The original marriage bonds extracted by the WPA also contain information such
as bondsmen, witnesses, etc. This data has been added to all records in this
listing as records were edited and missing records inserted. Bondsmen and
witnesses can be valuable indicators of relationships. Some day I will create
an index of bondsmen and witnesses. Until that time, you can search each list for
particular surnames by using the search capability of your browser. Because of
the size of the entire marriage bond listing, it has been broken into smaller
files based on the surnames of the grooms and the brides.
If you wish to order a copy of a marriage bond, they may be obtained from the North Carolina State Archives, 109 East Jones St., Raleigh, NC 27601-2807. Please include the groom's name, bride's name, the date of the bond and the county. There is an $8.00 search-and-copy fee if you live outside North Carolina. If you live in North Carolina, there is no search fee and the fee for a copy is usually around $2.00. A microfilm copy of the bonds and associated papers may also be rented through any Family History Center of the Mormon church. This usually costs $3.00 for a thirty-day period or $4.50 for a six-month period. Copying costs vary, provided the Family History Center has a microfilm reader that is capable of printing.
Blank - A | B | C | D - F | G - I | J - L | M - N | O - R | SA - SO | SP - SZ | T - Z |
A | B | C | D | E - G | H | I - L | M | N - O | P - R | SA - SO | SP - SZ | T - Z |