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Deed of Gift
Halifax County Deeds
Deed Book 35, Page 17-18

Know all men by these presents that I JOHN LEE of the County of Halifax and State of Carolina as well for inconseration [consideration] of the natrul love and affection which I have and bar unto my unto my beloved daughter CAROLINA HARDY and for her better Better meantainces and divers other causes hereunto making and for the better maintainance of my beloved daughter CAROLIA HARDY wife of EDWARD HARDY, do grant and lend to the said CAROLIN HARDY wife of EDWARD HARDY, I the said JOHN LEE do lend unto my daughter CAROLIN HARDY one certain tract of land and premises lying and being in the County of halifax and on bar Sampe[Bear Swamp] containing two hundred and seventy five acres also for the same purpas and cause I lende her the same CAROLINIA HARDY wife of EDWARD HARDY one other tract of land lying and being in the County of halifax and lying on the Road near bar samp [Bear Swamp] known by the name WAD CRAWLEY tract of land containing one hundred ninety seve[sic] acres be the same more or less, and also I lend unto my daughter CAROLIN HARDY for her better maintainance the following name Negros to with BILLY, BUCK, SUSAN, JAMES, HENRY, LUCY ANN, MARY, ELLEN, SANAR, JAN HALL, JORDON, MENURVY, NEDE after the death of my said daughter CAROLINIA I give the aforesaid land and Negros to her children to be equal divided between at her death and not before but I except any part of the land and Negros that I may want or neede during my life and I the saide JOHN LEE will and do warrant a good and shure[sic] and perfect right to the above lands and Negros to CAROLINs children to them and ther airs[sic] for Ever wheas[sic] I have set my hand and affix miy seal this the 27 day of August 1859.

Signed Sealed & delivered
in the presence of

North Carolina
Halifax County
Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions
February Term A. D. 1860
Then the foregoing and within deed was exibited[sic] in Open Court and the execution thereof was duly proved by the oath and examination of F N McWILLIAMS a witness thereto. Therefore let the said deed together with the certificate be registered.

Tax fee paid.
per J J ANDERSON DPR March 22nd 1860

Note: This deed contains many spelling errors some of which I have added a few corrections for some words I felt would not be so obvious to all readers. Any others are left "as is" since it shouldn't be too difficult to understand the actual word, including the many name variations.




JOHN LEE to Heirs of EDWARD LEE- 1860
Deed of Gift
Halifax County Deeds
Deed Book 35, Page 19

Know all men by these presents that I JOHN LEE of the County of Halifax and State of North Carolina as well for and in consideration of the natural love and affection which I have and bear toward my beloved Grand Children of my son EDWARD LEE for divers good causes making for the better maintainance of my beloved EDWARD LEE's children do give grant unto my said three grandsons (namely) MALACHI, EDWARD, JAMES GILBERT LEE one certain tract or parcel of land bought of my son JONES LEE containing six hundred and five and one fourth acres it being the land bought of my son JONES LEE, JOSEPH J. DANIEL and the land I bought of the late SOLOMON HAWKINS heirs to be equally divided between my three youngest sons of EDWARD LEE, MALACHI, EDWARD and JA'S GILBERT LEE the aforesaid tract or parcel of land to be equally divided between on arriving to the age twenty one years (of age) and not before, also the following named Negroes, to wit, to my three grand sons MALACHI, EDWARD and JAMES GILBERT LEE also to my three granddaughters MARY, LAURA and SARAH J. the said JOHN LEE do give and grant the following named Negroes, to wit, HENDERSON, MARCANA, HARRIET, JAMES, ANN, CAROLINE, HARRY, SADA, DILCY, ALFRED, AARON, WILLIAM, MALISSA, ELLEN and GILBERT. For myself my heirs Excrs, Adm'r and assigns do warrant and forever defend against the claim of any or all persons or persons whatever. And I for myself reserve any part of said land and Negroes or any part if I should want or need during my life, and I the said JOHN LEE will forever warrant and defend the right and title to the above property. Given under my hand and seal this 24th September 1859.


