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Will of C. C. Orr April 18th, 1863

Transcribed by Philip Underwood-Sheppard

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Will of C. C. Orr, Transylvania County, North Carolina, Will Book 1, pages 30-40.

Information and index of Transylvania County Wills and Estate Records


Know ye that I C. C. Orr of the county of Transylvania and state of North Carolina I do make and ordain this to be my last will in manner and form following viz.

I give to my wife Christiane E. Orr, all my estate both personal and real during her life or widowhood at her death equally to all my children. My said wife Christaine E. Orr may make such advancements to any of the children she chooses from time to time after they arrive to lawful age or marry. But in no instance not to advance more to no one of the children than his or her equitable share or one child's part of the personal estate.

The home tract of land not to be disposed of before the children arrive at lawful age and consent to a division or sale of the same. My said wife Christaine is authorized to sell all my interest in and to any out lands that I own not connected with the home tract whear I now live and vest the proceeds in any way she chooses for the support and comfort of herself and family and make good titles to the same. The undivided negro slaves held in common with my brother P. C. Orr my said wife Christiane may divide the same with P. C. Orr whenever they can agree on said division make good titles to the same.

My desire is that the children be comfortably raised and educated out of my estate and the remainder equally divided between them after their mother is done with it. But in the event of my said wife Christaine marrying again my desire is that the court will appoint some Judicious and responsible person to take charge of the estate and appoint guardians for such children as are not of lawful age and that my said wife Christaine be allowed to take the usual dower in the land and lawful share of the personal estate as her own to be disposed of as she pleases. That is the dower in the land to revert to my lawful heirs after the death of my said wife. The personal part to be her own absolutely provided she marries and takes dower in the land and child's part of the personal property.

I hereby appoint my said wife Christiane executrix to this my last will and testament and who will take charge of the estate pay all debts that I owe and collect all the money due me and use the same as she chooses during her widowhood. If she ceases to be a widow the estate is to pass to the administrator to be appointed by the court and be distributed as above directed.

Signed, sealed and delivered in the present of these witnesses this 18th day of April 1863.

C. C. Orr


L. S. Gash
R. P. Shuford

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