Anders Family
David Asbel Anders with
grandson Jim and wife
Tina Smith Anders Family

US GenWeb Project

Rufus and Florence Hall Owen Family in 1947
Rufus and Florence Hall Owen and children

US GenWeb Archives Project


Transylvania County, NC GenWeb Project
"Digging Into The Genealogy of Our Ancestors"

NC GenWeb

Death Certificates Vol 1 Part 2 - 1915

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Document Description 

Transylvania County began keeping Death Certificates in the latter part of 1913.  Volume one contains death certificates for 1913 through 1915. All subsequent years have a specific volume for that year.  In keeping with this later pattern, this index for volume one is divided into 1914 - with the few certificates for 1913 included and 1915, with a few certificates from 1914.  The following part of volume one breaks at a somewhat natural change within the original book.

Adding to the date confusion, the original books of death certificates is no longer available after being water damaged as a result of poor storage methods.  The current set of duplicate certificates have been rearranged to reflect a more chronological order tat no longer matches the page numbers listed in the official index  New page numbers have not been added.  This index continues to use the original page numbers since they are still used in the official index and it is hoped that the original order will be restored.  The digital images will help provide the information of the original documents.  Any users needed the official copy are on their own in finding it.

The order and page numbers in the index list below are from transcription notes of the original book made by Linda Hoxit Raxter in 1998 prior to the damage to the original book.  The images were created by Linda Anders using a digital camera.  Beyond the addition of an identifying caption in blue, no alterations to these images have been made.

However, it is important to bear in mind that it would be several years before all families adopted the practice of registering family deaths.  In addition, many certificates were incompletely or improperly filled out.  Accuracy and legibility vary by township and their local registrars.

The following index list is not intended to be used as a transcription of the Death Certificates.  Instead it is a finding aid to locate the actual images of each death certificate.  Birth and death years only are given to help in identifying an individual.  Complete dates, when available, will be found on the image.  Frequently an exact birth year is not listed.  In these case an approximate year is listed.  Both parents are also listed when available to aid in identifying an individual. 

Names in the index are frequently standardized to facilitate searching with the "Find" command.  The original spelling can then be viewed on the original certificate by following the hyperlink.  To use the find feature with Microsoft Explorer use CTRL+F and enter the surname.

Some certificates do not include names or only have a partial name.  In these cases names may have been added to the Index.  These additions are indicated by parenthesis.  Some characters are difficult if not impossible to read.  These are indicated with underlines.

Images were made from a set of photoduplicated copies at the Transylvania County Registrar of Deeds office.  After these certificates were duplicated, the original was stored in the leaky courthouse basement with other original vital records where they sustained water damage.  

While this Internet access to the records is convenient, it is also made through a new media and instable national project.  In addition, these images are not archival quality and should not be considered a substitute for the original or for the necessity of microfilming these records with a copy placed in State Archives as a permanent backup to prevent further loss of these documents.

