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Land Patent Book:
File No. 423, BENJAMIN RICHARDSON, Halifax County
127 acres Beg. at a corner pine in the County line
Issued: 16 May 1787*
Book 64, pg. 72
Grant No. 216
Entered: 13 May 1779
Entry no.: 225
State of North Carolina
Know ye that we have given and granted unto BENJAMIN RICHARDSON a Tract of land containing, One hundred and twenty seven acres lying, and being in our County of Halifax Begining at a corner pine in the County line then East one Hundred and Ninety poles to a corner Red oak then south one hundred and twenty poles to another corner Red oak then west Eighty poles to WILLIAM WOODS line thence North thirty two poles to a white oak WILLIAM WOODs corner then west a long said WOODs line and WILLIAM RICHARDSONs one hundred and thirty six poles to a corner white oak in the County line then along the County line Ninety two poles to the first station To Hold to the said BENJAMIN RICHARDSON his heirs and assigns forever dated the 16th day of May 1787.

J. GLASGOW, Secretary ----------R'D CASWELL


North Carolina, Land Grant Files, 1693-1960 (Ancestry.com) original images
Halifax County, North Carolina
State of North Carolina
No. 225
JOHN GEDDY Entry Officer of Claims for Lands in the County of Halifax.
To the Surveyor of the said County, Greeting.
You are hereby required, as soon as may be, to lay off and survey for BENJAMIN RICHARDSON a tract or parcel of land, containing on Hundred and Thirty Acres, lying in the County aforesaid, adjoining the Lands of WM. BRINKLEY, WILLIAM RICHARDSON, and the County Line on or near Falling Creek.
Observing the Directions of the Act of Assembly in such case made and provided for running out Lands. Two just and fair plans of such survey, with a proper Certificate annexed to each, you are to transmit, with this Warrant, to the Secretary's Office without Delay.
Given under my Hand at Halifax Town the Thirteenth Day of May Anno Dom. 1779.

Warrant No.225
130 Acres
May 13th 1779
Executed by JOHN WILLIAMS, D.Surveyor

Halifax County, State of North Carolina
Est. 130
127 Acres

May 17th 1782
Then surveyed a tract of land containing one hundred and Twenty Seven acres for BEN RICHARDSON
Beginning at a corner pine in the County line, then east one Hundred and Ninety poles to a corner red oake then south one Hundred and Twenty Poles to another corner red oake then west Eighty poles to WILLIAM WOODS line then North thirty two poles to a white oake WM. WOODS corner then west along said WOODS line and WILLIAM RICHARDSONs one hundred thirty six poles to a corner white oake in the County line then along the County line ninety two poles to the first station agreeable to the above plan.

Plotted by a scale of 100 poles per inch
Chain Carriers

*Note: while the document jacket (husk) reads Issued 1787, the actual survey papers read "1782"

Recorded and Registered:
Land Grant
Halifax County Deeds
Deed Book 17, Pages 1-2

State of North Carolina
To all to whom these presents shall come Greeting.
Know ye that, for and in consideration of the sum of Fifty Shillings for every hundred acres hereby granted, paid into our Treasury by BENJAMIN RICHARDSON have given and granted and by these presents do give and grant unto the said BENJAMIN RICHARDSON a tract of land containing one hundred and twenty seven acres lying and being in the County of Halifax, Beginning at a corner pine in County line then East one hundred and ninety pole to a corner red oak, then South one hundred and twenty pole to another corner red oak, then West eighty pole to WILLIAM WOODS line then North thirty two pole to a white oak, WILLIAM WOODS corner then West along said WOODS line and WILLIAM RICHARDSON's, one hundred and thirty six pole to a corner white oak in the County line then along the County ninety two poles the first station as by the plat hereunto annexed doth appear. Together with all woods, waters, mines, minerals, hereditaments and appurtenances to the said land belonging as appertaining. To hold to the said BENJAMIN RICHARDSON his heirs and assigns forever. Yielding and paying to us such sums of money, yearly or otherwise as our general assembly, may from time to time direct, provided always that the said BENJAMIN RICHARDSON shall cause this grant to be registered in the Registers office of our said County of Halifax within twelve months from the date hereof otherwise the same shall be void and of no effect. In testimony whereof we have caused these our letters to be make patent, and our great seal to be hereunto affixed. Witness RICHARD CASWELL, Esquire, our Governor Captain General and Commander in Chief at Kingston the 16th day of May in the Xth year of our Independence and in the year of our Lord one thousand and seven hundred and eighty seven.

By his Excelly Comd.
Halifax County Ss- Registered April 2nd, 1788


Land Patent Book:
File No. 596, BENJAMIN RICHARDSON, Halifax County
12 acres On S. side of Falling Creek
Issued: 14 Nov 1800
Book 108, pg. 237
Grant No. 384
Entered: 05 Nov 1792
Entry no.: 278
State of North Carolina
Know ye that we have given and granted unto BENJAMIN RICHARDSON Twelve Acres of Land in Halifax County on the South side of Falling Creek, Beginning at W'M BRINKLEY's corner a red Oak in said RICHARDSONs line, thence along BRINKLEY's line North fifteen pole to a pine in JAMES DULING's line, then along said DULING's line West one hundred and thirty pole to a white oak, then South fifteen pole to RICHERSON's corner a pine, then along his line to the first station. Dated the 14th day of November 1800.


