Anders Family
David Asbel Anders with
grandson Jim and wife
Tina Smith Anders Family

US GenWeb Project

Rufus and Florence Hall Owen Family in 1947
Rufus and Florence Hall Owen and children

US GenWeb Archives Project


Transylvania County, NC GenWeb Project
"Digging Into The Genealogy of Our Ancestors"

NC GenWeb

Marson Baynard and Millie Simpson

Household Abstract

Part of the Transylvania Tour

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Research Participants:

  • Linda Hoxit Raxter, compiler 
  • Linda O. Anders
  • Steve Sitton

Previous Research:

No information located in previous publications.  

Research Sources:

The Basics:

The Stories:

Originally Posted
April 29, 2003

All historic research is an ongoing process.  The following information reflects currently available sources and is subject to change as new information is located.

Information in [brackets] provides editorial comments by a research participant.  Information in italics  contains the same spelling and syntax as the original document.  Underlined information was difficult to read in the original document and may be transcribed incorrectly.

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Household Summary:

Heads of House:

William Marson Baynard

Dester Permilia Simpson

Born: November 18, 1890
North Carolina
[November 17 on death certificate. 18th from cemetery marker - LHR]
Born: April 20, 1893
Pisgah Forest, Transylvania County, NC
Died: February 13, 1969
Pisgah Forest, Transylvania County, NC
Died: November 8, 1980
Shelby Care Center, Shelby, Cleveland County, North Carolina
Buried: Boylston Baptist Cemetery
Henderson County, North Carolina*
Buried: Boylston Baptist Cemetery
Henderson County, North Carolina
William Asbury Baynard (1869 - 1961)
Minnie A. Townsend
Jake Simpson
Mary Jane McKinney
[*The creation of Transylvania County divided the Boylston community between Henderson and Transylvania Counties.  This Boylston Baptist Church and cemetery is within a half mile of the county line - LHR] 


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Other Household Members:

Ina Loree Baynard - Daughter

Born August 18, 1911
Died March 10, 1912
Buried Boylston Baptist Cemetery, Henderson County, North Carolina

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Evelyn Irene Baynard - Daughter

Born December 11, 1912 in Boylston, Transylvania County, North Carolina
Died 1991
Buried Pisgah Gardens, Boyd Township, Transylvania County. North Carolina
May 14, 1935 to Harry L. Sitton (July 6, 1913 to January 27, 1984)
Son of William E. Sitton and Nettie Lee Taylor

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Grady Baynard - Son

Born October 16, 1914 [From birth certificate. Cemetery marker has October 6 - LHR]
Died October 24, 1914
Buried Boylston Baptist Cemetery, Henderson County, North Carolina

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Marson Leora Baynard - Son

Born August 18, 1916 in Transylvania County, North Carolina
Died April 6, 1999 in Brevard, Transylvania County, North Carolina
Buried Turkey Creek Cemetery, Pisgah Forest, North Carolina
Married Neta Jane Wilde (Born 1923)

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Thelma Baynard - Daughter

Born June 14, 1919 in Boyd Township, Transylvania County, North Carolina
Married Mr. Lyda

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Minta Marie Baynard - Daughter

Born October 12, 1921 in Brevard, Boyd Township, Transylvania County, North Carolina
Married Mr. Orr

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William Harley Baynard - Son

Born June 26, 1924, Boyd Township, Transylvania County, North Carolina
Died June 30, 1924, Boyd Township, Transylvania County, North Carolina
Buried Boylston Baptist Cemetery, Henderson County, North Carolina
[Cemetery marker has dates 27 JUN 1924 to 02 JUL 1924. Information above is from the birth and death certificates signed by Dr. A. S. Lyday who personally attended to this premature child during his brief life. - LHR]

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J. B. Baynard - Son

Born May 28, 1929
Died December 16, 1931, Boyd Township, Transylvania County, North Carolina
Buried Boylston Baptist Cemetery, Henderson County, North Carolina

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Baynard - Son

Born October 26, 1932 in Brevard Township, Transylvania County, North Carolina

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Census Records:

