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Halifax County Deeds
Deed Book 17, Page 746

This Indenture made this third day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & ninety two between JAMES WEAVER of the county of Halifax & the state of North Carolina of the one part and WILLIAM PULLEN of the county & state aforesaid of the other part, witnesseth that the said WILLIAM PULLEN for and in consideration of the sum of thirty pounds secie, paid to him in hand, before the sealing & delivering of the receipt hereby the said JAMES WEAVER acknowledge thereof & forever discharge the said WILLIAM PULLEN his heirs, admnrs, & assigns, hath given, granted, bargained & sold allowed & confirmed and by these presents doth give, grant & sell & confirm to the said WILLIAM PULLEN his heirs & assigns forever, one certain tract of land, lying & being in the county of Halifax on the South side of Conway Creek, then by GILBERT's line & course continue 466 West to a red oak saplin in ABRAHAM BRINKLEY's line & course 288 pole to a pine in LAWRENCE WINFIELD's line East 92 pole to his corner, the by his other line East 22 pole to a pine his corner ABRAHAM BRINKLEY's line then by his line W 100 pole to a poplar his corner in a small branch, then down the branch 40 pole to the creek, the first station. It being one hundred & sixty acres of land more or less, transferred from JAMES WEAVER to the said WILLIAM PULLEN. Together with all houses, orchards, gardens, woods, underwoods, tenement, appurtenances, Revercion and revercion[sic], rents & services, present thereof and also all the right, estate, property, title or claim & demand whatsoever of him the said WEAVER, of in or to the same, or any part or parcel thereof. To have & to hold the said tract or parcel of land and premises thereof, with the only proper use & belief thereof, the said WILLIAM PULLEN, his heirs & assigns forever and for the said named JAMES WEAVER himself his heirs, the above tract or parcel of land, & every part or parcel thereof, with all & every the appurtenances against him, his heirs, or all other persons whatsover, the said PULLEN his heirs or assigns forever, shall will warrant & forever defend by these presents. In witness whereof the said JAMES WEAVER hath hereunto set his hand & affixed his seal, third day of May 1792.
JAMES WEAVER ("X" his mark)

Signed, sealed & delivered in the presence of us,

Halifax County Sct, February Sessions 1795
Then this deed was exhibited in open court, and duly proved by the oath of LEROY PULLEN one of the subscribing witnesses thereto, and on motion ordered to be registered.
Witness, L. LONG, C.Ct

Registered April 22nd, 1795. P. N. LONG, P.R.




Sheriff's Sale of JAMES WEAVER land to THOMAS BUSTIAN-1819
Halifax County Deeds
Deed Book 25, Page 56

State of North Carolina
Halifax County
Whereas by a Writ fieri facias issued by Clerk of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of the County aforesaid directed to the Sheriff of the said County and being tested the third Monday of November Eighteen hundred and Six (being the fifth Executor in this suit) commanding him that of the Goods, Chattles or for the wants of their of the lands and tenements of JAMES WEAVER in said suit he caused to be made the sum of nineteen pounds nineteen shillings lawful money of said State which he had expended in his suit against JOHN SCOTT of said County by said Court adjudged for his costs and charges in said suit by him in that behalf expended and that he should have the money before the worshipfull the Justice of said Court, at the next court to be held for the said County on the third Monday in February Eighteen hundred and Seven to render the proper claimants their due share of costs aforesaid, whereof the said JAMES WEAVER was convicted, I, WILSON W. CARTER Sheriff of said County by deputy JOHN JUDGE took certain tracts or parcels of land lying and being in said county and on the branches of the Fish Pond run making into Little Fishing Creek from the South side being all the lands of said WEAVER then owned in different parcels and near together and bounded by the land of ISHAM MATHEWS, BENJA. KIMBALL and others and on the day of sold the above lands to THOMAS BUSTIAN of said county being the highest bidder at and for the price of nineteen pounds nineteen shillings money as aforesaid. Now this Indenture made this day of Eighteen hundred & nineteen, between MARK H. PITTMAN [should say PETTWAY] now the Sheriff of said County on the part and behalf of WILSON W. CARTER late sheriff of said county of the one part and THOMAS BUSTIAN of th county aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of nineteen pounds & nineteen shillings aforesaid to him JOHN JUDGE Deputy Sheriff for the said W.W. CARTER in hand paid the receipt whereof he doth acknowledge. I the said MARK H. PETTWAY Sheriff aforesaid in presence of the laws of said State and duties enjoined on me as sheriff aforesaid do grant, bargain, sell and assign unto the said THOMAS BUSTIAN his heirs and assigns all the aforesaid tracts or parcels of lands to have and to hold the same unto the said THOMAS BUSTIAN his heirs, Executors, Administrators or assigns with all ways, woods, waters and every appertenances thereunto belonging or every way and manner belonging or in anywise appertaining unto the said THOMAS BUSTIAN his heirs and assigns forever in fee simple so far as the office of Sheriff will admit and no further and I the said MARK H. PETTWAY Sheriff aforesaid in conformity to the laws of the said State do make our and confirm unto the said THOMAS BUSTIAN his heirs, Excrs, Admrs and assigns all the all the aforesaid lands and premises. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and date above written.
for W. W. CARTER late Shff

Signed Sealed & delivered
In presence of [no witnesses listed]

Halifax County
August Session 1819
Then this deed was exhibited in open court & duly acknowledged & on motion ordered to be registered.




