Anders Family
David Asbel Anders with
grandson Jim and wife
Tina Smith Anders Family

US GenWeb Project

Rufus and Florence Hall Owen Family in 1947
Rufus and Florence Hall Owen and children

US GenWeb Archives Project


Transylvania County, NC GenWeb Project
"Digging Into The Genealogy of Our Ancestors"

NC GenWeb

Primary Document Guidelines

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See our explanation of submission guidelines

Contact Us before beginning your transcription

This will help us check for software matches, determine the best file format for translation onto the web page, and make sure no one else is already working on the same document.  Also read our tips for creating quality transcriptions.

Please include a copy of the document whenever possible

A lot of information, such as page placement, and what exactly that messy scrawl says, cannot be transcribed. Having a paper or digital image available helps future researchers take full advantage of your discovery.

Transcriptions need to be your own

Include full source information including location of source, original author, and original date of creation.

When transcribing do NOT change anything

It is tempting to update spelling and grammar to contemporary conventions. But the original can provide phonetic or other clues beyond the written word. No need to add “(sic)” everywhere – just begin with the comments “Original spelling and syntax retained.”

A few basics:

  • If you cannot read something clearly, underline it.

  • If you can’t even guess, simply provide a blank

  • If you want to add an editorial comment, place it in parenthesis.

Materials protected under copyright cannot be used

These include family history books, earlier transcriptions, and some newspaper content. Note – anything published before 1923 is no longer protected by copyright. Just be sure to include your sources.

Surprisingly, information you find in archives is protected and you will need permission to publish your transcription. Ask the archives staff about their publication policy. The Transylvania County Joint Historic Preservation Archives freely grants permission to publish as long as proper credit is given.

Before a file is posted, submitters will need to provide: 

The USGenWeb Project, The NCGenWeb Project and their volunteers are not responsible for the content of donated files including reliability or authenticity. Transylvania County, North Carolina GenWeb Project coordinators reserve the right to refuse any submitted file. 

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