1910, Thirteenth Federal Population Census of the United States [from microfilm copy]
SD 10, ED 154, 7A, Dwelling # 76, Boyd Township, Transylvania County, North Carolina
Name Description
Simpson, Jacob L. Head, male, white, 60, first marriage of 31 years, born in North Carolina, father born in South Carolina, Mother born in North Carolina, farmer on own farm, able to read and write, owns home free of mortgage.
 - Mary J Wife, female, white, 46, first marriage of 31 years, 12 children, 10 living, NC, NC, NC, able to r & w.
 - Jonas E. Son, male, white, 29, single, NC, NC, NC, Farm Labor on home farm, able to read & write.
 - Lillie Daughter, female, white, 25, single, NC, NC, NC, able to read & write
 - Eli Son, male, white, 19, single, NC, NC, NC, farm labor on home farm, able to read & write, attended school
 - Millie Daughter, female, white, 16, single, NC, NC, NC, able to read & write, attended school.
 - Louis Son, male, white, 14, single, NC, NC, NC, able to read & write, attended school.
 - Jesse Son, male, white, 8, single, NC, NC, NC, able to read but not write, attended school.
 - Lessie Daughter, female, white, 8, single, NC, NC, NC, able to read & write, attended school.
 - Leota Daughter, female, white, 5 single, NC, NC, NC unable to read or write - did not attend school.

Added 29 April 2003, submitted by Linda Hoxit Raxter

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1910, Thirteenth Federal Population Census of the United States [from microfilm copy]
SD 10, ED 154, 7A, Dwelling # 77, Boyd Township, Transylvania County, North Carolina
Name Description
Baynard, William A. Head, male, white, 41, first marriage of 21 years, born in North Carolina, father born in North Carolina, mother born on North Carolina, Farmer on own farm, able to read & write, owns farm free of mortgage.
 - Minta Wife, female, white, 41, first marriage of 21 years, 7 children, 7 lving, NC, NC, NC, able to read & write.
 - Lenny Daughter, female, white, 20, single, NC, NC, NC, able to read & write, attended school.
 - Marshall Son, male, white, 19, single, NC, NC, NC, farm laborer on home farm, able to read & write, attended school.  [Census error - this is Marson Baynard - LHR].
 - Clifford Son, male, white, 15, single, NC, NC, NC, farm labor on home farm, able to read & write, attended school.
 - Carlis Son, male, white, 13, single, NC, NC, NC, farm laborer on home farm, able to read but not write, attended school.
 - May Belle Daughter, female, 7, single, NC, NC, NC, able to read & write, attended school.
 - Dora Daughter, female, 5, single, NC, NC, NC, able to read but not write, attended school.
 - Cleo Daughter, female, 1, NC, NC, NC.

Added 29 April 2003, submitted by Linda Hoxit Raxter

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1920, Fourteenth Federal Population Census of the United States [from microfilm copy]
Dwelling # 148, Boylston Road, Boyd Township, Transylvania County, North Carolina
Name Description
Baynard, Morrison Head, owns home, free of mortgage, male, white, 30, married, able to read & write, born in North Carolina, father born in North Carolina, mother born in North Carolina, farmer employed in general farming.
 - Millie Wife, female, white, 26, married, able to r & w, NC, NC, NC.
 - Eveline Daughter, female, white, 6, single, NC, NC, NC.
 - Leory Son, male, white, 3 1/2, single, NC, NC, NC.
 - Telmer Daughter, female, 8/12, single, NC, NC, NC.

Added 29 April 2003, submitted by Linda Hoxit Raxter

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1930, Fifteenth Federal Population Census of the United States   [from microfilm copy]
Dwelling # 150, Boyd Township, Transylvania County, North Carolina
Name Description
Baynard, Marson Head, Owns home worth $1500, male, white, 39, married at age 20, able to read and write, born in North Carolina, father born in North Carolina, mother born in North Carolina, employed as a laborer.
 - Millie Wife, female, white, 37, married at age  18, able to r & w, NC, NC, NC.
 - Evyland Daughter, female, white, 17, single, attended school, able to r & w, NC, NC, NC.
 - Lura Daughter, female, white, 13, single, attended school, able to r & w, NC, NC, NC [Census error - This is Marson Leora Baynard, a male son - LHR]
 - Thelma Daughter, female, white, 10, single, attended school, able to r & w, NC, NC, NC.
 - Marie Daughter, female, white, 8, single, NC, NC, NC.
 - J. B.  Son, male, white, 11/12, single, NC, NC, NC.

