Anders Family
David Asbel Anders with
grandson Jim and wife
Tina Smith Anders Family

US GenWeb Project

Rufus and Florence Hall Owen Family in 1947
Rufus and Florence Hall Owen and children

US GenWeb Archives Project


Transylvania County, NC GenWeb Project
"Digging Into The Genealogy of Our Ancestors"

NC GenWeb

Civil War Letters of Abram M. Glazener

Pvt, Co I, 18th Alabama Volunteer Infantry, Reg. CSA
Transcribed by Arward C. Williams







Note -

The son of Abraham Glazener and Mary Esther Beasley, Abram M. Glazener was born December 27, 1824 in present day Transylvania County, North Carolina.  He later moved to Alabama with his young family.

These letters were previously posted at  When we requested permission to link to the letters, Mr. Williams not only gave permission for the link, but also gave permission for us to post the letters as well.  At the time we elected to simply link to the other site in recognition of the efforts of the larger Civil War research which had posted the material and to facilitate researchers finding similar information.  This site is no longer available.  As result, we are now posting the material from our own project records.  The original page has been lightly edited to fit our project style sheets.

This example offers a reminder of just how impermanent documents, especially electronic documents can be.  Even seemingly established archives, including the GenWeb Archives Project, can suddenly disappear with lack of manpower, funding, or changes in technology.  Ultimately the best preservation for old letters and photographs is a professionally managed archive.  Copies and transcriptions such as these can communicate information to researchers, but ultimately cannot replace the originals.

Our thanks to Mr. Williams for his forethought in providing copyrights before they were needed.

Linda Hoxit Raxter, July 21, 2003

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Abram M. Glazener, Pvt
Co I, 18th Alabama Vol. Infty. Reg., CSA
Abram M. Glazener 
Abram M. Glazener and Lavenia Bennett Glazener
Abram M. Glazener was 38 at the time of his death,
leaving a wife and seven children in Shelby County Alabama.

All letters transcribed by Arward C. Williams from copy of original. Spelling and punctuation as original. These pages are from a book Six Months from Shelby County to Chickamauga being authored by, Arward C. Williams, email:

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Abram joined Capt. Peter F. Hunley's, Co. I, 18th Ala. Inf. CSA at Hapersville, AL, probably 10 Feb 1863 (per pay record). Entry in family bible reads, "A. M. Glazener volunteered in Captain Hunley's Co, 18th Alabama regiment March 1863 and was killed in the Battle of Chickamauga 19th of September 1863".

Abram (sometimes written as Abraham) M. Glazener was in Co. I, 18th Regt, Alabama Infantry, CSA. and was killed September 19th, 1863 at the battle of Chickamauga. The 18th Ala Inf Reg was part of Claytons Brigade, in Stewart's Division at the battle of Chickamauga. The 18th Alabama Regiment suffered over 60% casualties in this battle.

As of October 1993, fourteen (14) letters from Abram M. GLAZENER to his family and friends, written during the six months from the time he left Shelby County Alabama until his death, plus the church eulogy for he and two others, have been located.

Abram M. Glazener's wife, Lavenia (sometimes written as Luvenia) Bennett Glazener applied, on Feb 2, 1864, for a Confederate widows payment of pay and allowances due Abram at the time of his death, the Civil War was still going on at that date.


(Wife of Abram M. Glazener)

Lavenia Bennett Glazener is buried in Childersburg Cemetery, Childersburg, Talladega County, Alabama.
Tombstone reads: 
Wife of Abram Glazener
b Aug 27, 1827
d Jan 11, 1891

Abram and Lavenia had the following children:

  • Synthia Elvira , born 16 Jun 1845 and died 8 Aug 1929. (m. WARREN)
  • Lousinda Elzina, born 22 Aug 1848 in NC. She died 13 Aug 1865 in Shelby Co, AL.
  • Talitha Angeline, born 6 Aug 1851 and died 1 Jan 1939. (m. McDONALD)
  • Henry Clay, born 13 Nov 1853 and died 19 Apr 1922.
  • William Paterson, born 11 Mar 1856 in AL. He died 1949 in Childersburg, AL.
  • Alice, born 11 Apr 1859 in AL.
  • Alabama, born 12 Feb 1862 and died 19 Apr 1921. (m. JOHNSTON)

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Transcribed by Arward C. Williams, 4 July 1993, from copy of original. Spelling and punctuation as original.


