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Halifax County Deeds
Deed Book 33, Page 22

This Indenture made on the 27th day of February one thousand eight hundred & fifty between BENJAMIN EDMONDS of the County of Halifax & State of North Carolina on the one part & STEPHEN BURROW of the same county & State aforesaid on the other part, witnesseth that the said BENJAMIN EDMONDS for & in consideration of the sum of eight hundred to him in hand paid by the said STEPHEN BURROWS at the time of executing these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath granted bargained & sold & by these presents doth grant bargain sell & confirm unto the said STEPHEN BURROWS his heirs & assigns forever two certain lots in the town of Halifax land down in plot of said Town as Nmber 80 & 99. To have & to hold the said two lots & premises & all the appurtenances thereunto belonging to him the said BURROWS his heirs & assigns forever. And the said BENJAMIN EDMONDS & his heirs all & singular the premises hereby conveyed to the said STEPHEN BURROWS his heirs & assigns shall & will warrant & forever defend from the lawful claim or claims of any & all persons whatsoever. In testimony whereof the said BENJAMIN EDMONDS doth hereunto set his hand & seal this the 27th day of February A.D. 1850.

Signed, sealed & delivered in the presence of

Halifax County
May Court 1850

Then the foregoing deed was exhibited in open court & the execution thereof duly proved by the oath of BENJAMIN C. EDMONDS one of the subscribing witnesses thereto ordered therefore that it be registered.
WM W. DANIELS, clerk

July 5, 1850



North Carolina, Land Grant Files, 1693-1960 (Ancestry.com) original images
Land Patent Book
Halifax County, North Carolina Land Warrant
Grant No. 361
Acres: 35
Issued June 30, 1797
Entry No. 296
Entered October 21, 1793
Book No. 94 - Page No. 87
Location: No. side of Falling Creek

North Carolina
Halifax County
To the Surveyors of Halifax County
You are hereby commanded as soon as may be to lay off and survey for BENJAMIN EVANS, Thirty five acres of lands in Halifax County Issuing the land of WILLIAM BRINKLEY, JOHN RICHERSON and himself agreeable to his entry made in the entry takers office in October 21, 1793 observing the directions of the Acts of Assembly in such case made and provided for runing out lands two just and fair plans of such Survey with a proper certificate annexed to each you are to transmit to the Secretaries Office without delay. Given under my hand this 22 Day of Feb'y 1794.


Halifax County the 14 day of Nov'r 1794.
Then surveyed for BENJAMIN EVINS a tract of land lying in said County on the north side of Falling Creek agreeable to his Warrant No. 296, Dated the 21 of Octob'r 1793.
Begining at WILLIAM BRINKLEYs corner a white oak on said Creek then North 40° west, 16 pole to a white oak said BRINKLEY corner then west 130 pole to a black oak then south 90 pole to a white oak on said Creek then runing down the various courses of said Creek to the first station containing 35 acres of land.
E. HAYWOOD Surveyor

Sworn Chain Carriers:


Recorded and Registered

Land Grant
Halifax County Deeds
Deed Book 18, Page 330

State of North Carolina - No. 361
To all to whom these presents shall come, Greeting.
Know ye that we for & in consideration of the sum of Thirty shillings for every hundred acres hereby granted paid into our treasury by BENJAMIN EVANS have given & granted & by these presents d give & grant unto the said BENJAMIN EVANS a tract of Land containing thirty five acres lying & being in our County of Halifax on the No. said of Falling Creek at WILLIAM BRINKLEY's corner, a white oak on said Creek then No. 40 wt. 16 po. to a white oak said BRINKLEY's corner then West 130 po. to a black oak then So. 90 po. to a white oak on said Creek then running down the various courses of said Creek to the first station. entered the twenty first October 1793 as by the plat hereunto annexed doth appear, with all ways woods, waters, mines, minerals, profits hereditaments & appertenances thereto belonging or in any wise appertaining; To hold to the said BENJAMIN EVANS his heirs & assigns forever. Yielding & paying unto us such sums of money yearly as our General Assembly from time to time may direct, provided always that the said grantor shall cause this grant to be enrolled in the Registers office in said County of Halifax within the time limited by law, otherwise the same shall be void.
In testimony whereof we have causes these our letters to be made patent and our Great seal to be hereunto affixed.
Witness SAMUEL ASHE, Esquire, our Governor, Captain General & Commander in Chief at Raleigh the 30th day of June in the 21st year of our Independence & in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred & Ninety Seven.