WILL. WHITE Secretary

North Carolina, Land Grant Files, 1693-1960 (Ancestry.com) original images
No. 278
North Carolina
Halifax County

To the Surveyor of Halifax County
You are hereby commanded as soon as soon as may be to lay off & Survey for BENJAMIN RICHARDSON one hundred & fifty acres of Land, in Halifax County joining the lines of WILLIAM BRINKLY, JESSE DULIN of the said County line, on Falling Creek, agreeable to his entry made in the Entry Takers office November 5th 1792, Observing the directions of the Acts of Assembly in such case made & provided for runing out lands; two just and fair plans of such survey, with a proper Certificate annexed to each, you are to transmit, with this Warrant, to the Secretary's Office without Delay. Given under my hand this 22 Day of Feb'y 1794.

Notation on back:
No. 278
Surveyed 12 Acres - Nov. 5th 1792 - Corresponds

Halifax Co.
No. 384 dated 14th Nov. 1800
Halifax County the 8th of October 1793
Then surveyed for BENJAMIN RICHERSON a Tract of Land lying in said County on the south side of falling Creek agreeable to his warrant No. 278 Dated the 5 of Nov'r 1792. Beginning at WM. BRINKLEY's corner a red oak in said RICHERSON's line then a long BRINKLEY's line No. 15 po to a pine in JAMES DULINGS line then along said DULINGS line west 130 po. to a white oak, then South 15 po. to said RICHERSON's corner a pine, then along his line to the first station. Containing 12 acres of Land.

Sworn Chain Car's

it appears that the survey orders got mixed up.

[No Deed Book entry found]




Halifax County Deeds
Deed Book 25, Page 590

This Indenture made the first day of March in the year of our Lord Eighteen hundred & twenty two Between HARDY RICHARDSON of the one part & LEWIS BOON of the other part both of the County of Halifax & State of North Carolina witnesseth that the said HARDY RICHARDSON for & in consideration of the sum of one hundred five dollars to him in hand paid by the said LEWIS BOON, at & before the sealing & delivery of these presents the receipt whereof the said HARDY RICHARDSON doth hereby acknowledge hath granted, sold, aliened, enfeoffed & released & confirmed and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell, alien, enfeoff, release & confirm unto the said LEWIS BOON his heirs & assigns forever a certain tract or parcel of land, situate & being in the County & State aforesaid containing by estimation thirty five acres be the same more or less and bounded as follows Beginning at JESSE RICHARDSON's line thence running East to a black jack then E. to a spanish oak then E to a red oak then E to a white oak then E to a maple on the bank of Falling Creek then down said Creek to his corner in JOS. JNO. WILLIAMS line then up said line to the corner a stake then to the beginning according to the courses of said HARDY RICHARDSON's line the said thirty five acres being the half of the seventy acres of land that I, HARDY RICHARDSON bought of WILLIAM WILLY To have & to hold the said tract or parcel of land & premises with all & singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining unto the said LEWIS BOON his heirs & assigns to the only proper use & behoof of the said LEWIS BOON his heirs & assigns forever And the HARDY RICHARDSON his heirs & assigns shall forever warrant & defend the right & title of the said tract of land & premises against any & all other person or persons whatsoever to the said LEWIS BOON his heirs & assigns will forever warrant & defend by these presents. In witness whereof the said HARDY RICHARDSON hath hereunto set his hand & seal the day & year first above written.


Signed, sealed & delivered in presence of

Halifax County
Feby Session 1823
Then this Deed was exhibited in open court & duly proved by W.R. MARSHALL a witness thereto & on motion ordered to be registered.






Halifax County Deeds
Deed Book 31, Pages 62-63

This Indenture made this 3 day of March One thousand Eight hundred & twenty Six between HARDY RICHARDSON of the County of Halifax & State of North Carolina of the one part & JESSE RICHARDSON of the same County & State aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that the said HARDY RICHARDSON hath bargained & sold to the said JESSE RICHARDSON one certain tract or parcel of land lying & being in the County of Halifax & State aforesaid for & in consideration of the sum of One hundred & fifty dollar to him in hand & paid by the said JESSE RICHARDSON before the signing & sealing of these presents the receipt thereof he doth hereby acquit & discharge the said JESSE RICHARDSON to wit Beginning at a maple on the bank of Falling Creek LOUIS BOON's corner then running said BOON's line to a corner black jack thence to JESSE RICHARDSON's line then running JESSE RICHARDSON's line to JOHN PEARSON's line thence PEARSON's line to the following Creek then down the meanders of the Creek to the beginning Containing thirty five acres be the same more or less which land I, HARDY RICHARDSON bind myself my heirs Executors & Administrators to forever warrant & defend the right & title of the above mentioned land to the said JESSE RICHARDSON his heirs & assigns forever. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal the day & date above mention.