Camp Coming March 20th, 1863

Dear Wife

I have the opportunity of sending you a few lines which I will inform you that I am well and I hope these lines will find you and all the children well. I landed in Mobile Tuesday night I did not have time to get you any thread in Selma as there was a boat ready to start when we got there. I will try to get you some here and send it to you.

I have bin before the Sergon (Surgeon) and I have bin received I nothing to write to "z" interest you. I hope to hear from you soon and to hear that you are all well I sent 1 sack of salt back by Scot I hope it went safe. I found all the boys well be shure to write oftin so I will not write any more at present.

Yours as ever

A.M. Glazener

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Mobile March llth 1863 [should be April - see ltr. 20 Mar 63]

Mr. R. M. Shuford [1]

Kind Friend

I will inform you that I am in the hospittle in this city. I have had the measles which made me very sick. I am improving very fast. I feel like I was allmost well if I had my strength. I'm still very sick, my eyes is very sore yet but they are improving. This is a very good house for a sick man all though they never give me any medicine at all only gives me thre drinks of tea. I got one of the nurses to bye and slip me a pint of whiskey. I drank that which drove the measles out so that my skin on my face felt as thick as sole leather.

I don't know how long I will stay here. They may send me to Spring Hill hospittle. I hope not as that house has a bad name.

Our Reg. left yeasterday evening for Pollard.[2] I heard them yeling like indians. I never heard such a noise. They bid Mobile fare well & c.[3]

I never have heard from home, but one time since I left. I hope they are all well. I don't expect to hear until I get back to the Reg., as my letters will be sent to that. I wrote a letter home the other day.

I no my family will be uneasy about me. When you get this let them know I will write often until I get entirely well. Please write to me and give me all the nuse especially the prospect for a wheat crop, give my respects to Mrs. Shuford. Tell Bud I would like to see him and hear him talk & c.

Yours as ever

A. M. Glazener

1 R. M. Shuford, neighbor, Shelby County, Alabama.
2 Pollard, Alabama.
3 "and c" or "& c" = et cetera.
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Spring Hill April 18th 1863

Dear wife

I take my pen in hand to inform you that I am still recouperating and have been assigned to this Hospital. I don't know long I will stay here. I understand that Our Regament is gone to Tennessee if so I will stay here until I get entirely well This is a beautiful place every thing looks like mid-summer. I am sorry that we have to leave here My bed clothes I left in camp I don't know where I will be so dont send me anything moore until I let you know. I would lke tohear from you all as I have not Received but One letter since I left home this place is ten miles from Mobile. I want to go to town & have my Amber type[1] taken and send it to you before I leave here. I hope that you are all well & doing well. wrote you 2 letters also 2 you I hope you are not uneasy a bout me. I dont see no chane of getting a discharge.

I write in haste as I have but a little while to write in. Well Elvira[2] my dear daughter I want you to write to me often as you can when ever I can get you letters. I wont you to be a good child to your mother. Set the example for the rest of your brothers & sisters and allways recollect that your Pa all though far away oftimes thinks of you & prays for your well fare write to me soon & fail not as I think that I will get it before I have to leave here, tell all the children howdy for me. So I will hourly give my love with & you my dear wife & children my best wishes. Yours till death.

A. M. Glazener

N. B. Direct in this way
Abram M. Glazener
Convelesent Hospital
General Branch
1 "Ambertype" a photo process that replaced the "Tintype" process; copy in
possession of submitter.
2 Abram's oldest child, daughter Synthia Elvira Glazener.
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Mobile Spring Hill Hospt
April 27th 1863

Dear Wife I one time more take my pen to write to you to let you know how I am getting along. Since I wrote you last I have had a very bad spell of dierra which reduced me very much. I am better now and have been for four days. I now have received both the letters from home yet that was write a few days after I left. I can not expres my anxiety to hear from you. I have thought I had friends [one sentence gone]

I would think perhaps you or one of the children was very sick or that some of my children was dead. I hope there is nothing as that you are all well doing well. My dear I know you would like to know how I fare here. I have a clost clean room to stay in. clean cot to sleep on. This is a beautiful place. There is generally from 70 to 100 convelesants here, we get poor beef, corn meal, coffee, grits, sour bread, small piece of bacon twist a week, also some pudding. The same way, we get a plenty if it was the right sort. Still we ought not to grumble. I think if I was at home where I could get plenty of milk and butter, I would get well soon. I don't think I will git well until git something moore nurshing to eat still I may.