By Command
J. GLASGOW, Secretary.
Halifax County Sct

Registered in my office this 14th day of September anno Dom. 1798.
per N. LONG PR



Halifax County Deeds
Deed Book 9, Pages 91-92

To all people to whom these presences shall come
Greeting Know ye that I JAMES EVANS of Halifax County in the Province of North Carolina planter for and in consideration of the sum of Twenty pounds Virginia money to me in hand paid before the ensealing hereof well and truly paid by THOMAS HILL of the County and Province afd. the receipt whereof I hereby acknowledged and myself there with fully satisfied and contented and thereof and of every part & parcel thereof to acquit and discharge the said THOMAS HILL his heirs Executors and Administrators forever by these presents Hath given granted bargained sold aleined conveyed & confirmed and by these presents do freely fully and absolutely give grand bargain sell alien convey and confirm and to him the said THO'S HILL his heirs & assigns forever One certain tract and parcel of land scituate lying & being in the County of Halifax above said containing by estimation Two hundred and Twenty two acres more or less bounded as follows; Beginning at a pine on POLLOCK's line then to a red oak RICH'D LEWIS's corner then along his other line to his other corner white oak then along his line to a hiccory [sic] AARON ETHERIDGE's corner then along his line to a Red oak then to a white oak THOMAS THROWER's corner then along his line to two white oaks then to the first station, To have and to hold the said granted and bargained premises and all the appurtenances priviledges commodities to the same belonging or in anywise appertaining to the same tract or parcel of Land to him the said THOMAS HILL his heirs and assigns forever to his and their own proper use benefit and behoof forever and I the said JAMES EVANS for me my heirs Executors and Administrators to covenant promise and grant to and with the said THOMAS HILL his heirs and assigns that before the ensealing hereof I am the true sole and lawful owner of the above bargain premises, and am lawfully seized and possessed of the same in my own proper right as a good perfect and absolute Estate of Inheritance in fee simple and have in myself good rightfull power and lawfull authority to grant bargain sell convey and confirm the aid bargain premises in manner above said and that the said THOMAS HILL his heirs and assigns shall and may from time to time an at all times forever hereafter by force and virtue of these presents lawfully peacably and quietly have hold use occupy possess and enjoy the said demised and bargained premises with the appurtenances free and clear and freely and clearly acquitted exonerated and discharged of and from all and all manner of former or other gifts grants bargains sales leases mortgages wills intails jointers dowers judgments Executions Incumbrances and extents. Furthermore I the said JAMES EVANS for myself my heirs Executors Admrs. do covenant and engage the above demised premises to him the said THOMAS HILL his heirs and assigns against the lawful claims and demands of any person or persons whatsoever and forever herafter do warrant secure and defend.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this present second day of June 1764.

Signed Sealed and Delivered in presence of THO'S HILL JUN'R, ELIZABETH HILL, WILL. WILLIAMS.

Halifax County Sst.
October Term 1764
The aforegoing deed was in open court duly proved by the oath of THOMAS HILL JUN'R a witness thereto and thereupon ordered to be recorded.




