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Will of Adam Lyday, March 14, 1872

Transcribed by Philip Underwood-Sheppard

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Will of Adam Lyday, Transylvania County, North Carolina, Will Book 1, pp 109-112

Information and index of Transylvania County Wills and Estate Records

In the name of God Amen I Adam Lyday of the County of Transylvania in the State of North Carolina being of sound mind and memory do make and publish the following last will and testament.

I. I will that all my just debts be paid and all debts owing to me be collected and there shall be provided for my body a decent burial suited to the wishes of my family and friends to be paid out of the first money that shall come into the hands of my executor hereinafter mentioned.

II. I will and bequeath the whole of my real estate to my beloved wife and children to wit: Christian Lyday, E. R. Lyday, J. J. Lyday, Isaac P. A. Lyday, Hannah M. Lyday to have and to hold the same subject to the charges and provisions hereinafter mentioned.

III. I charge said estate with the maintenance of my wife Christian Lyday and aforesaid children and a reasonable education for them.

IIII. In the event my wife should marry I will that she shall have laid off for her natural life one fifth part of all my real estate that I _________ (dieseased?) of including my mansion house and out building together with all my household and kitchen furniture to be separate and valued by three disinterested householders.

V. As my children Elizabeth R. Lyday, Jackson J. Lyday, Isaac P. A. Lyday, Hannah M. Lyday become of age or marry I will that my wife Christian Lyday cause to be laid off to each one in succession one fifth part of all the household and kitchen furniture one fifth of the real estate aforementioned to be laid off and valued by three disinterested householders by meets and bounds which interest shall be accounted for by each together at the valuation made at the final division of the land and property above mentioned.

VI. At the death of my wife Christian Lyday I will that the part of land and other property laid off to her as aforesaid be equally divided among my four children aforementioned.

VII. I will that all my horses cattle sheep and hogs and other property not mentioned heretofore be sold to the highest bidder by my executor to pay all my debts and expenses accruing and the residue equally divided to my wife and the four mentioned children when they arrive at the age of twenty-one years or choose a lawful ________ (unreadable).

VIII. I appoint E. B. Clayton Esqr executor of this will to all intents and purposes to execute this my last will and testament according to the true intent and meaning of the same and every part thereof this March 14, 1872.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal March the 14th 1872.

                                                                                                    Adam Lyday (S)

Signed, sealed, and published in our presence this March 14th 1872.

                                                                                                    J. A. Philips
                                                                                                    H. H. Ball

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