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Records of Tyrrell County, North Carolina

Tyrrell County Court House in Columbia, NC

The following listings of original and microfilm records available at the North Carolina Archives is current as of March 1, 2009. But additions and changes occur frequently, so it is a good idea to check. The only way to get an accurate, up-to-date listing is through the MARS on-line catalog at the North Carolina Archives. Much more detail is available concerning some holdings and all archives holdings in all types of media concerning Tyrrell County can be displayed. You can do this by clicking here, entering "Tyrrell County" in the search box and then scrolling through the pages. Click on items of interest and more detail will appear.

Original Records in the NC State Archives


Apprentice Bonds and Records, 1742, 1782 - 1906; 1 volume, 2 fibredex boxes
Bastardy Bonds and Records, 1735 - 1922; 3 fibredex boxes
Officials'Bonds, 1743 - 1899, 1908, 1910; 3 fibredex boxes

Court Records (County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions)

Appearance Dockets, 1852 - 1868; 2 volumes
Clerk's Recording Docket, 1756 - 1762; 1 volume
Execution Dockets, 1756 - 1866; 9 volumes, 1 MS box
Levy Docket, 1838 - 1844; 1 volume
Minutes, 1735 - 1834, 1841 - 1868; 17 volumes, 1 MS box
State Dockets, 1762 - 1828, 1856 - 1859; 1 MS box
Trial and Appearance Dockets, 1798 - 1855; 7 volumes, 1 MS box
Trial, Appearance and Reference Dockets, 1754 - 1798; 2 MS boxes
Trial Dockets, 1855 - 1868; 2 volumes, 1 MS box

Court Records (Superior Court) Bench Docket, 1816 - 1840; 1 volume
Civil Action Papers, 1736 - 1926; 36 fibredex boxes
Civil Action Papers Concerning Land, 1794 - 1925; 8 fibredex boxes
Civil and Criminal Action Papers Concerning County Officials, 1798 - 1922; 1 fibredex box
Criminal Action Papers, 1739 - 1918; 22 fibredex boxes
Equity Minutes, 1852 - 1859, 1866 - 1868; 1 volume
Execution Dockets, 1808 - 1862, 1867, 1869; 2 volumes
Executions, 1782 - 1915, 1924; 23 fibredex boxes
Minutes, 1807 - 1883; 4 volumes, 1 MS box
State Dockets, 1815 - 1864, 1867 - 1869, 1874 - 1895, 1899 - 1905; 3 volumes
Trial and Appearance Dockets, 1816 - 1864; 2 volumes

Election Records

Record of Elections, 1878 - 1968; 5 volumes

Estates Records

Administrators' Bonds, 1904 - 1924; 1 volume
Appointment of Administrators, Executors, Guardians and Masters, 1868 - 1878; 1 MS box
Estates, Record of, 1802 - 1869; 4 volumes
Estates Records, 1738 - 1935, 1947 - 1960, 1968; 58 fibredex boxes {See also CRX Records]
Guardians' Bonds, 1859 - 1868; 1 MS box
Guardians' Records, 1754 - 1925, 1944 - 1954; 3 fibredex boxes

Land Records

Deeds and Miscellaneous Deeds, 1744 - 1911, 1924;1 fibredex box
Deeds, Record of, 1736 - 1819; 12 volumes
Ejectments, 1786 - 1921; 3 fibredex boxes
Land Entry Books, 1778 - 1796, 1887 - 1924; 1 volume, 1 MS box
Miscellaneous Land Records, 1755 - 1923, 1941, 1981; 2 fibredex boxes
Petitions for Partition and Sale of Land, 1810 - 1952; 2 fibredex boxes
Processioners' Records, 1748, 1800 - 1921; 2 fibredex boxes

Marriage, Divorce and Vital Statistics

Marriage Bonds, 1742 - 1868; 6 fibredex boxes
Divorce Records, 1815 - 1925, 1954; 2 fibredex boxes

Military and Pension Records [See Miscellaneous Reords]

Miscellaneous Records

Canal and Drainage Records, 1805 - 1927; 1 fibredex box
Confederate Veterans Association, Minutes, 1889 - 1917; 1 volume
Insolvent Debtors and Homestead and Personal Property Exemptions, 1821 - 1928; 2 fibredex boxes
Justices of the Peace, Records of, 1812 - 1912; 1 fibredex box
Miscellaneous Records, 1735, 1756 - 1975; 3 fibredex boxes [See also CRX Records]
Railroad Records, 1886 - 1923; 1 fibredex box
Road Records, 1786 - 1929; 3 fibredex boxes
Slaves and Free Persons of Color, Records of, 1793 - 1868; 2 fibredex boxes
Stock Marks, Record of, 1763 - 1819; 1 pamphlet
Strays, Record of, 1918, 1923; School Records, 1893; 1 volume

Roads and Bridges [See Miscellaneous Records]

Tax and Fiscal Records

Tax Records, 1782 - 1929; 1 fibredex box


Wills, 1744 - 1925; 6 fibredex boxes

CRX Records

Deeds, 1759; 1 folder
Estates Record, 1910; 1 folder
Miscellaneous Records, 1764 -1937; 10 folders

Microfilm Records in the NC State Archives

The following microfilm is available for viewing at the Archives and may also be purchased.

