Anders Family
David Asbel Anders with
grandson Jim and wife
Tina Smith Anders Family

US GenWeb Project

Rufus and Florence Hall Owen Family in 1947
Rufus and Florence Hall Owen and children

US GenWeb Archives Project


Transylvania County, NC GenWeb Project
"Digging Into The Genealogy of Our Ancestors"

NC GenWeb

Macedonia Baptist Church Cemetery Survey

Behind the church

Survey by Linda Hoxit Raxter

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Macedonia Church Road in Silversteen Community

Gloucester Township, Transylvania County, NC

Survey by Linda Hoxit Raxter - Last visit 07 NOV 1997

See also Macedonia Baptist Church Cemetery - Across the Road.

It is unknown how the two cemeteries developed. Speculation by church members say that one filled up and the other was started. However, looking at the dates and layout of the two cemeteries suggest they formed together. The families in each cemetery are closely intertwined. Church tradition does say that the location of the church was chosen because it is in the "gap between the two communities". More research is needed.

Macedonia Baptist Church split off of Cathey's Creek Baptist Church around 1842. This was due to the distance members had to travel and the slavery issue. The Macedonia congregation was anti-slavery, or at least tired of all the pro-slavery sermons at Cathey's Creek.

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Row 1 

Loc Name Comment Birth Death

1 William Oscar GALLOWAY 12DEC1883 26AUG1959

2 Doyle H. MASON (fieldstone - hand carved) 1906 1952

3 Nett GALLOWAY MASON (fieldstone - hand carved) 1915 1949

4 Lula M. GALLOWAY 02AUG1877 05JUL1940

5 Frank GALLOWAY 12AUG1909 25OCT1959

6 Laura GALLOWAY "Mother" 17SEP1886 22AUG1943

7 Roscoe GALLOWAY 13FEB1883 05DEC1964

8 unmarked (new)

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Row 2 

Loc Name Comment Birth Death

1 Robert Keith HALL "Son" 27APR1960 20FEB1991

2 A living

2 B F. Nell HALL "Mom" 04DEC1925 09AUG1989

3 Annie SHELTON (funeral hm marker) 1870 1955

4 Julius W. SLATTON NC PFC Base Hospital WWI 11APR1890 12OCT1958

5 A Wiley W. OWEN PVT US Army WWI 09MAR1894 23FEB1977

5 B Florence W. OWEN 25FEB1905 18JUN1950

6 Gertrude AIKEN

D/O Marshal & Susie Aiken 26MAR1927 16JUN1927

7 A Sylvanus GALLOWAY 30NOV1852 03DEC1930

7 B Darcus L. GALLOWAY 12FEB1856 12MAR1939

8 Pearl Rachel MCCALL (same boarder as Hobert McCall) 05MAY1891 01SEP1935

9 Hobert Charles MCCALL "Brother"

(mid name from Funeral Hm Mkr - stone has initial only) 25APR1910 25OCT1918

10 Luther GALLOWAY 05JUL1873 05FEB1933

11 Pennetta O. GALLOWAY W/O Clifford Galloway 03MAR1848 29MAY1935

12 A Parlee G. OWEN 03MAR1878 04DEC1927

12 B Charlie F. OWEN 01MAY1879 28JAN1948

13 A William S. "Buck" OWEN "Father" 24NOV1903 01JAN1978

13 B Ada Mae O. OWEN "Mother" 11JUN1899 blank

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Row 3 

Loc Name Comment Birth Death

1 block

2 A Delbert Cleon GALLOWAY 20MAR1940 18MAR1941

2 B Doris GALLOWAY 26DEC1943

3 Ernest BANTHER 24NOV1925 08FEB1926

4 block

5 fieldstone

6 Edford MCCALL S/O Amos & Juda McCall 11SEP1914 04FEB1915

7 John Allen HALL 07JUN1939 10JUN1939

8 Gordon GALLOWAY S/O W.W & Mary Galloway 07DEC1910 underground

9 Mary M. OWEN GALLOWAY W/O W.W Galloway 23APR1867 24OCT1952

10 W. W. GALLOWAY 18MAY1860 12DEC1955

11 fieldstone

12 fieldstone

13 Bonnie Mae GALLOWAY 08SEP1916 15SEP1916

14 fieldstone (begin row 4 after this grave)

15 fieldstone (child)

16 fieldstone (child - 15 & 16 share the same boarder. This is the same style as Habert & Pearl McCall and below their graves)

17 fieldstone (child)

