Anders Family
David Asbel Anders with
grandson Jim and wife
Tina Smith Anders Family

US GenWeb Project

Rufus and Florence Hall Owen Family in 1947
Rufus and Florence Hall Owen and children

US GenWeb Archives Project


Transylvania County, NC GenWeb Project
"Digging Into The Genealogy of Our Ancestors"

NC GenWeb

Carson's Creek Baptist Church Cemetery
Survey by Philip Underwood Sheppard


Carson's Creek Baptist Church Cemetery is located within the gated  community of Connestee Falls. The gate is closed to non-residents but the East Fork gate is open on Sundays for church members. The small white church is in a beautiful setting beside a lake. The cemetery faces northeast and is on the northeast side of the church right on the road that passes by the church.

The cemetery is very well kept. Apparently, funeral home markers have been added to existing graves where there was no information or the information was being/had been lost. There are 93+ graves. The earliest death date found is 1903. This survey was completed November 26, 1998, by Philip Underwood-Sheppard.

Starting furthest from the church..

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Row 1

Maxwell Reece 1845 - 1__2 (possibly 1932)
Clarenda Reece ____ - 1912 Almost all lettering missing, dates from funeral home marker.
Jullie Reece 1887 - 1912 Dates from funeral home marker.
T. Mack Corn
Ruth B. Corn
1903 - 1974 "Father" at foot
"Mother" at foot
Barry Luther Corn 1960 - 1960 Funeral home marker only
Barret M. Corn 1960 - 1960 Funeral home marker only

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Row 2

Infant of W. J. and L. E. Mull January 14 1905 Possibly the birth and death date
Bill Hines no dates Funeral home marker
Sallie Hines  no dates Funeral home marker
Hines infant no dates Funeral home marker
Garrett Hines no dates Funeral home marker
Rachel Hines no dates Funeral home marker
Flem "Penny" Woods April 2, 1912 - Febuary 15, 1981
Charlie Hilders no dates Funeral home marker

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Row 3

W. Porter Clarke
Lucy Gravely Clarke
March 14, 1868 - March 14, 1950
January 31, 1879 - September 13, 1955
Furman Cison
Catherine Cison
March 1, 1883 - June 18, 1978
December 5, 1872 - March 30, 1960
Married February 13, 1910
William Riley Garren
Rebecca Owen Garren
1829 - 1903
1830 - 1889
Infant Garren no dates Funeral home marker
Infant Woods no dates Funeral home marker
Dorothy Woods 1936 - 1976 Funeral home marker
Reba Mae Cison 1916 - 1987 Funeral home marker
unidentified Fieldstones at head and foot

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Row 4

Frank F. Bagwell
Annie C. Bagwell
May 20, 1886 - December 1, 1960
May 2, 1902 - July 20, 1994
"Father" on footstone
"Mother" on footstone
unidentified Fieldstones at head and foot, child?
Jimmy Clark
Danny Clark
Children or infants?
Harmon Holden October 15, 1902 - January 18, 1982
Perry Holden 1876 - 1905
Sue Mozell Holden December 22, 1923 - September 8, 1984
unidentified Fieldstones at head and foot,  adult?
Joseph F. Cison
Sarah B. Cison
1835 - 1916
1851 - 1934
Amy G. Masters no dates Adult?

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Row 5

unidentified no dates Fieldstones at head and foot, child?
unidentified no dates Fieldstones at head and foot, child?
George F. Raines
Janie B. Raines
1896 - 1959
1898 - 1955
Sarah Mahala Raxter 1842 - 1916 Stone lying flat
Jame Furman Raines October 24, 1924 - December 16, 1924
Emmer Raines Reece 1859 - 1939 Fieldstones at head and foot, dates from funeral home marker
James R. Raines 1849 - 1909 Stone lying flat
Vernon Raines 1898 - 1906 Stone lying flat
Loney Cison no dates Fieldstones at head and foot, name from funeral home marker
unidentified no dates Fieldstones at head and foot, adult
unidentified no dates Fieldstones at head and foot, adult
unidentified no dates Fieldstones at head and foot, child or infant
unidentified no dates Fieldstone at head and foot, child or infant

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Row 6

unidentified no dates Fieldstone at head only
Harrison V. Cison
Rosena T. Cison
1890 - 1957
1896 - 1982
Jay E. Cison
Lillie L. Cison
August 12, 1920 - 
February 28, 1907 - April 15, 1985
Mary Arelettie Cison October 13, 1925 - October 23, 1926
Omey Tevatie Cison February 2, 1915 - October 18, 1925
unidentified no dates Fieldstones at head and foot, adult
Joseph P. McGaha
Cordia H. McGaha
December 25, 1878 - November 25, 1960
October 20, 1900 - June 8, 1990
Henry Clark
Celia M. Clark
1911 -
1920 -
Graves covered with gravel
unidentified no dates Fieldstones at head and foot, adult
unidentified no dates Fieldstones at head and foot, adult
unidentified no dates Fieldstones at head and foot, adult
Dolphus A. West
Mary G. West
March 24, 1897 - March 30, 1972
February 25, 1898 - March 18, 1957
Married 1917

(At the foot of Dolphus A. West appeared to be an old upright stone that might have been the headstone at another grave. I could not tell by the lie of the ground. Therefore, I am not including it in the survey)

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Row 7 

Henry Cison
Evie M. Cison
September 13, 1913 - April 29, 1981
June 14, 1915 - May 15, 1990
Howard McCall 1910 - 1974 Dates from funeral home marker
Roberta McCall 1915 - 1981 Dates from funeral home marker
Joel West October 20, 1875 - February 1, 1940
Violet W. Weatherford November 27, 1879 - June 3, 1951
Infant son of James and Shirley Green July 14, 1957 only date on stone

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Row 8 

Bayard C. Buchanan 1895 - 1962

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Row 9

Elva B. Turner October 5, 1903 - March 2, 198_ Concrete stone w/ "burnt" lettering
Baby Turner no dates Concrete stone w/ "burnt" lettering
Lucille Turner Baby no dates Concrete stone w/ "burnt" lettering

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Row 10 

Whitfield T. Batson 1874 - 1903

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Row 11

Charles Elford Hubbard July 30, 1925 - October 19, 1983 Military marker: S2 US Navy World War II
Macy Hubbard no dates Funeral home marker
Dr. James Hubbard 1886 - 1963 Funeral home marker
Flara Hubbard 1888 - 1979 Funeral home marker
Willim T. Hubbard 1909 - 1966 Funeral home marker

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Row 12

Fowler Infant Girl no dates Fieldstone at head, name from funeral home marker
Fowler Infant no dates Funeral home marker
Tina Fowler no dates Funeral home marker
Stamp Fowler no dates Funeral home marker
Walter Bagwell Fieldstones at head and foot, name from funeral home marker
Carman P. Hogsed
Addie B. Hogsed
1886 - 1959
1883 - 1962

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