Court Records

County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions
Minutes, 1735 - 1868; 4 reels
Superior Court
Equity Minutes, 1852 - 1868; 1 reel
Judgements, Index to, Defendant, 1869 - 1968; 1 reel
Judgements, Index to, Plaintiff, 1869 - 1968; 1 reel
Minutes, 1807 - 1868; 5 reels

Election Records

Elections, Record of, 1880 - 1968; 3 reels

Estate Records

Accounts, Record of, 1868 - 1961; 2 reels
Administrators' Bonds, 1904 - 1924; 1 reel
Administrators and Executors, Cross Index to, 1940 - 1968; 1 reel
Administrators, Executors and Guardians, Record of, 1915 - 1967; 1 reel
Administrators, Record of, 1929 - 1961; 1 reel
Appointment of Executors, 1868 - 1878; 1 reel
Dowers, Record of, 1939; 1 reel
Estates, Record of, 1802 - 1868; 3 reels
Guardians Bonds, 1859 - 1868; 1 reel
Guardians, Cross Index to, 1906 - 1916; 1 reel
Ormond, Wyriott, Estate Records and Miscellaneous Accounts, 1758 - 1828; 1 reel
Settlements, Record of, 1867 - 1968; 1 reel

Land Records

Deeds, Record of, 1736 - 1959; 52 reels
Grants, Record of, 1779 - 1780; 1 reel
Land Entries, 1887 - 1924; 1 reel
Map Book, 1911 - 1975; 1 reel
Real Estate Conveyances, Index to, Grantor, 1729 - 1960; 2 reels
Real Estate Conveyances, Index to, Grantee, 1729 - 1960; 2 reels
Registration of Land Titles, 1918 - 1960; 1 reel
Resale of Land by Mortgagees and Trustees, Record of, 1932 - 1956; 1 reel

Marriage, Divorce and Vital Statistics

Delayed Births, Index to, various years; 1 reel
Marriage Bond Abstracts, 1741 - 1868; 1 reel
Marriage Bonds, 1741 - 1868; 3 reels
Marriage Records, 1851 - 1868; 1 reel
Marriage Registers, 1877 - 1975; 2 reels
Vital Statistics, Index to, 1913 - 1961; 1 reel

Military and Pension Records

Confederate Veterans Association, Minutes, 1889 - 1917; 1 reel

Miscellaneous Records

Clerks' Minute Docket, 1925 - 1929; 1 reel
Inquisition of Lunacy, Record of, 1900 - 1914; 1 reel
Orders and Decrees, 1868 - 1961; 2 reels
Special Proceedings, 1907 - 1968; 4 reels
Special Proceedings, Cross Index to, 1907 - 1968; 1 reel

Officials, County

Board of County Commissioners, Minutes, 1878 - 1981; 5 reels
County Board of Social Services, Minutes, 1937 - 1986; 2 reels
County Planning Board, Minutes, 1970 - 1986; 1 reel

School Records

County Board of Education, Minutes, 1911 - 1975; 2 reels

Tax and Fiscal Records

List of Taxables, 1782, 1850; 1 reel
Tax Lists, 1877 - 1899, 1901, 1915; 2 reels


Wills, Cross Index to, 1750 - 1968; 1 reel
Wills, Record of, 1750 - 1961; 2 reels

Microfilm Records in the NC State Archives

The following microfilm is not available for viewing at the Archives but may be purchased. They were filmed by the Mormon Church and may be ordered and viewed in their chuch libraries.

Apprentice Bonds

Bonds, Apprentice, 1742 - 1886; 1 reel

Bastardy Bonds

Bonds, Bastardy, 1793 - 1879; 2 reels

Estate Records

Estates, Record of, 1738 - 1935, 1947 - 1960, 1968; 24 reels


Apointment & Record of Guardians, 1868 - 1878; 1 reel

Land Records

Land Entries, 17787 - 1796; 1 reel

Slave Records

Slaves, Record of, 1793 - 1868; 1 reel


Wills, Original, 1744 - 1922; 2 reels

Tyrrell County Courthouse Records

The Tyrrell County Courthouse is located in Columbia, NC. There are no restrictions on access to records and they will answer queries and send copies of records. The Register of Deeds has been very helpful to me and every other researcher I know in the past. For deeds, marriage, birth and death records, write the Register of Deeds, Tyrrell County, P.O. Box 449, Columbia, NC 27925, telephone (252) 796-2901. For estate records, wills, etc., you must write the Clerk of Court, Tyrrell County, P.O. Box 406, Columbia, NC 27925. telephone (252) 796-6281. Copies are 25 cents per page.