Anders Family
David Asbel Anders with
grandson Jim and wife
Tina Smith Anders Family

US GenWeb Project

Rufus and Florence Hall Owen Family in 1947
Rufus and Florence Hall Owen and children

US GenWeb Archives Project


Transylvania County, NC GenWeb Project
"Digging Into The Genealogy of Our Ancestors"

NC GenWeb

NC Grant 1416 to Zachariah Candler - 1804
Transcribed by Linda Hoxit Raxter
North  Carolina Grant 1416 to Zachariah Candler, 19 December 1804
Buncombe County, North Carolina Deed Book 10 pages 199-201
from printout of microfilm located at Registrar of Deeds Office 18 FEB 2000
Transcribed by Linda Hoxit Raxter - originally posted 04 January 2004
[page 199]
State of No Carolina No 1416 - To all to whom these presents Shall Come Greeting Know ye that we for & in 
Consideration of the Sum of Fifty Shillings for Every Hundred acres here by Granted paid into our Treasury by Zachariah Canlar have Given and granted and by these presents do Give and Grant unto the
said Zachariah Canlar a Tract of Land Containing 

[page 200]

Three Hundred acres lying and being in the County of Buncombe on the No Side of French Broad River including Daniel Lakes improvement where he now lives above where James Ervin now lives joining lines with Said Canler's Meeting Hous tract and other two tracts Surveys one above the other below the Meeting House Survey Beginning on a white oak on the North Side of a bridge above Ruben Johnston's house the Beginning Corner of the tract that said Johnston lives on now thence South twenty chains to a Stake on the River on Candlars line thence West with said line Sixty chains to a Stake hen South ten chains to a Stake on Harkams line thence West fifty seven Chains to a Stake on Carsons line then North with Said line fifty three Chains to a Stake then East ______ Eight__ Chains to a Stake with Peter Owins line then South twenty Chains to the Beginning - Entered 4th October 1803 - As by the plat here with annexed Doth appear together with all Woods Waters Mines Minerals Hereditaments and appurtenances to the said Zachariah Candler his Heirs and assigns forever yielding and paying to us Such Sums of Money yearly or otherwise as our General Assembly from time to time may Direct Provided always that the Said Grantee Shall Cause this Grant to be Registered in the Register's office of our said County of Buncombe within twelve Months from the Date hereof otherwise the Same Shall be void - For Testimony whereof we have Caused these our Letters to be made 

[page 201]

patent and our Great Seal to be hereunto affixed witness James Turner Esquire and Governor Captain General and Commander in Chief at Raleigh the 19th Day of Decm in the 29th year of our Independence and in the year of our 
one Thousand and eight hundred and four
By Comd Will White Sec                              J Turner
March 31st 1806