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Will of George Orr, Dated October 23,  1868

Transcribed by Philip Underwood-Sheppard

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Will of George Orr, Transylvania County, North Carolina, Will Book 1, pages 197-202.

Information and index of Transylvania County Wills and Estate Records


I, George Orr, of the County of Transylvania and State of North Carolina, being of sound mind and memory but considering the uncertainty of my earthly existence, do make and declare this my last will and testament in manner and form following, that is to say,

First - That my executors hereinafter named shall provide for my body a decent burial suitable to the wishes of my relatives and friends and pay all funeral expenses together with my just debts howsoever and to whomsoever owing out of the first money that may come into their hands as a part or parcel of my estate.

Item - I give and devise to my beloved wife, Jane M. Orr, all that part or parcel of land including my dwelling house _____ as follows - Beginning at a stake in the road leading from my place to L. S. Gash's river farm and on the east line of the old tract I now live on and running with said road to a stake in the Boilston Road, thence North East with said Boilston Road 10 poles, thence North West to the top of the knob above the orchard, thence the awinding ridge to a pine knot  North end of the Pine Mountain corner of a tract purchased of Chandler, then with the line of the same to H. B. Gash's line, thence with said Gash's line to a stone the original beginning of the Miller Tract by the side of Boilston Road, then East to the South East corner of said Miller Tract, then North to the beginning, for and during her natural life for and in consideration of her dower and thirds in my real estate.

Item - I give and divise to my son, Perry P. Orr, all that piece of land included in my land title beginning at a Chestnut Oak North West corner of the Miller tract and running the top of the ridge to the top of Sharpe Mountain, thence with the top of the ridge round the head of Osborn's Creek to the top of the North end of the Pine Mountain, thence with the lines of the Dower land above mentioned to the East line of the Miller Tract, then North to Boilston Creek, then up said creek to a stake corner of a pine once deeded to Mr. J. Orr, then with a lake fence crossing the road to a stake thirty-five poles North of said road, thence a straight line to a shoal in Osborn's Creek first above the field, then up the creek to a stake in the line of the Old Miller Tract, then North to the beginning, except what was sold to David Banks at the value of six hundred dollars, one hundred of which sum to he paid to my executors forming part of my estate for distribution to have and to hold to him the said P. P. Orr, his heirs and assigns, in fee simple for ever.

Item - I give and devise to my son, John J. Orr, all the remainder of my lands included in the Miller Tract, bounded by the line of the piece devised to P. P. Orr and beginning at a Chestnut Oak North West corner of said Miller Title and runs East to a rock A. T. Miller's corner, then South to a stake south bank of Boilston Creek, thence with the lines of P. P. Orr piece to the beginning at the sum of five hundred and twenty-five dollars, twenty-five dollars of which is to be paid to my executors or accounts for to my executors for distribution, to have and to hold to him the said John J. Orr in fee simple forever.

Item - I give and devise to my son Joseph M. Orr all that tract part of my lands herein devised as dower lands to my wife, Jane M. Orr, there having the use and proceeds thereof during her natural life, then to the said Joseph M. Orr for and in consideration of the sum of five hundred dollars to him the said Joseph M. Orr, his heirs and assigns, in fee simple forever.

Item - I give and bequeath to my wife Jane M. Orr as sufficient amount of my household and kitchen furniture for her comfort and convenience and sufficient amount of my crop , stock, and provisions on hand for the maintenance and support of herself and family to be set apart by my executors and one freeholder to be chosen by her.

Item - I give and bequeath to my son, Martin J. Orr, two hundred dollars to be made out of the proceeds of my estate not therein before devised or bequeathed either real or personal with three hundred dollars heretofore advanced in payment of lands.

Item - I give and bequeath to my daughter, Mary E. Orr, five hundred dollars to be paid out of my estate by my executors if there is a sufficient amount in their hands not otherwise devised.

Item - My will and desire is that if the said M. J. Orr or M. E. Orr desires any article of my property not otherwise devised or bequeathed that they or either of them shall have the same it being valued by two disinterested freeholders and to for a part of the legacy above specified and that all the remainder of my estate either real or personal be sold or divided and debts owing to me in any way by collected and if there should be surpluses after paying of the forgoing devises and bequests there should be a remainder on hand the same to be equally divided between my wife and all my children, share and share alike to them and their heirs and assigns forever, and lastly I do hereby constitute and appoint my sons Martin J. Orr and Perry P. Orr my lawful executors to execute this my last will and testament according to the true intent and meaning thereof, hereby revoking all other wills and testaments by me heretofore made, in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal Oct. 23, 1868.

                                                                                                    George Orr (Seal)

Acknowledged in [the] presence of my and by his request and in his prisons, I hereunto set my name a witness thereto.

                                                                                                    L. C. Orr
                                                                                                    J. C. Owenby

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