Halifax County Deeds
Halifax. Deeds 1886–1887
Deed Book 75B, Page 301

Whereas N. DUNN supplied my farm last year with corn and forage meat & meal and other necessaries to the amount of a hundred & fifty dollars and in which but thirty four dollars has been paid and whereas all my stock and crops were mortgaged to secure said supplies and are now liable to be sold to satisfy said debt therefore.
Know all men by these presents that I JANE ASHE in consideration of indulgences of said debt till next November by said DUNN and also in consideration of one dollar to me in hand paid the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged have sold and do hereby sell and convey to said DUNN all the crops that may be grown on my land the year 1887 of every name and notice; also my bay mare buggy harness, carts & farming implements. Witness my hand & seal Halifax County February 3rd 1887.
THOMAS WHITAKER ("X" his mark)
JANE ASHE ("X" her mark)


State of North Carolina
Halifax County

The within instrument was this day proven before me by the oath and examination of GEO. W. HEPTINSTALL, the subscribing witness thereto. Witness my hand and private seal this 25 day of February 1887.

Justice of the Peace

State of North Carolina
Halifax County
In the Supr. Court
Feby 25th 1887
The foregoing certificate of F. M. PARKER a Justice of the Peace of Halifax County is adjudged to be correct. Let the instrument with the certificates be registered.
Clk Supr Court

Received and Recorded
Feby 26, 1887



Halifax County Deeds
Deed Book 34, Page 512

This Indenture made and entered into this the first day of Jan eighteen hundred & fifty nine between WILLIAM L. WHITEHEAD of the first part and JACOB HIGGS of the second part both of the County of Halifax and State of North Carolina. Witnesseth that the said WHITEHEAD for and in consideration of the sum of One hundred and twenty two dollars and sixty four cents in hand paid by the said HIGGS to the said WHITEHEAD the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged has bargained and sold and doth by these presents grant bargain and sell to the said HIGGS a tract or parcel of land on Deep Creek and bounded as follows, Beginning at a pine in BURTON WHITE's line running thence nearly No. to one end of the old mill dam near the old Mill seat known originally as WHITEHEAD Mill thence along the centre of said to the No. end thence along a line of marked trees to a sowwood [sic] at a near the old line that divided the said WHITEHEAD's lands, have been recently sold as the property of JOS. WHITEHEAD dec'd thence a direction East to a maple and gum in Deep Creek thence along the main run of Deep Creek nearly So. to a gum a corner tree of the said WHITEHEAD and BURTON WHITE thence along a line of marked trees nearly West to the first station, supposed to contain twenty four acres more or less. To have and to hold the said land and premises to him the said HIGGS his heirs and assigns forever. And the said WHITEHEAD for himself his heirs Executors and Administrators doth forever warrant and defend the right title and interest of said land unto the said HIGGS his heirs and assigns forever.
In witness whereof the said WHITEHEAD hath hereunto set and affixed his hand and seal the day and date as above written.

Signed Sealed & delivered in presence of

North Carolina
Halifax County
Court of Pleas and Q Sessions, February Term A.D. 1859
Then the foregoing deed was exibited [sic] in open court and the execution thereof by the oath and examination of JNO. H. HYMAN a witness thereto.
Therefore let the said deed together with this certificate be registered.

March 23rd 1859




Halifax County Deeds
Microfilm No. 317045
Deed Book 9, Page 295

North Carolina
Know all men by these presents that I ELIZABETH WILLIAMS of the Province af'd for diverse good causes and consideration me hereunto moving but more especially for the tender love and affection I have and do bear unto my son SAMUEL WILLIAMS have and do by these presents give unto my said son SAMUEL WILLIAMS the following slaves viz, a Negro woman named CREAS and her child named TOM which said Negroes I give to my said son SAMUEL WILLIAMS them and their increase to him, his heirs and assigns forever only reserving the use and labor of the said slaves to myself during my natural life. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand fixed my seal this twenty fourth day of July 1765. ELIZABETH WILLIAMS ("O" her mark) (Seal).

Halifax County Sst.
October Court 1765
The execution of the aforesaid deed was in open court duly proved by the oath of JOS. JNO. WILLIAMS and thereupon was ordered to be registered.