In presence of

North Carolina
Halifax County
Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions
February Term A.D. 1860
Then the foregiving and within deed was exibited in open Court and the execution thereof was duly proved by the examination of F. N. McWILLIAMS a witness thereto. Therefore let the said deed together with this certificate be registered. Tax fee paid.

per J. J. ANDERSON DPR March 22 1860



Deed of Gift
Halifax County Deeds
Deed Book 35, Pages 18-19

Know all men by these presents that I JOHN LEE of the County of Halifax and State of North Carolina as well for and in consideration of the natural love and affection which I have and bear unto my beloved son JONES LEE and for divers other good causes hereunto making and the better maintenance of my beloved son JONES LEE do give and grant this presence doth give and grant unto my said son JONES LEE one certain tract or parcil of land and premises situate and liing[sic] and being in the County of Halifax and State aforesaid and bounded as follows. Beginning at a white oak on KIMBELLS spring branch and running S60° ½ East 21 pole to dogwood thence South 136 pole to three white oaks and pine pointer thence North 86 East 138 pole to red oak thence North 40 pole to sweet gum thence East 24 pole to a willow oake on the bank of Little Fishing Creek thence up the meanders of the said to the mouth of the aforesaid KIMBELLS Springs there up the meanders of said Creek to the mouth of Hawtree thence up the said Hawtree Creek to SOL HAWKINS lin[sic] then HAWKINS lin to a post oake thence the olde GILBERT lin to black gum thence a marked line to the beginning, containing Four hundred and seventeen acres of land mor or less to have and to hold Holde [sic] the said tract or parcel of land and premises with all and singlar appertainance thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining unto my said son JONES LEE his heirs and assigns to the onley [sic] proper use and behoof of the said JONES LEE his heirs and assigns forever. And I the said JOHN LEE for myself my heirs and assigns will and do warrant and for Ever his heirs for Ever defende the aforesaid tract or pacel [sic] of land and premises to my son JONES LEE his heirs for Ever in also for the same Natural Love and for my said son JONES LEE better metainance[sic] I the said JOHN LEE do give unto my said son JONES LEE to him and his heirs For Ever the following name Negroes to wit: NELSON and SALLY, LITTLE BETHENY, MALVINEY, CHILSERY, ADAM, JOHN, MANDA, DANIEL, HENRY, MARTHA ANN, POKER HUNTER they and their increas forever to my said son JONES LEE to him and his heirs forever but I do except any part of the, Aney part of the Land or Negros if I shood want or need during my life, and I the said JOHN LEE do and will warrant a good right and title to my said son JONES LEE to him and his heirs for Ever. Whear[sic] of I the said JOHN LEE hath her unto set my hande and affix my seal this the 27 Day of August 1859.

Sined in the presens of

North Carolina, Halifax County
Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions
February Term A.D. 1860

Then the foregoing and within deed was exibited in open court and the execution thereof was duly proved by the oath and examination of F N McWILLIAMS a witness thereto Therefore let the said deed together with this certificate be registered.

per J. J. ANDERSON DPR March 27 1860




Halifax County Deeds
Deed Book 75B, Pages 256-257

State of North Carolina
Halifax County
This Deed mad this 20th day of December 1886 by JONES LEE SR. of Halifax County of the first part, to DUDLEY LYNCH of Halifax County and the State of North Carolina of the second part, Witnesseth: That said JONES LEE SR. in consideration of four hundred seventy five dollars, to him paid by DUDLEY LYNCH the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, have bargained and sold, and by these presents do bargain, sell and convey to said DUDLEY LYNCH and heirs and assigns, a tract of land in Halifax County, State of North Carolina adjoining the lands of WILLIAM STOKES on the west and South by WILLIAM STOKES, JAS. J. KING on North and others, bounded as follows viz: the tract is said to contain sixty six and two thirds acres more or less to have and to hold the aforesaid tract and all priveleges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the said DUDLEY LYNCH heirs and assigns forever to their only use and behoof. And the said JONES LEE SR., covenant to and with the said DUDLY LYNCH heirs and assigns that he seized of said premises in fee, and have right to convey the same in fee simple, that the same are free from all incumbrances, and that he will warrant and defend the said title to the same against the claims of all persons whatsoever in testimony whereof the said JONES LEE SR. have hereunto set his hand and seal, this day and year above written.

North Carolina, Halifax County
I. W. W. ROSSER, J.P. do hereby certify that JONES LEE SR. personally appeared before me this day, and acknowledge the due execution of the annexed deed of conveyance; and the said being by me privately examined separate and apart from her said husband, touching her voluntary execution of the same; doth state that she signed the same freely and voluntarily, without fear or compulsion of her said husband or any other person, and that she doth still voluntarily assent thereto. Let the same, with this certificate be registered this 20 day of Decr 1886.