Signed Sealed & delivered in the presence of

Halifax County
May Session 1841
Then the within Deed was exhibited in open court & the execution thereof duly proven by the oath of GEORGE HARPER the subscribing Witness thereto whereupon the same was ordered to be registered.
Witness JAS. SIMMONS Clk

Pr M.T. PONTON PR, 10 June 1841


Division of Property-HARDY RICHARDSON Estate-1856
Halifax County Deeds
Deed Book 34, Pages 272-273

Halifax County
November Court 1856
Ordered by the Court that WM. T. WILLIAMS, LEWIS B. SHEARIN & MILES EVANS be appointed commissioners to divide the Land belonging to the heirs of HARDY RICHARDSON dece'd as directed by his will.

We the undersigned commissioners have this day proceed to allot and divide the undivided lands of HARDY RICHARDSON dec'd agreeable to his last will & testament as follows. To ALFRED RICHARDSON, one hundred acres bounded as follows, Beginning at an old stump formerly a turkey oak in W.K. KERNEY's line thence East 93 poles to a stake and rock, thence South 185 poles to a red oak thence west 93 poles to a blazed pine & post oak thence North 182 poles to the beginning. To MASON RICHARDSON Fifty acres begining at a stake & rock in ALFRED RICHARDSON's line, thence South 185 poles to red oak then East 42 poles to a small black jack then North 185 poles to a black gum then West 42 poles to the begining. To FRANCES RICHARDSON & FAULCON, MISSOURY & HENRY RICHARDSON grand children of HARDY RICHARDSON & children of LUCRETIA RICHARDSON, Sixty two & a half acres, beginning at a black gum in MASON's line then South 185 poles to a small black jack then East to a red oak on a road, then along said to two red oak bushes, then North 160 poles to a black jack, then a westerly course 62 poles to the begining. To ABNER RICHARDSON Sixty acres on Falling Creek beginning at a hickory & dogwood, then west 84 poles to some small oaks on a path then North to Falling Creek then along the meanders of said Creek to a white oak Spanish oak & dogwood, then South 102 poles to the begining. To MARY RICHARDSON seventy three acres on Falling Creek beginning at a white oak then North to Falling Creek then along the meanders of said Creek to a poplar then South about 100 poles to a pine then West 88 poles to the begining. To REBECCA RICHARDSON {Daughter of EMILY RICHARDSON} Ten acres beginning at a poplar on Falling Creek then along the meanders of said Creek about 23 poles to a marked tree the South 80 poles to a small oak on a path then west 17 poles to a pine then North to the beginning. Given under our hands and seals this the 7th day of March 1857.

Halifax County
May Court 1857
Then the foregoing report was exhibited in Open Court approved & ordered to be registered.

June 26, 1857




Halifax County Deeds
Deed Book 34, Page 41-42

This Indenture made this 27th day of November in the year of Our Lord one thousand Eight hundred & fifty two, between JEREMIAH RICHARDSON of the County of Halifax and State of North Carolina of the one part and ABNER RICHARDSON of the same County & State of the other part. Witnesseth that the said JEREMIAH RICHARDSON for and in consideration of the sum of Ninety seven dollars & 50/100 to him in hand paid by the said ABNER RICHARDSON at and before the seal and delivering of these presents the receipt hereof the said JEREMIAH RICHARDSON doth hereby acknowledge he the said JEREMIAH RICHARDSON hath granted bargained & sold and by these presents do bargain & sell alien enfeoff release and confirm unto the said ABNER RICHARDSON his heirs & assigns forever a certain tract or parcel of land situated lying and being in the County of Halifax and State aforesaid containing by estimation five acres be it the same more or less and bounded as follows, Beginning at two maples thence west 163 poles to two red oak s and a post thence North 64 poles to a persimmon tree white oaks one red and hickory pentess[sic] thence East to WILLIAM MURE's line thence his line to the beginning, to have and to hold the said tract or parcel of land with all and singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging or appertaining in anywise unto the said ABNER RICHARDSON his heirs & assigns forever to the only proper use and behoof of the said JEREMIAH RICHARDSON for himself and his heirs the said tract or parcel of land and premises against him & his heirs to the said ABNER RICHARDSON his heirs & assigns forever warrant & defend by these presents. In witness whereof the said JEREMIAH RICHARDSON hath here unto set his hand and affixed his seal this day & year above written.

in presence of

Halifax County
Febry Court 1856
Then this deed wa exhibited before me and the execution thereof duly proved by the oath of WM STOKES one of the subscribing witness thereto ordered therefore that it be registerd.
Witness W. W. DANIEL Clk

