Anders Family
David Asbel Anders with
grandson Jim and wife
Tina Smith Anders Family

US GenWeb Project

Rufus and Florence Hall Owen Family in 1947
Rufus and Florence Hall Owen and children

US GenWeb Archives Project


Transylvania County, NC GenWeb Project
"Digging Into The Genealogy of Our Ancestors"

NC GenWeb

Bazel B. Edmonston to Benjamin Wilson - 1814


Copied from microfilm in the Buncombe County, NC, courthouse, 04/04/2003
Registrar of Deeds Office, Buncombe County, North Carolina Deed Book G, Pages 247-248
Transcribed by Linda O. Anders, May 28, 2003 - originally posted January 4, 2004
Click here for more information about the Benjamin James Wilson Family



Know all men by these presents that I Bazel B. Edmonston of the County of Buncombe & State of North Carolina for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred & fifty Dollars to me in hand paid by Benjamin Wilson of the County & State afsd. at or before the sea ling of these presents the Receipt & payment whereof I do hereby bargain Sell alien En_____ & Confirm unto him the sd. Benjamin Wilson his heirs & assigns forever all my rights and claim to a certain piece or parcel of land in the county & state afsd. lying being as follows on both sides of the dividing ridge between Williams branch and the Devils fork Begining on a forked black oak and runs North one hundred & Eighty poles to a post oak then East two hundred & seventy poles to a Stake on the Line that runs to the Begining Corner of the Big Survey then South one hundred & eighty poles to a stake on the other line for compliment – it being part of a four hundred acre survey containing three hundred acres be the same more or less Entered March the Twenty-Seventh 1800 which said piece or parcel of Land with all woods waters watercourses & Every other appurtainances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining I hereby for myself my heirs Executors & admrs. Sold set over conveyed released & confirmed in open market to the said Benj. Wilson his heirs & assigns for ever & do hereby for myself my heirs Executors & adminrs. & assigns Covenant and promise to and with the said Benj. Wilson his heirs Executors & adminrs. and assigns that I and my heirs Executors and admrs. shall and will warrant and forever Defend unto the said Benj. Wilson the aforesaid piece or parcel of Land with all & Every of its members and appurtainances free from all lawfull Claim of any person or persons what ever unto the said Benjamin Wilson his heirs Executors admrs. & assigns For witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal the Twenty-Second day of September one Thousand Eight hundred and fourteen.

Test. Robert Wilson                           Bazel B. Edmonston (Seal) 

Jane     X Mcbryer    Acknowledged 
State of No. Carolina}  October Sessions 1814 
Buncombe County}  The within Deed was acknowledged 
in open court Recorded & ordered to be registered. 
                                                   Certified       Jno. Miller    Ck 
Jany. 11th day 1815