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Will of Cecile Simpson Rigdon

Transcribed by Philip Underwood-Sheppard

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Will of Cecile Simpson Rigdon  - 1919-1968, buried at Gillespie-Evergreen Cemetery, Brevard, NC.  Wife of Ray McKellen Ridgon (January 22, 1922-April 11, 1979, son of Mamie C. Galloway and Lewis Harriston Rigdon, buried at Gillespie-Evergreen Cemetery, Brevard, NC). Transylvania County, North Carolina, Record of Wills, Book 7, pp. 252-253.

Information and index of Transylvania County Wills and Estate Records



I, CECILE SIMPSON RIGDON, of the County of Transylvania, State of North Carolina, do hereby revoke all wills, codicils, and testamentary dispositions heretofore at any time made by me, and do hereby make, publish, and declare this to be my Last Will and Testament in manner and form as follows: 

Paragraph One 

I authorize my executor (trix), as hereinafter named, to pay or to make full provision for payment or settlement of all my legal debts, including reasonable funeral expenses and the cost of an adequate headstone for my grave. 

Paragraph Two 

I authorize my executor (trix), as hereinafter named, to pay or make full provision for payment or settlement of all taxes legally owed my me at my death, said taxes to include federal, state and local taxes. 

Paragraph Three 

I will, devise and bequeath to my husband, RAY RIGDON, all property I may own at my death, real, personal and mixed, of any nature whatsoever or wherever situate absolutely and in fee simple. 

Paragraph Four 

In the event that my husband, RAY RIGDON, predeceases me, then I will, devise and bequeath all property owned by me at my death, real, personal and mixed, of any nature whatsoever and wherever situate, to my son LAMAR GRIMMITT, and my daughter, SONJA RIGDON, share and share alike. In the event that my husband predeceases me and I die prior to the twenty-first birthday of my daughter, SONJA RIDGON, then her share under this paragraph of this will shall be held my KATHERINE BAGWELL as guard and trustee for my daughter, SONJA RIGDON, with full authority to said guardian and trustee to disperse such sums that in her sole discretion might by necessary for the proper support, maintenance and care of my daughter, SONJA RIGDON, and any sums remaining in the hands of her trustee and guardian on the day she attains the age of twenty-one, shall be paid to my daughter, SONJA RIGDON. 

Paragraph Five 

I hereby constitute and appoint my husband, RAY RIGDON, to be the executor of this my Last Will and Testament, but should he predecease me, or for any other reason be unable to serve, then I constitute and appoint KATHERINE BAGWELL as executrix of this my Last Will and Testament. 

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I, the said CECILE SIMPSON RIGDON, have signed the foregoing page, which, together with this page, constitutes this my Last Will and Testament, the original of which will be found among my valuables and effects and an unsigned copy in the office of Potts & Hudson, Attorneys at Law, Brevard, North Carolina and do hereby set my hand and seal, this the 27th day of June, 1966. 

/S/ Cecile Simpson Rigdon 

Signed, sealed, published and declared by the said CECILE SIMPSON RIGDON to be her Last Will and Testament in the presence of us, who, at her request, and in her presence, and in the presence of each other, do hereto set our hands as witnesses. 

/S/ Jack H. Potts 

/S/ Patsy Ann Mulenex 

/S/ Eleanor R. Colwell


In the matter of the Will of Cecile Simpson Rigdon, Deceased. 

The paper-writing hereto attached and purporting to be the last will and testament of Cecile Simpson Rigdon deceased, is exhibited before the undersigned Clerk of the Superior Court of Transylvania County, North Carolina, by Ray Rigdon, the executor therein named, and thereupon the following proof thereof is taken by the oath and examination of Jack H. Potts, and Eleanor R. Colwell, the subscribing Witnesses thereto, as follows: NORTH CAROLINA, Transylvania County. Jack R. Potts and Eleanor R. Colwell being duly sworn, depose and say, and each for himself/herself deposes and says, that she/he is a subscribing witness to the paper-writing now shown him/her purporting to be the last will and testament of CECILE SIMPSON RIGDON, and that she/he saw her execute (or heard her acknowledge the execution of) this writing as her last will and testament, and that affiant's opinion, of sound mind and disposing memory. 

/S/ Jack R. Potts 

/S/ Eleanor R. Colwell 

Severally subscribed and sworn to before me, this 25 day of July, 1968. 

/S/ Marian M. McMahon, Ass't Clerk of Superior Court Transylvania County. And thereupon it is considered and adjudged by the Court that the said paper-writing and every part thereof is the last will and testament of Cecile Simpson Rigdon, deceased and it is ordered that the same, with the foregoing examination and this certificate, be recorded and filed. This 25 day of July, 1968. 

/S/ Marian M. McMahon, Ass't Clerk of Superior Court Transylvania County 

Filed and recorded this the 30th day of July, 1868. /S/ Marian M. McMahon, Ass't. Clerk of the Superior Court Received $3.25 Re: # __________ ____________ Paid General Fund $3.25 _____________

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