April 18th 1856




Halifax County Deeds
Deed Book 8, Page 270

North Carolina. This Indenture made the twentieth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty three between JOHN RICHARDSON of Halifax County, Planter of the one part and THOMAS HILL of the said County Planter of the other part. Witnesseth that the said JOHN RICHARDSON for and in consideration of the sum of eighteen pounds current money of Virginia to him in hand paid before the delivery hereof, the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge and of every part thereof doth acquit and discharge the said THOMAS HILL his heirs exors. and admrs. forever by these presents have given granted bargained sold aliened and confirmed and doth by these presents fully freely and absolutely give grant bargain and sell alien convey and confirm unto the said THOMAS HILL his heirs and assigns forever, a certain tract of land containing thirty five acres lying on the southside of Conoway Creek in Halifax County Beginning in the s'd THOMAS HILL's line at a white oak along the said HLL's line to a red oak on THOS. MATTHEWS' line thence No. along the said MATTHEWS line to the creek then down the said creek to the first station, according to patent granted to THOS. MATTHEWS SEN. bearing date the first day of December Anno Dom. 1761 together with all woods waters profits commodities and hereditaments to the same belonging & appertaining with the reversions and remainders thereof rents issues and profits of every part & parcel thereof to have and to hold the said thirty five acres of land and premises hereby granted unto the said THOMAS HILL to the only sole or benefit and behoof of him the said THOS. HILL his heirs and assigns forever and the said JOHN RICHARDSON for himself his heirs exors. & admrs. doth hereby covenant promise and agree to and with the sad THOMAS HILL his heirs and assigns that at the time of the ensealing and delivery of these presents he the said JOHN RICHARDSON is the true sole and lawful owner of all the afore bargained premises and stands lawfully seized and possessed thereof in his own proper right as a good perfect and indefeasible estate of inheritance in fee simple having in himself good right full power and lawful authority to sell and dispose of the same in manner and form and that the said THOMAS HILL his heirs and assigns shall & may henceforth forever lawfully peacably and quietly have hold use occupy possess and enjoy the above granted premises with the appurtenances thereof freely and clearly acquitted and discharged of and from all manner of forces or other gifts grant bargains and sales mortgages jointures dowries judgments executions and of and from all other titles troubles charges and incumbrances whatever had made or committed by him the said JOHN RICHARDSON his heirs or assigns at any time or times before the ensealing or delivery herof and futher the said JOHN RICHARDSON doth hereby covenant bind and oblige him his exors. and admrs. from henceforth and forever hereafter to warrant and defend all the above granted premises and the appurtenances thereof unto the said THOMAS HILL his heirs and assigns against the lawful claims and demands of all and every person or persons whatsoever and at anytime or times hereafter on the demand and at the cost & charge of the said THOS. HILL hs heirs or assigns to make and execute such further or other conveyances for the better confirming and sure making of the premises unto the said THOMAS HILL his heirs or assigns forever only his or their council learned in the lawn can be warrantable devised or required. In witness whereof the said JOHN RICHARDSON hath hereunto set his hand & seal the day and year above written JOHN RICHARDSON ("X" his mark) {seal} Sealed and delivered in presence of THOS. HILL JUN., MATTHEW GIBBS JR.
Halifax Ss, April Inferior Court 1763.
This deed was in open court duly proved by the oath of MATTHEW GIBBS JR. and on motion ordered to be recorded.
Test. JS. MONTFORT, Cler. Cur.



Land Patent Book:
File No. 514, JOHN RICHERSON, Halifax County
119 acres On both sides of falling Creek
Issued: 27 Nov 1792
Book: 78, pg. 510
Grant No. 318
Entered: 08 Sep 1790
Entry no.: 230
State of North Carolina
Know Ye that we have granted unto JOHN RICHERSON a tract of land containing one hundred and nineteen lying in Halifax County on both sides of falling Creek begining at a red oad in WILLIAM BRINKLEYs line then East Ninety poles low white oak thence North two hundred and thirteen posts to the center of three pines thence West ninety poles to a black Jack thence South two hundred and thirteen poles to the first Station. To Hold to the said RICHERSON his Heirs and assigns forever dated the twenty seventh of November 1792.
J. GLASGOW Secretary ---------------ALEX MARTIN

Recorded and Registered:
Land Grant
Halifax County Deeds
Deed Book 17, Pages 707-708

State of North Carolina - No.318
To all of to whom these presents shall come, greeting:
Know ye, that we, for and in consideration of ten pounds for every hundred acres hereby granted, paid unto our treasury by JOHN RICHERSON, have given & granted, & by these presents do give & grant unto the said JOHN RICHERSON a tract of land containing one hundred & nineteen acres lying & being in our county of Halifax on both sides of Falling Creek beginning at a red oak in WILLIAM BRINKLEY's line, then East ninety poles to a white oak, then North two hundred and thirteen poles to the center of three pines then West ninety poles to a black jack, then South two hundred & thirteen poles to the first station, as by the plat hereunto annexed doth appear; together with all woods, water, mines, minerals, herditaments & appurtenances, to the said land belonging or appertaining to hold to be said JOHN RICHARDSON, his heirs & assigns forever, yielding & paying to us such sums of money, yearly, or otherwise as our general assembly from time to time may direct. Provided always that the said JOHN RICHERSON shall cause this grant to be registered in the Registers office your said county of Halifax within twelve months from the date hereof, otherwise the same shall be void & of no effect. In testimony whereof we have caused these our letters to be made patent, and our great seal to be hereunto affixed. Witness ALEXANDER MARTIN esquire, our governor, captain-general & commander in chief, at Newbern, the 27th day of November in the seventeenth year of the independence & in the year of our Lord, one thousand, seven hundred & ninety two.
Registered 16th February 1795. P.W. LONG, P.R.