(First record of Crease and Tom, who Samuel left orders to have freed in his 1791 will, which was carried out in 1798; they were given the GREEN surname)



Halifax County Deeds
Deed Book 9, Pages 312-314

North Carolina. This Indenture made the 29th day of July in the year of our Lord Christ one thousand Seven hundred and Sixty five between ELIZABETH WILLIAMS of the County of Halifax and Province af'd widow, of the first and RICHARD BURT of the County and Province af'd Gent'm of the second part and WILLIAM WILLIAMS, SOLOMON WILLIAMS and JOS. JOHN WILLIAMS of the County and province af'd of the third part
Whereas there is a marriage shortly intended to be had and solemnized, between the sd RICHARD BURT and ELIZABETH WILLIAMS and the sd ELIZABETH WILLIAMS is seized and possessed of seven Negro slaves (to wit) MINGO, COOBE, DAVIE, LITTLE CRESE, NAN, MOLL, and SAM which she and the sd RICHARD BURT have agreed and consented, shall and may not withstanding the intended marriage take effect be taken and accounted as a separate and distinct Estate from the Estate of the sd RICHARD BURT, and shall ordered and disposed of in such manner to such persons and for such uses and purposes as is here after mentioned. Now this Indenture witnesseseth that by setting the Estate of the sd ELIZABETH WILLIAMS for confirming the said agreement and also for and in consideration the said agreement and also for and in consideration of the sum of Five shillings to the sd ELIZABETH WILLIAMS in hand paid at or before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged she the sd ELIZABETH WILLIAMS hath granted and bargained and sold unto the said WILLIAM WILLIAMS, SOL'O. WILLIAMS and JOS. JOHN WILLIAMS all the sd seven Negro slaves above mentioned together with their future increase. To have and to hold the sd seven Negroes and their future increase to the sd WILLIAM WILLIAMS, SOL'O. WILLIAMS and JOS. JNO. WILLIAMS their heirs Exors Adm'rs and assigns in trust and to and for the several uses intents and purposes hereafter mentioned (that is to say until the sd intended marriage shall take effect, in trust) and to and for the sole use benefit and behoof of the same ELIZABETH WILLIAMS and after the solemnation of the sd marriage in trust and to and for the use of the sd RICHARD BURT and ELIZABETH WILLIAMS during their joynt live so as not to suffer and permitt them to have the occupation and use of the said seven Negro slaves during their said joynt lives without being accountable for the proffits arising from the labour of the sd slaves to any person whatsoever and in case the said ELIZABETH WILLIAMS shall survive the sd RICHARD BURT then in trust after the death of the said RICHARD BURT and to and for the sole use benefit and behoof of the sd ELIZABETH WILLIAMS her heirs Exors and adminrs. and assigns for forever but in case the sd RICHARD BURT should survive the sd ELIZABETH WILLIAMS then in trust and to and for such use as the sd ELIZABETH WILLIAMS not with standing her coverture shall by a writing under her hand and seal witnessed by two witnesses purporting to be her last Will and Testament direct limit & appoint and in case she shall make no such Will or appointment then in trust and to and for the use of such person & persons as should have been witnessed to the said slaves in case the marriage had never taken effect, and no other use intent or purpose whatsoever; and the said RICHARD BURT for himself his heirs Executors & Admnrs doth covenant promise and agree to and with the said WILLIAM WILLIAMS, SOLOMON WILLIAMS and JOSEPH JOHN WILLIAMS their Executors Admrs or assigns that in case the marriage shall take effect, & he shall dye before the said ELIZABETH WILLIAMS that the heirs Executors and Administrators of him the said RICHARD BURT shall well and faithfully deliver up and return all the said Seven Slaves & their increase (death excepted) to the said ELIZABETH WILLIAMS upon demand and that the siad slaves and their increase shall not at any time during the said marriage be removed out of the said province sold exchanged or otherwise parted from by him the aid RICHARD BURT and lastly that the said RICHARD BURT will suffer and permit her the said ELIZABETH at any time or times during the coverture to make and execute her last Will and Testament or other writing for the disposition of the said seven slaves according to the power herein before reserved & intended for her, and will consent to and abide by such will or writing. In witness whereof the parties of these presents have hereunto interchangeably set their hands and affixed their seals the day & year aforesaid. ELIZ'A WILLIAMS ("X" her mark) {seal} RICHARD BURT {seal} WM WILLIAMS {seal} SOL'O WILLIAMS {seal} JOS. JNO WILLIAMS{seal}.
Signed Sealed and delivered in the presence of us PHIL KEARNEY, EDW'D STEVENS ("X" his mark)

Halifax Sct. October Court 1765.
The aforegoing deed was in open court duly proved by the oath of PHIL KEARNEY a witness thereto and thereupon ordered to be registered.