This is the Sabbath we have service at eleven we also have prair meeting evening and c.

My dear children a word to you all before I close to let you know that your Pa has not for got you. I can see you all in my imagination. My little boys playing over the yard, their cherful voices, I have mised very much. I hope we may be spared to meet again. My to you. I say keep in good heart don't despond but trust in God and he will do all things right. When you write let me now how you are getting along whether you think you will have corn to do you or not.

How your cattle hogs sheep and wheat is doing. This paper is so bad I will have to close. Don't send me anything whatever. If my shoes is made keep tham until I let you know. So I will close. Give my respects to all the neighbors and inquiring friends. write soon write a letter when you get this. Wait a day or so and then write another. Direct them in this way:

Mr. Abram M. Glazner
Mobile, Ala.

I think if you will do that you will hear from you sooner fare well
A. M. Glazner

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Springhill Hospitle Mobile, Ala.
May 24, 1863

Mr. R. M. Shuford[1] Dear Friend

I received your letter last evening which I was pleased to read. I hope these lines will find you and family well. I have the good news to inform you that I am improving rapidly. I think I will be able to go to my Reg. in a few days all though I expect I had better lay here until I recover my strength more than I have at present. My bowels is got well. I am as well satisfied here as I could be any whare from home. Our rations is much better than they have bin. We get the pure coffee, shougar in it vegetables such as beans squashes and c.[2]

I was pleased to hear that you and others of my neighbors had planted so much corn for my family. My feelings of gratitude to you and them I cannot expres. If I am never able to return the favor I hope you may be by a kind providence and long it will be remembered by me.

I have nothing to write to you as for the nuse you hear that before. I could write it to you the people here has bin some what frightened at the Fall of Jackson Mis, Vicksburg is clost beseaged. I hope we may whipp them there, the death of Stonewall Jackson was much regreted by all here. This place is 6 miles from the city. I was in town last Monday. I saw Dr. Smoot. I am in 2 miles of thir camp. I have never been to see them but the one time. This is a beautiful place. We have good pur stone water, fine dwellings to stay in and c. We ought to be satisfied here but the most of the men is dissatisfied. They have the mumps much better here and rheumatism in a bundance. There is only 30 here now. We are not crowded.

I will say I found one Yankey since I left home. He was here we got in conversation and could not agree time after time until I reported him to the Doc. They taken him before the provost M. He sent him to the gard house. He belongs to a batterey at Fort Morgan.[3]

You stated that you wanted me to price my old mare if you want her keep her and pay what you think she is worth or sell her the same way and I will be satisfied as I now that you are a good judge of such property. Don't have no feare but price her and keep her if you want her as I know that my family has no use of her all so sell that ginnie if you have the chance.

My wife wrote to know that I thought of her coming down here to see me. Tell her not to think about coming as she would be exposed to all the contagious diseases especially the measles. If I was dangerously sick I would let her know and send for her to come but tell her that I am a mending fast that I am nearly well and not to send me any provisions as I can make out very well.

I have nothing moore to write to you that I can think of. If I could see you I could let you know all the particulars since I saw you. There is one thing I have got acquainted with since I have bin here that is lice, the striped back family. It is a hard matter to keep clean of them unless you shift your clothes twist a week. They are in the beds and bed clothes. You are sertain to katch them. They have never pestered me much as some others. Give my love to Mrs. Shuford and the childred tell my family I will not write to them tell next week as they can here from me by this so no moore.

Yours respectfully
A. M. Glazener
Write soon
1 R. M. Shuford, neighbor, Shelby County, Alabama.
2 "and c" or "& c" = et cetera.
3 Fort at entrance of Mobile Bay Alabama.
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Mobile Camp Buley [or Beeley or Bieley]
June 4th, 1863

Dear wife,

I write to you this lines leaves me well. Hope they will find you and the children well. I will say that I am on the eve of starting to the Reg. I expect to start on tomorrow or next day. Don't write to me until you hear from me again. I send my likeness1 by Mr. Smoot. I hope it will go safe. I will write as soon as I get to the Reg.

