Anders Family
David Asbel Anders with
grandson Jim and wife
Tina Smith Anders Family

US GenWeb Project

Rufus and Florence Hall Owen Family in 1947
Rufus and Florence Hall Owen and children

US GenWeb Archives Project


Transylvania County, NC GenWeb Project
"Digging Into The Genealogy of Our Ancestors"

NC GenWeb

Family Associations

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The following information is provided by the Family Associations.  If your group would like to be listed, contact us by using the "Contact Us" button in menu.  You can provide a brief description of your organization or we can write a description for you.

The Transylvania County, North Carolina GenWeb coordinators are not responsible for the content, activities or management of the following research pages or associations.

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Barton Historical Society, Inc.

The Barton Historical Society was founded by the descendants of David Barton and Nancy Barrett and is often associated with "Southern Bartons", with the "South Carolina Bartons", with the Thomas Barton m Sarah Wilson, and David Barton m Ruth Oldham families, which are  included in The Barton Book. However, membership of this society is open to ALL Barton families, not just  the founding families. 

Our purpose is:

  • to conduct genealogical research on the Barton family;
  • assemble, preserve and distribute this information;
  • establish appropriate memorials;
  • and to promote brotherhood, fellowship, and pride of family.

We have a religious service as a part of each annual meeting.

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Pierre Chastain Family Association:

The Pierre Chastain Family Association was established in 1975 and is dedicated to the development and preservation of genealogical and historical records and information about Chastain families. The Chastain name has varied spellings, the most common variations being: Chasteen, Chastaine, Chesteen, Chastine, Shasteen, Shastine, Chasten, Castine and Shastid. 

The Pierre Chastain Family Association maintains historical and genealogical information on thousands of Chastain descendants.  Among the association activities is an annual reunion.

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Owen Family Association:

The Owen Family Association was formally organized in 1985.  Individual and group efforts to learn more about the Owen heritage have been going on for generations, but our association represents the first effort to unite all the Owen branches in working toward common objectives.  All Owen descendants are welcome to the group; as all branches of the Owen family, wherever they were located, are of interest.  Currently the membership stands at 256 families, of which 150 are active.  The association publishes a newsletter every three months, containing analysis of various Owen family relationships as well as queries from any submitter.  There is also a reunion every two years.  

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