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John Owen Warrant and Survey - 1823, 1825

Transcribed by Linda O. Anders, Feb. 25th 2009

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John Owen land grant 1823 


Warrant No: #2630
County: Buncombe
Name: John Owens
Acres: 50
Grant No. 2641
Issued: 17 Dec 1825
Entry No. 1514
Entered 9 Oct 1823

Bk #136, p. 391
On SE side of French Broad River


State of North Carolina Warrant Survey
Buncombe County No. 1514

M. B. Patton Entry taker of claims for land of the county aforesaid to the surveyor of said
county. You are hereby required as soon as may be to lay off and survey for John Owens
fifty acres of land lying on the south east side of French Broad River beginning on
Benjamin Odles line and running south for complement. Entered 9 Oct 1823.


(Survey posted on SouthernCousins)

Scale 100 (?) per inch
State of North Carolina                  By virtue of a                 (drawing)
Buncombe County                         warrant from
M. B. Patton entrytaker of No. 1514
and entered October 9th 1823
I have surveyed a tract of land for John Owens lying
On the South East side of French Broad River
Beginning at a Black Oak and Dogwood on the side
of a hill in Benjamin Odeles line and running
South forty poles to a stake thence West eighty poles
To a stake thence South twenty poles to a stake
Thence West eighty poles to a stake thence
North sixty poles to a stake in said Odles line
Thence with his line East One hundred and sixty
Poles to the beginning containing fifty acres
Certified by me Fidelia Patton, DS, this 17th Sept. 1825

William Galloway                    John Patton (CS?)
James Owens    } C.C.

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