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Will of James McGaha, Dated September 11, 1877

Transcribed by Philip Underwood-Sheppard

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Will of James McGaha, Transylvania County, North Carolina, Will Book 1, pages 211-213.  Dated September 11, 1877, proven October 27, 1877.

Information and index of Transylvania County Wills and Estate Records


I, James McGaha, of the County of Transylvania and State of North Carolina, being of sound mind and memory but considering the uncertainty of my earthly existence, to make and declare this my last will and testament in manner and for following, that is to say (to wit)

That my executors hereafter named shall provide for my body a decent burial suitable to the wishes of my relatives and friends and pay all funeral expenses together with all my just debts howsoever and to whosoever owing out of the moneys that may come into his hands as a part or parcel of my estate.

Item - I give and devise to my beloved wife, Elizabeth, one hundred and twenty acres of land where I now love, beginning on a locust on the North side of a ridge, Eppa McGaha's corner, then East one hundred and twenty poles to a white oak, then South one hundred and thirty-four poles to two white oaks on the North side of a ridge, then West one hundred and twenty poles to a pine and white oak, then West thirty-four poles to a stake, then North ninety-seven poles to a stake, then East fourteen poles to a stake, then North thirty-seven poles with McGaha's line to [s] hickory, then East twenty poles to the beginning, to have and to hold to her the said Elizabeth for and during the term of her natural life.

Item - I give and bequeath to my said beloved wife, Elizabeth, two beds and furniture, all the kitchen and household furniture, two milk cows and one heifer, and one calf, one mile two years old, one bay mare twelve years old, four head of sheep, four head of hogs, all the bowl and pottery, all the crop of every description that may be upon the plantation whereon I now live, and the provisions on hand at the time of my death, also all my farming tools.

Item - I give all my debts that may be coming me to my said wife, Elizabeth. And lastly, I do hereby constitute and appoint my trusty friend, Samuel Wilson, my lawful executor to all intents and purposes, to execute this my last will and testament according to the true intent and meaning of the same and every part and clause thereof, hereby revoking and declaring utterly void all other wills and testaments heretofore made.

In witness whereof I, the said James McGaha, do hereunto set my hand and seal this 11th day of September AD 1877.

                                                                                                     James   X   McGaha

Signed, sealed, and published and declared by the said James McGaha to be his last will and testament in [the] presence of us who of his request and in his presence do subscribe our names as witnesses thereto.

                                                                                                      John Rhodes
                                                                                                      B. F. McGaha

The above will of James McGaha was duly proven by the subscribing witnesses on the 27th day of October 1877. The above is a true copy of James McGaha's will.

                                                                                                       W. P. Poor
                                                                                                            Probate Judge

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