Yours as ever

A. M. Glazener

1 "Ambertype" photo taken April or May 1863 (see letter dtd 18 Apr 1863); copy in possession of submitter.
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Chattanugee Tennisee[1]
July 7th 1863

Dear wife it is through the Mercois (mercy) of a kind providence that I am permited to write to you in answer to yours which I received this day. I have not heard from you since I left Mobile until this dat whin I received 2 letters from you. I have seen the hardest times I ever did before. We have retreated back to this place. I dont know how much farther we will have to go. I gave out. I thought the enemy might get me (fold) (but) I would do all I could to make my escape. I left my knapsack for to be caried up on the cars.[2] I have just got it today, I have lost onething (nothing or everything) but my blanket one pair of socks. I have laid on the ground with out anything under me for 12 days. I never saw the like in all my life so many men gave out clothes wagons mules horses and everything left strewn a long the way I came through with the wagon.

I have not got with the Reg (Regiment) yet I think I will join the Reg soon all though I am not well. I hope I will get better soon. I was sorry to hear that your health was not so good. I do hope I may get home some time. I no that I cannot stand infantry Service if I dont get into Cavalry I will be allways behind as I am not able to March if I should get a transfer to cavalry I will try to go home to get my horse if I was at home I no I would Be as happy a man as ever was as I am tired of this business. I wat (want) you to keep up if you can for if I get sick or wounded I will expect you to come to see me if you are able. I have some money I wish that you had. I have had to bye my provisions for some time if you cannot get my shoes conveniently let them alone as I can draw a pair. I need nothing but a hat and blanket. I hope to hear from you soon. Give my love to all the neighbors. Kiss the children for me and you my Dearest receive my warmest Love.

Yours Til Death
A.M. Glazener
1 Chattanooga, Tennessee.
2 Railroad cars.
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Tynerstation Tennesie[1]
July 31st 1863

My dear son. This day seat my self to write you a letter for the first time. I hope when this reaches you it will find you well.

Well Henry[2] I have many things I could tell you if I was with you but as I have to write it to you I cannot tell you much. We are campt in the woods at the same place we have been for 2 weeks. We have but very few shelters. We stretch our blankets for our shelters. It rained very hard here yesterday. The most of us got wet as the wind blew so our blankets did not turn the rain. We may stay here sometime and we may not stay long. It is uncertain. We get more to eat then we did a few days ago, still it is scarce. I heard from W. H. Glazener.[3] He was mending his Pa[4] was with him and was going to take him home when he gets able. Well son I often think of you and wish that you was large enough to make a suport for your Ma and sisters. I want you to learn to be industrious and good to your Ma. It seems a long time since I saw you and it may be still longer. You and William[5] must take care of everything that you can and study your books so that you can write to me. I want you to have me a good letter wrote. Let me know how Fannie and Bally[6] looks and what the old mare is doing, how all the cows hogs and corn potatoes and everything is doing. How often you and William goes to see Dick Shuford[7] and all the nuse whether you have any apples, peaches watermelons and c[8] So I will close give my love to all the rest of the children.

To Your father

Henry C. Glazener A. M. Glazener

to Mis Laurinda E. Glazener[9]

My dear daughter

It is with pleasure I write to you to inform you that I am well. We have hard times here. A grate many is sick. I hope I may stay well as it is a very bad place to be sick. It seems like that providence provides for the soldiers or they would all be sick. I know I never would have went through the exposure that I have here at home without being sick. I took the rain, mud, lay on the wet ground for 10 days without blanket or anything to shelter with. I was wet 4 days that I never was dry. I can not tell you half what we did do.

I feel thankful that I came through as well as I did. If I had bin taken prisner you never would have known what had went with me until I would have got back. I hope to never see such a time again.

My daughter I want you do all you can to make a suport as I know that times will be hard and provisions scarce. I want to know whether you all have bacon to do you. I have just finished eating my diner. It was gik without any grease and but very little salt in it.

I feel well satisfied that I had that. If Brister[10] can I want your Ma to send me some butter if it is only a little. I have bin looking for a letter from home for some time. I want you to write to me give me all the nuse everything you may think. It would be foolish to write little things still it would interest me. So I will close give my love to your Ma and all the children. Keep that sweet balme for me.

Your Father as ever.

A. M. Glazener

I would like to know whether you got that money I sent home.

