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1850 Federal Census of Tyrrell County, North Carolina

Free Inhabitants in the County of Tyrrell, State of N. C.

Introduction and Instructions

Once again we need to thank Grady Gordon Brickhouse. He provided a typed copy of the 1850 Census transcribed from microfilm. I proofed it against the microfilm and put it into HTML format. There may be some errors, but these will mostly be errors in interpretation of writing as opposed to errors of omission. Every effort has been made to transcribe this census as written. There are some pretty obvious errors made by the census taker in recording sex, for instance, but they have been transcribed exactly as written. The only exception is for color and age. The census taker left the color blank if white, it has been transcribed with the letter "W" for clarity. Also, if the age was less than one year, it was written as a fraction in twelfths. Here it has been transcribed in the number of months followed by the letters "mo."

The census has been arranged in separate files for each page. There is also an every name index for the entire census that is arranged alphabetically so you won't have to scan through each page looking for surnames of interest. Each person in the index is linked to their respective census page and line. Merely click on the person in the index and you will go to that person in the census. When you are done looking at that page click on your browser's BACK button to return to the index right where you left it. If you want to go to another page or a different area of the index, full navigational capability is located at the bottom of each page.

The data on each page of the census is arranged in columns as follows:

  • Column 1 - Dwelling houses numbered in the order of visit
  • Column 2 - Families numbered in the order of visit
  • Column 3 - The name of every person whose usual place of abode on the first day of June, 1850 was in this family
  • Column 4 - Age in years or months (mo)
  • Column 5 - Sex
  • Column 6 - Color
  • Column 7 - Profession, occupation or trade of each male over 15 years
  • Column 8 - Value of real estate owned
  • Column 9 - Place of birth naming the state, territory or country
  • Column 10 - Reserved for future annotation of the census
    At some point in the future, I will begin annotating this census. At that time I will solicit input from all of you concerning your ancestors that appear in this census. With your help, we could produce a genealogical resource of great value.


    359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379
    380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400


    A BA - BD BE - BZ CA - COL COM - CZ D E - G H - I J - L
    MA - MD ME - MZ N - O P - Q R SA - SG SH - SQ SR - SZ T - V W - Z