Added 29 APR 2003, submitted by Linda Hoxit Raxter

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Family Records:


Boylston Baptist Cemetery, Boylston, Henderson County, North Carolina
Name, comments Birth Death
Infant Son of Leora and Jane Baynard    
Ina Loree Baynard 18 AUG 1911 10 MAR 1912
Grady Baynard 06 OCT 1914 24 OCT 1914
William Harley Baynard 27 JUN 1924 02 JUL 1924
J. B. Baynard 28 MAY 1929 16 DEC 1931
William Marson Baynard 18 NOV 1890 13 FEB 1969
Dester Permilia Simpson Baynard 20 APR 1893 08 NOV 1980

Added 29 April 2003, submitted by Linda Hoxit Raxter

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Turkey Creek Baptist Cemetery, Boyd Twp., Transylvania County, NC  [from cemetery markers]
Name, comments Birth Death
Marson Leora Baynard 18 AUG 1916 06 APR 1999
Neta Jane Wilde      

Added 29 April 2003, submitted by Linda Anders

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Pisgah Gardens, Boyd Township, Transylvania County, North Carolina  [from cemetery markers]
Name, comments Birth Death
Harry L. Sitton 1913 1984
Evelyn I. Sitton 1912 1991

Added 29 April 2003, submitted by Linda Hoxit Raxter

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Vital Records:

Birth Certificates:

16 OCT 1914 Transylvania County, North Carolina Birth Certificates
Book 1 p 132 Grady Baynard, Blantyre, Boyd Twp, Transylvania County, North Carolina
Son of Morrison Baynard and Milly Simpson.  W. M. Lyday, M. D.

Added 29 APR 2003, submitted by Linda Hoxit Raxter

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18 AUG 1916 Transylvania County, North Carolina Birth Certificates
Book 2 p 118 Marison Leora Baynard, Blantyre, Boyd Township, Transylvania County, NC
Son of Marson Baynard and Millie Simpson. A. E. Lyday, M. D.

Added 29 APR 2003, submitted by Linda Hoxit Raxter

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14 JUN 1919 Transylvania County, North Carolina Birth Certificates
Book 5 pg 17 Thelma Baynard, Brevard RFD#2, Boyd Twp, Transylvania County, North Carolina
Daughter of William M. Baynard and Dester P. Simpson.  A. E. Lyday, M. D.

Added 29 APR 2003, submitted by Linda Hoxit Raxter

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12 OCT 1921 Transylvania County, North Carolina Birth Certificates
Book 7 pg 141 Minta Marie Baynard, Brevard, Boyd Township, Transylvania County, North Carolina
Daughter of William M. Baynard and Dester P. Simpson

Added 29 APR 2003, submitted by Linda Hoxit Raxter

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26 JUN 1924 Transylvania County, North Carolina Birth Certificates
Book 10 p 37 William Harley Baynard, Brevard, Boyd Twp., Transylvania County, North Carolina
Son of William M. Baynard and Dester P. Simpson.  A. E. Lyday, M. D.

Added 29 APR 2003, submitted by Linda Hoxit Raxter

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28 MAY 1929 Transylvania County, North Carolina Birth Certificates
Book 15 p 9 J. B. Baynard, Brevard, Boyd Twp., Transylvania County, North Carolina
Son of William Morrison Baynard and Dester Mellie Simpson.  Robert L. Stopes, M. D. 

Added 29 APR 2003, submitted by Linda Hoxit Raxter

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26 OCT 1932 Transylvania County, North Carolina Birth Certificates
Book 18 p 110 [name blank], Brevard Township, Transylvania County, North Carolina
Son of Merrison Baynard and Dester Permelia Simpson Baynard.  Chas L. Newland, MD

Added 29 APR 2003, submitted by Linda Hoxit Raxter

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Delayed Birth Certificates:

11 DEC 1912 Transylvania County, North Carolina Delayed Birth Certificates
Book D-8 p 75 Evelyn Irene Baynard, Boyleston, Transylvania County, North Carolina
Daughter of William Marson Baynard and Millie Simpson.  
Evidence: Affidavit of mother, Millie Baynard, Family Bible of Millie S. Baynard, Birth Certificate of son, Perry Lee Sitton.  Filed 18 NOV 1975.