 - Originally posted March 30, 2003 by Linda O. Anders and Linda Hoxit Raxter

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Brevard Township

Andrew Fuller Allison 1879 1915 Rev. E. Allison E. J. Wilson 115
Charles E. Walker 1914 1915 David Walker Tennessee Kinsey 116
(Infant Huggins) 1915 1915 Joe Huggins Elizabeth Carr 117
(Infant Huggins) 1915 1915 Joe Huggins Elizabeth Carr 118
William Nelson Raxter 1854 1914 Sam Raxter Tabitha Thompson 119
Katherine Frady 1914 1915 Lasalle Frady Anna Hollingsworth 120
Mrs. Eugene Adeline McConell 1845 1915 ____ Hall Demsy Kely 121
Ed Carson 1894 1915 John Carson Mattie McCluney 122
Eliza Kilgore 1915 M___ Furgisen 123
Mrs. Sarah Ella Wright 1876 1915 B. F. Kilpatrick Mary Burns 124
Troy Powell 1914 1915 B. F. Powell Josie Carson 125
Riley McGaha abt 1852 1915 James McGaha 126
Bertha Poston abt 1895 1915 G. W. Poston    Dovie Henson 127
Lamar Mackey 1915 1915 Bunion Mackey Eliza Bailey 128
Mary Jane Aiken 1858 1915 Joseph Shipman Elizabeth Dawson 129
Preston W. Allison 1883 1915 William C. Allison J_ttie Orr 130
John Lewis Morgan 1903 1915 J. R. Morgan Mary Gash 131
Thomas Malhone Maning 1846 1915 Thomas Maning Lura Catherine Ball 132
Lonnie McKallop abt 1880 1915 Dan McKallop 133
Robert O. English abt 1827 1915 Daniel L. English Wiseman 134
William H. Allison 1857 1915 A. D. B. Allison Erveline Lester 135
Burthie Keet Zachary abt 1892 1915 Nancy Zachary 136
Maggie Hemphill 1863 1915 Annie Mooney 137
Januia Viola Sentell 1906 1915 Henry Sentelle Dovia Parker 138
Robert Raines 1915 1915 John Robert Raines Bessie Olen Wilson 139
Grace Lee Glazner abt 1913 1915 G. T. Glazner Lina Sparks 140
Clyde E. Paris 1912 1915 M. M. Paris Sallie Jones 141
Inez Jones 1913 1915 Edwin Jones Beulah Gosset 142
Jerry Richardson 1846 1915 James Richardson 143
(Infant Jones) 1915 1915 Mary Jones 144
Robert Anderson 1853 1915 Robt Anderson Frances Anderson 145
Anna Wilson 1842 1915 Henry Wilson Anna Dole 146
D. S. Williams 1864 1915 147
Frances E. Hassell Chapman 1857 1915 John Hassell Mary Elizabeth Gibb 148
(Infant Mason) 1915 1915 Joseph Powell Mason Liddie Janetti Ervin 149
Bessie Elizabeth Cloud 1879 1915 John B___sel Laura Stanley 150
(Infant Sheppard) 1915 1915 Harry Sheppard Lillian Mackey 151
Mrs. Martha Orr abt 1840 1915 James Bagwell Rebecca Reed 152
Malinda Bowman 1850 1915 Jim Kilgore Dina Kilgore 153
Mrs. Mary Bowen abt 1865 1915 David Hill Margery Farcheringham 154
Margery Elizabeth Ashworth 1915 1915 J. O. Ashworth Elsie Drusilla Hamlin 155
Infant Thomas Allen 1915 1915 Thomas Allen Macey Kilpatrick 156
(Infant Lee) 1915 1915 Oscar Lee Lizzie Roseman 157
Baby Whitesides 1915 1915 Andrew Whitesides Cory Cunningham 158
Janie Harris abt 1865 1915 Founder Harris 159
Tom Mills 1892 1915 Cam Mills Nannie Hutcheson 160
Fred Shook 1892 1915 D. E. Shook Cora Deal 161
Anderson Infant 1915 1915 Lizzie Anderson 162
Hariet Hunt abt 1825 1915 Louis McCarroll McCarroll 163


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Boyd Township

Virgil Sims 1893 1915 David Simms Margaret Fowler 164
Mary King Halsey 1889 1915 William H. King Mary 165
Lila Eliza Ledbetter 1874 1915 William H. Cairnes Laura Britton 166
Ina May King 1873 1915 James H. Morris Rebecca Neil 167
Mary Morgan 1883 1915 Milard Gash Harriet Hemphill 168
Marilda Merrill abt 1837 1915 Edward Merrell 169
Mary Louisa Clayton 1856 1915 Ephraim Orr Sophia Young 170
Richard Washburn 1856 1915 Fannie Washburn 171
Shedrick Camp 1913 1915 William Camp Nannie Smith 172


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Catheys Creek Township

Maggie  Cunningham 1889 1915 Jack Cunningham Sarah _______ 173
Geo Haskell Wilson 1886 1915 Marcus Maxwell Mary E. Tinsley 174
Elizabeth Hayes 1836 1915 Thos Owen Elizabeth Shipman 175
James Edward Batson 1915 1915 Edward S. Batson E. S. Garren 176
Robt Waldrop 1848 1915 Cliford Waldrop Cox 177
Joseph Harry Bryson 1915 1915 Otis O. Bryson Estella Ross 178
Isabella Jeffers Duckworth 1853 1915 Joseph E. Duckworth Adriana Fuller 179
(Infant Barton) 1915 1915 J. Mint Barton Nellie Allison 180
Robert A. Whitmire 1884 1915 Holbert Whitmire Sarah E. Price 181