North Carolina, Halifax County
The foregoing certificate of W. W. ROSSER a justice of the peace of Halifax County is adjudged to be correct and sufficient. Let the instrument with the certificates be registered. Witness my hand this 3rd day of January 1887.
Clerk Superior Court

Filed for Registration
Jany 3rd 1887

L. VINSON Reg. Deeds per W. W. KITCHEN, Dep




Halifax County Deeds
Halifax. Deeds 1868–1869
Deed Book 36, Pages 232-233

State of North Carolina
Halifax County
This Indenture made and entered into this 2nd day November 1868 between JONES LEE SENIOR of the one part, and JOHN W. LEE of the other part, both of the County and State aforesaid. Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of one Thousand Dollars cash in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the said JONES LEE has sold, bargained & conveyed & by these presents doth sell, bargain and convey to the said JOHN W. LEE of the second part, to him his heirs & assigns forever two tracts or parcels of land lying & being in the County & State aforesaid. One tract containing by estimation, one hundred & Seventy seven aces, be the same more or less lying little Fishing Creek & bounded follows, beginning at the mouth of KIMBELL's Spring branch & running up Little Fishing Creek to the mouth of Hawtree Creek, thence up Hawtree to MALIKI LEE's line, thence along said line to KIMBELL's Spring branch then down said branch to the beginning. Also another tract containing by estimation Sixty six acres, lying on Hawtree Creek & bounded by the lands of NICK RICHARDSON, JOHN WESTLEY SHEARIN, THO'S LYNCH & JOHN MABRY.
Now the said JONES LEE doth warrant and defend unto him the said JOHN W. LEE his heirs & assigns forever all the right title and interest which the said JONES LEE SR. held or possessed in the above described tracts of land against the right title & claim of all persons whomsoever. In witness whereof the said JONES LEE SENIOR hath hereunto set his hand & seal the day & date above written.


State of North Carolina
County of Halifax
Office of Judge of Probate
Personally appeared before the undersigned Judge of Probate for said County, JONES LEE who acknowledged the due execution of the within as being his act and deed, and it appearing that MARTHA LEE, the wife of JONES LEE is so aged and infirm that she cannot travel to the Judge of Probate.
Now therefore I commission you to take the acknowledgement to the within deed of the said MARTHA LEE and also the private examination of the said MARTHA LEE, apart from her husband touching her apart thereto.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my seal of office at office in Halifax Town this the 1st day of February A.D. 1869.
Probate Judge

State of North Carolina
County of Halifax
Be it remembered that in pursuance of the foregoing commission to me directed on this the 4th day of February A.D. 1869, came MARTHA LEE wife of JONES LEE, who acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing deed and thereupon the said MARTHA LEE being by me privately examined separate and apart from her said husband touching the execution thereof says: that she executed the same freely and of her own accord, without fear or compulsion or her said husband or any other person and that she still did voluntarily apart thereto.

The State of North Carolina
Halifax County
In the Probate Court
9th Feby 1869
The within and foregoing deed having been duly acknowledged by JONES LEE and the examination of MARTHA LEE wife of the said JONES LEE, being in due form of law. Let the said deed with accompanying certificates be registered.
Received 9th recorded 11th Feby 1869.
JOHN N. BROWN, R.D.                                JOHN T. GREGORY
pr R.W. BROWN D.R.D.                                Probate Judge




Halifax County Deeds
Halifax. Deeds 1868–1869
Deed Book 36, Pages 235-236

State of North Carolina
County of Halifax
This Indenture made and entered into this 2nd day of November 1868, by and between JONES LEE, SENIOR of the State and County aforesaid of the one part, and JONES LEE, JUNIOR of the County and State aforesaid of the part; Witnesseth: That for and in consideration of the sum of One Thousand Dollars cash in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the said JONES LEE, SENIOR, of the first part has bargained sold and conveyed and by these presents doth bargain, sell & convey to the said JONES LEE JUNIOR of the second part his heirs and assigns forever a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the county and state aforesaid on Little Fishing Creek, it being the tract of land on which the said JONES LEE SENIOR now resides containing by estimation Two Hundred and Forty acres, be the same more or less and bounded as follows: beginning at a willow oak about 5 poles above MRS. JOYNER's old mill, thence up Little Fishing Creek to the mouth of KIMBELL's Spring branch, thence up said branch to the line of the land of the heirs of EDWARD LEE dec'd thence along said line to a stake (3 white oak and 2 pine pointers) on the line of land known as the MATTHEWS tract, thence along said line to the beginning; to have and to hold the above named tract of land to the only proper use and behoof of the said JONES LEE SENIOR, for himself his heirs and assigns, will warrant and defend forever against the claim or claims of any and all persons whomsoever.
In witness whereof JONES LEE SENIOR hath hereunto set his hand & seal this the day & date above written.


