Mary Jane McCrary Collection.
Rowell Bosse North Carolina Room, Transylvania
County Library.

front row:
Claude Owen, Wallace Collins, L. C. Case, Nancy
Jones, Elizabeth Lee, Frank Lewis Morris, C. A.
Tinsley, Vincent Owen, Raleigh Raines, Marie
Tinsley, Mellie Jamerson, Ethel Sanders, Fred
Owen, Artwood Lee, Robert Hall, Louie Jones,
Lester Thomas, Harold Willbanks.
Second row:
Kay Collins, Clarence Owen, Edna Owen, Florence
Gillespie, Ethel Owen, Nettie Sanders,
Annie Raines, Gertrude Raines, Marie Jones,
Hassie Tinsley, Marie Tinsley, Vergie Owen.
Third row: C. W. Ashworth (teacher),
Leanore Thomas, Floyd Jones, Jess Hall, Roy
Johnson, Robert Willbanks, Sue Heath (teacher),
unidentified, unidentified, Ebber Lee, Mae
Galloway, Cleon Williams, Nellie
Jamerson, Grace Hall, Lewis Williams, Clara
Owen, Jesse Gillespie, George Kinsling.
Note: Some
of these names could be wrong. If you have the
correct identification, please to to "Contact
Us" and provide the correct