Anders Family
David Asbel Anders with
grandson Jim and wife
Tina Smith Anders Family

US GenWeb Project

Rufus and Florence Hall Owen Family in 1947
Rufus and Florence Hall Owen and children

US GenWeb Archives Project


Transylvania County, NC GenWeb Project
"Digging Into The Genealogy of Our Ancestors"

NC GenWeb

Benjamin James Wilson Memoirs
Transcribed by Linda O. Anders


Memoirs written by Benjamin James Wilson, b. 2 Jan 1840 – d. 10 Feb 1922, about his experiences during the Civil War. He enlisted 15 June 1861, in Transylvania County, NC, Co. E, 25th NC Infantry, was paroled at Appomattox 9 Apr 1865; M. W. Ransom's Brigade.  Benjamin James was the son of Benjamin and Jane Grant Wilson. After his return from the war, he married Phoebe Serena Bracken on 5 Oct 1865 in Transylvania County.  They are my great-great-grandparents and are both buried at Cathey’s Creek Baptist Church Cemetery.  

Spelling is as written in Benjamin James Wilson’s own hand. Original manuscripts owned by Jack Wilson have been lost.  A typescript copy is held at the North Carolina State Archives.  Transcribed from a Photocopy of original by Linda O. Anders, 12 Jan 2003.  

Click here to see additional information about the Benjamin James Wilson Family (his father).


During the War of States I volunteered in 61 in Co. E 25 NC. Our first fight was in front of Richmon Va. 7 days fight ending at Malvern Hill. Next was at Plimoth NC where we flanked them captured 250 prisners. Then went back to Va. Was in nerley all of the fights in Va at Sarps Burg Marland we had to fall back across the Potomack River. At fredricks Burg they tride to break our lines 7 colums deep. We refuted them with heavy loss to them. Our loss was small.  

In front of Peters Burg Va they blode up our works. Rushed in the grves to hold works had Black flag. We was frmed out in open field to charge them out. We killed them out. I was wonded in right lung. Ball broke rib lodged between rib and skin. Dr. Lucky was Dr. of our regiment. He sayd I woud not live 15 min. Would not cut ball out. Dr. ohagen came along cut ball out. Then they put me in ambulance cart. I remember when I com to I saw coffin by my bunk. I sayd to ward master hoo is ded he told me had it there to put me in didn’t have time to bery me that day. I told him I was not redy for it yet. The Dr. there rote to capton graves of our co that I was ded. He rote it home to Mother that I was dead.  

After I got well anuff went back and was in severl fights after that was with Gen. Lee at the surrender. So I will close by saying give my love and respects to all the Daughters of the Cofedarcy.

 B J Wilson

When I went to the war we had 4 hed of horses 10 hed of cattle 45 hed hogs 50 hed of sheep. Wen I came back robers had taken all. The first election after the war som of the outliers tride to kill me & would if hadent bin too big coward.

B J Wilson