Reuben Johnson to
John McCall, 1825
Transcribed by Linda O. Anders
- Reuben Johnson to
John McCawll (01 December 1825)
- Buncombe County,
North Carolina Deed Book 13 Page
- Copied from
microfilm in the Buncombe County Courthouse
Registrar of Deeds Office, April 4,
- Transcribed by
Linda O. Anders, May 19, 2003
- Originally posted
04 January 2004

This Indenture
made the thirty first day of December in
the year of our Lordone
thousand eight hundred and twenty five
between Reuben Johnsonof the
one part and John McCawll of the other part
both of the State of North
Carolina and county of Buncombe witnesseth
that foron consideration of
the Sum of two hundred dollars in hand paid
bythe aforesaid John McCawll
to foresaid Johnson hath this day
bargained and sold and by
these presents doth bargain and Sell and
convey untothe aforesaid John
McCawll his heirs or assigns executors
& administrators forever the following
tract and parcel of land Situate lying and
being in the foresaid State
and county on the north fork of French
Broad River Beginning on a
white oak on the west side of the sd. fork
at the foot of the mountain
and runs South twelve degrees East forty
poles to two hickory’s on the
point of a ridge then South Sixty Seven
degrees west eighty four poles
crossing sd. River to a stake on the East
bank of sd. River then South
fifty five west forty poles then South
twelve East thirty poles then
South thirty five East forty poles to a
chesnut on the East bank of the sd.
fork thence South crossing said fork
twenty-six poles to a Stake on the
point of a ridge then South forty
west Sixty poles then East
Sixty poles then north forty East forty
poles then North twenty-six
poles then norty thirty five west forty
poles then North twelve west
thirty poles then south Sixty Seven
East eighty poles then north
fortenn East eighty poles then west Sixty
poles to the place of the
Beginning which said land with all ways
woods and waters every other
appertaining thereunto belonging or
in any ways appertaining I
have hereby for my Self my heirs
executors & administrators
and assigns Sold S------ & convey &
confirmed to him the aforesaid
John McCall his heirs & assigns
executors and administrators
forever and I do hereby for my Self my
heirs and assigns executors
administrators shall and will warrant
and forever defend the
foresaid land from the lawful claim or
claims of my self my heirs
executors and administrators &
assigns in witness
whereof the foresaid Reuben Johnson
hath hereunto set his hand and Seal
this date Test.
John M.
Reuben Johnson (seal)
} county court April Term 1826
County }
The within deed
was duly proved in open court by the oat of
John M. Duckworth a subscribing witness
thereto, recorded and ordered to be
Test. John Miller Clk
Registered –
by E. T. McClure D.Clk