Added 29 April 2003, submitted by Linda Hoxit Raxter

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Death Certificates:

30 JUN 1926 Transylvania County, North Carolina Death Certificates
Book 10 p 11 William Harley Baynard, Brevard, Boyd Tpw, Transylvania County, North Carolina
Premature Birth.  A. E. Lyday, M. D.
Born 26 JUN 1924 to Marrison Baynard and Millie Simpson.
Buried in Boylston Cemetery

Added 29 April 2003, submitted by Linda Hoxit Raxter

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16 DEC 1931 Transylvania County, North Carolina Death Certificates
Book 18 p 6 Baynard, Brevard, Boyd Twp, Transylvania County, North Carolina
Ruptured gall bladder.  Robert L. Stokes, M. D. 
Died age 2.  Son of Morrson Baynard and Lela Reese
Burial Information

Added 29 April 2003, submitted by Linda Hoxit Raxter

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13 FEB 1969 Transylvania County, North Carolina Death Certificates
Book 5 p 7 William Marson Baynard, Pisgah Forest, Transylvania County, North Carolina
C V A, 12 hrs; Arteriosclerosis Vascular Disease, 10 years.  Chas L. Newland, M. D.
18 NOV 1890 to William  A. Baynard and Minta Townsend.  Husband of Millie S. Baynard.
Buried at Boyleston Cemetery, Henderson County, NC by Frank Moody Funeral Home

Added 29 April 2003, submitted by Linda Anders

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08 NOV 1980 Transylvania County, North Carolina Out of County Death Certificates
Bk OC2 p 390 Dester Pamellia Baynard, Shelby Care Center, Shelby, Transylvania County, North Carolina.  Residence listed as Pisgah Forest, Transylvania County, NC
Cardiac failure, 1 day; ASCVD 10 years.  Joseph Walker, M. D. 
Born April 20, 1893 to Jake Simpson and Mary Jane McKinney.
Buried Boylston Cemetery, Henderson County, NC by Moore Funeral Home

Added 29 April 2003, submitted by Linda Hoxit Raxter

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27 JAN 1984 Transylvania County, North Carolina Death Certificates
Book 70 p 131 Harry Lee Sitton, Transylvania Community Hospital.  Residence Ecusta Rd, Pisgah Forest, Transylvania County, North Carolina
Cardiac Arrest, Probable Myocardial Infraction, Coronary Artery Disease.  Nettie White, M. D.
Born 06 JUL 1913 to William E. Sitton and Nettie Lee Taylor
Buried at Pisgah Gardens by Moore Funeral Home

Added 29 April 2003, submitted by Linda Hoxit Raxter

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06 APR 1999 Transylvania County, North Carolina Death Certificates
Book 85 p 15 Marson Leora Baynard, Brevard, Transylvania County, North Carolina
Emphysema, years, Cigarette Smoking, 50 years, Thomas F. Lindsay, M. D
Born 18 AUG 1916 to William Marson Baynard and Millie Simpson.  Husband of Jane Wilde.
Buried at Turkey Creek Cemetery, Pisgah Forest, NC by Moore Funeral Home

Added 29 April 2003, submitted by Linda Anders

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Marriage Records:

14 MAY 1935 Transylvania County, North Carolina Marriage Index
Groom Harry Sitton, 21, white, Pisgah Forest
Bride Evelyn Baynard, 21, white, Brevard
  Paul Hartsell, Baptist Minister 

Added 29 April 2003, submitted by Linda Hoxit Raxter

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Property Records:

14 APR 1891 Transylvania County, North Carolina Registry - Deed
from Grantor James W. Patton and wife A. E. Patton, Transylvania County, North Carolina
to Grantee William A. Baynard and wife Minta A. Baynard, Transylvania County, North Carolina
Bk 10 p 212-13 $70 for 40 acres +/-.  Boylston Creek adjoining J. P. Shuford and _ R. Miller and others.

Added 29 April 2003, submitted by Linda Hoxit Raxter

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01 MAY 1916 Transylvania County, North Carolina Registry - Deed
from Grantor T. J. Hollingsworth and M. A. Hollingsworth, Transylvania County, NC
to Grantee W. A. Baynard and W. M. Baynard, Transylvania County, North Carolina
Notes $540, 65 acres +/-.  Boyd Township on both sides of Turkey Creek.  Adjoining Hollingsworth corner, Vanderbilt corner, Springhead, J. S. Boggs Line, Surrett line, G. W. Wilson line.