Note: the surname "Richardson" was spelled 2 different ways in this document



Halifax County Deeds
Deed Book 18, Pg. 460

This Indenture made this 22nd day of April in the Year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred & ninety nine between JOHN RICHARDSON of the State of North Carolina & County of Halifax of the one part and BENJA. BASS of the State and County aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that the said JOHN RICHARDSON for and in consideration of the quantity of two hundred & fifty dollars to him in hand paid by the said BENJA. BASS the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have granted bargained & sold & do by these presents bargain & sell unto the said BENJA. BASS his heirs & assigns all that tract of land on both sides of Falling in the County of Halifax containing by estimation one hundred and nineteen acres be the same more or less & bound as follows,
Beginning at a Red oak in WILLIAM BRINKLEY's line then running East ninety pole to a white oak the running North two Hundred & thirteen poles to the center of three pines then West ninety poles to a black jack then South two hundred & thirteen poles to the first station and all the Right priviledges, Immunities & Hereditaments to the same belonging or otherwise appertaining to have & to hold the said tract or parcel of land and premises to the said BENJA. BASS his heirs & assigns to the only proper use & behoof of the said BENJAMIN BASS his heirs and assigns forever and the sd. JOHN RICHARDSON for himself & his heirs to the said BENJAMIN BASS his heirs & assigns the said tract or parcel of land against himself & his heirs and against every other person or persons whatsoever shall & will warrant & by these presents & forever defend the same. In witness whereof the said JOHN RICHARDSON that hereunto set his hand & affixed his seal the day & date above written.
JOHN RICHARDSON ("X" his mark)

Sealed & Delivered in presence of

Halifax County Sct
May Sessions then this deed was exhibited in open court and duly proved by the oath of STARLING HARWELL one of the subscribing witnesses thereto and on motion ordered to be Registered.
Witness L. LONG CCt



Halifax County Deeds
Deed Book 17, Page 747

This Indenture made this seventh day of February in the year of our Lord, one thousand, seven hundred and ninety five between JOHN RICHARDSON of the County of Halifax of the one part & WILLIAM BRINKLEY of the county aforesaid on the other part, Witnesseth that the said JOHN RICHARDSON for and in consideration of the sum of Twenty pounds to him in hand hath bargained and sold, and the said WILLIAM BRINKLEY one certain tract or parcel of land, lying & being in the county aforesaid, and the North side of Falling Creek, bounded as follows, beginning where the said BRINKLEY's line crosses Falling Creek above the said JOHN RICHARDSON's plantation, thence own the various courses of said Creek to the said BRINKLEY's other line thence bounded by the said BRINKLEY's lines to the first station, containing one hundred acres more or less being all the land the said JOHN RICHARDSON held on the North side of said Falling Creek, and the said JOHN RICHARDSON, as for myself, my heirs &c, do bargain & fore sell the above bargained premises, with every privilege and hereditament thereunto said land belonging to the said WILLIAM BRINKLEY his heirs & assigns forever And I the said JOHN RICHARDSON, as for myself, my heirs & assigns to warrant & forever defend their right & title of the above bargained premises to the said WILLIAM BRINKLEY his heirs &c against the claims of any person or persons. In witness whereof I the said JOHN RICHARDSON have hereunto set my hand & affixed my seal, this day & date above written.

JOHN RICHARDSON ("X" his mark)

Signed, sealed & delivered in the presence of us

Halifax County Sct, February Sessions 1795.
Then this deed was exhibited in open court, and duly proved by the oath of JOHN MATTHEWS one of the subscribing witnesses thereto and on motion ordered to be registered.
Witness L. LONG C.Ct.

Registered April 22nd 1795 P.W. LONG, P.R.



Halifax County Deeds
Halifax. Deeds 1875
Deed Book 47, Page 451-452

On the 1st day of November 1875 I promise to pay TYREE and ARRINGTON or order the sum of Twenty five dollars for value received. Witness my hand and seal this the 1st day of June 1875.


I NORFLET RICHARDSON of the County Halifax in the State of North Carolina am indebted to TYREE and ARRINGTON of the same County and State aforesaid in the sum of twenty five dollars for which they hold my note to be due on the 1st day of November 1875, and to secure the payment of the same I do hereby convey to them these articles of personal property to wit; One red steer, white face name Sam, six years old wood work of one ox cart - together with all the crops of cotton corn fodder &c I may raise during the year 1875 on the plantation of my wife JANE RICHARDSON. But on this special trust that if I fail to pay said debt on or before the 1st day of November 1875 then they may sell said property and crops or so much thereof as may be necessary by public auction for cash to satisfy said debt, first giving Twenty days notice at three public places and apply the proceeds of such sale to the discharge of said debt and interest, and pay any surplus to me. Given under my hand and seal this the 1st day of June 1875.


State of North Carolina
Halifax County
In the Probate Court 7th June 1875
The within Chattel Mortgage is duly proved by the oath of A. N. PARTIN the witness thereto. Set the same with this certificate be registered.

Probate Judge

Recorded 7 June 1875
R. J. LEWIS Register

(James Norfleet Richardson, and wife Jane Mills-Ash-Richardson; he was son of James Hilliard Richardson & Adeline Dales)




Halifax County Deeds
Deed Book 48, Page 127

State of North Carolina
Halifax County
Whereas the late MRS. C.A. EDMONDSTON died by her late will & testament leave as certain rights of residence on the lands known as Hascosea as will fully appear by reference to said will, and whereas JOHN DEVEREUX her executor has by a paper writing bearing even date with these presents covenanted and agreed to furnish us with a suitable and convenient residence in lieu thereforeon the land known as Looking Glass now know all men in consideration of the premises and of one dollar to us in hand paid the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, we hereby assign to the said JOHN DEVEREUX his heirs and assigns all right to any residence on the land known as Hascosea given us under said will. Signed this the 10th day of Dec'r 1875.

