sole heir at law of JANE RICHARDSON deceased she the said MARY E. COPELAND being the only child of the said JANE RICHARDSON, and JAMES M. COPELAND, husband of the said MARY COPELAND of Nansemond County and State of Virginia, of the first part, to J. C. BRANCH of Halifax County and State of North Carolina of the second part. Witnesseth that said MARY E. COPELAND and JAMES M. COPELAND, in consideration of five hundred ($500) dollars, to them paid by J. C. BRANCH, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, have bargained and sold, and by these presents do bargain sell and convey to said J. C. BRANCH a certain tract or parcel of land in Halifax County, State of North Carolina adjoining the lands of T. M. CARLISLE or that which was his, F. M. GARRETT or that which was his and others, bounded as follows, viz:
First: all that certain tract or parcel of land in said county and state bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a post oak on Hills Road at Union Church and running N. 87½ East 25½ poles to two white oaks, two dogwoods, thence South 3' East 38 poles, to a small sweet gum, pine and holly pointers thence South 77' East 76 poles to two post oaks in LEWIS line, thence with his line N. 24 East 39 poles to a stake on THROWER's line, thence North 56' West 82½ poles to a white oak on the aforesaid road, thence with said road to the beginning, containing thirty three (33) acres. It being the same land conveyed to JANE RICHARDSON by deed from JAMES DANIEL and wife bearing date the 4th of Aug 1874, and duly of record in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County in Book No. 45, pages 455-6.
Second: All that certain tract or parcel of land contiguous to the above containing thirty three and one fourth (33¼) acres, bounded by the lands of T. M. CARLISLE or that which was his, and F. M. GARRETT or that which was his and others.
It being the same land conveyed to the said JANE RICHARDSON by deed from JAMES DANIEL and wife bearing date the 23rd of April 1880 and duly of record in the said office of the Register of Deeds in Book 60, Page 459.
To have and to hold the aforesaid tract or parcels of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the said J. C. BRANCH his heirs and assigns, to his only use and behoof forever.
And the said MARY E. COPELAND and JAMES M. COPELAND covenant with said J. C. BRANCH, his heirs and assigns, that they are seized of said premises in fee, and have right to convey the same in fee simple; that the same are free and clear from all encumbrances, and that they will warrant and defend the said title to the same against the claims of all persons whomsoever.
In testimony whereof the said MARY E. COPELAND and JAMES M. COPELAND have hereunto set their hand and seals, the day and year above written.

State of Virginia, County - to wit:
I, J. WALTER HOSIER, a commissioner of Affidavits, appointed by the Governor of North Carolina, in and for the State of Virginia, having been duly sworn and qualified as such commissioner do hereby certify that MARY E COPELAND and JAMES M. COPELAND, his wife personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the annexed deed of conveyance; and the said MARY E. COPELAND being by me privately examined, separate and apart from her said husband, touching her voluntary execution of the same, doth sate that she signed the same freely and voluntarily, without fear or compulsion of her said husband or any other person, and that she doth still voluntarily assent thereto,
Witness my hand and official seal this 14th day of Nov. 1910.
Commissioner of Affidavits for North Carolina.

My term at office expires Dec. 10, 1910, State of North Carolina, Halifax County.

The foregoing certificate of J. WALTER. HOSIER, Commissioner of Affidavits for North Carolina in the City of Suffolk Virginia, is adjudged to be in due form ana according to law. Therefore let the instrument, with the certificate be registered. Witness my hand this 12th day of Feb. 1912.
Clerk Superior Court

Filed and Recorded Feb 13, 1912.
Register of Deeds

Note: Mary Eliza Ash (1846-1954), dau/of Emanuel Ash & his 1st wife, Martha Coley. Emanuel remarried in 1859 to Jane Mills (1838-1900), but their marriage was brief because by 1861 he had already departed for Athens Co, Ohio along with the majority of his 10 children, all of whom were from his 1st marriage, since Jane never had any children of her own. At least 2 of Emanuel's daughters, Mary Eliza & Leacie, however, remained in Halifax with Jane, apparently being very fond of their step-mother. Leacie eventually moved to Ohio and married there, and Mary Eliza married in 1873 to James M. Copeland (1845-1929) son of Joseph Copeland & Susan Hawkins, and moved to Nansemond, VA. Jane Mills- Ash, remarried in 1873 to James Norfleet Richardson (son of James Hilliard Richardson & Adeline Dales), but were divorced by 1885 when she reverted back to using the ASH surname. Records show that Jane was very independent and that she had her own property of which she had full control over, often buying and selling land in Halifax. This and the following deed show Jane's use of her 2 married surnames from various times in her life.



