Anders Family
David Asbel Anders with
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Will of John Rabb, Dated June 12, 1871

Transcribed by Philip Underwood-Sheppard

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Will of John Rabb, Transylvania County, North Carolina, Will Book 1, pages 142-144.

Information and index of Transylvania County Wills and Estate Records


State of North Carolina }    The last will and testament
Transylvania County     }    of John Rabb of
                                             Transylvania County

I John Rabb considering the uncertainty of this natural life and being of sound mind & memory do make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say

I. I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Nancy Rabb two tracts of land one tract lying on the waters of Little River known by the name of the Adams tract beginning on a red oak near his field & running south seventy-five degrees east forty-eight poles to a hickory on or near Smith's line thence south one hundred poles to a stake then south fifty-five degrees west one hundred poles to a chestnut near the gap of Rich Mountain thence north thirty-five degrees west fifty poles to a stake thence to the beginning containing one hundred acres. Also one tract known as the J. Mc. Thompson tract lying on the waters of Carson's Creek containing one hundred acres and two mules and one two-horse wagon, seven head of cattle, also seven head of sheep, all of my hogs but one, all the household and kitchen furniture, farming tools and all my smith tools.

II. I will and bequeath to my son Zachariah Rabb one cow and one hog and one double barreled shotgun provided the said Zachariah Rabb stays, makes, and gathers the crop for his mother, otherwise to remain the property the widow Nancy Rabb to so as she may think best with and lastly as to all the rest, residue, and remainder of my personal estate, goods, and chattels of what kind and nature soever I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Nancy Rabb and I do hereby appoint B. F. Akins sole executor of this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this the twelfth day of June one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one.

                                                                                                 John his X mark Rabb (Seal)


The above instrument consisting of one sheet was now here subscribed by John Rabb the testator in the presence of each of us and was at the same time declared by him to be his last will and testament and we at his request signed our names hereto as attesting witnesses.

                                                                                                 A. J. Loftis
                                                                                                 John Summy


State of North Carolina }
Transylvania County     }

    Personally appeared before me Geo. C. Neill, Probate Judge of said county, A. J. Loftis and john Summy subscribing witnesses to the last will and testament of John Rabb late of said county Transylvania County deceased, being duly sworn deposes and sayeth that they were present and did see the said instrument of writing duly executed by John Rabb and deponents further sayeth that John Rabb at the time of executing the said instrument of writing to the best of deponents' knowledge and beliefs was of sound mind and disposing memory and understanding and that the A. J. Loftis and John Summy the deponents in the presence of each other and of the said John Rabb and at his request signed their names as witnesses to the due execution of the same.

                                                                                                    A. J. Loftis
                                                                                                    John Summy

Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 3rd day of July 1871.

                                                                                                    Geo. C. Neill
                                                                                                        Probate Judge

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