(Elizabeth Alston, widow of Samuel Williams, d.1753 Edgecombe Co. She was the dau/of John Alston & Mary Baker)




Halifax County Deeds
Deed Book 33, Pages 550-551

This Indenture made this 10th March in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Eight hundred and fifty five, between JOHN WILLIAMS of the County of Halifax and State of North Carolina, of the one part and EMANUEL ASH free man of color, of the County and State aforesaid, of the other part, Witnesseth that the said JOHN WILLIAMS for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and twelve & 50/100 dollars to him in hand paid by the said EMANUEL ASH, at or before the sealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof the said JOHN WILLIAMS doth hereby acknowledge hath granted, bargained and sold and by these presents doth grant, bargain and sell unto the said EMANUEL ASH, his heirs and assigns forever, a certain tract or parcel of land, lying and being in the County of Halifax and State aforesaid bounded as follows, Beginning at a small sweet gum, on the East side of a small branch, then N 89½ E 69 poles to three maples with a new marked line, N 176 pole to two pines 2 sourwoods and one black gum, then S 89½ W69 pole then S 176 pole to the first station. Containing by survey seventy five acres, be the same more or less. To have and to hold the said land & premises & every part and parcel thereof to the said EMANUEL ASH, his heirs and assigns forever. And the said JOHN WILLIAMS doth on his part, warrant and forever defend the title of the aforesaid tract of land against all claims whatsoever. In witness whereof, the said JOHN WILLIAMS hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal the day & date above written.


Signed, sealed & delivered in presence of

Halifax County
May Court 1855

Then this deed was exhibited in open court, and the execution thereof duly proved by the oath of WILLIAM T. WILLIAMS, one of the subscribing witnesses thereto. Ordered, therefore that it be registered.
Pr. M. T. PONTON, P.R., 7 June 1855

Witness W. W. DANIEL, Clk




Land Grant
Halifax County Deeds
Deed Book 17, Page 568

State of North Carolina - No. 297
To all to whom these presents shall com, greeting:
Know ye, that we, for and in consideration of the sum of ten pounds for every hundred acres hereby granted, paid. into our treasury by SAMUEL WILLIAMS have given and granted, & by these presents do give & grant unto the said SAMUEL WILLIAMS, a tract of land containing fifty one acres lying & being in our county of Halifax, between the lines of JAMES EVINS, WILLIAM GILBERT & SAMUEL HAWKINS. Beginning at a spanish oak in EVINS line, then along JAMES WEAVER's line north sixty three East seventy two poles to a corner white oak in WILLIAM GILBERT's line, then along his line North twenty eight West one hundred & sixty poles to a red oak, thence South sixty West thirty poles to a black jack then along SAMUEL HAWKINS & EVINS lines to the beginning as by the plat hereunto annexed doth appear, together with all woods, waters, mines, minerals, hereditaments & apppurentances to the said land belonging or appertaining. To hold to the said SAMUEL WILLIAMS his heirs & assigns forever; yielding & paying to us such sums of money, yearly or otherwise as our general assembly from time to time may direct, Provided always that the said SAMUEL WILLIAMS shall cause this grant to be registered in the Registers office of the County of Halifax within twelve months from the date hereof, other wise the same shall be void & of no effect. In testimony whereof, we have caused these our letters to be made patent & our great seal to be hereunto affixed.
Witness ALEXANDER MARTIN, Esquire, our Governor, Captain-General & Commander in Chief at the ___* day of ___in the year XV year of our independence & in the year of our Lord one thousand, seven hundred and ninety.
By his excellc. comd.
J. GLASGOW- Secretary

Halifax County Sst. Registered in my office Dec'r 6th 1793.
P. N. LONG, P.R.

*Note: the blank spaces are exactly as in the entry*




Halifax County Deeds
Deed Book 18, Pages 343-344

This Indenture made Seventeenth day of August the year of our lord one thousand Seven hundred & ninety eight between SAMUEL WILLIAMS of the one part & SAMUEL HAWKINS of the said State & County of the other part witnesseth the said SAMUEL WILLIAMS for and in consideration of the sum of Ten pounds current money of Virginia to him in hand paid by the said SAMUEL HAWKINS the receipt hereof is acknowledged have bargained granted & sold & do by these presents grant bargain & sell unto the said SAMUEL HAWKINS his heirs & assigns all that tract & parcel of land in Halifax County between the lines of JAMES EVANS, WM. GILBERT & said SAMUEL HAWKINS, containing by estimation fifty one acres. Beginning at a Spanish oak in EVANS' line then along JAMES WEAVER's line No. 63 Sixty three Et. 127 po. to a corner white oak in WILLIAM GILBERT's line then along his line No. 28 Wt. 160 po. to a red oak thence So. 60 W. 30 po. to a black jack then along said SAMUEL HAWKINS & EVANS lines to the beginning. And all the rights priviledges immunities & hereditaments to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining to have & to hold the said tract of land & premises to the said SAMUEL HAWKINS his heirs & assigns to the only proper use & behoof of him the said SAMUEL HAWKINS his heirs & assigns forever & the said SAMUEL WILLIAMS for himself his heirs to the said SAMUEL HAWKINS the said tract of land against himself his heirs &c and against all & every other person or persons shall & will warrant & by these presents forever defend.
In witness whereof the said SAMUEL WILLIAMS hath hereunto set his hand & affixed his seal the day & date above written.