1 Tyner's Station TN, on R.R. 9 miles east of Chattanooga.
2 Abram's oldest son, Henry Clay Glazener
3 Willian H. Glazener (son of Sion), Co. A, Hardie's AL Cavalry Reserve Batt, CSA.
4 Sion Glazener (brother of Abram), Co. A, Hardie's AL Cavalry Reserve Batt, CSA.
5 Abram's son, William Patterson Glazener.
6 horses at home.
7 R. M. Shuford, neighbor, Shelby County, Alabama.
8 "and c" or "& c" = et cetera.
9 Abram's daughter, Lousinda Elzina Glazener, She died 13 Aug 1865.
10 Brister Hunly, neighbor, Shelby County, Alabama.
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Tyner Station, Tennessee[1] August 16th, 1863

I one time more take my pen to answer your letter which Brist[2] Brought me which found me well I was suprised to hear that you had not heard from me since Bris[2] left here. I have wrote every week except last week Bris brought the things you sent except the butter that he said could not be put in the box. I was sorry that it did not come for if ever I needed something it is now. The cake and biscuit eat so good. I thought I never tasted nothing like them before. We are living on a little bread pore beef now and then we get a bout as much bacon as will make one meal. If we could get bread enough I would not mind it but we dont get that as long as they will give me plenty of corn bread to eat I can do but I tell you I have bin hungry for 10 days all the time get up hungry lay down the same still I am better satisfied than I have been since I left home. I am in better health than I have bin since I was sick it is a wonder that I ever went through what I did and not be sick after ward. I trust that I may stay well and live to get back home again if I was at home and our country at present I think I would O home sweet home when shall I see O whin [O when] shall I get there. [end of original first page]

You stated that the moneye you had you could not bye anything that would be a profit to you as a suport. Keep your moneye untill you need it you may have to bye corn if so bye soon as you can fatten all the meat you can if I should not get home this fall you can sell all the beef cattle you have if you choose and can you can sell a milk (cow or so) be shure to have bread and meat to subsist on as I never want my children to suffer for something to eat. We can live on what get here but it is hard living here. I have spent all my moneye I dont know when they will pay us any moore. I hope soon. If you shouold send me anything moore to eat send some meat butter lard buisquit [etc.] but you need not send any unless I write for it. I have [but, yet] eat but one peach this season I see no chance of ing [saving] money here for if we had to depend on being fed we would suffer seriously. I know you are uneasy but cheer up I hope we will have peace soon I feel thankful that I am as well off as I am when you get this write to me. I will send this by Mr Hunter Mr McCarty and all the Taladaga boys [is well]. I have never heard from Ron since he got home with the I will send a letter with him from your sister Elizabeth.

Your husband as ever

A.M. Glazener

1 Tyner's Station Tennessee, on R.R. 9 miles east of Chattanooga.
2 Brister Hunly, neighbor, Shelby Co. Alabama.
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Tynerstation[1] August 17th 1863

Mr. R. M. Shuford [2]

Kind friend I drop you a few lines to let you know that I have not forgotten you and which will inform you that I am well every hoping this will find you and family enjoying the same. I have no nuse to write you. We are hard run for something to eat here. The boys is generally well but they grumble very much because they don't get more to eat. I cannot blame them, as we don't get near enough. We have 2 that has deserted from our Co. for the first that has ever left before, it was Wyette and Comstacks. No Shelby[3] boys has left as yet. I do hope they will all stay and not flinch in this critical time. This army is in a bad condition. The men all think we are whipt all out of heart they don't put much confidence in this general, Bragg[4] I hope this will all become right soon if not I think we are in a fair way to be run over. I have no ide where we will go from here. I hope we may have peace and let us all go home.

I have bin trying to get into a cavalry Co., but I have not succeeded as yet. Our Capt[5] tried to swap off to cavalry but he failed. If he had went then most of the boys would too.

I understand that you all in Ala. has made fine crops that is the best nuse I have heard for it will be needed as crops in this section is very sorry as it has bin to wet so they could not work them. But we left the best wheat in middle Tenn. I ever saw and quantities of it but the yanks is living on it now. If you see any man that belongs to cavalry that wants to swap to infantry tell him to let me know. I will exchange with him. If I could stand marching I would be very well satisfied where I am but I can not and c.

I would like to be at home now so I could have the pleasure of eating fruit. We have none here unles you bye them. Peaches and apples sells from $1 to $1.50 per dozen so I believe I have nothing more to write you so I will close give my respeck to Mrs. Shuford and the children.

