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Reuben Johnson to Joseph Jordan - 1804
Transcribed by Linda O. Anders
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Joseph Jordan to Reuben Johnson (18 January 1804)
Buncombe County, North Carolina Register of Deeds, Book 9, Pages 49, 50 & 51
Copied from microfilm in the Buncombe Co. Courthouse, 04 April 2003
Transcribed by Linda O. Anders, 19 May 2003
Originally Posted 04 January 2004

This Indenture made this Eighteenth day of January in the year of our lord one thousand Eight hundred and four between Joseph Jordan just of Buncombe County and State of No. Carolina of the one part & Reuben Johnson of the County & State aforesaid Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the Sum of one hundred Dollars Lawful money of this State to me in hand paid by the sd. Joseph Jordan at or before the sealing & delivering of these presents the Receipt whereof I doth acknowledge and therefore doth release acquit and discharge the sd. Joseph Jordan his Executors administrators By these presents he the sd. Reuben Johnson hath Granted bargained sold aliened and confirmed by these presents doth grant bargain and sell, alien & confirm unto the sd. Joseph Jordan his Heirs a certain piece or parcel of land, Situate lying and being in the County of Buncombe and State of No. Carolina, Containing fifty acres be the same more or less Bounded as followeth Beginning on a Maple on the River thence running North to a post oak on the point of a ridge to the corner, thence on the dividing Ridge East to a Black oak on the sd. Johnsons line thence South to the River, thence down the river to the beginning with all the Houses buildings orchards wares waters watercourses profits, commodities, hereditaments appertenances whatsoever to the said premises belonging or any wise appertaining and the reversion & reversions, remainder and remainders 
rents issues profits thereof and also all the Estate right title interest and profit claim and demand whatsoever 
of him the sd. Reuben Johnson his Heirs Executors administrators of and the sd. premises  belonging or in any wise 
appertaining and the Reversion and Reversions Remainder & remainders Rents issues Profits thereof also all the Estate right title interest ___ trusts & profits Claim and demand whatsoever of him the sd. Reuben Johnson his Heirs Executors administrators of & to the sd. premises and all deeds evidences touching or in any wise designing the same to have and to hold the sd. tract or parcel of Land with all and singular the appertenances therefore belonging to him the said Joseph Jordan his Heirs Executors administrators forever & the sd. Reuben Johnson doth Covenant and agree with Joseph Jordan that he the sd. Reuben Johnson his Heirs etc are seized of a good sure perfect & indefiable estate of inheritance in fee simple of and in premises hereby Granted and sold and that he hath full power and lawful & absolute authority to Grant and Convey the same to the sd. Joseph Jordan his Heirs Executors and administrators and he the said Reuben Johnson his Heirs Executors administrators will forever warrant and defend against the Claim or Claims of all persons whatsoever.  In Witness whereof the sd. Reuben Johnson hath hereunto sett his hand and fixed his seal this day and year above written 
Signed sealed and delivered 
in the presence of                      Reuben Johnson (seal) 
Zachariah Chandler 
John McClure 
January Sessions 1804 
The within deed was acknowledge in open court and ordered to be registered.                                  D._____ Clk.