Halifax County Deeds
Deed Book 9, Page 424

This Indenture made this Twenty sixth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & sixty six between JAMES EVANS and ELINOR his wife of the County of Halifax and Province of North Carolina of the one part and JOHN BRADFORD of the County and Province aforesaid of the other part, witnesseth that the said JAMES SMITH [sic] and ELINOR his wife for and in consideration of the sum of Twenty five pounds proclamation money to them in hand paid by the said JOHN BRADFORD the receipt whereof the said JAMES EVANS and ELINOR doth hereby acknowledge hath given granted bargained sold alined and confirmed unto the said JOHN BRADFORD his heirs and assigns a tract or parcell of land situate in Halifax County joyning the lands of the said JOHN BRADFORD, THOS. HILL & WALTER PITTS. Beginning at a black oak marked in three sides thence along a line of marked trees to a red oak a corner tree in THEOPHILUS GOODWIN's line thence along the said line to a corner tree that divides between the said HILL and GOODWIN, thence down to a corner that divides THOMAS HILL and WALTER PITTS thence along that line to the first station containing by estimation one hundred acres be the same more or less being part of six hundred and forty acres granted by patent to THOMAS BRYANT bearing date the fourth date of March one thousand and seven hundred and twenty eight with all the rights priviledges and appurtenances to the same belonging or as any wise appertaining, To have and to hold the said tract or parcell of land with all the rights priviledges and appurtenances to the same belonging to the said JOHN BRADFORD his heirs and assigns forever and the said JAMES EVANS and ELINOR his wife, the said tract of land with the appurtenances aforesaid to the said JOHN BRADFORD his heirs and assigns free from the claim of them the said JAMES EVANS and ELINOR his wife their heirs and assigns and from all and every other person or persons whatsoever shall and warrant and for ever defend by these presents. In witness where of we have hereunto set our hands and affixed our seals the day and year first above written.
JAMES EVANS ("9" his mark) {seal}
ELINOR EVANS ("X" his mark) {seal}

Signed Sealed and delivered in presents of

Halifax County Sc
January ye 27th 1767.
Then this deed of bargain and sale was acknowledged before me by JAMES EVANS and at the same time ELINOR EVANS the fem therein mentioned being first privately examined, freely and voluntarily acknowledged the same & that she did it without compulsion.

Let it be registered.




Halifax County Deeds
Deed Book 18, Page 916

This Indenture made this the Ninth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred between LEVAN EVANS of the County of Halifax and State of No. Carolina on the one part, and JOHN RICHERSON of the other part of sd County and State, Witnesseth that the sd. LEVAN EVANS for and in consideration of seven pounds, ten shillings current money to him in hand paid and for the consideration of the same hath bargained and sold unto the sd. JOHN RICHERSON one certain tract or parcel of land lying on the waters of Fawling Creek [sic] in the sd County of Halifax and State of No. Carolina lying and beginning at BENJAMIN BASSes corner red oak running East to JAMES MATHEWS corner thence South to a pine, thence West to a black oak in WILLIAM BRINKLEYs line thence North to the first station Containing to twenty two acres to the sd JOHN RICHERSON his heirs and assigns forever with every priviledges & appertenances thereunto sd. land belonging or in any wise appertaining and I the sd LEVAN EVANS do warrant & defend the right of the above bargained land & premises against the claim of any person or persons. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand seal this day and date of above written.


Assigned, sealed & delivered in the presents of us

Halifax County
May Sessions 1802
Then this deed was exhibited in open court & duly proved by the oath of JOEL EVANS a witness thereto & on motion ordered to be Registered.

July 13th 1802. S. MARSHALL PR




Halifax County Deeds
Deed Book 18, Page 867

This Indenture made this the Twentieth Second day of December in the Year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred & one between LEAVEN EVANS of the County of Halifax & State of No. Carolina of the one part and JOHN LEE of the sd County and State on the other part Witnesseth that the sd LEAVEN EVANS for the consideration of the sum of fifty pounds current money to him in hand paid & for the consideration of same hath bargained and sold one tract of land lying and being in the County of Halifax & State o No. Carolina bound as follows Beginning at JAMES MATHEWS corner pine running on to JOHN RICHARDSONs corner pine then along sd. RICHARDSONs line West to his corner black oak in WILLIAM BRINKLEYs line then along sd BRINKLEYs line South to JAMES MATHEWS line then along his line each to a corner ash then south to a corner pine in JAMES MATHEWS line then along two other line each to the first station. Containing one hundred acres more or less to the sd. LEVEN his heirs & assigns forever with every priviledge & appertancance thereunto belonging to said land or in any wise appertaining & the sd LEAVEN EVANS do warrant and defend the right and title of the above bargained land against the claim or myself or any other person. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this day and date of above written.