SAMUEL WILLIAMS ("X" his mark)

Signed Sealed & delivered in presence of us

Halifax County Sct.
August Sessions 1798
Then this deed was exhibited in open court & duly proved by the oath of JAMES MATHEWS one of the subscribing witnesses thereto and on motion ordered to be Registered.


Registered 19th September 1798




Halifax County Deeds
Deed Book 25, Page 340

Know all men by these presents that we WILLIAM WILLIAMS & MELISSA his wife for & in consideration of the sum of one thousand Dollars to us in hand paid by SALLY BURGES have bargained, sold & conveyed & do hereby bargain, sell & convey unto the said SALLY BURGES her heirs & assigns forever all that tract or parcel of land lying in Halifax County & which was allotted to me the said MELISSA in division of my late father LOVAT BURGES real Estate containing four hundred & twenty nine acres more or less. To have & to hold the premises hereby granted with the appurtenances unto the said SALLY BURGES her hers & assigns forever and we the said WILLIAM & MELISSA for ourselves & our heirs do hereby agree to warrant & forever defend the right & title to the aforesaid premises. In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names & affixed our seals the 10th day of March AD. 1821.

State of North Carolina, Warren County
March 10, 1821
The Execution of this Deed by WILLIAM WILLIAMS was by him this day acknowledged before me, afterwards on the same day MELISSA the wife of the said WILLIAM being separate & apart from her said husband & being by me privately examined touching her assent as to the execution of the said Deed by her acknowledged that she executed the same of her own free will & accord & not in consequence of any threats or persuasions of her said husband.
Therefore let it be registered.





Receipt from Husband's Estate
Halifax County Deeds
Deed Book 24, Page 257

Received of WILLIAM WILLIAMS & JAMES HARRIS, Executors of JOSEPH JOHN WILLIAMS Esq'r, late of Halifax County in full of all claims against the estate of s'd dec'd the following property, vizt: Negroes NED, CYRUS, DINAH, ANTHONY, BORNES, SALLY, MILLY SUSANNA, PENNY, SAMUEL, HARRY, DEMPSEY, STEPHEN, PHYLLIS, LYDIA, FANNY, GRANVILLE, HARDY, ASA, GEORGE, NELLY, HARRIET, JOE, FLORA, SYNTHIA, VIOLET, & OLIVIA. Also two beds, two suits of curtains, four pillows, three pair of sheets, six counterpanes, eight pillow cases, two toilets, two bowlslets, one dressing glass, six silver spoons, one dressing table, one breakfast table, six chairs, four calves & calves, eight vols. of Clarissy Harlow, one do. Balm Gilard, one do. Truth Vindicated, one do. Pomfrets' Pains, one do. Chas. Lee's Memories, one do. Christian's Philosopher, one do. Willwood's Meditations, one do. Adventurers of Rapel, one Hymn Book, one Philosophical Dictionary, one do. four vols. Slate & one do. Bonton on Futurity. Witness my hand this 2nd day February 1818.

WILLIAM GILLIAM ("X" his mark)

Halifax County
May Sessions 1818
Then this receipt was exhibited in open court & duly proven by the oath of WILLIAM GILLUM a witness thereto & on motion ordered to be registered.

pr M. T. PONTON P.R.

Note: In above deed, "do" meant ditto; also, they were naming some of the books received.

This was Elizabeth N. Hunter Williams (1778-1864), widow of Joseph J. Williams (1775-1808)