18 fieldstone

19 Ulys Griffin OWEN 1930 1952

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Row 4 

Loc Name Comment Birth Death


2 Dale G. LEOPARD 03FEB1945 01SEP1967

3 A Loonie BANTHER "Father" 29NOV1896 02NOV1964

3 B Maudie ANDERS BANTHER "Mother" 20DEC1898 27FEB1962

4 Januetia BANTHER 13APR1898 01JAN1918

5 William M. BANTHER "Brother" 25DEC1921 11FEB1995

6 fieldstone (row 4 merges into row 3 here and returns beneath row 3 #15)

7 fieldstone

8 fieldstone

9 fieldstone

10 fieldstone

11 Mandy GALLOWAY child of Mary & WED 16MAY1929 15OCT1930

12 fieldstone

13 fieldstone

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Row 5 

Loc Name Comment Birth Death

1 A W. A. BANTHER "Father"(William Alonzo) 24JUL1863 20DEC1934

1 B Caroline BANTHER "Mother" 14SEP1868 07AUG1899

2 Ernest BANTHER 28SEP1894 18OCT1900

3 A.J. MCCALL (Andrew Jackson) 15SEP1834 24JAN1916

4 Sallena MCCALL 1843 1938

5 Infant GALLOWAY D/O M.W & Donia Galloway 28MAY1904

6 fieldstone

7 A Hilliard P.HALL "Father" 09MAR1886 26JUL1934

7 B Della O. HALL "Mother" 23DEC1885 14JUL1972

8 Mary M. WOOD handcarved 16OCT1821 15MAR1901

9 Looney GALLOWAY S/O V & MJ Galloway 09MAR1886 12SEP1888

10 A Charles GALLOWAY children of V & MJ Galloway 10FEB1883 16SEP1888

10 B Olevia GALLOWAY 07AUG1880 15SEP1888

11 A Vance GALLOWAY 12JAN1858 03JUL1941

11 B Josephine GALLOWAY 27JAN1863 01FEB1952

12 unmarked sunken ground only

13 fieldstone

14 Clyde GALLOWAY child of Mary & WED 10JAN1931 03AUG1933

15 fieldstone

16 fieldstone

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Row 6 

Loc Name Comment Birth Death

1 Ida MCCALL LUNDON 12MAR1897 28SEP1925

2 fieldstone

3 fieldstone

4 block

5 fieldstone

6 fieldstone (begin Row 7 below tree stump here)

7 Gladys ANDERS 23DEC1920 08AUG1928

8 Clifton HALL S/O Mr & Mrs H.P. Hall 21DEC1923


Little Mollie, W/O James W. Owen 1861 1889

10 Claudia WOOD (handcarved, below grave of Mary Wood

- includes a heart) 09MAR1886 25JUN1887

11 Nellie MIDDLETON OWEN W/O Marion Owen 09JUL1852 07MAR1937

12 fieldstone

13 fieldstone

14 fieldstone

15 Infant KILPATRICK D/O Mr & Mrs R.F. Kilpatrick 27MAR1903

16 fieldstone

17 fieldstone

18 fieldstone

19 fieldstone

20 M.L. KILPATRICK 03APR1869 20APR1930

21 J.B. KILPATRICK 1854 1935

22 Jerome B. KILPATRICK "Rev"(initial B on funeral hm mkr) 1882 1947

23 Sallie KILPATRICK 1883 1949

24 Infant GALLOWAY S/O Mr & Mrs C.E. Galloway 05AUG1949

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Row 7 

Loc Name Comment Birth Death

1 fieldstone (below tree stump)

2 broken

3 broken

4 Margaret Jane WOOD OWEN W/O Marion Owen 20JUN1841 15SEP1882

5 Marion OWEN "Father" 02FEB1837 2 4NOV1923

6 block

7 block

8 block

9 block

10 fieldstone (merge row 8 at 1874 funeral hm marker)

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Row 8 

Loc Name Comment Birth Death

1 S.B. MCCALL 16NOV1867 04JUN1950

2 Pinkie MCCALL W/O S.B. McCall 02APR1872 05JUN1901

3 Bertha MCCALL D/O S.B. & Pinkie McCall 02JUN1901 11JUN1901

4 Ledew MCCALL S/O J.B. & Etta McCall 2 0AUG1903 08FEB1904

5 Monroe GALLOWAY S/O W.W. & S.J. Galloway 01JAN1881 13FEB1881

6 Ortha GALLOWAY D/O W.W. & S.J. Galloway 25FEB1884 24APR1884

7 Sarah J. GALLOWAY W/O W.W. Galloway 18AUG1855 19JUN1886

8 Alvoid GALLOWAY S/O W.W. & S.J. Galloway 05MAR1882 09SEP1888

9 P.E. MOORE W/O P.G. Moore 27OCT1861 14SEP1898

10 fieldstone

11 E. Philyar GALLOWAY 16JUN1871 27APR1917

12 Clifford GALLOWAY (date stamped twice, 1845 & 1864 on top of each other. 1845 is deeper)

SEP1845 15SEP1915

13 fieldstone (infant)