Halifax County Sct.
February Sessions 1802
Then this deed was exhibited in open court & duly proved by the oath of JAMES MATHEWS a witness thereto & on motion ordered to be Registered.
Witness- L. LONG Clk

March 17th 1802



Halifax County Deeds
Deed Book 30, Page 144

This Indenture this 24th day of May in the year Eighteen hundred & twenty Eight between JOEL EVANS of the County of Halifax & State of North Carolina on the one part & JESSE RICHERSON of sd County & State on the other part witnesseth that the said JOEL EVANS for & in consideration of the sum of fifteen Dollars to him in hand paid & for the consideration of the same hath bargained & sold to sd JESSE RICHERSON a tract of land lying in sd County of Halifax bounded as follows Beginning at a corner post oak in sd JESSE RICHERSONs line & then runing South to a Spanish oak in WILLIAM WOODS line thence E 72 poles to a white oak said WOODS corner thence North to the Spring branch thence West up the water course to the first station containing Eight or nine acres more or less Sold to the sd JESSE RICHERSON his heirs & assigns forever. And I the said JOEL EVANS do warrant & defend the right & title of the above bargained land against the claim of myself or any other person. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this day & date above written.


BENJAMIN KING ("X" his mark)

Halifax County
Novr Court 1838
Then this Deed was proved in open court by the oath of GEORGE HARPER & ordered to be registered.
Witness J. H. SIMMONS Clk

Pr M.T. PONTON PR- 6 Dec 1838



Halifax County Deeds
Deed Book 30, Page 115

This Indenture made on the 16th day of November A.D. 1837 between MOSES EVANS & ELIZABETH EVANS his wife of Halifax County & State of North Carolina of the one part & MARTHA ANN MATILDA NICHOLS of the County & State aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that the said MOSES EVANS & his wife ELIZABETH EVANS for & in consideration of the sum thirty dollars to them in hand paid by the said MARTHA ANN MATILDA NICHOLS at the time of executing these presents the receipt whereof as hereby acknowledged hath granted bargained sold conveyed aliened & confirmed & by these presents doth grant bargain sell convey alien and confirm unto the said MARTHA A. M. NICHOLS her heirs & assigns a certain tract or parcel of land in the County of Halifax & State of North Carolina adjoining the lands of NANCY MILLS, JOHN JORDAN & others containing Eleven acres more or less To have & to hold the said lands & premises & all & singular the tenements & appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining to her the said MARTHA A. M. NICHOLS her heirs & assigns to be her own proper use & in fee simple forever. And the said MOSES EVANS & his wife ELIZABETH EVANS & their heirs all & singular the premises hereby conveyed to the said MARTHA A. M. NICHOLS her hers & assigns shall & will warrant & forever defend from the lawful claim or claims of any & all person whatsoever. In testimony whereof we the said MOSES EVANS & wife ELIZABETH EVANS doth hereunto set their hands & seals the date first above written.
MOSES EVANS ("X" his mark)
ELIZABETH EVANS ("X" her mark)

Signed Sealed & delivered in presence of

Then this Deed was exhibited in open court & duly proven by the oath of JOHN D. MINGA a subscribing witness thereto & on motion ordered to be registered.


M. T. PONTON PR, 15 Sepr 1838



Halifax County Deeds
Deed Book 30, Page 241

This Indenture made this Eleventh day of May in the year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred & thirty nine between LEVIN EVANS of the one part & MARIA EVANS of the other part all of the County of Halifax & State of North Carolina witnesseth that the said LEVIN EVANS for his consideration of the sum of Eight Dollars to him in hand paid the said MARIA EVANS at & before the sealing & delivering of these presents the receipt whereof the said LEVIN EVANS doth hereby acknowledge hath granted bargained & sold these presents doth grant bargain & sell release & confer unto the said MARIA EVANS her heirs & assigns forever a certain tract or parcel of land & premises situated lying & being in the County & State aforesaid it being part of the tract of land whereon the said LEVIN EVANS lives lying in the South West corner containing Eight acres more or less. To have & to hold the said land & premises with all & singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise thereunto appertaining unto the said MARIA EVANS her heirs & assigns forever. And the said LEVIN EVANS for himself & heirs & the said land & premises against all & every other person or persons whatsoever will forever warrant & defend unto the said MARIA EVANS her heirs & assigns forever by these presents. Whereof the said LEVIN EVANS has hereunto set his hand & seal the day & year above mention.


