Anders Family
David Asbel Anders with
grandson Jim and wife
Tina Smith Anders Family

US GenWeb Project

Rufus and Florence Hall Owen Family in 1947
Rufus and Florence Hall Owen and children

US GenWeb Archives Project


Transylvania County, NC GenWeb Project
"Digging Into The Genealogy of Our Ancestors"

NC GenWeb

Transylvania Tour

Township by township visits to the people and places that make up Transylvania County history


We are researching and organizing the research by township. In each "tour stop", information about a specific family and a related place or topic will be gathered. Research will concentrate on a household group abstract for families sharing a common surname. Original documents connected to the surname or collateral families as well as documents related to the focus event or place are used.

Submissions of original documents on any topic or area are always welcome.  For submission guidelines, click here. Please contact us before submitting information, and we will send you the forms to be sent with the submission including a transfer of limited copyright.