OWEN RICHARDSON ("X" his mark)


Personally appeared before me, RICH'D H. SMITH JR. a Justice of the Peace of Halifax County DOLLY RICHARDSON wife of OWEN RICHARDSON and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing deed of conveyance and the said DOLLY RICHARDSON being by me privily examined separate and apart from her said husband touching her voluntary execution of the same, doth state that she signed the same freely and voluntarily, without fear or compulsion of her said husband, or any other person, and that she doth still voluntarily assent thereto. Witness my hand and seal this the 17th day of December A.D. 1875.


Office of the Judge of Probate
State of North Carolina
Halifax County
20 December 1875
I JOHN T. GREGORY, Judge of Probate in and for said County do adjudge that the foregoing deed is duly acknowledged, and the examination of DOLLY RICHARDSON wife of the said OWEN RICHARDSON is in due form. Therefore let the same with the Commission and certificate be registered.
Probate Judge

Recorded Decr. 20, 1875
R.J. LEWIS, Reg'r Deeds

(Owen & Dolly Richardson were former slaves of Catharine Devereux-Edmondson, sister of John Devereux)




Halifax County Deeds
Deed Book 22, Pages 329-330

This Indenture made the 19th day of March in the Year of our Lord 1807 between THOMAS RICHARDSON and WINNIFRED his wife of the County of Halifax and State of North Carolina of the one part and MAT C. WHITAKER of the County and State aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that the said THOMAS RICHARDSON and WINNIFRED his wife for and in consideration of the sum of 28 pounds shillings to him & her in hand paid by the said MAT C. WHITAKER before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof the said THOMAS RICHARDSON & WINNIFRED his wife do hereby acknowledge they the sd THOMAS & WINNIFRED his wife do convey unto the said MAT C. WHITAKER his heirs and assigns all the right Title and interest they have to the said bargained premises situate lying and being in the County and State aforesaid containing 37 more or less bounded by the lands of THOMAS BLOUNT, ELI B. WHITAKER and the said MAT C. WHITAKER & the reversion and reversions remainder & remainders rents and services of the said premises and of every part thereof and all the estate right title interest claim and demand whatsoever of them the said THOMAS RICHARDSON his wife of in and to the said land and premises above mentioned and every part thereof to have and to hold the said lands and premises above mentioned and every part and parcel thereof with the appertenances unto the said MAT C. WHITAKER his heirs and assigns to the only use and behoof of him the said MAT C. WHITAKER his heirs &c and the said THOMAS RICHARDSON and WINNIFRED his wife for themselves their heirs and assigns and every other person or persons will warrant and defend their title interest and claim to the above mentioned lands and premises. In witness whereof we have set our hands and seals this Day and date above written.


Signed &c in presence of

August Sessions 1813
Then this Deed was exhibited in open court and duly proven by the oath of HENRY H. LONG & on motion ordered to be registered.




Land Patent Book:
File No. 227, WILLIAM RICHARDSON, Halifax County
300 acres Beg. at a Persimmon Dinkins corner
Issued:01 Mar 1780
Book 31, pg. 125
Grant No. 23
Entered: 03 Mar 1779
Entry no.: 173
State of North Carolina
To all to whom these Presents shall come, Greeting.
Know Ye, That We, for and in Consideration of the Sum of Fifty Shillings for every Hundred Acres hereby granted, paid into our Treasury by WILLIAM RICHARSON[sic] have Given and Granted, and by these Presents do Give and Grant unto the said WILLIAM RICHARSON a Tract of Land, containing Three hundred Acres lying and being in our County of Halifax
Beginning at a Persimmon DINKINS Corner then West Forty poles to the County Line thence by the County Line South Thirteen degrees West three hundred and ninety poles to a W.O. in the Line formerly DEANs thence by his Line East Seventy eight poles to a white oak his corner thence by his other Line South then West One hundred Sixty poles at Black oak in said Line thence East One hundred and Twenty poles to a willow oak in DINKINS Line thence by his Line north to the first Station
as by the Plat hereunto annexed doth appear; together with all Woods, Waters, Mines, Minerals, Hereditaments, and Appurtenances, to the said Land belonging or appertaining: To hold to the said WILLIAM RICHARSON his Heirs and Assigns, for ever. Yielding and paying to us such sums of Money yearly, or otherwise, as our General Assembly from Time to Time may direct. Provided Always, That the said WILLIAM RICHARSON shall cause this Grant to be registered in the Register's Office of our said County of Halifax within Twelve Months from the Date hereof, otherwise the same shall be void and of no Effect.
In Testimony whereof, we have caused our Great Seal to be hereunto affixed. Witness RICHARD CASWELL, Esquire, our Governor, Captain-General, and Commander in Chief, at Kingston, the First Day of March in the fourth Year of our Independence, and in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty.