Halifax County Deeds
Deed Book 17, Pages 817-818

This Indenture made the twelfth day of December, in the year of our lord one thousand, seven hundred & sixty between the Right Honorable JOHN EARL Granville, Viscount Carteret and Baron Carteret of Hawne in the County of Bedford with in the Kingdom of Great Brittian (sic) lord president of Majestys most honorable privy council and Knight of the most noble order of the garter of the one part, and WILSON WILLIAMS of the county of Halifax and province of North Carolina, planter of the other part. Whereas his most his most excellent majesty King George, the second in & by a certain indenture bearing date the seventeenth day of September in the Eighteenth year of his reign and in the year of our lord, one thousand seven hundred and forty four, and made between his said most excellent majesty of the one part and the said JOHN EARL GRANVILLE, by name stile & title, of the right honorable JOHN LORD CARTERET of the other part, did, for the consideration therein mentioned give & grant release ratify & confirm unto the said Earl (by name) stile and title of JOHN LORD CARTERET as aforesaid, and of his heirs & assigns forever, a certain district territory or parcel of land lying in the province of North Carolina in America and all the sounds, creeks, havens, ports, rivers, streams and other Royalties, franchises, privileges, and jointures within the same, as they are therein set out as described, allotted, granted and confirmed to the said JOHN EARL GRANVILLE as aforesaid, for one eight part of the charters granted by KING CHARLES the second, and in the fifteenth and seventeenth years of his reign to eight lords proprietors of North Carolina as by the said indenture duly enrolled in the high court of Chancery in Great Britain and in the secretarys office of the province of North Carolina reference being thereto had. Will more fully appear now this indenture
Witnesseth that as well, for & in consideration of the sum of ten shillings sterling money to the said JOHN EARL GRANVILLE in hand paid by the said WILSON WILLIAMS at or before the sealing & delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof, he the said Earl doth hereby acknowledge, as also for & in consideration of the rent, covenants, exceptions, provises, and agreements, hereinafter mentioned, received & contained and by and on the part & behalf of the said WILSON WILLIAMS, his heirs & assigns to be paid, kept & performed, He the said Earl hath given, granted, bargained, sold & confirmed & by these presents doth give, grant, bargain, sell, confirm unto the said WILSON WILLIAMS his heirs & assigns forever, all that tract or parcel of vacant land situate lying & being in the parish of Edgecomb in the County of Halifax in the said province beginning in the center of three white oaks, THOMAS THORNE's corner in JAS. EVANS line, then along his long, So. 30 West 24 pole to a red oak, in the said EVANS' corner in ARON ETHERIDGE's line then along his line So. 30 West, 24 pole to a red oak in the said EVANS' corner, in ARON ETHERIDGE's line, then along his line So.90, East 200 po. to a white oak, JOHN POPE's corner, then along his line So. 232 po. to a turkey oak in the said POPE's corner on Fishing Creek, then down the said Creek So. 68, East 18 po. to a turkey oak on the said creek, CALLEB ETHERIDGE's corner, then along line West 10 East 252 po. to a red oak, and WILLIAMS own corner, then along his line to the first station. Ninety four acres of land all which premises are now particularly described and set forth and the plan or map thereof or hereunto annexed together with all woods, underwoods, timber & timber trees, water courses and the privilege of hunting, hawking, fishing & fowling in & upon the premises & all mines & minerals, whatsoever therein to be found, excepting and always reserving out of the present grant unto the King's most excellent majesty his heir & successors, one fourth part of all the gold and silver mines to be found in & upon the premises, & also excepting & always receiving unto the said JOHN EARL GRANVILLE his heirs & assigns, one moity or half part of the remaining three fourths of such gold & silver mines. To have & to hold the said tract or parcel of vacant & all & singular other the premises with their appurtenances (except before excepted) unto the said WILSON WILLIAMS his heirs & assigns forever; yielding & paying therefore, yearly and every year unto the said JOHN EARL GRANVILLE, his heirs & assigns, yearly rent or sum of three shillings & nine pence, which at the rate of three shillings terling for every hundred acres & so in proportion for less quantity, at or upon the twenty fifth day of March & the twenty ninth day of September, in every year by even & equal portions & to be paid at the courthouse of the said County of Halifax unto the said Earl, his heirs or assigns as to his or their lawful attorney, or receiver for the time being, the first payment thereof to be made on such of the afore mentioned days of payment, as shall first happen after the date hereof, and the said WILSON WILLIAMS, for himself his heirs & assigns for either & every of them doth hereby covenant promise & agree to & with the said Earl, his heirs & assigns & to & with either & every of them by these presents, in manner & form following, that is to say, that WILSON WILLIAMS his heirs & assigns shall & will yearly and for every year forever, well & truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said Earl, his heirs or assigns or into his or their lawful attorney or receive for the time being one the days and at the place aforesaid, the aforesaid yearly rent on or sum of three shillings and nine pence by half yearly payment as aforesaid. Provided always and this present grant is hereby expressly declared & agreed by & between the said parties to be neverthe less upon. The condition vizt that if it shall happen that the said yearly rent of three shillings & 9 d. or any part thereof, shall at any time hereafter be behind or impaired for the pace of six months the next time, or after either of the aforementioned days of payment, and no sufficient distress can be found in the premises whereon it shall be lawful to levy such rent & arrears with the full costs, charges & expenses in making the same, that then this person present grant and all assigns ments thereof, shall be utterly and of no effect. And it shall be lawful for the said Earl, his heirs & assigns to re-enter unto the said land & to re-grant the same, to any other person or persons whomsoever, as if this grand and such assignments had never been made. In witness whereof, the parties above named, have to these presents, interchangeably set their hands and seals, the day and year herein first above written. Be it remembered that the day and year first above written THOMAS CHILD Esq'r by virtue of a special letter of attorney and commission under the hand & seal of the above named JOHN EARL GRANVILLE to him made for this purpose & duly entered & registered in the Secretary's office of the Province of North Carolina, did in the name of the said EARL, subscribe this grant with the EARL's title and the seal and deliver the same as his the said EARL's act and deed, in the presence of us.


