Anders Family
David Asbel Anders with
grandson Jim and wife
Tina Smith Anders Family

US GenWeb Project

Rufus and Florence Hall Owen Family in 1947
Rufus and Florence Hall Owen and children

US GenWeb Archives Project


Transylvania County, NC GenWeb Project
"Digging Into The Genealogy of Our Ancestors"

NC GenWeb

Darcus Fisher's Claim for Pension
General Affidavits of H. P. Thomas and D. A. Bowling, July 24, 1879
Transcribed by Philip Underwood-Sheppard 


The following documents are Darcus Bowling Fisher's claim for a pension for the military service of her husband, James Fisher, during the War of 1812, and the affidavits of H. P. Thomas and D. A. Bowling in the matter of the claim.

Transcriber's note: I have attempted to present the following transcriptions of the documents without regard to the correction of spelling, grammar, punctuation, or the placement of entries in the incorrect blanks. Blanks that were to be filled in on the form are indicated by underlined words or phrases.

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WAR   OF   1812

Dorcas Levis Fisher


James Fisher Jr.

of Capt.Wm Turner

Co _________ Regiment of  S.C.







Aug 13 /79

WAR OR 1812
Under the provisions of Sections 4736 to 4740, inclusive, Revised Statutes, and the Act of March 9, 1878.
N.B. - All of the blank spaces in this form must be carefully filed up in accordance with the instructions on the back hereof; and from the best information possessed, or obtainable, by the applicant.

State of North Carolina County of Transylvania , ss

        On this 24  day of July 1879 A.D. one thousand eight hundred and seventy nine personally appeared before me G. C. Galloway, J P, the same being a court of records within and for the County and State aforesaid, (1) Darcas Levica Fisher, aged 80  years, a resident of Transylvania , in the State of North Carolina, who, being duly sworn according to law, declares that she is the widow of (2) James Fisher Jr deceased, who was the identical (3) James Fisher Jr, who served under the name of (4) James Fisher Jr as a (5) Private  in the Company commanded by Captain William Turner in the Infantry  regiment of So. C., commanded by Col Allston in the war of (6) 1812 ; that her said husband (7) volunteered  at Mission Old Field on or about the First  day of December 1814 A.D. 1814  for the term of Six Months and continued in actual service in said war for the term of (8) Six Months and whose services terminated, by reason of (9) Honorable Discharge at George Town on the 25 March  day of after Peace A.D. 1815   She further states that the following is a full description of her said husband at the time of his enlistment, viz: (10) on or about 16 or 17 years hith 5 feet 10 inches, occupation farmer Birth place South Carolina lite hair yellow eyes complction faire  She further states that she was married to the said James Fisher Jr, at the city (or town) of _____________, in the county of Spartenburge , and in the State of South Carolina on the _____ day of ________ A.D. 1816 by one (11) Rev. Ridings, who was a (12) Minister of the gospel and that her name before her said marriage was Dorcas Levisa Bowling and that she has no remarried since the death of said husban ; and she further states that (13) She nor her said husban neither of them had ever ben married to any one else and that her said husband (14) James Fisher, Jr, died at Transylvania , in the State of North Carolina, on the or about day of 18 July A.D. 1862 ; and she further declares that the following have been the places of residence of herself and her said husband since the date of his discharge from the Army, viz: (15) in Spartingburg District 7 years in Granville District SC 18 years balance time in Transylvania Co NC  She makes this declaration for the purpose of obtaining the Pension to which she may be entitled under Sections 4726 to 4740, inclusive, Revised Statutes, and the Act of March 9, 1878, and hereby appoints, with full powers of substitution and revocation, R. W. WALKER, OF WASHINGTON, D. C., her true and lawful attorney to prosecute her claim.

        And she further declares that she has heretofore made no  application for (16) bounty land nor pension but her said husband made application for bounty land and received land warrants and that her residence is No. ________ street, city (or town) of ______________ county of Transylvania  State of North Carolina, and that her post office address is Hogback Valley N.C

                                                                     Dorcas Levisa  X  Fisher
                                                                      Signature of Claimant.

[Two attesting witnesses who can write their names]
D. A Bowling
B F Fisher

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Also personally appeared D A Bowling, aged 78 years, residing at No. Transylvania Co street, in N.C, and B F Fisher, aged 49 years, , residing at No. Transylvania Co street, in N. C, persons whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to credit, and who being by me duly sworn, say that they have known the said, Dorcas Levisa Fisher for 70 years and for 40 years, respectively; that they were present and saw her eign her name (or make her mark) to the forgoing declaration; that they have every reason to believe, from the appearance of said claimant and their scquaintance with her, that she is the identical person she represents herself to be; and they further say that they are able to identify her as the person who was the wife of the identical (17) James Fisher Jr, who rendered the service alleged in the above application (in the company of Captain William Turner, in the regiment of Col. Allston in the war of 1812) by the following named facts and circumstances, vuz: (18) that wee are neighbors of the claemant and she is the widow of the identical person who rendered the service alleged in the claim and was present at the time of his death and they know that she has not remarried since the death of James Fisher Jr her husband, and that they have no interest in the prosecution of this claim.

