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Will of Hannah R. Jordan, Dated October 9, 1874

Transcribed by Philip Underwood-Sheppard

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Will of Hannah R. Jordan, Transylvania County, North Carolina, Will Book 1, pp 175-180.

Information and index of Transylvania County Wills and Estate Records


In the Name of God, I, Hannah R. Jordan, of the County of Transylvania and State of North Carolina, being of sound mind and memory and considering the uncertainty of this frail and transitory life do therefore make, ordain, publish, and declare this to be my last will and testament.

That is to say, first, after all my lawful debts are paid and discharged, the residue of all the real and personal property that I may or shall own or possess at my death I hereby give, bequeath, and dispose of as follows (to wit)

After paying F. J. Whitmire, my executor, for all such expenses and trouble as he may incur in the management of my affairs, all my real and personal estate shall be equally divided between my two nieces, Mrs. Mary E. Goodson and Miss Hannah E. Jordan, Mrs. Mary E. Jordan part of my estate to be set apart and delivered to her at my death by good and lawful means to be chosen by my said executor, the remainder to be delivered to Miss Hannah E. Jordan whenever she may marry and not sooner except such portion as she may need for her education or other necessarys which my said executor shall be the judge, that I am to have the full control and authority to hold and dispose of all the real and personal property that I now own or may thereafter own during my natural life.

I hereby constitute F. J. Whitmire to be my executor of this my last will and testament, hereby revoking all former wills by me made.

In witness whereof [I] hereunto set my hand and affix my seal this 9th day of October AD 1874. This will is not in any way to affect the conveyance of any real property I now own or possess but whatever I may own at my death shall be delivered or set apart as before mentioned which they are to have and to hold to them and their heirs and assigns forever.

                                                                                                                H. R. Jordan (Seal)

Signed in the presence of
    Wm. Aiken, Brevard, N. C.


The foregoing is a true copy of H. R. Jordan's will.

                                                                                                                W. P. Poor
                                                                                                                    Probate Judge


State of North Carolina }
Transylvania County     }

    Personally appeared before me W. P. Poor, Judge of Probate for said county, F. J. Whitmire, and after being duly sworn according to law

1st_ say that he is the executor of the last will and testament of Hannah R. Jordan.

2nd_ that the real estate of the testator is worth about fifteen hundred dollars and that the personal property of the said testator is worth about two hundred dollars.

3rd_ Mrs. Mary E. Goodson and Miss Hannah E. Jordan are the devises to whom the property of the said Hannah R. Jordan is an infant under the age of twenty one years and that no guardian has been appointed for her.

                                                                                                               F. J. Whitmire

Sworn to and subscribed this 19th day of October 1876.
                                                                                                                W. P. Poor
                                                                                                                       Probate Judge

Whereupon letters testamentary are this day issued to F. J. Whitmire, executor as aforesaid.


The foregoing paper writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Hannah R. Jordan, deceased, is this day propounded in open court by F. J. Whitmire, the executor therein named, and is admitted to probate on the oath of Wm Aiken, the subscribing witness thereto.

    Whereupon, afterwards to wit, on the 11th day of November 19876 cause S. D. Jordan, Mary Galloway, Victoria Galloway, W. B. Duckworth, Louisa A. Duckworth, W. L. Norwood and wife Anna H. Norwood, J. E. Duckworth, heirs at law and next of kin of the said Hannah R. Jordan, Deceased, and enter a caveat to the probate of the said paper writing purporting to be the last will and testament of the said Hannah R. Jordan, Deceased, herein above set forth, and say that the same is not the last will and testament of the said Hannah R. Jordan, deceased, or any part thereof.

    And thereupon the court directs the following issue to be made up, and submitted to a jury, to wit, "Is the said paper writing, or any part thereof, and if so, what part, the last will and testament of the said Hannah R. Jordan, or not," and on motion, it is ordered that a citation be issued against James Orr and wife Hulda Orr, Thomas Jordan, V. M. Goodson and wife Mary E. Goodson, Hannah E. Jordan, J. F. Galloway, heirs at law and next of kin of the said Hannah R. Jordan, who reside in this state to appear at the Spring Term 1877 of the Superior Court to be held at the courthouse in Brevard is the County of Transylvania on the 12th Monday after the 3rd Monday in March 1877, to see proceedings in this cause, and to make themselves parties to the said issue, if they shall think proper,

    And it appearing that T. C. Galloway, B. D. Duckworth, Joseph A. Galloway, _____ (blank) Howell and wife Cora Howell, the other heirs at law and next of kin of the said Hannah R. Jordan reside beyond the limits of this state, it is ordered that publication be made in the _______ (blank), a newspaper published in the town of Asheville for six consecutive weeks notifying them to appear at Spring Term 1877 of the Superior Court of Transylvania County to be held at the courthouse in Brevard on the 12th Monday after the 3rd Monday in March 1877, then and there to see proceeding in this cause, and to make themselves parties in the said issue if they shall think proper so to do.

[In the photocopy of Will Book 1 there is a paper covering the remainder of p. 180. On p. 203 is found the following:]

In the matter of the paper writing offered for probate as the last will and testament of Hannah R. Jordan, it appearing to the satisfaction of the Probate Court that said will was attested by only witnesses and that is _____ not _____ to have been signed in the presence of the maker nor by her request and there being no evidence _____these points, it is considered by this court that this paper writing is not such a will as by law the court is authorized to _____ to be probated and is not a last will and testament of said Hannah R. Jordan and is not admitted to probate.

It is further ordered that the letters testamemtary heretofore granted to F. J. Whitmire, exr. of said Hannah R. Jordan, be and are hereby revoked. See page 175.

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