State of North Carolina
Halifax County
Office of Judge of Probate
Personally appeared before the undersigned Judge of the Probate for said County JONES LEE who acknowledged the due execution of the within as being his act and deed and it appearing that MARTHA LEE, the wife of JONES LEE is so aged or infirm that she cannot travel to the Judge of Probate.
Now therefore I commission you to take the acknowledgement to the within deed of the said MARTHA LEE and also the private examination lf the said MARTHA LEE apart from her husband touching her apart thereto.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my seal of office at office in Halifax Town, this the 1st day of Feby A.D. 1869.
Probate Judge

State of North Carolina
Halifax County
Be it remembered that in pursuance of the foregoing commission to me directed on this the 4th day of February A.D. 1869, came MARTHA LEE, wife of JONES LEE who acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing deed and thereupon the said MARTHA LEE being by me privately examined, separate and apart from her said husband touching the execution thereof say; that she executed the same freely and of her own accord, without fear or compulsion of her said husband or any other person and she did still voluntarily apart thereto.
Given under my hand the day of Feby A.D. 1869.

The State of North Carolina
Halifax County
In the Probate Court
9th Feby 1869
The within and foregoing deed having been duly acknowledged by JONES LEE and the examination of MARTHA LEE wife of the said JONES LEE being in due form let the said deed with accompanying certificates be registered.
Probate Judge

Received 9th & recorded 12th Feby 1869
pr R.W. BROWN, D.R.D.




Halifax County Deeds
Halifax. Deeds 1868–1869
Deed Book 36, Pages 233-235

State of North Carolina
Halifax County
This Indenture made and entered into this 2nd day November 1868 between JONES LEE SENIOR of the State and County aforesaid of the one part and LOUISA W. LEE of the other part, Witnesseth: That for and in consideration of the sum of Six Hundred and Sixteen Dollars, cash in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the said JONES LEE SENIOR of the first part has bargained, sold and conveyed and by these presents, doth, bargain sell & convey to the said LOUISA W. LEE of the second part, her heirs and assigns forever, a certain tract of land lying and being in the aforesaid County & State on Little Fishing Creek it being the tract of and the said JONES LEE SENIOR purchased of MASON L. WIGGINS, agent of T. P. MATTHEWS containing by estimation One hundred & Thirty seven acres bounded as follows: beginning at an ash and gum at the mouth of Rocky Branch & running N 27° west 150 poles to a stake (3 white oak & 2 pine pointers) thence North 86½ East 135½ poles to a red oak stump (hickory & gum pointers) thence North 40 poles to a sweet gum, thence North 86½ East 26 poles to a willow oak on Fishing Creek about 5 poles above MRS. JOYNER's old mill; thence down said Creek to beginning. Now the said JONES LEE SENIOR of the first part doth warrant and defend unto her the said LOUISA W. LEE, her heirs and assigns forever, all the right & title which the said JONES LEE SENIOR held and possessed in the the before described land against the right title claim of all persons whomsoever. In witness whereof the said JONES LEE SENIOR hath hereunto set his hand & seal, the day and date above written.


State of North Carolina
Halifax County
In the Probate Court
JONES LEE having this day acknowledged the within and foregoing deed to be his own act and deed and it appearing to the Court that MARTHA LEE wife of the said JONES LEE is so aged and infirm that she cannot travel to the Probate Judge. Now therefore I commission you to take the acknowledgement tot the within deed of the said MARTHA LEE wife of the said JONES LEE as aforesaid and also the private examination of the said MARTHA LEE apart from her said husband touching her apart thereto.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my seal of office at office in Halifax Town this the 1st day of February A.D. 1869.
Probate Judge

The State of North Carolina
County of Halifax
Be it remembered that in pursuance of the foregoing commission to me directed on this the 4th day of February A.D. 1869, came MARTHA LEE wife of JONES LEE, who acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing deed and thereupon the said MARTHA LEE wife of the said JONES LEE, being by me privately examined separate and apart from her said husband touching the execution thereof says: that she executed the same freely and of her own accord, without fear or compulsion or her said husband or any other person and that she did still voluntarily apart thereto.