14 Benjamin G. GALLOWAY S/O A.J. & A.M. Galloway 26NOV1865 broken

15 Beulah K. KITCHEN D/O J.H. & D. Kitchen 06MAR1900 12APR1900

16 Verone KITCHEN D/O J.H. & D.F. Kitchen 04APR1906 05APR1906

17A Frank KILPATRICK 23JUL1921 23JUL1921

17B Fred KILPATRICK 23JUL1921 23JUL1921

18 fieldstone (There is a broken funeral home marker.

When Mrs. Monteith did her survey the birth year read 1874) 74 1963

19 A William P. KILPATRICK 11FEB1842 01MAR1928

19 B Martha M. KILPATRICK 03FEB1849 06MAY1918

20 Robert F. KILPATRICK 1867 1946

21 Mary Louise KILPATRICK 29JAN1869 29MAY1933

22 Bertha KILPATRICK GALLOWAY "Daughter" 06MAR1901 04FEB1935

23 Robert TALMADGE KILPATRICK "Son" 15OCT1907 31OCT1980

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Row 9 row starts below Kilpatrick twins

Loc Name Comment Birth Death

1 A Myrtle M. KITCHEN 23JUL1905 11MAR1987

1 B Overton KITCHEN 02MAY1901 23MAY1969

2 Robert Boyd OWEN S/O Robert & Lola Owen 17JUN1934 27SEP1936

3 Infant KILPATRICK D/O J.B. & Dollie Kilpatrick

4 Dollie M. KILPATRICK W/O J.B. Kilpatrick 02SEP1899 01SEP1919

5 John Bunyon KILPATRICK "Rev" 07MAR1879 06SEP1970

6 Thomas Elijah KILPATRICK "Father" 03FEB1882 06AUG1947

7 Dalha KILPATRICK "Mother" 12JUL1892 14FEB1964

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Row 10 

Loc Name Comment Birth Death

1 G.F. MCCALL 14APR1883 04NOV1945

2 fieldstone

3 fieldstone

4 fieldstone

5 fieldstone

6 Eli GALLOWAY (Augustus Eli) 07APR1820 28FEB1898

7 Elizabeth GALLOWAY W/O Eli Galloway 28DEC1817 14JUL1881

8 broken

9 fieldstone (child)

10 fieldstone

11 Infant OWEN S/O Mr & Mrs Sam Owen 18FEB1908 18FEB1908

12 Infant MCCALL D/O Mr & Mrs Ransom McCall 12MAR1914

13 A James M{arion) OWEN 1 Lieut CO K 62 NC INF CSA 21OCT1845 06JAN1916

13 B Easter M(erelizia MCCALL) OWEN "Mother" 06MAR1847 13AUG1939

14 Hobert KITCHEN S/O C.N. & Sarah Kitchen 14MAY1898 10OCT1918

15 Sarah M. KITCHEN W/O C.N. Kitchen 13MAY1879 18JUN1949

16 Carter Nelson KITCHEN 16MAR1878 01NOV1952

17 David Braxton OWENS S/O HH & ME Owens 04NOV1937 16JAN1938

18 Homer H. OWEN (David, Homer & Edna in same border) 20NOV1912 blank

19 Edna K. OWEN "Mother" 10JUL1914 19DEC1980

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Row 11 

Loc Name Comment Birth Death

1 A Terrel Filmore MCCALL 0 3SEP1865 31MAY1955

1 B Ellen Scott MCCALL 23APR1866 25JAN1959

2 Handsell MCCALL 16NOV1842 04JUL1927

3 Evline (GALLOWAY) MCCALL W/O H. McCall 23JAN1848 26JUL1904

4 John MCCALL 12APR1800 07APR1892

5 Elizabeth (GLAZENER) MCCALL W/O John McCall 27JUN1808 10FEB1891

6 fieldstone

7 fieldstone (row 12 merges into 11 here)

8 fieldstone

9 A(lice).I(sabell).B.(OWEN) MOORE W/O P.C. Moore (birth year in error - 1876 on death certificate. "B" possibly the initial for the bell part of Isabell) 13AUG1976 23NOV1913