If affiants make mark, two witnesses who write sign here:

_____________________________      D. A. Bowling
_____________________________      B. R. Fisher

        Sworn to and subscribed before me this 24 day of July 1879 A.D. 1879; and I hereby certify that the contents of the above declaration, &c., were fully made known and explained to the applicant and witnesses before swearing, including the words ______________, erased, and the words _______________, added; and I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of this claim.

                                                                                                  G. C. Galloway
                                                                       Official character: Justice of the Peace

To be executed before the CLERK OF A COURT OF RECORD.

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STATE OF North Carolina   }
COUNTY OF Transylvania  }    ss:

        In the matter of claim for pension of Mrs Darcos Levica Fisher widow of James Fisher Soldier of the Ware of 1812

        Personally came before me, a G C Galloway acting Justice Peace in and for aforesaid County and State, H. P. Thomas aged 79 years, a citizen of County of Transylvania, State of North Carolina, whose Post Office address is Hogback Valey NC, and D. A Bowling age 78 years, a citizen of County of Transylvania Co, State of N.C, whose Post Office address is Hogback Valey N.C to credit, and who being duly sworn, declare in relation to aforesaid case, as follows: that I the said H. P. Thomas Declare that I lived a near neibor at the tim of the aledged marage of James Fisher and his said wife Darcos Levica Fisher and that they lived to geather as husban and wife since the date of theire aledged marage which tuck place a bout the yeare 1816 and I new them boath up to the death of hear said husban which tuck place on or a bout 1862 and that I now that his widow has never remared sence the Death of her said husban. 2 witness D. A. Bowling say that he was present at the time of the aledged marage and that I now that they ware mared and he further say that he atended the infare diner and that I now that they lave lived to geather ever sence the Date of the marage in or a bout 1816 as husban and wife and has had severl childern born unto them in wedlock and that she has not remared sence the Death of her late husban who Died on or about 1862

      they further declare that they have no interest in said case, and are not concerned in its prosecution.

Attest - when any affiant signs BY MARK, (2 persons.)

__________________}                  Signature of {H. P. Thomas
                                                        Affiants.  {D A Bowling

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WAR OF 1812

State of North Carolina
County of Transylvania

On this 22 day of June, A. D. eighteen hundred and seventy Eight personally appeared before me, W. P. Poor   Clerk of the  Superior  a Court of Record in and for the County and State aforesaid, Darcus Fisher, aged Seventy Eight years, a resident of North Carolina, who, being duly sworn according to law, declares that she is the widow of James Fisher, who served the full period of fourteen days in the (1) Military service of the United States in the War of 1812, and who was the identical James Fisher, who (2) Volenteerd in Captain Wm Turner Company, Infantry Comm by Col Allston Regiment, S. C Volenteer Brigade, _____________ Division at Brutons Old Field, on the 1st day of December 1814, and was honorably discharged at Georgetown S.C. on the 25 day of March, 1915; that (3) He wa private

that she was married under the name of Darcus Bolin to said James Fisher, on thein the Autumn day of ________________, A. D. 1815 by Rev John Ridings, at Spartenburg Co S C, there being no legal barrier to such marriage; that her said husband died at Hogback Valley, on the 24 day of July, 1862, and that she has not remarried since his death; that she is not in receipt of a pension under any previous act; that she makes this declaration for the purpose of being placed on the pension rolls of the United States, under the provision of the act approved March ___ 1878, and hereby constitutes and appoints, with full power of substitution and revocation Smith L. Beck R. B. Vance, of Washington, D. C. N C, her true and lawful attorneys to prosecute her claim, and obtain the pension certificate that may be issued; that her post office is at Hog Back Valley, County of Transylvania State of North Carolina, that her domicile or place of abode is Hog Back Valley N. C.
                                                                                                          Dorcus   X   Fisher

S W Reid
William Aiken

[NOTE - Record evidence of marriage must be furnished if possible; if no record, then the next best evidence. Proof of marriage, &c., can be made before a J. P., Notary Public or other officer.]

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[Transcriber's note: The following was a fully handwritten document.]

in the matter of claime for pension of Mrs Dorcas Levica Fisher maketh oath that by reason of infirmity of age she is not able to gow before a clerk of records to make her decration [declaration] for the purpos of obtaining petion [pension] at the time she exicuted her Declation sworn to and subscribd before me this 24 day of
July 1879                                                                               her
                                                                                    D L    X   Fisher

Test            D A Bowling
                  B P Fisher

I do heare by certify that the above statement of the infirmity of age is true    G C Galloway
                                                                                                              Justice of the Peace
                                                                                                            Transylvania CO NC

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