Examinied by us
Halifax County SSt

August Sessions 1795
Then this grant or patent was exhibited in open court for probate; whereupon EGBERT HAYWOOD Esquire came forward and made oath that he was well acquainted with the handwriting of JOSEPH MONTFORT who appears to be one of the subscribing witnesses and that he believed the said JOSEPH subscribed himself a witness thereto with his own proper hand and on motion ordered to be registered.
Registered September 22nd 1795, P. W. LONG P.R.




Slave Bill of Sale
Halifax County Deeds
Deed Book 20, Page 4

State of North Carolina, Halifax County. Received this day of PETER MORGAN the sum of six hundred and sixteen dollars in full payment for two Negroes that is SIMEON aged about nineteen or twenty years and EASTER aged about twelve year, which sd Negroes SIMEON and EASTER I do for myself my heirs &c warrant and forever defend to him the sd PETER MORGAN his heirs &c against the lawful claim or demand of all and manner of persons whatever.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 20th day of Feb. 1802.


Halifax County Sst.
February Sessions 1805
Then this bill sale was exhibited in open court and duly proved by the oath of BENJAMIN WEAVER a witness thereto and on motion ordered to be registered.






Halifax County Deeds
Deed Book 14, Page 677-678

This Indenture made the twelfth of Aprill in the year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and eighty three between JOHN WINFIELD of Halifax County of the one part and SAMUEL HAWKINS of the other part witnesseth the JOHN WINFIELD for & in consideration of the sum of fifteen pounds proclamation money to be paid at and before the ensealing and delivery of the receipt hereof which the said JOHN WINFIELD in consideration of the same hath given granted bargained sold allowed and confirmed and by these presents doth give grant sell and confirm unto the said SAM HAWKINS his heirs Exrs admrs and assigns forever one certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Hawtree Creek in the County of Halifax containing one hundred acres beginning at a hickory thence East to a post oak then South to a pine thence East to a pine thence North to the first station; for one hundred acres more or less with the reversion and reversions remainder and remainders thereof and every part thereof To have and to hold the said tract of land together with all houses gardens orchards ways woods & underwoods water & water courses and all other appurtenances thereunto belonging to him the said SAMUEL HAWKINS his heirs and assigns forever and the said JOHN WINFIELD doth covenant and agree with the sd SAM'L HAWKINS his heirs & assigns that the above granted premises are free and clear of all charges and incumbrances whatever. And the JOHN WINFIELD hath an indefeasable Estate of Inheritance in fee simple and also hath full power and authority to sell and dispose of the same and the sd JOHN WINFIELD for himself his heirs Exrs or Admrs or assigns shall and will warrant & secure and forever defend the property and sale of the land and premises unto the said SAMUEL HAWKINS his heirs Exrs Admrs or Assigns against the lawfull claims or demand of any person or persons whatsoever and all rights of dowerys thirds and immunities whatsoever and shall & will at any time hereafter at the reasonable request of the sd SAM'L HAWKINS make and execute such other conveyances as in the law for the better or surer making of the sd premises unto him the sd SAM'L HAWKINS his heirs and assigns as shall be advised or required. In witness hereof the said JOHN WINFIELD hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal the day and year first above written.
Signed Sealed & delivered in the presence of us,
WILLIAM GILBERT ("X" his mark)

Halifax County May Court 1783
Then the above deed was duly proved in open court and upon motion ordered to be recorded.

And is registered JNO GEDDY Pub. Reg.



Land Patent Book
File No. 555, WILLIAM WOOD, Falling Creek, Halifax County
Issued: 09 Jul 1794
Book: 83 pg: 54
Grant no.: 341
Entered: 04 Dec 1792
Entry no.: 281
State of North Carolina
Know ye that We have granted unto WILLIAM WOOD one hundred acres of Land in our County of Halifax on the South side of falling Creek Beginning at a Red Oak in WILLIAM BRINKLEY's line the West one hundred & thirty four poles to a Spanish oak then North ninety poles to a white oak in BENJAMIN RICHARDSON's line then along said RICHARDSON's line West Seventy two poles one hundred and eighteen poles to a white oak then East Seventy two poles to a hicory[sic] then South twenty eight poles To a Red Oak then East one hundred and thirty four poles to a stake then North fifty Six poles to the first Station To hold to the said WILLIAM WOOD his heirs & assigns for Ever. Dated the 9th of July 1794.

