Register of
Deeds office Book 13, Pages
Copied from microfilm in the Buncombe County,
NC, courthouse, 07/08/2003

Indenture made the twelfth day of august in the
yar of our Lord on thousand
eight hundred and twenty one
Between Zachariah Candler of the one part
and Reuben
Johnston of the other part Both of the
county of Buncombe & State of
North Carolina witnesseth
that for and in consideration of the Sum
of four hundred
and twenty Six dollars & 76 cents in
hand paid by the aforesaid
Reuben Johnston to the
aforesaid Candler hath this day Bargained
and sold and by
these present doth Bargain and sell,
convey & confirm unto the aforesaid
Reuben Johnston his heirs and
assigns Executors & administrators
forever the following
grants and
parcels of land Situated lying and being
in the aforesaid State and County on
the Cherry
field creek and on the west side of
french Broad River the first
tract contains one hundred
acres granted to George Davidson on the
north fork of the
cherry field creek including the place
where Weavers old mill formerly
was Runing
all round with the lines of the old grant
for complement. the
Second tract containing
fifty acres of land granted to the
aforesaid George
Davidson lying on the aforesaid Creek
joining the above
one hundred acres of
land on the west Side including part
of the
plantation whereas Charles Williamson now
lives. Runing all
round with the lines of the old grant for
complement. also one
other tract of land
containing three hundred acres granted to
the aforesaid Zachariah Candler grant
No 1122 lying on
the aforesaid Creek
joining the two last above tracts on the
west past 2
_____ Cherry field tract of land on the
north & west forks
Runing all round with
the… [missing
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