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  Jack Wilson Collection of Wilson Family Records 
 Transcribed by Linda O. Anders and originally posted 02 January 2004
More information about the Benjamin Wilson Family available as part of the Transylvania Tour

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Wilson Family Records

Below is a scan of  a photocopy of Wilson family birth, death and marriage records obtained from Jack Wilson before his death. Unknown what the location of the original page was, whether a family Bible or other book. Page size indicates the original was from a smaller book than the other pages in my possession which have been identified as from Benjamin Wilson’s ciphering book. Unfortunately, only part of the original family record has been preserved, but Joseph H. Wilson comments on a page from Benjamin Wilson’s ciphering book that he had made a handwritten copy of the original “You should not be the lest ofended at me for I saw that the levs of the other is tore out some of them. I did not want it lost intilery so I think it is rite to do so done by Jos. H. Wilson September 16 1861.” Joseph Wilson’s copy is transcribed separately. Transcription by Linda O. Anders, 9 October 2003.  

Benj. Wilson and Jane Grant Wilson were married June 2, 1822.

Jane Grant Wilson was born June 1st 1807.

Mary Malinda Wilson was born Feb. 27 in the morning 1824.

Matthew Marion Wilson was born Mar. 15 about 5 o’clock in morning 1826.

Robert Dekalbe Nov. 16, in the morning 1827.

Sarah Jane Wilson was born Oct. 27 in the morning 1829.

William Alexander Wilson was born Oct. 15, 1831, 4:30 being deceased Nov. 4th 1831.

Rachel Rebecca Wilson was born Nov. 3 in the evening 1832.

Marilza Ann Wilson was born Jan. 15 about 4 in the morning 1835 deceased July 14, 1837.

Wilson Family Record

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 Wilson Family Records from Ciphering Book


Below are scans of two photocopied pages of Wilson family birth, death and marriage records from Benjamin Wilson’s ciphering book.  These copies were obtained from Jack Wilson before his death. Joseph H. Wilson comments on the second page that he had made a handwritten copy of the original. Only one page of the original record still exists and it has been transcribed separately. Transcription by Linda O. Anders, 9 October 2003.

Family Record

Benj. Wilson and Jane Grant Wilson was mared June the 2th 1822

Jane Grant Wilson was born June the 1th 1807

Mary Malinda Wilson was born February the 27th in the morning 1824

Matthew Marion Wilson was born March the 15th about five o’clock morn 1826

Robert Deklbe Wilson was born November the 16th in the morning 1827

Sarah Jane Wilson was born October the 27th in the morning 1829.

William Alexander Wilson was born October the 15th 1831 half past 4 being deacest November the 4th 1831

Rachel Rebecca Wilson was born November the 3th in the evening 1832

Marilza Ann Wilson was born June 15 about 4 morning 1835 Departed or deacest this life July 14th 1837

Joseph H. Wilson was born November 15 1838 about six in the evning

Benjamin J. Wilson was born January 2th 1840 about four in the morning

John McDowel Wilson was born March 11th 1842 about four in the morning

Samuel S. Wilson was born July 10 1844

Ruth Matilda Wilson as born December 18th 1847 about seven in the evening [this line was cut off the scan but is on the copy—LA]

Wilson Family Record


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[Page 2]  

Mark Maxwell Wilson was born March the 2th 1849 in the morning

Martha Rosella Wilson was born November the 3th 1851

You should not be the lest ofended at me for I saw that the levs of the other is tore out some of them. I did not want it lost intilery so I think it is rite to do so done by Jos. H. Wilson September 16 1861

[in left margin]

one day after date

[remainder is undecipherable—LA]

M. M. Wilson Robert Wilson B. J. Wilson John McD. Wilson all departed and went as twelve month volunteers they left Transelvany the 6 of July and went to ashvill and stayed there untill the 19 of September and left there and went to ralegha to defend the rites of the sothern confedresy they went under capt. F. W. Johnson in 1861.

[in left margin]

This done by Jos. H. Wilson on September the 27 1861

Joseph H. Wilson Departed This life December the 11 1864

Ruth Matilda Wilson Departed this life September the 5 1864

[cut off scan but on the copy—LA]

Robert D. Wilson departed this life feb. the 16 1875

Wilson Family Record

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The Square Root

Transcription of a copy of a page from Benjamin Wilson's "siphering" book, "The Square Root", which contains death information of two unidentified Wilsons. Ciphering book is identified as such and dated "17th day of May 1812" on another page. As seen from the dates below, this information was added at a later date; however, the handwriting is the same as Benjamin Wilson's signature. It is my speculation that this may be referring to his parents. Original pages were in the possession of Jack Wilson before his death. Current location of pages are unknown. Transcribed from a photocopy of the original document by Linda O. Anders, 9 October 2003.

1st, A square Number ariseth from the multiplication of a number into itself, The Number so multiplied being called the Root, thus 4 multiplied by 4 produceth 16, so 16 is a square Number & 4 is the Root thereof, so also 4 is the square of 2 since twice 2 is 4, & 9 is the Toot of 81 for 9 times 9 is 81 (unclear letters) ---- ___________________________

Robert Wilson was taken sick the 22th of July and Deceased the 23th 1825.

Jane Wilson was taken sick the 22nd day of November 1811 and Deceased the 4th of January 1812. __________ _________

The Square Root


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