Anders Family
David Asbel Anders with
grandson Jim and wife
Tina Smith Anders Family

US GenWeb Project

Rufus and Florence Hall Owen Family in 1947
Rufus and Florence Hall Owen and children

US GenWeb Archives Project


Transylvania County, NC GenWeb Project
"Digging Into The Genealogy of Our Ancestors"

NC GenWeb

Personal Research Pages

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See our explanation of submission guidelines. Plus, click on here  to see our "copyright" statement.


Consider creating your own web page

Placing your own research on your own web page allows simple updates and additions and well as easy connections with visitors. A link from the GenWeb page will help cousins find you personal web page as easily as they can find a file on the GenWeb site.

Experienced Researchers ONLY with either a degree in history or ten years experience researching a Transylvania County family can submit research to be placed on the GenWeb page.   These researchers have done their part without learning new software, and many do not have access to computers. For everyone else, learning basic web page design has really become a necessary part of genealogy skills so please join in the fun!

Families must be connected to Transylvania County

As a general rule of thumb, we will only publish family research back to the family that migrated to the area and one additional generation to show migrations patterns. Information about residence in earlier counties belongs with those county projects to facilitate searches. Also, a lot of the information dating back to notables such as King Arthur contains a lot of recycled errors, oversized assumptions and wishful thinking of researchers very long since departed.

All information must come from original research

Copying information including entire articles from earlier publications for your personal notes falls under the Fair Use Provision of Copyright Law.   However, these personal copies cannot be published, including via the Internet, without permission from the copyright holder. Information in the public domain can be published as long as appropriate source information is included. Also – facts cannot be copyrighted.

Click here to see our "Legal Statement".

No GedCom Files please – at least not here

GedCom files should be donated to projects already collecting them. allows users to donate files, update them, and include important information about research sources. The Old Pendleton District Chapter of the South Carolina Genealogical Society is compiling a massive GedCom of Upstate South Carolina families and Shawna Hall is compiling a similar volunteer project of Western North Carolina families.

Information must include sources

A few extra minutes to include source information will save future researchers (and maybe yourself) hours or days attempting to locate a source for more information. It doesn’t have to be fancy, but should include the following as a minimum: Title, author, publication date, and location or publisher.   A significant portion of the sources must be primary sources. Important - when using transcriptions or someone else’s research as a source instead of an original document, list this secondary source as your source.

Before a file is posted, submitters will need to provide

Completed Background Information Sheet
Completed Copyright Release Form

Get things started 

Contact County Coordinator with a description of the file and the researcher's background.

The USGenWeb Project, The NCGenWeb Project, The American Local History Network and their volunteers are not responsible for the content of donated files including reliability or authenticity. Transylvania County, North Carolina History and Genealogy Project Coordinators reserve the right to refuse any submitted file.

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