Yours as ever

A. M. Glazener

write to me and give me the nuse and c.

1 Tyner's Station TN, on R.R. 9 miles east of Chattanooga.
2 Neighbor, Shelby Co. Alabama.
3 Shelby County, Alabama.
4 General Braxton Bragg, CSA
5 Capt P. F. Hunley
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Tynerstation Tenn.[1]
August 20, 1863

Dear wife,

I with haste take my pen in hand to inform you that I am well ever hoping these lines may find you and the children well. I reckon you have got the letter I sent by Mr. Thornton. I sent my old shoes home by him if I ever was to get home they may do to work in. I have no particular nuse to write to you. We have orders to cook up 3 days rations and be ready for marching orders. Where we are going I don't know. I am fearful ther is a march on hand. I dread to start as the weather is very hot and dry. I hope if we have to go fur we will have to travel on the R.R. It grieves me to think that we have to stay here not provided for no better than we are, but I will try to put my trust in God that I may get home one time moore. If not you may know that I am ever trying to serve my Creator the best my weaknes and ability will admit. I want you to trust in God never forgetting to pray to him who answers prair. I hope this war will soon end some way or other. If we was to get to far off for you to send me cloths I will draw them. I think I had better draw my shirts and drawers as they wont cost me more than for you to make them. My knit shirts I want you to make the sleaves shorter as they are to long and when the weather gets cool I will want them sent to me. I want to go home in November if I can.

I understand that W. H. Glazener[2] is very low. I have wrote to Sion[3] but I don't hear from him. It may be that we may go to Ala. I will write to you as soon as we stop. We may stay here several days yet we may start in the morning. The wagons is coming in so it is likely we may start tomorrow so I will close as I have nothing to write to interest you. I have most of the provesions you sent me yet I will carry them with me as we will have to march on cornbread and beef. Give my love to all inquiring friends. Give my love to all the children tell them to be good children and remember ther Pa.

So I will close your husband as ever

A. M. Glazener.

1 Tyner's Station TN, on R.R. 9 miles east of Chattanooga.
2 Willian H. Glazener (son of Sion), Co. A, Hardie's AL Cavalry Reserve Batt, CSA.
3 Sion Glazener (brother of Abram), Co. A, Hardie's AL Cavalry Reserve Batt, CSA.
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Camp[1] 18th Ala Rgmt, Tennesie
August 26th 1863

Dear wife, it is with pleasure I take my pen to inform you that I am well every hoping that I may find you and the children enjoying the same. We are 25 or 30 miles above Chattanooge. We left Tynerstation[2] 21st at midnight. We marched all that night and the next day until sun down when we slept near this place. It was a very hard march as the weather was very warm. Ther was a grate many gave out, but I kept in my place but it was very hard. I felt like I could not go any further. We are in a short distance from the River. We are in hearing distance of the Yankies. They are on the other side of the river we can hear thir drums. The people here is very much divided. A greate many has run off from here since we came here and went to the enemy. We are campt on a plantation whare there is no man persons on the place only the lady and children. They says she has 2 sons in the Yankey army. We are fortifying here thinking they will try to make a crossing here but it is doubtful. Mr. Blackston got there last evening. He brought my butter safe it liked to have spoild as the weather was so hot but it was very good. We get plenty to eat here we get fruit and everything of the vegetable kind. I hope we will still get plenty. The boys make some fine peach pies, apple pies & c[3] I was sorry to hear that corn will be so high in that country. Blackston thinks it will be worth $5 per bushel. I want you to engageie your corn as soon as you can. What you think will do you as it may be so that corn cannot be had. I was glad to hear that you had sold one of your cows. I would sell what I could spair if I could get a big price for them. I was in hopes you would make a most corn enough to do you but it cannot be aforded now. I have never heard whether Mr. Shuford kept the old mare or not. Her and the ginnie you ought to sell if you have them yet and if there is any chance.

I will try to go home this fall sometime. I want to see home one time moore. I hope I will be blest with that privalige. I hope peace will soon be made.

