Anders Family
David Asbel Anders with
grandson Jim and wife
Tina Smith Anders Family

US GenWeb Project

Rufus and Florence Hall Owen Family in 1947
Rufus and Florence Hall Owen and children

US GenWeb Archives Project


Transylvania County, NC GenWeb Project
"Digging Into The Genealogy of Our Ancestors"

NC GenWeb

Pine Grove School

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Pine Grove School 

Pine Grove School, Diamonds Creek

Front Row L. to R.

1. Vera McCall 2. Lillian Phillips 3. Lila McCall

4. Octavia Smith 5. Otha Anders 6. Dorth McCall

7. Bobby Lee Phillips 8. Gene Moore 9. Jay Moore

10. Doyle Devore 11. Avery Owen 12. Mary Jane Price

 2nd Row L. to R.

1. Nancy Anders 2. Cannie Owen 3. Anna Dell Phillips

4. Elsa Anders 5. Hazel McCall 6. Ola Anders

7. Norma Owen 8. Roy McCall 9. Melvin Smith

10. R.V. McCall 11. Cleon McCall 12. Monrae West

3rd Row L. to R.

1. Loonie Anders 2. Loonie Banther 3. Doris McCall

4. Anderson Devore 5. Herbert Anders

6. Furman Moore 7. Juanita Banther 8. Maudie Anders

9. Dadie Devore 10. Aunt Salina McCall

11. Robert Owen 12. Fred Owen – standing in front of Aunt Salina McCall

Right of Picture – Adults

1. Booth Price (Teacher) 2. Laura Price

3. Lillie McCall – with Myrtle in her arms.

4. Jane McCall – Howard standing by.