By His Excelly's Com'd---------------- R. C. CASWELL

North Carolina, Land Grant Files, 1693-1960 (Ancestry.com) original images
Halifax County, North Carolina
State of North Carolina
No. 173
JOHN GEDDY Entry Officer of Claims for Lands in the County of Halifax.
To the Surveyor of the said County, Greeting.
You are hereby required, as soon as may be, to lay off and survey for WILLIAM RICHARDSON a Tractor Parcel of Land, containing Three Hundred Acres, lying in the County aforesaid, adjoining the Land of MATHIUS EPHRAIM, GORDON DINKINS, PHILIP DEAN and OROONDATES DAVIS.
Observing the Directions of the Act of Assembly in such case made and provided for running out Lands. Two just and fair plans of such survey, with a proper Certificate annexed to each, you are to transmit, with this Warrant, to the Secretary's Office without Delay.
Given under my Hand at Halifax Town the Third Day of March Anno Dom. 1779.

May 4th day 1779
Then Surveyed for WILLIAM RICHARSON 300 Hundred Acres of Land begun at DINKINS's cor Perssimon then W 40 po. to the County Line then by the County Line So. 13 W 390 po. to a W.O. in DEAN's Line, then by his Line E 78 po. to a W. Ohio Cor then So. to'd W. along his other line 160 po. to a B.O. in sd Line then E 120 po. to a willer [willow] oak in DINKINS line then by his line No. to the first Station.

Chain Carriers

Recorded and Registered:
Land Grant
Halifax County Deeds
Deeb Book 14, Page 593

State of North Carolina
To all to whom these presents shall come Greeting Know ye that for and in consideration of the sum of Fifty shillings for every hundred acres hereby granted paid unto our Treasury by WILLIAM RICHARSON[sic], have given and granted and by these presents I give and grant unto the said WILLIAM RICHARSON a tract of land, containing three hundred acres lying and being in our County of Halifax Begining at a persimmon DINKINS' corner then West forty pole to the County Line then by the County Line South thirteen degrees West three hundred and Ninety poles to a W.O. in the line formerly DEANs thence by his line East Seventy Eight poles to a white oak his corner then by his other line South West one hundred and sixty pole to a black oak in said line then East one hundred and twenty pole to a willow oak in DINKINS line then by his line North to the first station as by the plat hereunto annexed doth appear; together with all woods waters mines minerals hereditaments and appurtenances to the said Land belong or appertaining to hold to the said WILLIAM RICHARDSON his heirs and assigns forever yielding and paying to us such sums of money yearly or otherwise as our General Assembly from time to time may direct, Provided always that the said WILLIAM RICHARSON shall cause this grant to be registered in the Registers office of our said County of Halifax within twelve months from the date hereof otherwise the same shall be void and of no effect. In Testimony whereof we have caused our Great seal to be hereunto affixed. Witness RICHARD CASWELL Esquire our Governor Captain General and Commander in Chief at Kingston the first day of March in the fourth year of our Independence and in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty two.
By his Excelly's com'd



Land Patent Book:
File No. 556, WILLIAM RICHARDSON, Halifax County
6 acres Both sides of Falling Creek
Issued: 09 Jul 1794
Book: 83, pg. 55
Grant No. 55
Entered: 13 May 1793
Entry no.: 285
State of No. Carolina
Know Ye that We have granted unto WILLIAM RICHARDSON Six Acres of Land in our County of Hallifax[sic] on both sides of falling Creek Begining at WILLIAM WOODS Corner a Red oak in WILLIAM BRINKLY's line then along said line North eighty poles to a W. oak then West one hundred and thirty four poles to a White oak then along WILLIAM WOODS line South eighty poles to a Spanish Oak, then along his other line East one hundred & thirty four poles to the first Station. To have & to hold to the said WILLIAM RICHARDSON his heirs & assigns forever. Dated the 9th of July 1794.


[erroneously entered as 6 acres, but apparently another was re-issued for 60 acres as follows]

Recorded and Registered:
Land Grant
Halifax County Deeds
Deed Book 17, Page 838-839

State of North Carolina - No. 342
To all to whom these presents shall come Greeting.
Know ye, that we, for & in consideration of the sum of thirty shillings for every hundred acres hereby granted, paid into our Treasury by WILLIAM RICHARDSON, have given & granted & by these presents do give & grant unto the said WILLIAM RICHARDSON, a tract of land containing sixty acres, lying & being in our county of Halifax on both sides of Falling Creek, beginning at WILLIAM WOODS corner, a red oak in WILLIAM BRINKLEY's line then along said line North, eighty pole to a white oak, then along WILLIAM WOODS line, south eighty pole to a spanish oak, then along his line other one hundred & thirty four poles to the first station, by the plat here with annexed doth apear together with all woods, waters, mines, minerals, to the said land belonging or appertaining to hold to the said WILLIAM RICHARDSON, his heirs & assigns forever. Yielding & paying to us such sums of money yearly or otherwise as our general assembly from time to time may direct, provided always, that the said WILLIAM RICHARDSON shall cause this grant to be registered in the Registered office of our said county of Halifax within the time, limited by law, otherwise the same shall be void and of no effect. In testimony whereof we have cause these our letters to be made patent and our great seal to be hereunto affixed. Witness RICHARD DOBBS SPAIGHT, Esquire, our Governor, Captain-General, and commander-in-chief, at Newbern the ninth day of July in the 19th year of our independence and in the year of our Lord one thousand, seven hundred & ninety four.
By his Excellency's Com'd}

Halifax Count Sst. Registered in my office the 12th day of January Anno Dom 1796
P. W. LONG - P.R.