J. GLASGOW Secrety.


North Carolina, Land Grant Files, 1693-1960 (Ancestry.com) original images
No. 281
North Carolina
Halifax County
To the Surveyor of Halifax County
You are hereby commanded as soon as soon as may be to lay off & Survey for WILLIAM WOOD one hundred acres of land in Halifax County joining the lines of WILLIAM BRINKLEY, JAMES MATTHEWS and my own, agreeable to his entry made in the Entry Takers office December 4th 1792, observing the directions of the Acts of Assembly in such case made & provided for runing out lands; two just and fair plans of such survey, with a proper Certificate annexed to each, you are to transmit, with this Warrant, to the Secretary's Office without Delay. Given under my hand this 8th Day of March 1793.

Halifax County the 8 day of October 1793.
Then surveyed for WILLIAM WOOD a Tract of Land lying in said County on the South side of falling Creek agreeable to his warrant No. 281 Dated the 4 day of December 1792.
Beginning at a red oak in WILLIAM BRINKLEY's line then west 134 pole to a spanish oak then North 90 po. to a white oak in BENJAMIN RICHERSON's line then along said RICHERSON's line west 72 po. to a spanish oak then along woods own line So. 118 pole to a white oak then East 72 pole to a Hickory then So. 28 pole to a red oak then East 134 pole to a stake then North 56 pole to the first station Containing 100 acres of Land.

Sworn Chain Car'r


Halifax County the 8th of October 1793.
This Surveyed for WM WOOD a Tract off Land lying in sd County & on the South side of falling Creek Beginning at a red oak in WM BRINKLEY's line then wt. 134 po. to a spanish oak then No. 90 po. to a white oak in BENJAMIN RICHERSON's line then a long his line wt. 72 po. to a spanish oak then woods line So. 118 po. to a white oak then Et. 72 po. to a Hickory then So. 28 po. to a red oak then Et. 134 po. to the first station.


Recorded and Registered
Land Grant
Halifax County Deeds
Deed Book 18, Pages 895-896

State of North Carolina - No. 341
To all to whom these presents shall come Greeting. Know ye that we for & in consideration of the sum of thirty shillings for every hundred acres hereby granted paid into our Treasury by WILLIAM WOOD bargained & granted and by these presents do give & grant unto the said WILLIAM WOOD a tract of Land containing one hundred acres lying & being in our County of Halifax on the South side of Falling Creek beginning on a red oak in WILLIAM BRINKLEY's line Wt. 134 p. to a spanish oak then N. 90 p. to a white oak in BENJAMIN RICHARDSON's line then along said RICHARDSON's line Wt. 42 p. to a spanish oak, then along WOODS own line, So. 116 p. to a white oak then Et. 72 p. to a hickory then So. to 28 p. to a red oak then Et. 132 p. to a stake then No.56 p. to the first station as by the plat hereunto annexed doth appear, together with all woods waters mines minerals, hereditaments and appertenances to the sd. land belonging or appertaining to hold to the his heirs & assigns forever. Yielding & paying to us such sums of money yearly or otherwise as our General Assembly from time to time may direct, provided always that the sd. WILLIAM WOOD shall cause this grant to be Registered in the Registers Office of our said County of Halifax within that time limited by law otherwise the same shall be void & of no effect. In Testimony whereof we have caused these our letters to be made patent and Great seal to be hereunto affixed. Witness RICHARD DOBBS SPAIGHT Esquire our Governor, Captain-General and Commander in Chief at Newbern, the ninth day of July in the 19th year of our Independence and in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred & ninety four.

By his Excellency's command - RICHARD DOBBS SPAIGHT
J. GLASGOW Secretary



Halifax County Deeds
Deed Book 32, Page 437

This Indenture made this the tenth day of January in the year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred & forty Eight between PARSON WOODRUFF of the County of Halifax & State of North Carolina of the one part & JAMES HICKS of the said County & State of the other part witnesseth that the said PARSON WOODRUFF for & in consideration of the sum of thirty Dollars to him in hand paid by the said JAMES HICKS has bargained & sold unto him the said JAMES HICKS a certain tract or parcel of land lying in the County of Halifax & the State of North Carolina containing fourteen acres be the same more or less & bounded as follows to wity lying on the northwest side of CARPENTER's Mill laid adjoining the land of WILLIAM MILLS & others. The said JAMES HICKS to have & to hold the said land free from any claims whatsoever. And the said PARSON WOODRUFF doth agree to warrant & forever defend the right & title of said land against himself his heirs or any person or persons whatsoever claiming or to claim unto the said JAMES HICKS his heirs or assigns forever. In witness whereof I the said PARSON WOODRUFF have hereunto set my hand & affixed my seal the day & date first above written.

Signed & acknowledged in the presence of HENRY A. HOUSE

Halifax County Court
February Term 1848
Then this deed was exhibited in open court & execution thereof duly proved by the oath of HENRY A. HOUSE one of the subscribing witnesses thereto. Ordered therefore that it be Registered.
pr M. T. PONTON PR, 20 Apl 1848

Witness W. W. DANIEL Clerk




All above transcribed by Deloris Williams unless otherwise specified 


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