The State of North Carolina
Halifax County
In the Probate Court
9th Feby 1869
The within and foregoing deed being duly acknowledged by JONES LEE and the examination of MARTHA LEE, wife of the said JONES LEE being in due form, let the same be registered with the accompanying certificates.
Received 9th recorded 11th Feby 1869.
JOHN N. BROWN, R.D.                JOHN T. GREGORY
R.W. BROWN D.R.D.                    Probate Judge

(Jones Lee was married to Martha Irby, daughter of William Irby, whose other children were Harriet, wife of Washington Mabry; Betsy Tucker,  Wealthy Holt [Hiram Holt], and Edmund, Harrison, Calvin, William and Thomas Irby)




Halifax County Deeds
Deed Book 4, Pages 514-515

This Indenture made the sixth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty three, between WILLIAM LEE of the County of Bladen, No. Carolina, Planter of the one part; and JOSEPH MONTFORT of the County of Edgecombe Merchant of the other part Witnesseth that the said WILLIAM LEE for and in consideration of the sum of fifty shillings lawfull money of Great Britain to him in hand paid before the ensealing and delivery hereof the Receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge hath bargained sold aliened released enfeoffed and confirmed and doth for himself his heirs Exors, Adminrs and assigns, grant, bargain sell alien release enfeoff and confirm unto the said JOSEPH MONTFORT his heirs and assigns forever, one certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County of Edgecombe in the West side of Quanke pocoson, containing by estimation One hundred acres more or less being part of SIMMS' patent and purchased by him the said WILLIAM LEE of a certain JAMES MILLIKEN of Edgecombe as by a deed from the said WILLIAM LEE bearing date the third day of May One thousand seven hundred and thirty five Reference thereunto being had will more fully appear and the Reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders, and all the Estate or Estates right title Interest or Demand either in law, or Equity of him the said WILLIAM LEE into or out of the above said land premises and all deeds, patents, or writings touching or concerning the same To have and to hold the said tract of land and premises unto the said JOSEPH MONTFORT his heirs and assigns forever to the only use and behoof of him the said JOSEPH MONTFORT his heirs and assigns; and the said WILLIAM LEE doth for himself his heirs Excrs, Admrs, and assigns covenant and agree to and with the said JOSEPH MONTFORT his heirs and assigns that he the said WILLIAM LEE hath a good and Indefeasable Estate in fee simple in and to the said one hundred acres of land and premises And that he hath full right and lawfull power to sell and dispose of the same. And that the said premises now on and from henceforth forever hereunto shall as and remain unto the said JOSEPH MONTFORT his heirs and assigns discharged and acquitted or well and sufficiently saved and kept harmless of and from all leases, dowers, charges or incumbrances whatsoever.
In witness whereof the said WILLIAM LEE hath hereunto seth his hand and affixed his seal the day and year above written.

WILLIAM LEE ("W" his mark)

signed sealed and delivered in presence of

Received September the Sixth 1753 of JOSEPH MONTFORT the within consideration of fifty shillings good and lawful money of Great Britain.
Edgecombe County Js. November Court 1753
The within Deed of sale and Receipt thereon was in open court duly proved by the oath of SOLOMON HAWKINS an evidence thereto, and on motion was ordered to be registered.
Test. BENJA. WYNN, Cler Cur



Halifax County Deeds
Halifax. Deeds 1885–1886
Deed Book 74A, Pages 105-106

State of North Carolina
Halifax County
This indenture made this the 16th day of October one thousand Eight Hundred and Eighty-five between DAVID LEWIS and BETSY LEWIS his wife of the County and State aforesaid of the one part & JANE ASH of the County and State aforesaid of the other part Witness that the said DAVID LEWIS & BETSY LEWIS his wife as aforesaid in consideration of the sum of two hundred and Thirty one Dollars to us in hand paid the receipt whereof we do hereby acknowledged hath bargained sold and do hereby convey to the said JANE ASH a certain tract of land lying and being in the County and State aforesaid adjoining the land of JOHN E. LEWIS, JAMES B. LEWIS, SION M. LEWIS & JAMES NEWSOME containing by estimation seventy seven acres be the same more or less. With all benefits & privileges thereunto belonging to have and to hold the same tract of land with profit privileges appurtenances to the said JANE ASH her heirs and assigns forever. And the said DAVID LEWIS & BETSEY LEWIS his wife for themselves their heirs Ex'rs & Adm'rs doth promise and agree to and with the said JANE ASH her heirs and assigns that the above granted premises are free and clear of all charges and incumbrances whatever. And the said DAVID LEWIS & BETSEY LEWIS his wife their heirs Ex'rs & Adm'rs shall warrant and forever defend the same to the said JANE ASH her heirs and assigns against the lawful claims or demands of any person or persons whatsoever. In witness whereof we the DAVID LEWIS & & BETSEY LEWIS his wife hereunto set our hands and seals the day & year above written.