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Rosman - Catheys Creek & Eastatoe Township

Guy Owens 1915 1915 Bernice Owens Jennie Sheehan 182
Rebecca Jackson 1839 1915 Mosses Heatherly Olive Justus 183
(Infant Williams) 1915 1915 James Marcus Williams Clarisa Catherine Merrell 184
Thomas Phillips 1913 1915 Albert L. Phillips Ode Moore 185


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Dunns Rock Township

Martha Adaline Lance 1835 1915 Fergason 186
Ulus Edard Wilson 1876 1915 William Harrison Violet Pethena Harvin* 187
(Infant Holden) 1915 1915 Mountyvale Dims Holden Daisey Holden 188
Zilpha Ashworth 1844 1915 189
Mary Matilda Orr 1841 1915 Lemuel Fowler 190
Alma Raxter 1915 1915 Elza Raxter Reba McGaha 191


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Eastatoe Township

Neter A. Chapman 1883 1915 Killian Jarette Nancy Ann Jarette 192
Millard Eugene Gillespie 1914 1915 Ernest Eugene Gillespie Flora Eloise Underwood 193
Nancie Nelious Whitmire 1872 1914 J. E. Galloway Elizabeth Galloway 194
Grady Lenord Chapman 1914 1915 Julious W. Chapman Parolee Powell 195
Robert Tipton Raines 1852 1915 Robert Raines Rodah Collmen 196
Thomas Beesley 1915 Austin Beesley 197
J. D. Henry Jr. 1915 1915 James Davidson Henry Callie Unis Bryant 198
G. T. Tabor, Jr. 1915 1915 G. T. Tabor Rachel Smily 199
Rutha Dodson 1898 1916** J. W. Dodson Martha M. Dodson 200
Ester Shelton 1913 1915 James Shelton Shelton 201


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Hogback Township

Jessie Virgil Owen 1893 1915 William J. Owen Nannie Corbin 202
Robert J. Cook 1848 1915 A. B. Cook Nancy T. Freeling 203
(Infant Owen) 1915 1915 Chas Wilkins Owen Viola F. Owen 204
Katy Lowe 1896 1915 James McCall Matilda Revis 205
Blanche Lowe 1915 1915 Jackson Lowe Katie Revis 206


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Gloucester Township

Lesia Parker 1896 1915 A. H. Owen Sarah Banther 207
Looney Edford McCall 1914 1915 Ames S. McCall Juda Owen 208
(Infant Parker) 1915 1915 Arthur Parker Lesia Owen 209
Cornelius Owen 1897 1915 John A. Owen Elizabeth Gosnal 210
Dora Bell Owen 1891 1915 John A. Owen Elizabeth Gosnal 211
(Infant Mason) 1915 1915 Claud Mason Ira McCall 212
Laura McCall 1892 1915 George Smith Mary Simpson 213
Margaret A. Banther 1864 1915 Erwin Wood Elizabeth Jinnings 214
Elbert Daniel McCall 1915 1915 Rickman McCall Laura Smith 215
Mrs. Melinda R. Owen 1830 1915 James Reid Charlotte Dillard 216
Mrs. Mary McCall 1827 1915 John Owen Lavinia Parker 217
Edwin Galloway 1915 1915 Horace Galloway Mae Middleton 218
Cleo Riddle 1910 1915 William M. Riddle Genever Allen 219
Lessie Beck 1915 1915 Charlie Beck Catherine Alexander 220
(Missing?) 221


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Little River Township

Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Thomas 1845 1915 John H. Allison Miss Elizabeth Allison 222
(Missing?) 223
(Missing?) 224
(Missing?) 225
(Missing?) 226
(Missing?) 227
(Missing?) 228
(Missing?) 229
(Missing?) 230
Nancy Sizemore 1842 1915 Rob Thrift Pollie Jackson 231
Doll Jones 1904 1915 Thomas Jones Mary Tinksley 232
* Parents listed for Ulus Wilson are probably in error since the surnames do not match.  May be the parents of informant Violet P. Wilson - LHR

** This "December 1916" death is very much out of sequence and may be in error.  It probably should read 1915 - LHR

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