Anders Family
David Asbel Anders with
grandson Jim and wife
Tina Smith Anders Family

US GenWeb Project

Rufus and Florence Hall Owen Family in 1947
Rufus and Florence Hall Owen and children

US GenWeb Archives Project


Transylvania County, NC GenWeb Project
"Digging Into The Genealogy of Our Ancestors"

NC GenWeb

Individual Research

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Octogenarian John F. Duckworth has been researching the Duckworth and related families for over half a century.  Working with other researchers, census records, church and cemetery records, and genealogical publications, his research notes required two reels of microfilm to duplicate.  A copy of this Duckworth Collection microfilm is available at the Transylvania County Public Library.   His experience shows in his advice for future researchers  to "Make sure your data is correct."  We are privileged to be able to share portions of his extensive research as part of our GenWeb project.  For further information about these families, contact Mr. Duckworth at  or 363 Delozier Lane, Rockwood, TN, 37854.

Nancy Hinkle Flesch was born in Pickens County, South Carolina, and all of her family lines are deep in that corner of the state. She has researched all southern Whitmires for over thirty years and gathered data from court houses, microfilm, libraries and Archives long before anything was available via an internet. She endeavors to provide primary sources every step of the way.

Philip Underwood-Sheppard  holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in History and a Masters of Education degree.  Phil began researching his Transylvania County, and other mountain roots during a Christmas vacation trip to the area in 1976.  He became involved in Internet genealogy in 1997 when his wife, Melissa, gave him a genealogy program for his computer.  In 1999 Phil became the Transylvania County, North Carolina GenWeb Project Coordinator, providing page content and project management until May 2002 when personal reasons forced him to leave the project.  Phil did transfer the copyright for his GenWeb files and we continue to share his personal research.  Phil also transcribed many historic documents.