Will of Christopher Whitmire (1774-1842, buried
at CC Whitmire Cemetery, Transylvania County,
NC), m. (3rd) Elizabeth Galloway (1801-1885,
buried at CC Whitmire Cemetery, Transylvania
County, NC, daughter of William Galloway, an
early settler of what became Transylvania
County) Transylvania County, North Carolina,
Record of Wills, Book 2, pp. 358-360.
Information and index of
Transylvania County Wills and Estate

In the Name of God Amen - I Christopher
Whitmire, being of sound mind and disposing
mind and memory (Thanks be to God) and calling
to mind mortality of this body, that it mist
return to the dust from whence it was taken and
the spirit to God who gave it, I therefore make
this my last will and testament hereby revoking
and disallowing all wills heretofore by my made
in any form or manner, what ever, and in the
first place I recommend my soul to the mercy of
God, through my blessed redeemer and my body to
be decently buried with a Christian funeral in
hope of a gloryous resurrection at his Second
Coming I wish all my just debts to be paid and
also for my executors to collect all debts due
me and to be applied as I may hereafter
1st As respects the children of my first
wife I have given heretofore to my daughter
Susannah Cox, Catherine Finly, Nancy Moon, Mary
Ellis, Richard Whitmire, Elinder Ad___ Andrew
Whitmire; Rebecca Whitmire, Jane Galloway,
& Elizabeth Trammel, their full
distribution I show(?) each & every one of
them, both sons and daughters, above
2nd As to my son Christopher, son of my
former wife, I give and bequeath unto him a
small lot of land a part of the survey I now
live on begins on a large white oak on the
point of a ridge thence of a Suthernly
direction to(?) my out side line, thence
Eastwordly with my line to William Galaspies
lines thence with said line to the road leading
from said Galaspies to my house thence
westwordly with said road, thence a line to the
3rd I will and bequeath unto my daughter
Christina one cow & calf, and one bed and
4th I will and bequeath unto my well
beloved wife Elizabeth all the land and
premises on which I now live, together with all
the sock of horses cattle & hogs and stock
of every kind & description, and all the
household & kitchen furniture forming
utensils and all my property both real and
personal or mixed to her sole use, during her
natural life, and after her death, the real
estate or land to be equally divided among her
natural children and all my other property such
as stock of every kind house hold and woman
Miller, and all my other property personal and
mixed as my wife Elizabeth may think proper to
devise to her children I do hereby make &
ordain this to be my last will and
I also make appoint & constitute my
well beloved wife Elizabeth, and my friend
Benjamin King, Jr. my true and lawful executors
to this my last will in testimony whereof I
have hereunto set my hand and seal this 17th
day of June in the year of our Lord
Signed sealed & acknowledged in the
presents of
Benjamin Wilson
Henry Lyon; Jurat
Christopher Whitmire {L.S}
State of North Carolina, Henderson County
I C M Pace; Clerk of the Superior Court
for the County of Henderson State of North
Carolina, do hereby certify that the foregoing
is a true & perfect copy of a paper writing
on file & recorded in Will Docket, in my
office, purporting to be the last Will and
Testament of Christopher Whitmire I witness
thereof I have hereunto set my hand &
official seal This 30th day of January
C M Pace {Official Seal } CSC {CSC
State of North Carolina} Transylvania
County }
The foregoing copy of the Last Will and
Testament of Christopher Whitmire was this day
filed & recorded in my office. This Oct
16th 1909 F T Loftis CSC
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