Slave Bill of Sale
Halifax County Deed
Deed Book 23, Page 102

State of North Carolina
Halifax County
Know all men by these presents that I JNO RICKS JUNIOR of the said County & State for & in consideration of the sum of Fifteen hundred Dollars to me in hand paid by ISAAC RICKS SEN'R of the said County & State before the sealing & delivery of these presents the receipt whereof I the said JOHN RICKS JUN'R doth hereby acknowledge have granted bargained & sold & by these presents do grant bargain & sell unto the said ISAAC RICKS SEN'R his Exo'rs Admr's & assigns the following Negroes, to wit, CHARLES, GUY, AUGUSTIN & her two children CARY & ALLEN, also LYDIA & her two children ANZA & DREW, To have & to hold all & singular the said Negroes above bargained doth or mentioned or intend to be to the said ISAAC RICKS SEN'R his Exo'rs Adm'rs & assigns forever. And I the said JNO. RICKS JUN'R for myself my heirs Exo'r Adm'r & assigns all & singular the said Negroes above mentioned unto the sd ISAAC RICKS SEN'R his Exo'r Adm'rs & assigns against me the said JNO RICKS JUN'R my Exo'rs Adm'rs & against whomsoever shall I will warrant & forever defend & by these presents all & singular the above named Negroes. As witness my hand & seal this 11th day of February 1815.



Halifax County
February Session 1815
Then this Bill of Sale was exhibited in open court & duly proven by ABRAHAM RICKS a witness thereto & on motion ordered to be registered.


per M. T. PONTON P.R.



Halifax County Deeds
Deed Book 4, Pages 196-197

To all people to whom these presents shall come Greetings &c
Know ye that I JOHN ROGERS of Edgecombe County in the Province of North Carolina for and in consideration of the sum of Ten pounds of Virg'a money to me in hand p'd before the ensealing hereof well and truly paid by JAMES EVANS of the County and province afors'd, the receipt whereof I hereby acknowledge and myself therewith fully satisfyed & contented & thereof & of every part and parcel thereof do exonerate acquit and discharge the said JAMES EVANS his heirs Exrs Admrs forever by these presents have given granted bargained sold aliened conveyed & confirmed and by these presents do freely fully and absolutely give grant bargain sell alien convey & confirm unto him the said JAMES EVANS his heirs & assigns forever one certain tract or parcel of land lying & being in the province & County af'd on the North side of Conway Creek containing one hundred acres be the same more or less, bounded as followeth- Beginning at a black Jack tree marked in three side thence along a line of marked trees that divides between THOMAS HILL & the said ROGERS to a red oak, a corner tree in THEOPHILUS GOODWIN's line, thence along the said line to a corner tree that divides between the said HILL & GOODWIN, thence down to a corner that divides THOMAS HILL and WALTER PITTS the tree not named, thence along that line to the first station, the same being in part of Six hundred & forty acres granted by patent to THOMAS BRYANT dated the fourth day of March one thousand seven hundred & twenty eight together with all houses orchards gardens ways woods, underwoods, water & water courses- To have and to hold the said granted & bargained premises with all the appur'ces priviledges comoditiies to the same belonging or appertaining to him the said JAMES EVANS his heirs & assigns forever to his & their only proper use benefit & behoof forever. And I the said JOHN ROGERS for me my heirs Exrs Admrs do covenant promise & grant to and with the said JAMES EVANS his heirs & assigns that before the ensealing hereof I am the true sole and lawfull owner of the above bargained premises and am lawfully seized and possessed of the same in mine own proper right as a goo perfect and absolute estate of inheritance in fee simple and have in myself good right full power and lawfull authority to grant bargain sell convey and confirm the said bargained premises in manner as above s'd and that the said JAMES EVANS his heirs and assigns shall & may from time to time and all times forever hereafter by free and virtue of these presents lawfully peaceably and quietly have hold use occupy possess and enjoy the said demised and bargained premises with the appurtenances free and clear and freely and clearly acquitted exonerated and discharged of from all and all manner of former or other gifts grants bargains sales leases mortgages wills Intaits joyntures, dowers, judgements, Executions encumbrances & Extents. Furthermore I the said JOHN ROGERS for myself my heirs Exrs Admrs do covenant and engage the above demised premises to him the said JAMES EVANS his heirs & assigns against the claim or demands of any person or persons whatsoever forever hereafter to warrant secure and defend. In witness hereof I have hereunto sett my hand & seal this first day of February 1752.


Signed sealed & delivered in the presence of us

Edgecombe County Ss February Court 1752
The within deed of sale was in open court duly proved by the oath of THOMAS HILL an evidence thereto, and on motion was ordered to be registered.
Test BENJ'N WYNN, Clk Cur




Thanks to David McCorkle's website, North Carolina Land Grants for the Patent Book entries.

All above transcribed by Deloris Williams unless otherwise specified



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