DAVID LEWIS ("X" his mark)
BETSEY LEWIS ("X' her mark)


State of North Carolina
Halifax County
I, J. T. BISHOP Justice of the Peace of Halifax County do hereby certify that DAVID LEWIS and his wife BETSEY LEWIS personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the annexed deed of conveyance, and the said BETSEY LEWIS being by me privately examined separate and apart from her said husband touching her voluntary execution of the same doth state that she signed the same freely and voluntarily without fear or compulsion of her said husband or any other person, and that she doth still voluntarily assent thereto. Witness my hand and private seal this the 19th day of October 1885.

State of North Carolina
Halifax County
In the Superior Court
December 23rd 1885

The foregoing certificate of J. T. BISHOP, a Justice of the Peace of Halifax County, is adjudged to be correct. Let the instrument with the certificates be registered.
Clerk Superior Court

Rec'd & Recorded
December 23rd 1885
J. H. HANNON Reg. of Deeds

(Jane Mills-Ash-Richardson, former wife of Emanuel Ash and James N. Richardson, went back to using ASH surname. More details in this deed)




Land Grant
Halifax County Deeds
Deed Book 17, Page 839

State of North Carolina - No. 329
To all to whom these presents shall come- Greeting.
Know ye, that we, for and in consideration of the sum of ten pounds for every hundred acres hereby granted paid into our treasury by NICHOLAS LONG have given and granted and by these presents do give and grant unto the said NICHOLAS LONG a tract of land containing two thousand acres, lying & being in our middle District lying on Duck River beginning at a honey locust and sugar tree on the banks of the River in the line run by the commissioners for laying off lands, for the Continental line, crosses said river the first time running upon both sides, running South five hundred poles to a beach and dogwood thence East six hundred & forty poles to a stake, thence North five hundred pole to a stake, then West six hundred & forty poles to the beginning; as by the plat hereunto annexed doth appear, together with all woods, water, mines, mineral, hereditament & appurtenances to the said land belonging or appertaining; To hold to the said NICHOLAS LONG his heirs & assigns forever. Yielding & paying to us such sums of money yearly or otherwise as our general assembly from time to time may direct; Provided always, that the said NICHOLAS LONG shall cause this grant to be registered in the Registers office of our said Middle district within the time limited by law, otherwise the same shall be void and of no effect. In testimony whereof, we have caused these our letters to be made patent and our great seal to be hereunto affixed. Witness, RICHARD DOBBS SPAIGHT our Governor, Captain-General and Commander-in-Chief at Newbern the 17th day of December in the 19th year of our independence and in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & ninety four.

By his Excellency's Com'd
J. GLASGOW, Secretary
Halifax County Sst, Registered in my office 13th day of January 1797.
P. N. LONG, P.R.




Halifax County Deeds
Deed Book 25, Page 285

This Indenture made this 14th August one thousand Eight hundred & fifteen between BEN W. LUCAS agent for EDWD JONES of Warren County & state of North Carolina on the one part & HARDY RICHARDSON of the County of Halifax & state aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that the said BEN W. LUCAS agent for EDWD. JONES for & in consideration of the sum of one hundred dollars the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge hath granted sold, bargained & confirmed unto the said HARDY RICHARDSON & his heirs & assigns forever one certain tract or parcel of land lying & being in the County of Halifax & state aforesaid containing by estimation one hundred acres be the same more or less & bounded as follows, vizt, Beginning West at a corner post oak thence to a blackjack thence running So. to a hickory thence E to a red oak & from thence up first station with all & every appurtenances thereunto belonging, to have & to hold the said Land with every advantage unto him the said HARDY RICHARDSON & his heirs forever. And he the said BEN W. LUCAS agent for EDWD. JONES will warrant & forever defend the title of said land against all claims whatsoever. In witness whereof the said BEN W. LUCAS agent for EDWD. JONES hath hereunto set his hand & seal in presence of
SILAS CAPPS ("X" his mark)

Agent for EDWD. JONES

Halifax County
Nov Session 1820
Then this Deed was exhibited in open court & duly proven by SILAS CAPPS one of the subscribing witnesses thereto & on motion ordered to be registered.





All above transcribed by Deloris Williams unless otherwise specified 


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