Anders Family
David Asbel Anders with
grandson Jim and wife
Tina Smith Anders Family

US GenWeb Project

Rufus and Florence Hall Owen Family in 1947
Rufus and Florence Hall Owen and children

US GenWeb Archives Project


Transylvania County, NC GenWeb Project
"Digging Into The Genealogy of Our Ancestors"

NC GenWeb

Old Woods Church Survey

Survey by Dawn McCall


NAME                    BIRTH DATE        DATE OF DEATH       OTHER

Autumn Galloway        10-15-1985              10-15-1985

Alma G. Owen             7-31-1921               4-10-1997

Ralph M. Owen            8-07-1916               3-13-2000                 On same stone as above

Carnetta W. Owen       7-24-1884               3-26-1972


Omie W. Wood            12-27-1905              2-07-1995

Henry Newton Wood     7-01-1898               4-04-1989

Infant son of...            10-15-1936                                            Mr. & Mrs. Henry Wood

Infant son of...            11-27-1928                                            Mr. & Mrs. Henry Wood

stone marker

Richard Wood              1-31-1904               9-13-1991

Mary Q. Woods            3-04-1882               11-23-1981

Carl R. Woods              8-04-1879               4-13-1978

son of...                     4-16-1911               4-17-1911                Mr. & Mrs. Carl Wood

Ellen Wood                  6-28-1861               2-02-1890

Syntha Wood                      1859                       1898

Rachel B. Wood            9-27-1834               6-13-1910

James Lewis Owen        3-11-1933               7-06-1994                June Parker married 12-24-1950

Lonie L. Owens             8-29-1910               3-24-1933

Bessie Woods Smith       3-24-1906               2-17-2000

Pauline Woods Daughter of Bessie Woods

Willia Mae Woods Daughter of Bessie Woods

James C. Wood             8-19-1895               8-22-1895               Son of TJ & Bell Wood

Leon Wood                   9-10-1929               9-14-1929               Son of Rufus & Celia Wood

Della L. Wood                7-01-1896               4-19-1929               Dau. of TJ & Bell Wood

Bell Wood                     3-04-1877               5-15-1937

T.J. Wood                    4-11-1872                8-08-1948              "Our Father"

J.M. Wood                   11-04-1871               4-29-1953

Rufus S. Wood              11-30-1903               2-07-1986

Lucille W. Wood             4-16-1908                4-11-1979              On same stone as above.

Edith W. Green              1-18-1927                                             "In Rememberance Of"

Harold Bradley                       1937                        1939              Son of Mrs. Othia Morris

John Bracken                 March 1896 Age 60 Years

Frances Buckner            6-07-1937                 6-07-1937

William Hernam Buckner   2-15-1944                 2-19-1944

Asberrie Oscar Buckner   4-12-1945                  5-28-1945

Elmer S. Buckner           6-14-1935                  9-18-1982

Beulah G. Buckner          6-08-1909                  3-29-2002

Esby Buckner, Sr.           4-07-1904                  9-19-1982            On same stone as above.

A.L. Owen                     5-27-1930                  9-06-1999

Baby of... Claude & Addie Owens

Laura M. Owen               9-27-1882                  6-28-1963

Ephriam M. Owen            5-08-1882                  3-25-1949

Elva Mae Owen              10-21-1907                 3-20-1926            Dau. of E.M. & Laura Owen

Ella Owen                      July 1908                    Dec. 1915            Dau. of Ephriam & Laura Owen

Emma M. Owen               4-01-1900                  11-18-1981          "Mother" at foot

Henry Hermon Owen        1-14-1880                   8-14-1960           "Father" at foot

Ratchel Owen                 2-05-1922                  2-05-1922            Son of Henry & Emma Owen

Homer Owen                   5-02-1924                  5-02-1942            Son of Henry & Emma Owen

Porter Lee Owen              2-27-1937                  5-29-1937            Son of Henry & Emma Owen

Little Baby Owen

Curtis Owen                    4-25-1943                  5-15-2002            "Father"

Frances Burrell Owen        2-25-1942                  6-30-2001            "Mother"

Alvin B. Owen                 12-25-194                   5 9-28-1981

Willie Owen                     5-10-1916                  8-28-1994

Jimmy Dean Broom           7-29-1963                   5-20-1997

Edward Elmer Buckner       2-20-1959                  4-24-1959

Ervin West                      9-08-1877                  3-29-1957

Caknious C. West             5-09-1885                  4-12-1966

David A. West                  3-21-1912                 No other date.

Madlene H. West              6-26-1930                  2-06-1974              On same stone as above.

John Thomas Owen           3-30-2002                  5-08-2002              "Baby" at foot

Patricia Foxx Newton        12-07-1953                12-26-2007

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