Signed Sealed & delivered
in the presence of

Halifax County
August Ct 1839

Then this Deed as duly proved in open court by the oath of J.MATTHEWS JR. & ordered to be Registered.

PR- M. T. PONTON, 16 Sept 1839



Halifax County Deeds
Deed Book 34, Page 306

This Indenture made this 29th day of June in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty one, between JAMES EVANS of the County of Halifax and State of N. Carolina of the one part, and HARDY RICHARDSON of the County and State aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth that the said JAMES EVANS hath this day bargained and sold and do by these presents bargain and sell unto the said HARDY RICHARDSON, for and in consideration of the sum of forty five dollars, to him in hand paid the rect whereof is hereby acknowledged two certain tracts or parcel of land lying in the County and State aforesaid, and being the same on which the said JAMES EVANS now resides, supposed to contain fifteen acres be the same more or less and adjoining the lands of the said HARDY RICHARDSON and WILLIAM K. KEARNEY, beginning and running as follows, Beginning at a stake in HARDY RICHARDSON's line running South 25 East 137 pole to a post oak and black jack corner in QUALL's old line, thence west to a black jack and red oak in the aforesaid line, thence North 25° West along al line of marked trees 137 pole to a post oak in the said RICHARDSON's line, thence East to the beginning. Also an adjoining tract bounded as follows, beginning at a black jack running south 25°East 137 pole to three black jacks in QUALL's old line, thenc East along said line to a black jack and red oak thence North 25 West along a line of marked trees 137 pole to a post oak, thence westward to the beginning, the two tracts supposed to contain fifteen acres. The said JAMES EVANS warrants and defends the right and title of said land unto the said HARDY RICHARDSON his heirs &c forever in witness whereof the said JAMES EVANS hath hereunto affixed his seal and set his hand in the presence of

JAMES EVANS ("X" his mark)


Halifax County
Augt Court 1857

Then the foregoing deed was exibited [sic] before me and the execution thereof duly proved by the acknowledgement of JAMES EVANS the grantor thereof.
Ordered therefoe that it be registered.

September 9th 1857



Halifax County Deeds
Deed Book 38, Page 501

Know all men by these presents that I ELIJAH EVANS (or SCOTT) of the County of Halifax & State of North Carolina for and in consideration of supplies in the way of provisions & articles of general merchandise furnished me by W.H. JONES of the same County & state aforesaid to enable me to carry on my farming operations for the year 1871, in amount not to exceed the sum of Fifty Dollars. Now for the said considerations above, I the said ELIJAH EVANS do by these presents give unto the said W.H. JONES his heirs or assigns a lien or mortgage on all the crop or crops of cotton, corn, fodder &c that I may cutback & save during the present year to the said JONES for his use & benefit or so much of said crops as will fully pay off & discharge a debt which the said JONES may hold against me, to be due by acct, & for further & additional security to the said W. H. JONES his heirs & assigns, for the consideration of supplies & do bargain, sell and convey unto the said JONES, one young steer, one cow & calf & stock of hogs for his use & benefit in fee simple & I do warrant the right & title to the said property named.
Now whomever I the said ELIJAH EVANS shall well & truly pay off & discharge this debt which the said JONES may hold against me, due by acct, as otherwise for said supplies then in that case, this instrument shall be null & void, otherwise if not fully paid off and discharged on or before the 1st day of December A.D.1871, then in that case this instrument shall be good & in full force & effect & the said W. H. JONES his heirs &c shall have full power to take enough of said crops or the stock &c as will pay his debt. Witness my hand & seal 22 May 1871.

ELIJAH EVANS ("X" his mark)


State of North Carolina
Halifax County
In the Probate Court
May 23rd, 1871

The due execution of the foregoing agreement or lien is this day proved by the oath and examination of SOL. J. STALLINGS, the subscribing witness thereto. Let the same with this certificate be registered.

Probate Judge

Paid & Recorded this 25th day of May 1871.
per E. T. CLARK D.R.D.



All above transcribed by Deloris Williams unless otherwise specified 


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