You seem to think that I never will get back home any moore. Always hope for the best whether I get home or not. My ernest prairs is that I may live to see all one time moore. It seems that the people is very much in the oppinion that we are whipt. I hope not if some are a people and it seems that if we fight on we are ruined so I cannot tell what will be done. I want you to take pains with the little children. If there is any school send them as I want them to have an education if possible. I think I had better draw my clothing from the government especially my shirts and drawers as it will cost you aheap to buye thread. If make them let me know what you think, I had better do. My pants is getting to the patch still they will do me until November. The shirts and drawers they are very good so is the jacketts. Write to me all the particular nuse. How much corn you think you will make whether you ever got that cotton put up or not and all the nuse.

Well my dear I have nothing moore that I can think of that would interest you. Me and Blackston is sitting with our backs against a large tree both writing. Some of the boys is sleeping some cooking some playing in fact you can look over the camp and see almost anything going on that you could imagine. Playe of different kind now then you can see a fist fight some singing and c. So I will close by saying write to me direct as before we have no mail as yet since we have been here. I don't think you get near all my letters or your would hear from me moore than you say that you do. Give my love to all the children and little B in a.[4]

So I will close your husband as ever

A. M. Glazener

1 Camp was at Birchwood TN.
2 Tyner's Station TN, on R.R. 9 miles east of Chattanooga.
3 "and c" or "& c" = et cetera
4 Illegible - believe "Babe in arms", referring to youngest child, Alabama, age 18 months.
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Charleston Tennesie Sept. 3, 1863

Dear wife

I one time more have the opportunity of writing to you which will in form you that I am in common health. I have bin on the sick list for a few days but I am better this morning. We are expecting a fight here or some whar. Clost bye the enemy has taken Loudon,[1] they are near enough to hear the cannon, east Tennesie is gone up. All our forces is from this place down to Bridgeport,[2] a distance of sixty miles. I think our men will give them fight this time and if we are whipt here we are lost as they will over run Ga. and Ala. It is reported they are two hundred thousand strong. Our forces here I don't know the number but this is a very large army. I hope that if we do fight that we will whip them. I have seen everything that belongs to the army and experienced some except.[3] fighting that I have no desire to see as it is a unpleasant thing. While this war lasts we may expect to see hard times.

I have just received a letter from your sister Wools. They was all well. I wrote to you last week. I don't know whether you got it or not. Blackston came in after we left Tyner.[4] He came to us at Birchwood.[5] I enjoyed my butter very much all though I had to sell some of it as I could not carry it but here we get plenty to eat now. We are doing very well as far as rations is conserned. We have had some cool weather here we could not keep under blanket comfortable. I hope to hear from you. I wrote to you to ingage your corn as soon as possible. I have not drawn any money yet we expect to in a few days. Make all the preparations you can to have some thing to live on. I wrote to Henry[6] I would like to know whether he go it or not. If I should live until winter I will try to get a furlough to go home. Write to me direct to Charleston Tennesie. So I will close give my love to all the children and a grate portion for your self your husband.

A. M. Glazener

1 Loudon, Tennessee.
2 Bridgeport, Alabama.
3 except. = exceptional.
4 Tyner's Station TN, on R.R. 9 miles east of Chattanooga.
5 Birchwood, Tennessee.
6 Abram's son, Henry Clay Glazener.
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LaFayette Walker Co. Ga.[1] Sept. 17th 1863

Dear wife

I one time more have the opportunity of writing you a few lines to inform you that I am well ever hoping these lines will find you and all the children well. I wrote to you when I was at Graysville. We have been marching for the last 10 days. I feel very much jaded but I have stood it very well. I have enjoyed fine health. We have had some little fighting. We lost some men our Regt., had one man wounded. We have a large army here I don't know how soon we will have to fight. I think we will whip them when we fight. My dear I don't know when I will have the chance to go home if my life is spared through this struggle. I am going to try to get home on a furlough. I feel very uneasy about you and the children I fear that you are sick. I often think of you in your sickness and wish to be with you but that privalidge I can not enjoy. It has just bin from home six months it seems like it has been longer.

My dear I don't have but a few minutes to write if I had the time I would like to write you a long letter but this will let you know that I am still well. You will have to manage the best you can until I get home. I want to make some arrangements about sowing wheat. When you write to me write all the nuse I have not heard from you since I left Charleston. We will leave here soon this evening. I cannot tell where we will go to. I do wish I was at home if I was I would stay a while. I want you to ever remember to put your trust in God and the children. Tell them for me to remember that their Pa will pray for them and their well fare while he is away from them. So I will have to go.

Give my love to all and receive a grate portion for your self.

