John Nicholson,
Sr. to Benjamin Wilson -
Transcribed by Linda O. Anders
- Buncombe County
Register of Deeds, Deed Book 19, Pages 277,
- Copied from
microfilm in the Buncombe Co. Courthouse,
04 April 2003
- Transcription and
footnotes by Linda O. Anders, 20 May 2003 -
Originally posted 04 January
- Click here for
additional information about the
Benjamin James Wilson Family

This Indenture made this
4th day of October in the year of
our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
thirty-three between John Nicholson Senr. of
the County of Habersham and State of Georgia of
the one part & Benjamin Wilson of the
County of Buncombe and State of North Carolina
of the other part witnesseth that the said John
Nicholson for and in consideration of the sum
of six hundred dollars to him in hand paid by
the said B Wilson the receipt whereof the said
John Nicholson doth hereby acknowledge hath
given granted bargained and sold alliened and
confirmed and by these presents doth give grant
bargain & sell alien & confirm unto the
said B Wilson his heirs & assigns forever
all that tract piece or parcel of land situate
lying & being in the County of Buncombe
& State of North Carolina, Begining on a
stone set up by Samuel King & John
Nicholson the original was a black oak now dead
near the north bank of Grahams creek[1] and runs N. one hundred E. thirty
two poles to two post oaks, then N. 75 E
seven poles to two small black oaks, then N
5 degrees W forty six poles to two small
spanish oaks Then N. 35 D. E forty two poles
to a post oak, Then N 10 D. W with the
meanders of a branch sixty poles to a post
oak & black oak near the head of said
branch, Then N. 82 poles to a small spanish
oak, Then W. one hundred & forty nine
poles to a black gum, then N. thirty-two
poles to a small black oak, Then East
seventy two poles to a black oak Then N.
eight poles to a pine, Then E. forty-six
poles to a stone set up by Saml. King &
John Nicholson the old corner being dead
near small branch, Then down said branch to
the creek & down the creek & ditch
to the Begining the being four tracts or
parts of Tracts containing five hundred
& sixty-eight acres more or less &
all the woods ways waters courses & all
& every appurtenances thereunto
belonging or in anywise appertaining &
the reversions or reversions remainder &
remainders rents & profits of the
aforesaid lands & premises & every
part thereof & the said John Nicholson
doth forever warrant & defend the above
mentioned lands from himself his heirs &
assigns & from every person or persons
lawfully claiming the same or any part
thereof unto the said Benjamin Willson his
heirs & assigns forever in witness
whereof I have set my hand & seal this
day & year above written
In present
W. D.
John Nicholson (seal)
State of North
Court of pleas and quarter
July term 1834 The within deed
was duly proven in
open court by theoat of Wlm. D. Smith a
subscribing witness
thereto Recorded
and order to be
Test John Miller Clk
By N. W. Woodfin D.C.