MARY E. & JAMES M. COPELAND to J.C. BRANCH - July 13, 1914
Halifax. Deeds 1914–1915
Deed Book 258, Page 300

This Deed, made this 13th of July 1914 between MARY E. COPELAND, in her own right and JAMES M. COPELAND, her husband, of the city of Suffolk and State of Virginia, parties of the first part and J. C. BRANCH of the County of Halifax and State of North Carolina, of the second part.
Witnesseth, that for and in the consideration Three Hundred and Sixty ($360.00) Dollars, the said parties of the first part do grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said party of the second part with General Warranty, all their right, title, interest dower, and right of dowry as sole heir at law of JANE ASH, (the said JANE ASH being the mother of MARY E. COPELAND), all that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the said county of Halifax and State of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of JOHN E. LEWIS, JAMES E. LEWIS, SION M. LEWIS and JAMES NEWSOM, SAM WILLIAMS or that which formerly belonged to them, containing by estimate Sixty-seven acres, be the same and more or less, together with all and singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging.
To have and to hold the said tract of land to the said J. C. BRANCH.
It being the same land conveyed to JANE ASH by deed bearing date the 16th of October 1885 and duly on record in the office of the Registrar of Deeds of Halifax County North Carolina in Book 74, Page 105 as will appear, and for further and better description, save and except Ten (10) acres in the North corner sold and conveyed to SAM WILLIAMS. The original tract containing Seventy-sever (77) acres, the remainder and residue of said tract being herein and hereby conveyed, which said remainder or residue contains Sixty-seven (67) acres be the same more or less as aforesaid.
The said parties of the first part covenant that they have the right to convey the said land to the grantee; that they have done no act to encum- the said land, that the grantee shall have quiet possession of the said land free from all encumbrances, and that they, the said parties of the first part will execute such further assurances of the said land as may be requisite.
Witness the following signatures and seals:

State of Virginia
County of Nansemond to wit:

I, J. WALTER HOSIER a Commissioner of Affidavits, appointed by the Governor of North Carolina, in and for the state of Virginia, having been duly sworn and qualified as such commissioner, do hereby certify that MARY E. COPELAND and JAMES E. COPELAND her husband personally appeared before me this day and duly acknowledged the execution of the above deed of conveyance, and the said MARY E. COPELAND being by me privately examined separate and apart from her said husband, touching her voluntary execution of the same, doth state that she signed the same freely and voluntarily, without fear or compulsion of her said husband or any other person, and that she doth still voluntarily assent thereto.
Witness my hand and official seal this 13th of July 1914.

Commissioner of Affidavits for North Carolina

North Carolina
Halifax County
Superior Court
July 20, 1914

The foregoing certificate of J. WALTER HOSIER a Commissioner of Affidavits for the State of North Carolina, residing in Nansemond County, Virginia duly attested by his official seal is adjudged to be correct. Let the instrument with the certificates be recorded.

Clerk Superior Court

Filed and Recorded
July 20, 1914.
Register of Deeds.



Apprenticeship of Children
Halifax County Deeds
Deed Book 26, Page 192

North Carolina, Halifax County:
This Indenture made this 20th day of February A.D. 1825 Between MARTHA COPELAND of the County & State aforesaid of the one part & ALLEN DAMERON of the same County & State afores'd witnesseth that the said MARTHA COPELAND of her own full will & accord hath put & bound her sons BENFORD & JOSEPH COPELAND, apprentices to him the said ALLEN DAMERON for & during the term of their minority or until they become 21 years of age all which time the said apprentices shall faithfully serve & obey their said Master in all lawfull commands the shall not abscond themselves without their Masters leave nor contract matrimony within the said term but in all things behave themselves towards their said Masters as good & faithfull apprentices ought to do & the said ALLEN DAMERON doth covenant promise and agree to & with the said MARTHA COPELAND that he will exert his utmost endeavor to teach or cause to be taught the said apprentices the act trade and mystery of a farmer & furnish them with sufficient cloth washing & mending lodging & apparel fitting for apprentices as well in sickness as in health during their said term and at the expiration thereof furnish them with a new suit of wearing apparel each to the value of five pounds currency &c each. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands & seals this 28th day of February 1825 as above &c.
MARTHA COPELAND ("X" her mark) {seal}
ALLEN DAMERON ("X" his mark) {seal}

P.S. The children hereby bound &c is of the age following Viz, BENFORD COPELAND born 4th day of October 1814 & JOSEPH COPELAND born the 19th day of August 1818.
Halifax County, Feby Sessions 1825
Then this Indenture was exhibited in Open Court & duly proved by oathof ROBERT BRINKLEY a witness thereto & on motion ordered to be registered.
Witness R. EPPES Clk, pr M.T. PONTON P.R.

(These were Benjamin & Joseph Copeland of Warren & Halifax Counties)




Halifax County Deeds
Deed Book 24, Page 161

This Indenture made this 23 day of May eighteen hundred & eight between DAVID CREWS of Stokes County and State of North Carolina of the one part and JOHN RICHARDSON of Halifax County & State aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth that the said DAVID CREWS for & in consideration of the sum of twenty five dollars to me in hand paid the rec't whereof I do acknowledg have granted bargained & sold unto the said JOHN RICHARDSON his heirs & c seventeen acres of land, It being a part of that tract of land belonging to BENJAMIN BASS dec'd, it being his daughter GRACE's part supposed to be seventeen acres be the same more or less. To have and to hold the said land to the said RICHARDSON his heirs & assigns forever; and I the said DAVID CREWS as her agent in Law do bind myself my heirs & assigns shall & will warrant & forever defend the right & title of said land against the claim or claims of any person or persons whatever to the said JOHN RICHARDSON his heirs & assigns. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & affixed my seal the day and year above written.


JOHN LEE ("X" his mark)

Halifax County
Nov'r Sessions 1817.
Then this deed was exhibited in open court & duly proven by the oath of JOHN LEE on of the subscribing witnesses thereto and on motion ordered to be registered.





All above transcribed by Deloris Williams unless otherwise specified 


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