I will close ever remembering you and the children.

Your husband as ever

A. M. Glazener

1 Starting point the night of 17 September 1863, for 18th Alabama Infantry Regiment, part of Clayton's Brigade, Stewarts Division CSA, camped near Rock Springs. On 18th crossed the Chickamauga near Thedford's ford and on the 19th engaged the Union forces. Of a total of 527 officers and men of the 18th Ala. engaged on the 19th, 221 were killed, wounded or missing, leaving 306 to continue the Battle of Chickamagua on the 20th. (O.R. I, vol 30, part II, pp 400-406) Abram M. Glazener was killed on the 19th September 1863.

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November 22, 1863 Tallaseehatchie Baptist Church, Talladega County, Alabama

In the battle of Chickamauga Sept. 19th 1863 our Brethren Abram M. Glazener, Wm. A. McLeanty, and Richard W. Griffith fell martyrs to the cause of Southern Independence, by the hands of our implacable foes.

No higher Eulogy need be pronounced on these Noble, Gallant, Christian Patriots, than to say they enlisted under the Banner of their native South and fell in defence of Religions and Political Liberty and all the rights and priviledges which Patriotic Freemen hold sacred.

Therefore Resolved:

1st - That in the death of these bretheren our church has lost three faithful, worthy members, our country a trio of good citizens and brave soldiers, the families of Brethern Glazener and McLeanty, kind devoted husbands and fathers and the parents and family of Bro. Griffin, a dutiful son and affectionate Brother.

2nd - That our sincere condolence is hereby tendered to the families and relatives of the deceased.

3rd - That a blank page in our church book draped in black lines on the margin be dedicated to the memory of these Brethern on which shall be inscribed the following:

In memory of our Brethern

Abram M. Glazener
Wm. A. McLeanly and
Richard W. Grilfin;

who fell in the battle of Chickamauga Sept. 19, 1863.

4th - That a copy of this Preamble and Resolutions be furnished the families of each of the deceased.

Tallaseehatchee Baptist Church, [Childersburg, Alabama]
November 22, 1863

Abner Williams
Thos. L. Pope
Wiley B. Boaz Committee

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[50 years later] 1913

W. P. Glazener,[1] October 9, 1913, Childersburg Ala, 9/10/1913

Dear Sister Elvry Warren[2]

I received your card a few days ago & should have written sooner I was glad to hear from you I did not know what had become of you Lee[3] spent the night with me last fall he did not know whear you was I think he is a but the virginne mins (about the Viginia mines) tho I do not know Bamma is at Panama[4] Okla Talitha is I think at Ida[5] Okla Henry is at black springs[6] Ark

We are all well at present I am farming this year I have a fine corn crop I think I will make a thousand bushels & lots of hay Nelly[7] will teach school this winter they both graduated in the publick school this spring Florence[8] is taking another course I want to send them too the Judson(sp) Collage next year if possable Well how does Fayet-[9] look I would love to see them all again Well I can't realise that we are as old as we are

Time is passing fast- Just to think it has ben 50 years last September the 19 that father[10] was kild Well we will all soon pass away & be forgoten

I have no news of interest to write & will close with love & kindest reagards to you & all

Your Brother

A. P. Glazener

1 Abrams youngest son, William P. Glazener, became builder Childersburg AL, died 1949.
2 Abram's oldest child, daughter Synthia Elvira Warren
3 Jackson Lee Warren, Elvira's son.
4 Abram's youngest child, Alabama Johnston, Panama is in Le Flore Co. OK.
5 Abram's daughter, Talitha A. McDonald, Ida became Battiest in McCurtain Co. OK.
6 Abram's oldest son, Henry Clay Glazener, Black Springs is in Montgomery Co. AR.
7 W P's daughter, Nellie Lee Glazener, long time teacher Childersburg AL, died 1979.
8 W P's daughter, Florence Glazener, married and moved to California.
9 Fayet- is Lafayette, however Joseph Lafayett Warren, Elvira's husband died in 1897.
Elvira's son J. Lafayette Warren was reported to have gone to Indian Territory, which
became state of Oklahoma in 1907. Elvira's son J. Lafayett may have visited home and
Lee told William P. Glazener during his over night stay at W.P.'s.
10 Abram M. Glazener, Co I, 18th Ala Inf Rgmt, CSA, Killed Battle of Chickamauga .