Anders Family
David Asbel Anders with
grandson Jim and wife
Tina Smith Anders Family

US GenWeb Project

Rufus and Florence Hall Owen Family in 1947
Rufus and Florence Hall Owen and children

US GenWeb Archives Project


Transylvania County, NC GenWeb Project
"Digging Into The Genealogy of Our Ancestors"

NC GenWeb

Sylvan Valley News, April 1903



Note - No known copies of this paper were available for the North Carolina Newspaper project.  however, some items were reprinted in the Transylvania Times May 18, 1939.  These items are taken from these reprints. This is incomplete and more items are available on the microfilm copy of the1939 paper. - Linda Hoxit Raxter 

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D. L. English - personal

D. L. English has purchased a part of the W. H. Hume land adjoining Hays park and intends building soon.  We don't know what he portends.  Len says his sisters are going to live him, but as he is young and good looking we feel a little dubious.

 - added 08 March 2003 by LHR

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Elmina Pickelsimer Obituary

Mrs. Elmina A. Pickelsimer, beloved wife of R. J. Pickelsimer, one of Brevard's oldest and best known merchants, died at her home in Brevard on Saturday morning last, aged 48 years.  Mrs. Pickelsimer was the daughter of Pearson and Penelope Merrell, and was born and lived many of her married life in the Grange section.  She was a member of Little River Baptist church where her remains were taken on Wednesday for burial.  She was a loving mother, and there was no sadder home in Transylvania last Sunday than the one over which she had presided for so many years.  A husband and seven children are left to mourn their great loss.  Short funeral services were held at the Baptist Church Wednesday morning conducted by Rev. I. T. Newton and Rev. C. P. Moore.  Burial was in Little River cemetery.  Pallbearers were J. W. McMinn, Des Young, Len English, Walter Orr, Nat McMinn and W. E. Breese.

 - added 08 March 2003 by LHR

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