Anders Family
David Asbel Anders with
grandson Jim and wife
Tina Smith Anders Family

US GenWeb Project

Rufus and Florence Hall Owen Family in 1947
Rufus and Florence Hall Owen and children

US GenWeb Archives Project


Transylvania County, NC GenWeb Project
"Digging Into The Genealogy of Our Ancestors"

NC GenWeb

Brevard News, March 10, 1922



Additional articles from this paper are available on microfilm as part of the North Carolina Newspaper Project. - LHR




D. L. English on Crowded Polls

Says Election Board Should Remedy Voting Conditions - Also Other Suggestions

Editor Brevard News

Dear Sir - 

I notice from the political announcements in your last issue that the interest in our next election is beginning to show and I desire to ratify what someone said in your last issue in regard to political parties selecting their best material to fill the offices, in fact, no one should be nominated for office except such a one as is competent, honest and trustworthy, and any party that puts out nominees that do not come up to such requirements are injuring such party.

I do not consider it amiss at this time to make some suggestions as a tax payer, that should, in my judgment, receive immediate attention from the county Board of Elections and is entirely within their power and discretion to remedy the situation we had two years ago, and if they do not do so and conditions exist next election that existed in November 1920, the Election Board should be held responsible for the same.  I refer to the crowded conditions that existed at our voting place in Brevard Township in 1920 and the make-shift booths that we had at that time, especially as affecting out lady voters.  I therefore make the following suggestions, that is, that Brevard Township should be divided into two voting precincts, one at Brevard an one at Pisgah Forest, and there are other townships that should be divided up that the exercise of the franchise would not be a burden upon the voters.  Boyd Township should be cut into two precincts with a voting place about Enon or at Tally's store, or as near to the center of that section as possible, and another voting precinct about the top of Little Mountain so as to accommodate the people of upper Glade Creek, Turkey Creek and Boylson.  Hogback Township should also be divided into two precincts, one located in the vicinity of McNeely's store or the depot and another back toward the Bohemian section.  Gloucester Township should also be divided into two precincts with a voting place in the Shoal Creek section and another about Vance Galloway's or somewhere in that neighborhood.  Cathey's Creek, Eastatoe, and Little River have been heretofore divided and those divisions have proved a great convenience to the people of he township.

To make these divisions the same must be done in order to give ample time and public notice to the citizens affected and ample opportunity to the citizens of he precincts to have their names transferred upon the registration books or new registration provided and our County Board of Elections should immediately take these matters in hand and put into operation the necessary machinery to bring about such changes as are needed so that the citizenship of our County can have reasonable facilities to express their wishes by the ballot upon any issues that may be submitted to them as well as s____ and express their wishes as to who should represent them in the various offices in the townships, County,  State , and Nation.  These suggestions are made with the view that our women of the County may be placed so that they can exercise the franchise without unnecessary hardships.

 - added 08 March 2003 by LHR

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