Book 37 p 116

Signed T. J. Hollingsworth and M. A. (x) Hollingsworth


28 OCT 1946 to W. M. Baynard and wife Millie Baynard, Book 91, Page 75.

Added 29 April 2003, submitted by Linda Hoxit Raxter

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29 OCT 1918 Transylvania County, North Carolina Registry - Deed
from Grantor Leander Baynard and wife Rosy Baynard, Transylvania County, North Carolina
to Grantee Marison Baynard and wife Millie Baynard, Transylvania County, North Carolina
Notes $300 for 22 acres +/-.  Boyd Township on the waters of Dog Creek.  Adjoining J. L. Simpson, R. M. Scruggs dec'd, Charlie Reece, M. A. Orr.

Book 41 p 142

Signed Lee (x) Baynard and Rosa Baynard

Added 29 April 2003, submitted by Linda Hoxit Raxter

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01 JUN 1926 Transylvania County, North Carolina Registry - Deed
from Grantor L. J. Wilson, Transylvania County, North Carolina
to Grantee W. A. Baynard and wife M. A Baynard, Morrison Baynard and wife D. M. Baynard, Transylvania County, North Carolina
Notes $5.00 and other considerations for 74.85 acres +/-.  East side of creek [creek is not named in descriptions - LHR].  Adjoining Alexander Hollingsworth line.

Book 69 p 10

Signed L. J. Wilson


28 OCT 1946 to W. M. Baynard and wife Millie Baynard, Book 91, Page 75.

Added 29 April 2003, submitted by Linda Hoxit Raxter

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04 AUG 1926 Transylvania County, North Carolina Registry - Deed
from Grantor Marrison Baynard and wife Millie Baynard, Transylvania County, North Carolina
to Grantee W. A. Baynard and wife Mentie Baynard, Transylvania County, North Carolina

Book 63 p 10

$300 for 22 acres +/-.  Adjoining J. L. Simpson, Scruggs line, M. A. Orr line.

Added 29 April 2003, submitted by Linda Hoxit Raxter

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28 OCT 1946 Transylvania County, North Carolina Registry - Deed
from Grantor W. A. Baynard, widower, Transylvania County, North Carolina
to Grantee W. M. Baynard and wife Millie Baynard, Transylvania County, North Carolina

Book 91 p 75

$10 and other good and valuable considerations for two tracts.
Tract 1:
Both sides of Turkey Creek.  Kemp and Hollingsworth corner, Vanderbilt corner, J. S. Boggs line, G. W. Young line.  65 acres +/-.  Described in deed from T. J. Hollingsworth and M. A. Hollingsworth to W. A. Baynard and wife May 1, 1916 Book 37 page 116.
Tract 2
Adjoining Alexander Hollingsworth line.  74.85 acres +/-.  Described in deed from L. J. Wilson to W. A. Baynard and wife and Morrison Baynard and wife June 1, 1926 Book 69 p 10.

Added 29 April 2003, submitted by Linda Hoxit Raxter

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18 MAR 1950 Transylvania County, North Carolina Registry - Deed
from Grantor T. J. Wilson and wife Nell Wilson, Transylvania County, North Carolina
to Grantee Marson Baynard and wife Millie Baynard, Transylvania County, North Carolina

Bk 102 p 234

$1 and other good and valuable considerations.  Adjoining Pisgah National Forest, old Hollingsworth line, East Prong of Turkey Creek, Ashe branch.  The remainder of the G. W. Wilson land.

Added 29 April 2003, submitted by Linda Hoxit Raxter

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News Accounts:

10 NOV 1980 Transylvania Times, Vol. 80, No. 30 Section 2, page1
  Obituary of Millie Baynard

Added 29 April 2003, submitted by Linda Hoxit Raxter

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Oral History:

12 JAN 1939 Morrison Baynard and family interviewed by A. T. Long.
Up Hominy Creek, American Life Histories, Manuscripts from the Federal Writers Project 1936 - 1940.  [Note - the life histories were often heavily embellished in their writing.  See important information about using oral history in research.]

Added 29 April 2003, submitted by Linda Hoxit Raxter

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