Anders Family
David Asbel Anders with
grandson Jim and wife
Tina Smith Anders Family

US GenWeb Project

Rufus and Florence Hall Owen Family in 1947
Rufus and Florence Hall Owen and children

US GenWeb Archives Project


Transylvania County, NC GenWeb Project
"Digging Into The Genealogy of Our Ancestors"

NC GenWeb

Reuben Johnson

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Ordered by court that the following persons serve as jurors at July sessions 1795 to wit: John Hamonds, Joseph Hughes, James Poteet, Henry Deweese, Thomas Dillard, John Gooch, James Boyce, Benjamin Greggory, Joseph Hughey, John Weaver, Matthew Cole, James Cravens, John Bradley, Wm. Morrow, John Witherow, Joseph Henry, John Patton, Reuben Johnson, Benj. Hawkins, Bedent Baird, Ben Hall, James Dunsmore, William Young, Matthew Patton, Aaron Patton, Hugh Davidson, John McMahan, John Box, John Rogers, Elijah Williamson, John Boydsteen, John Lockart, Joseph Austin, James Robertson, and James Dever.

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 17 Apr 1798 Buncombe County, North Carolina, Deed Book 4, Pages 80-81
 from Grantor Martin Gash, Jr., Buncombe County, North Carolina
 to Grantee Reuben Johnson, Buncombe County, North Carolina
 Notes 640 acres for 200 pounds. Lying on the French Broad River near Sugar Loaf Mountain below a very sharp bend in the River.
 Witnesses Jos. Patton, Benjamin Hawkins

Added 04 January 2004 by Linda O. Anders

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 18 Jan 1804 Buncombe County, North Carolina, Deed Book 9, Pages 49-51
 from Grantor Reuben Johnson, Buncombe County, North Carolina
 to Grantee Joseph Jordan, Buncombe County, North Carolina
 Notes 50 acres for $100. Beginning on the [French Broad] River, running North, East with the ridge to Johnson’s line, South to the River and then with the River to the beginning.
 Witnesses  Zachariah Candler, John McClure

Added 04 January 2004 by Linda O. Anders

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 17 July 1807 Buncombe County, North Carolina, Deed Book A, Page 433-434
 from Grantor Reuben Johnson, Buncombe County, North Carolina
 to Grantee Thomas Jordan, Buncombe County, North Carolina
 Notes $318 for 150 acres. Beginning at the top of a ridge at James Erwin's line, running North on the ridge to Reuben Johnson's line, then East along Johnson's line, South on Walter Hogsed's line to the French Broad River.

James McDowell, John Poteet

Transcribed 19 May 2003 by Linda O. Anders

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 12 Aug 1821 Buncombe County Deeds, Bk 13, Pages 231-232
 from Grantor Zachariah Candler, Buncombe County, North Carolina
 to Grantee Reuben Johnson, Buncombe County, North Carolina
 Notes Three tracts of land, 450 acres for $426.76. On Cherryfield Creek, West side of French Broad River. 1st tract—100 acres on North fork of Cherryfield Creek granted to George Davidson including Weavers old mill place. 2nd tract—50 acres, granted to George Davidson, joining tract 1, including where Charles Williamson now lives. 3rd tract—300 acres, Zachariah Candler Grant No. 1122 joining the two above tracts.
 Witnesses [missing page 2 for transcription]

Transcribed 19 May 2003 by Linda O. Anders

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 01 Dec 1825 Buncombe County, North Carolina, Deed Book 13, Page 452
 from Grantor Reuben Johnson, Buncombe County, North Carolina
 to Grantee John McCall , Buncombe County, North Carolina
 Notes $200. On the North Fork of the French Broad River, beginning on the West side of the North Fork at the foot of the mountain, crossing the River several times. Acreage not given
 Witnesses John M. Duckworth, Ethan Davis

Added 04 January 2004 by Linda O. Anders


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