Bazel B. Edmonston to
Benjamin Wilson - 1814
- Copied from
microfilm in the Buncombe County, NC,
courthouse, 04/04/2003
- Registrar of
Deeds Office, Buncombe County, North
Carolina Deed Book G, Pages
- Transcribed by
Linda O. Anders, May 28, 2003 - originally
posted January 4, 2004
- Click here for
more information about the
Benjamin James Wilson Family

Know all men by these
presents that I Bazel B. Edmonston of
the County
of Buncombe & State of North Carolina for
and in consideration of the sum of one hundred
& fifty Dollars to me in hand paid by
Benjamin Wilson of the County & State afsd.
at or before the sea ling of these presents the
Receipt & payment whereof I do hereby
bargain Sell alien En_____ & Confirm unto
him the sd. Benjamin Wilson his heirs &
assigns forever all my rights and claim to a
certain piece or parcel of land in the county
& state afsd. lying being as follows on
both sides of the dividing ridge between
Williams branch and the Devils fork
Begining on a forked black oak and runs North
one hundred & Eighty poles to a post oak
then East two hundred & seventy poles to a
Stake on the Line that runs to the Begining
Corner of the Big Survey then South one hundred
& eighty poles to a stake on the other line
for compliment – it being part of a four
hundred acre survey containing three hundred
acres be the same more or less Entered March
the Twenty-Seventh 1800 which said piece or
parcel of Land with all woods waters
watercourses & Every other appurtainances
thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining
I hereby for myself my heirs Executors &
admrs. Sold set over conveyed released &
confirmed in open market to the said Benj.
Wilson his heirs & assigns for ever &
do hereby for myself my heirs Executors &
adminrs. & assigns Covenant and promise to
and with the said Benj. Wilson his heirs
Executors & adminrs. and assigns that I and
my heirs Executors and admrs. shall and will
warrant and forever Defend unto the said Benj.
Wilson the aforesaid piece or parcel of Land
with all & Every of its members and
appurtainances free from all lawfull Claim of
any person or persons what ever unto the said
Benjamin Wilson his heirs Executors admrs.
& assigns For witness whereof I have
hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal the
Twenty-Second day of September one Thousand
Eight hundred and
Test. Robert Wilson
Bazel B.
State of No.
Carolina} October Sessions
Buncombe County}
within Deed was
in open court Recorded
& ordered to be
day 1815