10 Philetus C. MOORE (end of row above Calvin Shepard) 05FEB1861 27JAN1946

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Row 12 

Loc Name Comment Birth Death

1 Dorothy Bee OWEN D/O Mr & Mrs J.R. Owen 17JAN1922 24MAY1925

2 Laury OWEN S/O Mr & Mrs J.R. Owen 20DEC1912 26NOV1913

3 fieldstone

4 fieldstone

5 fieldstone

6 fieldstone

7 Infant OWEN D/O J.M.&E.M. Owen 10FEB1890 11FEB1890

8 broken

9 broken

10 broken (end row, merge row 11)

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Row 13 

Loc Name Comment Birth Death

1 fieldstone

2 fieldstone (merge row 14 at Altha Hall)

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Row 14 

Loc Name Comment Birth Death

1 Linda Dale HALL 1944 1944

2 Euna OWEN D/O J.C. & Pearlee Owen 02NOV1908 13JUL1910

3 Altha HALL W/O W.E. Hall 19JAN1866 12MAR1905

4 fieldstone

5 W.E. HALL 07JUL1865 31AUG1930

6 fieldstone

7 Nancy BRACKEN MASON W/O Rev Martin Mason

D/O Thomas Bracken & Elizabeth Kitchen (handcarved fieldstone - parents names on footstone) (date 1882 - unknown if birth or death) ? broken

8 Eliza BRACKENS W/O J.M. Brackens (the abbreviation for March is "MCH")

30MAR1840 15OCT1906

9 J.M. BRACKEN 14APR1837 05OCT1925

10 Calvin G. SHEPARD "In memory of Calvin G. Shepard of Macon County"

11 A Alice O. OWEN 30MAR1884 19JUL1925

11 B John W. OWEN 25FEB1872 24JUL1936

12 blank (same style as Ada & Harlow Mason)

13 Ada OWEN MASON 17AUG1907 25APR1953

14 Harlow MASON Sr "Rev" 22JUL1902 12JUL1981

15 fieldstone (child)

16 A Henry Nelson JONES "Father" 24NOV1910 05AUG1942

16 B Beulah OWEN JONES 20MAR1911 01OCT1971

17 A D.L. CRANE "Father" 25SEP1881 07AUG1965

17 B Maud M. CRANE "Mother" 26MAR1887 21JAN1938

18 Betty Lou CRANE 28JAN1939 10APR1939

19 Mark D. OWEN "Son" 19NOV1959 01FEB1965

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Row 15 

Loc Name Comment Birth Death

1 Peggy Sue KILPATRICK D/O Mr & Mrs WB Kilpatrick 29SEP1941 27MAR1945

2 Infant KILPATRICK S/O Mr & Mrs WB Kilpatrick 03JUL1928

3 Griffin C. OWEN 17NOV1889 13NOV1926

4 Elmer OWEN S/O JW & CI Owen 15JUN1891 27AUG1911

5 J.W. OWEN 06APR1860 22FEB1935

6 Algin HALL S/O Rev JT Hall & wife 25JUN1909 27MAY1911

7 Callie Marie OWEN D/O James & Carolyn Owen 09AUG1984 09AUG1984

8 Billy L. HALL S/O Alda & Cynthia Hall 22DEC1933 27AUG1936

9 fieldstone

10 Adeline BRACKEN 1869 1936

11 Dovie BRACKEN JONES W/O T.L. Jones "Mother" 23JAN1874 01NOV1906

12 block

13 A Cornelius OWEN 1887 1915

13 B Dora OWEN 1891 1915

14 James Lloyd MASON S/O Mr & Mrs Lloyd Mason 06May1962

15 block

16 block

17 A James Robert OWEN "Father" 24DEC1881 06MAR1964

17 B Sylvitha GALLOWAY OWEN "Mother" 08JAN1889 03MAR1962

18 A R. Gene MOORE "Rev" "Husband" 1906 1990

18 B living

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Row 16 

Loc Name Comment Birth Death

1 Baby BOLT S/O Mr & Mrs Erby Bolt 25JUL1958

2 Clara SLATTON OWEN 24JAN1871 08JAN1967

3 Skyler Madison GALLOWAY 09SEP1992 24NOV1992

4 Lila M. HALL (funeral hm mkr) 1908 1989

5 Herbert L. HALL "husband" 1906 1952

6 Bud ANDERS NC PVT 3 CO 1 Development BN WWI 28AUG1892 25MAY1958

7 Norma O. ANDERS 10SEP1905 25MAY1958

8 Coy ANDERS 28NOV1938 25MAY1958


Source: Alexandra's Family Tree House. Western North Carolina Cemeteries and More!

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