Anders Family
David Asbel Anders with
grandson Jim and wife
Tina Smith Anders Family

US GenWeb Project

Rufus and Florence Hall Owen Family in 1947
Rufus and Florence Hall Owen and children

US GenWeb Archives Project


Transylvania County, NC GenWeb Project
"Digging Into The Genealogy of Our Ancestors"

NC GenWeb

The Transylvania Times, August 26, 1943



Additional articles from this issue are available on microfilm as part of the North Carolina Newspaper Project - LHR


A Large Crowd Attends Funeral for Dr. English

Prominent And Beloved Brevard Physician Died Suddenly Last Thursday

A large crowd attended the funeral services here at the Brevard Methodist church last Sunday afternoon for Dr. Edwin S. English, 75, prominent and beloved Brevard physician whose sudden death came as a shock to the entire community and county.

Friends from far and near gathered to pay tribute to a man who had spent his life serving the people of his town and country.  It was one of the largest crowds ever assembled here for a funeral service.

The pastor, Rev. W. A. Jenkins, Rev. E. P. Billups of Canton, and Rev. G. G. Adams, pastor of the Ecusta circuit, conducted the service.  Interment was in the Oak Grove cemetery where final rites were held by the Masons.  The body lay in state an hour and a half before this service.

Dr. English died suddenly last Thursday morning while en route to a hospital in Greenville, S. C., where he was being removed following an attack earlier in the morning.  He was stricken soon after returning home from calling on a patient at 3 o'clock that morning.  He had been in declining health for several years, but as stated in the prayer of Mr. Billups at the funeral service, "He fell in the line of duty in sacrificing his life for others."

He was a native of Transylvania county and had practiced medicine here almost half a century.  He was a 32nd degree Mason and a member of the Woodmen of the World, and served one term  as registrar of deeds of Transylvania County.  He received his M. D. degree at the University of the South, Sewannee, Tenn.., in 1900, and did post graduate work at the New York Post Graduate Medical school, and at the University of the state of New York, and also took a course in obstetrics and diseases of the children, and a course in X-ray and diathermy in Philadelphia.  He attended the University of North Carolina and took his elementary schooling at English Chapel and Leicester Academy.

Surviving are the widow, who was formerly Miss Leila Jane Pickelsimer, of Brevard; one son, Edwin S. English, Jr., of Brevard; four daughters, Mrs. Clyde Jones, of Brevard; Mrs. Ted Seely, of Waldron, Ark.; Miss Katherine English, of Brevard; and Mrs. Alfred Berthold, of Washington, D. C.; also two grandchildren; two brothers, Judge D. L. English, of Brevard, and Charlie English, of Etowah; and two sisters, Mrs. Eugene Lewis of Asheville, and Mrs. J. F. Matney, of Statesville.

Active pall bearers were G. H. Lyday, Osborne Bradley, Lewis P. Hamlin, J. M. Allison and W. W. Croushorn.

A large number of friends acted as honorary pallbearers.

Those ins charge of flowers were: Mrs. J. E. Hunter, Jr., Mrs Lita Stepp, Miss Mildred Carpenter, Miss Lucille Roberts, Mrs. Albert Lyday, Mrs. Ashe Macfie, Mrs. Brian Combs, Ms. Hollis Fort, Mrs. Miriam Kyle and Mrs. Bill Erwin.

Moore - Trantham funeral home was in charge of arrangements.

 - Pages 1 & 6, added 08 March 2003 by LHR

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